Iterative Solvers
for Linear Systems

TEMPLATES is a MATLAB library which implements some common iterative methods of solving a linear system.


TEMPLATES is available in a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version

Related Data and Programs:

DLAP, a FORTRAN90 library which implements iterative methods for solving linear systems.

HBSMC, a dataset directory which contains large sparse matrices stored in the Harwell-Boeing format.

MM, a data directory which describes a file format which is used for storing large sparse matrices in files, as well as a web site where many such files can be found.

MM_TO_MSM, a MATLAB program which reads a Matrix Market file defining a sparse matrix, and creates a corresponding MATLAB sparse matrix data structure.

SUPER_LU, a C program which applies a fast direct solution method to a sparse linear system.

TEST_MAT, a MATLAB library which defines test matrices.

TEST_MATRIX, a MATLAB library which defines test matrices.


  1. Richard Barrett, Michael Berry, Tony Chan, James Demmel, June Donato, Jack Dongarra, Victor Eijkhout, Roidan Pozo, Charles Romine, Henk van der Vorst,
    Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems:
    Building Blocks for Iterative Methods,
    SIAM, 1994.
  2. M. Newman and J. Todd,
    The evaluation of matrix inversion programs,
    Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
    Volume 6, 1958, pages 466-476.
  3. Solutions to problem E710 (proposed by D H Lehmer): The inverse of a matrix,
    American Mathematical Monthly,
    Volume 53, 1946, pages 534-535.
  4. http://www.netlib.org/templates/index.html
    the TEMPLATES web site;

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 29 March 2006.