function [] = threed_to_vu(fname,x,e_conn,u,var) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % threed_to_vu.m - Writes out a 3D finite element solution to a format % readable by Vu % ( % % Copyright (c) 2002, Jeff Borggaard, Virginia Tech % Version: 1.0 % % Usage: [] = threed_to_vu(fname,x,e_conn,u,var) % % Variables: fname % Name of the output file (default="") % x % Nodal coordinates % e_conn % Element connectivity % u % Columns of scalar variables to write to Vu file % var(n_var).names % List of scalar variable names (default="var#") %----------------------------------------------------------------------- [n_nodes, n_dim ] = size(x); [n_elements, nel_dof ] = size(e_conn); [temp , n_variables] = size(u); var(n_variables+1).name = ''; if ( isempty(fname) ) fname = ''; end fid = fopen(fname,'w'); % Write out coordinate values fprintf(fid,'FIELD x_coord( ) =\n {\n'); for i=1:n_nodes fprintf(fid,' %10.6e %10.6e %10.6e\n',x(i,1),x(i,2),x(i,3)); end fprintf(fid,'};\n\n'); % Write out element connectivity fprintf(fid,'FIELD e_conn( ) =\n{\n'); if ( nel_dof==4 ) % Test for linear tetrahedra for i=1:n_elements fprintf(fid,' %6i %6i %6i %6i\n',e_conn(i,:)); end elseif ( nel_dof==10 ) % Test for quadratic tetrahedra for i=1:n_elements fprintf(fid,' %6i %6i %6i %6i %6i %6i %6i %6i %6i %6i\n',... e_conn(i,[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 8 9])); end else error('threed_tovu: element type not currently implemented\n') return end fprintf(fid,'};\n\n'); % Write out variables for n_var=1:n_variables if ( isempty(var(n_var).name) ) var(n_var).name = strcat('Var',int2str(n_var)); end temp = strcat('FIELD@',var(n_var).name,'( ) = {\n'); temp = strrep(temp,'D@','D '); fprintf(fid,temp); fprintf(fid,' %10.5e %10.5e %10.5e %10.5e %10.5e %10.5e \n',... u(:,n_var) ); fprintf(fid,'\n};\n'); end fprintf(fid,'\n\n'); % Write out zones and connectivity if ( nel_dof==4 ) fprintf(fid,'MESH MyMesh( ) =\n{\n'); fprintf(fid,' ZONE Zone1( LagrTetra04, x_coord, e_conn );\n' ); fprintf(fid,'};\n\n'); elseif ( nel_dof==10 ) fprintf(fid,'MESH MyMesh( ) =\n{\n'); fprintf(fid,' ZONE Zone1( LagrTetra10, x_coord, e_conn );\n' ); fprintf(fid,'};\n\n'); end fprintf(fid,'SOLUTION MySolution( ) =\n{\n'); if ( nel_dof==4 ) for n_var=1:n_variables temp = strcat(' VARIABLE@' , var(n_var).name,... '( LagrTetra04,@', var(n_var).name,... ', e_conn, Zone1 );\n'); temp = strrep(temp,'@',' '); fprintf(fid,temp); end else for n_var=1:n_variables temp = strcat(' VARIABLE@' , var(n_var).name,... '( LagrTetra10,@', var(n_var).name,... ', e_conn, Zone1 );\n'); temp = strrep(temp,'@',' '); fprintf(fid,temp); end end fprintf(fid,'};\n'); fclose(fid);