function [ n_data, x, fx ] = cbrt_values ( n_data ) %*****************************************************************************80 % %% CBRT_VALUES returns some values of the cube root function. % % Discussion: % % CBRT(X) = real number Y such that Y * Y * Y = X. % % In Mathematica, the function can be evaluated by: % % Sign[x] * ( Abs[x] )^(1/3) % % Licensing: % % This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. % % Modified: % % 22 June 2007 % % Author: % % John Burkardt % % Reference: % % Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, % Handbook of Mathematical Functions, % National Bureau of Standards, 1964, % ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, % LC: QA47.A34. % % Stephen Wolfram, % The Mathematica Book, % Fourth Edition, % Cambridge University Press, 1999, % ISBN: 0-521-64314-7, % LC: QA76.95.W65. % % Parameters: % % Input/output, integer N_DATA. The user sets N_DATA to 0 before the % first call. On each call, the routine increments N_DATA by 1, and % returns the corresponding data; when there is no more data, the % output value of N_DATA will be 0 again. % % Output, real X, the argument of the function. % % Output real FX, the value of the function. % n_max = 14; fx_vec = [ ... 0.0000000000000000E+00, ... -0.0020082988563383484484E+00, ... 0.44814047465571647087E+00, ... -0.46415888336127788924E+00, ... 0.73680629972807732116E+00, ... -1.0000000000000000000E+00, ... 1.2599210498948731648E+00, ... -1.4422495703074083823E+00, ... 1.4645918875615232630E+00, ... -2.6684016487219448673E+00, ... 3.0723168256858472933E+00, ... -4.1408177494228532500E+00, ... 4.5947008922070398061E+00, ... -497.93385921817447440E+00 ]; x_vec = [ ... 0.0000000000000000E+00, ... -0.8100000073710001E-08, ... 0.9000000000000000E-01, ... -0.1000000000000000E+00, ... 0.4000000000000000E+00, ... -0.1000000000000000E+01, ... 0.2000000000000000E+01, ... -0.3000000000000000E+01, ... 0.3141592653589793E+01, ... -0.1900000000000000E+02, ... 0.2900000000000000E+02, ... -0.7100000000000000E+02, ... 0.9700000000000000E+02, ... -0.1234567890000000E+09 ]; if ( n_data < 0 ) n_data = 0; end n_data = n_data + 1; if ( n_max < n_data ) n_data = 0; x = 0.0; fx = 0.0; else x = x_vec(n_data); fx = fx_vec(n_data); end return end