function F = threed_f_int( Ff, test, w_g ) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % threed_f_int.m - routine to compute \int{ f*test } % (same as twod_f_int) % % Copyright (c) 2002, Jeff Borggaard, Virginia Tech % Version: 1.0 % % Usage: F = threed_f_int( Ff, test, w_g ) % % Variables: Ff % Function values at the Gauss points % % test % matrix of test functions evaluated at the % Gauss points (dim: n_gauss, n_dof) % % w_g % Row vector of Gauss weights %----------------------------------------------------------------------- [n_gauss,n_dof] = size(test); F = zeros(n_dof,1); for j=1:n_dof F(j) = test(:,j)' * ( w_g .* Ff ); end