function [ x, y ] = p01_dat ( data_num ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% P01_DAT returns the data vector for problem 1. % % Discussion: % % The X data is measured in days, and the Y data represents the % observed position of Mars in a heliocentric coordinate system. % % The X data is equally spaced. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 12 August 2011 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Samuel Conte, Carl deBoor, % Elementary Numerical Analysis, % McGraw Hill, 1972, page 217. % % Parameters: % % Input, integer DATA_NUM, the number of data points. % % Output, real X(DATA_NUM,1), the abscissa data. % % Output, real Y(DATA_NUM,1), the ordinate data. % x(1:10,1) = [ ... 1250.5, 1260.5, 1270.5, 1280.5, 1290.5, ... 1300.5, 1310.5, 1320.5, 1330.5, 1340.5 ]'; y(1:10,1) = [ ... 1.39140, 1.37696, 1.34783, 1.30456, 1.24787, ... 1.17862, 1.09776, 1.00636, 0.90553, 0.79642 ]'; return end