function [ lambda, mu ] = p20_setup ( l, theta ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% P20_SETUP finds a solution (L,THETA,LAMBDA,MU) given L and THETA. % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 13 October 2008 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Parameters: % % Input, real L, THETA, the values of L and THETA. % % Output, real LAMBDA, MU, values for LAMBDA and MU. % mu = 2 * ( 1.0 - l ) * sin ( theta ) - 0.5 * cos ( theta ) * theta / l; lambda = ( ( 1.0 - l ) - 0.5 * mu * sin ( theta ) ) / cos ( theta ); return end