%helpme IFISS interactive help facility % IFISS scriptfile: DJS, HCE; 28 September 2005. % Copyright (c) 2005 D.J. Silvester, H.C. Elman, A. Ramage (see readme.m) fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' IFISS\n') fprintf(' Copyright (c) 2005 by D.J. Silvester, H.C. Elman and A. Ramage (see readme.m)\n') fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' For the software to run successfully, the script-file\n'); fprintf(' gohome.m must be edited to reflect the correct path\n'); fprintf(' sequence on the installed computer. \n'); fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' The default implementation is for a Unix architecture. \n'); fprintf(' To install the IFISS software on a Windows PC set gohome.m \n'); fprintf(' and then run the script-file: install_pc.m\n'); fprintf(' Subsequently to run the software you need to execute the \n'); fprintf(' script-file: setpath as soon as you start matlab. \n'); fprintf(' To move a PC version of IFISS to a Unix architecture, set\n'); fprintf(' gohome.m and then run the script-file: install_unix.m\n'); fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' Howard Elman David Silvester\n'); fprintf(' Department of Computer Science School of Mathematics\n'); fprintf(' University of Maryland University of Manchester\n'); fprintf(' College Park, Maryland 20742 Sackville Street\n'); fprintf(' USA Manchester M60 1QD \n'); fprintf(' elman@cs.umd.edu United Kingdom\n'); fprintf(' na.silvester@na-net.ornl.gov\n'); fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' Alison Ramage\n'); fprintf(' Department of Mathematics\n'); fprintf(' University of Strathclyde\n'); fprintf(' 26 Richmond Street\n'); fprintf(' Glasgow G1 1XH\n'); fprintf(' United Kingdom\n'); fprintf(' a.ramage@strath.ac.uk\n'); fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' (Type any character to continue.)') pause; fprintf('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b'); fprintf('\n For further information on\n'); fprintf(' special features enter 0\n'); fprintf(' solving a diffusion problem 1\n'); fprintf(' solving a convection-diffusion problem 2\n'); fprintf(' solving a Stokes flow problem 3\n'); fprintf(' solving a Navier-Stokes flow problem 4\n'); fprintf(' exploring preconditioned Krylov subspace solvers 5\n'); fprintf(' exploring multigrid solvers 6\n'); hlp=default('\n Help topic',-1); if hlp==1, gohome, cd diffusion, helpme_diff, elseif hlp==2, gohome, cd convection, helpme_cd, elseif hlp==3, gohome, cd stokes_flow, helpme_stokes, elseif hlp==4, gohome, cd navier_flow, helpme_navier, elseif hlp==5, gohome, cd solvers, helpme_it, elseif hlp==6, gohome, cd solvers, helpme_mg, elseif hlp==0, gohome; helpme_ch4; if exist('djs') == 7 gohome; helpme_djs, end if exist('hce') == 7 gohome; helpme_hce, end if exist('ar') == 7 gohome; helpme_ar, end end gohome fprintf(' \n');