Plot Velocity Arrows

VELOCITY_ARROWS is a MATLAB program which makes an arrow plot of a velocity field, using XY and UV data stored as TABLE files.

The program is mainly a preprocessor for MATLAB's quiver routine. It reads the (X,Y) coordinates of a set of points from an "XY" file, and the corresponding horizontal and vertical velocities from a "UV" file. It then makes a few settings, calls quiver to plot the arrows, and also traces out the convex hull of the points, which is presumably the boundary of the region.


velocity_arrows ( node_file, vector_file, scale )


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

DIRECTION_ARROWS, a MATLAB program which plots the velocity direction field.

VECTOR_MAGNITUDE_GRID, a MATLAB program which reads node and velocity data from a file, and using an interpolating function, is able to display a contour plot of the vector magnitude field.

VECTOR_STREAM_GRID, a MATLAB program which reads node and vector data from a file, computes an interpolatory function, evaluates on a uniform grid of points specified by the user, and displays a streamline plot of the vector field.

VECTOR_PLOT, a FORTRAN90 program which can read an XY file and a UV file and plot the velocity and velocity direction fields.

VELOCITY_ARROWS_GRID, a MATLAB program which reads files of node and velocity data, and, using interpolation, creates a vector plot with arrows place on a uniform grid of the user's specification.

VELOCITY_ARROWS_SEQUENCE, a MATLAB program which can process a set of many data files with names that are numbered in sequence.

VELOCITY_ARROWS_SEQUENCE2, a MATLAB program which reads a single XYUV file of nodes and velocities, plots the data and writes it to a PNG file, and then repeats the process for the next file.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

CHANNEL is a problem involving flow in a horizontal channel.

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 02 August 2005.