function [atype,afun,afcnstr] = iterchk(A) %ITERCHK Checks arguments to iterative methods. % [ATYPE,AFUN,AFCNSTR] = ITERCHK(A) returns the following: % ATYPE is either 'matrix', 'function', 'expression' or 'inline object'. % AFUN is the function name or inline object. % AFUN is '' if ATYPE is 'matrix'. % AFCNSTR is the function name if ATYPE is 'function'. % AFCNSTR is the formula of the function if ATYPE is 'expression' or % 'inline object'. AFCNSTR is '' if ATYPE is 'matrix'. % % See also BICG, BICGSTAB, CGS, GMRES, LSQR, MINRES, PCG, QMR, SYMMLQ. % Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/12/06 16:35:56 $ [afun,afunmsg] = fcnchk(A); if isempty(afunmsg) if isa(afun,'inline') if isa(A,'inline') atype = 'inline object'; else atype = 'expression'; end afcnstr = formula(afun); else % both function_handles @fun and function names 'fun' atype = 'function'; if isa(A,'function_handle') afcnstr = func2str(A); else afcnstr = A; end end elseif isa(A,'float') afun = A; atype = 'matrix'; afcnstr = ''; else error('MATLAB:iterchk:InvalidInput',... 'Argument must be a floating point matrix or a function handle.'); end