%helpme_stokes Stokes flow problem interactive help % IFISS scriptfile: DJS; 6 March 2005. % Copyright (c) 2005 D.J. Silvester, H.C. Elman, A. Ramage fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' To generate boundary and source term datafiles for the Stokes \n'); fprintf(' flow test problems, simply run the driver: stokes_testproblem\n'); fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' Nonzero boundary conditions are set in the function\n'); fprintf(' /stokes_flow/specific_flow.m\n'); fprintf(' Streamfunction boundary conditions are set in the function\n'); fprintf(' /diffusion/specific_bc.m\n'); fprintf(' \n'); fprintf(' After a discrete problem is set up, inf-sup eigenvalues may\n'); fprintf(' be computed by calling the function infsup.m\n'); fprintf(' \n');