function y = iterapp(op,afun,atype,afcnstr,x,varargin) %ITERAPP Apply matrix operator to vector and error gracefully. % ITERAPP(OP,AFUN,ATYPE,AFCNSTR,X) applies matrix operator AFUN to vector % X. If ATYPE is 'matrix, then AFUN is a matrix and the OP is applied % directly. OP is either 'mtimes' or 'mldivide'. % ATYPE and AFCNSTR are used in case of error. % ITERAPP(OP,AFUN,ATYPE,AFCNSTR,X,P1,P2,...) allows extra arguments to % AFUN(X,P1,P2,...) although this usage is now discouraged in favor of % using anonymous functions. % AFUN(X,P1,P2,...,PN,TFLAG) should accept a TFLAG as its final input if % the calling function is BICG, LSQR or QMR. TFLAG is either 'transp' or % 'notransp' depending on whether A' OP X or A OP X is required. % ITERAPP is designed for use by iterative methods like PCG which % require matrix operators AFUN representing matrices A to operate on % vectors X and return A*X and may also have operators MFUN representing % preconditioning matrices M operate on vectors X and return M\X. % % See also BICG, BICGSTAB, CGS, GMRES, LSQR, MINRES, PCG, QMR, SYMMLQ. % Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/12/06 16:35:55 $ if isequal(atype,'matrix') switch lower(op) case 'mtimes' if (nargin >= 6) & isequal(varargin{end},'transp') y = afun' * x; else y = afun * x; end case 'mldivide' if (nargin >= 6) & isequal(varargin{end},'transp') y = afun' \ x; else y = afun \ x; end otherwise error('MATLAB:iterapp:InvalidOp', 'Invalid operation.') end else try if (nargin >= 6) & isequal(varargin{end},'notransp') % A request for A*x coming from BICG, LSQR and QMR try % New syntax: we now request afun(x,P1,P2,...,PN,'notransp') y = afun(x,varargin{:}); catch % Old syntax: we used to accept afun(x,P1,P2,...,PN) y = afun(x,varargin{1:end-1}); end else % A request for A*x % coming from BICGSTAB, CGS, GMRES, MINRES, PCG or SYMMLQ % with the call always afun(P1,P2,...,PN) % or a request for A'*x coming from % BICG, LSQR and QMR in the afun(x,P1,P2,...,PN,'transp') case y = afun(x,varargin{:}); end catch error('MATLAB:InvalidInput', ['user supplied %s ==> %s\n' ... 'failed with the following error:\n\n%s'], ... atype,afcnstr,lasterr); end if ~isvector(y) || (size(y,2) ~= 1) error('MATLAB:MustReturnColumn', ['user supplied %s ==> %s\n' ... 'must return a column vector.'], ... atype,afcnstr) end end