function T = lesp(n) %LESP A tridiagonal matrix with real, sensitive eigenvalues. % LESP(N) is an N-by-N matrix whose eigenvalues are real and smoothly % distributed in the interval approximately [-2*N-3.5, -4.5]. % The sensitivities of the eigenvalues increase exponentially as % the eigenvalues grow more negative. % The matrix is similar to the symmetric tridiagonal matrix with % the same diagonal entries and with off-diagonal entries 1, % via a similarity transformation with D = diag(1!,2!,...,N!). % References: % H.W.J. Lenferink and M.N. Spijker, On the use of stability regions in % the numerical analysis of initial value problems, % Math. Comp., 57 (1991), pp. 221-237. % L.N. Trefethen, Pseudospectra of matrices, in Numerical Analysis 1991, % Proceedings of the 14th Dundee Conference, % D.F. Griffiths and G.A. Watson, eds, Pitman Research Notes in % Mathematics, volume 260, Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex, % UK, 1992, pp. 234-266. x = 2:n; T = full(tridiag( ones(size(x))./x, -(2*[x n+1]+1), x));