>> tetrahedron_properties ( 'tet_right.txt' ) 08-Jul-2009 15:01:55 TETRAHEDRON_PROPERTIES: MATLAB version: Determine properties of a tetrahedron. Read the header of "tet_right.txt". Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 3 Number of points NODE_NUM = 4 Read the data in "tet_right.txt". Node coordinates: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 4 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 CENTROID: 0.250000 0.250000 0.250000 CIRCUM_RADIUS = 0.866025 CIRCUM_CENTER: 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 DIHEDRAL_ANGLES (radians) 1 1.570796 2 1.570796 3 1.570796 4 0.955317 5 0.955317 6 0.955317 DIHEDRAL_ANGLES (degrees) 1 90.000000 2 90.000000 3 90.000000 4 54.735610 5 54.735610 6 54.735610 EDGE_LENGTHS 1 1.000000 2 1.000000 3 1.000000 4 1.414214 5 1.414214 6 1.414214 FACE_ANGLES (radians) Row: 1 2 3 Col 1 1.570796 0.785398 0.785398 2 1.570796 0.785398 0.785398 3 1.570796 0.785398 0.785398 4 1.047198 1.047198 1.047198 FACE_ANGLES (degrees) Row: 1 2 3 Col 1 90.000000 45.000000 45.000000 2 90.000000 45.000000 45.000000 3 90.000000 45.000000 45.000000 4 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000 FACE_AREAS 1 0.500000 2 0.500000 3 0.500000 4 0.866025 IN_RADIUS = 0.211325 IN_CENTER: 0.211325 0.211325 0.211325 QUALITY1 = 0.732051 QUALITY2 = 0.732051 QUALITY3 = 0.839947 QUALITY4 = 0.621320 SOLID_ANGLES (steradians) 1 1.570796 2 0.339837 3 0.339837 4 0.339837 VOLUME = 0.166667 TETRAHEDRON_PROPERTIES: Normal end of execution. 08-Jul-2009 15:01:56 >>