What I dislike about the education system        10

How to speed your reading         10


Why am I doing this?        15

Comments on Freedom and Discipline.        17

It’s about consistency, not the intensity.        19

The First 20 Minutes Are Super Important after waking up.         20

CHAPTER ONE        25

THE 11 MAPS TO SUCCESS        25

MAP 1: Focus Meditation        25

CHAPTER TWO        32

MAP 2: MAKE THE BED        32

3. Feeling of accomplishment        33

5. Increased productivity        34

6. Reduced stress levels        34



Progression        37

CHAPTER FOUR        44

MAP 4: POWER OF LIQUID        44

CHAPTER FIVE        52


The benefit from the previous steps        53

The main differences between meditation and journaling        53

Journal types, meditation, and planning        56

Identity.         58

Gratitude         65

Objectives.        66

Time.        67

Love        68

Story of No pleasure, no struggle.        70

Story of Evolving loop        79

Distractions        83

CHAPTER SIX        89



MAP 7 EXERCISE        99

Fasted training.        113

For longevity.        114

To build the muscle size        115

Finishing exercise        117

Finishing stretch        117

The results to measure.        117

Supplements         118

When to train.        119

CHAPTER EIGHT        124

MAP 8: MEAL        124

What does the digestion?        124

Personal fat loss journey.        124

Fat VS. Sugar and ketogenic case        125

Alkalizing VS. Acid situation        126

Fill yourself with good stuff.        127

Organic VS. Chemically grown        127

Intermittent fasting.         128

Regarding breakfast or dinner skipping.        128

What dish should come first?        130

Salt        130

Bonus trick - Kill the addiction        131

K.A.R.V.O.M.A.D. protocol         131

Feast meals        132

Prolong Fasting        132

Recipes and eating protocol         134

Exercise time between meals.        136

CHAPTER NINE        139

STEP 9: PLAY TO PLAY        139

What drives you?        139

Confidence to create life.         140

The confidence connector        141

If you are shy        141

Caring Vs Not caring         141

What market needs?        142

The synergy        142

The ultimate reward        142

Play for hunting        143

Control your state all day        143

Bonus tricks        144

 The uniform        144

Switch off the phone when with someone        145

Ikigai        146

Play in the sandbox        146

While traveling        147

Judging people        147

Lunch with someone        147

Location, legislation and location        147

Evening meet ups.        148

CHAPTER TEN        155

MAP 10 - SLEEP        155

Detox your brain        155

Melatonin        155

Internal clock and waking up early        157

Stretch for faster sleep        157

Sleep at the same time        158

The drink that’ll place you to sleep.         159

Make your subconscious work for you        159

Change your state before you sleep        160

More Air during sleep        160

Sleep on the left side        160

Reasons to sleep naked        161

5 am club        161

 The vivid dreams and Apple cider vinegar.        161



CONCLUSION        179

The balance of life.        179


To my cherished father, a great mentor, who taught me about life and has always been there for me. To my mother, who loves me unconditionally and always supported my dream and to my friends and family who supported me. I'm exceedingly thankful to my mentors who has always been my guide and helped me not to shatter my dreams against the wall. I'm also thankful to all the people who provided me with the resources I needed to carry out researches and experiments. Also, I won't fail to mention those people who presented themselves as experiments.

More importantly, I dedicate this book to those who made me an important version of myself by challenging me. These people challenged me physically and mentally, they went as far as fighting me and abusing my trust. I wouldn't have been here if not for these challenges. I'm thankful for the challenges and how you have made me a stronger person today. I'm thankful for their negative and positive criticism. Thank you all!!!


This book is written for you but I want you to understand that some contents or advices of the book can hurt you. Some contents can cause damage to your health, brain and body and even empty your pocket. This also extends to other people close to you. Also, some contents of this boom can make you develop an addiction that can bring about positive and negative occurrences and at the same time, some contents of the book can be exciting. All the advices I have penned down in this book are a result of my personal experiences. We are not wired the same way, so our body does not react to stimuli the same way. So should you encounter difficulties when following the advice written in this book, you have no right to charge me to court. I mean you created your problems and injuries for yourself. I have warned you! At the same time, this book will provide a lot of rewards and the rewards are much greater than the risks. So whatever happens when you follow the advice in this book, take it in good faith. Enjoy the book.


First, I am a writer. I believe you know that already. I am an entrepreneur, a musician and I love to carry out experiments. I recently undertook new projects at which progressed into and I am also involved in .I believe that focus makes things happen and this is why @focusmake or focuses on media platforms. This book is written by someone who lives in a different part of a separate world trying to understand himself to have better understanding of who he is and how he reacts to events. This person is determined to master himself, understand his map and ensure that traveling as a traveler is an easy task anytime, anywhere.


This book is a guide that is systematically written and arranged chronologically to extract value from each action and expand the next one. Each step is explanatory with detailed hows and whys as well as the benefits of the steps and how it turns your life around.

This book is all about giving your ideas and information that will help you to form new habits, paradigms and also focus on the things that are important to you. Developing new habits that align with your vision helps you to support your dreams and bring them to fulfillment. This book presents a lot of rituals, and I made sure that I explained the fundamentals of these rituals, why you should do them, the basics, what to do and the values and benefits of the rituals.

Note that this book is not all about habits. I didn't write this book for you to behave like animals that do the same thing over and over again. No! I wrote this book for you to learn and spice up your life. I wrote this book for you to equip yourself better and learn different fields. I wrote this book for you to have information in abundance.

Who are we?

As humans, we function as rockets. We gear up every day, fuel ourselves, start the ignition and fly to our destination. We make sure not to repeat the mistakes we made in the past, we learn from the decisions we made in the past. We resolve to do something new each day to become the better version of ourselves, then we land and rest to continue the following day and the following day.

Regarding the sources

As I mentioned earlier, this book is based on my personal experiences. I didn't copy or rephrase the contents of a textbook; it is all a product of my experiences.

I will warn you that this knowledge will give you the understanding that will most likely change your perception of spirituality and religion. I implore you to come with an open heart and try not to question the book until you finish reading. By then, you would have an understanding of the science and chronology behind the book. Not every advice in the book will work for you, after all, we all have different minds and bodies.

What I dislike about the education system

My biggest concern about the education system is that the system grades education on one's value. Every person is different and have their talent and predisposition based on genetics, chance and persons environment. That is, everyone is an expert in their chosen field. What education system does is to tell different people to do the same thing and then mark them using one criterion. We should teach our kids to explore, figure out stuff, be independent and enjoy life.

The constant feedback loop of gaining self-knowledge and experimentation allows you to understand more about nature and more of yourself. I'm bothered that we have an amazing tool (brain) that we really do not know how to operate it and fully maximize its functions without getting ourselves burned.

Because I want you to read this book to the end, I'll teach you a trick to speed your reading by 200%.

How to speed your reading

At the beginning of this book, I mentioned that some of the advice written in this book could hurt you. You read the warning slowly, and now you need to speed up your reading to make better use of the book. I want to give you a trick that will speed up your reading twice as faster. I implore you to carry out this speed reading exercise because, at the end of the exercise, you will have a brain that works faster. Also, the exercise will heighten your awareness and improve your sensors.

Now, we want to do three important things.

1. Increase speed so your eyes can grab information faster. This only happens when you read faster. Now the question is, how do you achieve this?

Try to read as fast as you can and train your eyes to move quickly. Place your finger and move very fast such that you can barely catch up with comprehension of the content.  Take for instance: You are driving at a distance of 160 miles per hour, then you slow down to 50 miles suddenly. At 50 miles, you observe the tiniest details on the road. You can start to pick out not just the colors of the grass but the colors of leaves and even the number plates of all the cars that drive on the other side! Your shifted your brain and told it to work faster, so the comprehensions comes from that. Even though your brain loves the abundance of information, you still need to drive faster. How do you drive faster and at the same time observe the tiniest details? How do you drive faster and at the same time increase your awareness? Now let's relate this to a book; how do you read faster and at the same time grab the information contained in the book?

2. Widen the field through peripheral vision which in turn widens the visual awareness as a whole.

Grab a finger or a pen and close all lines below to help you focus. Now try reading few words at once. You will develop a peripheral vision which will help you see more information in a shorter period of time. The speed will come in a bit. What you need to do is to speed your brain and improve your comprehension at the same time.  Some people also recommend switching off the internal voice when reading as it helps to push the reading speed further.

3. Improve comprehension by clearing your head or by making sure that you are reading something that interests you. You have to be picky with the information!

How do you rid your head of unnecessary thoughts?  Change your priorities and your focus will shift! When you change your priorities and you focus on what you want to achieve at that moment that sends a message to your subconscious that you love yourself than waste time on frivolities.

4 Sub-conscious reading.

The way I read is different to many people. I read the night before I go to bed for 5-10 minutes to get the book into subconscious and the next day I wake up and I read consciously. The reading experience is meant to work this way I believe. First you feel the information and that you structure it not receive and structure in smaller chunks as it takes longer due to focus shifting. Subconscious reading is the reading where you set your eyes to open the peripheral vision and when you read with eyes at center you just swipe the pages. You must be able to see two line instead of one line division between pages and that way you know you’ve activated the peripheral vision.

The idea comes in as well that you make the information part of you before being aware of it. The subconscious mind is like a quantum computer it's everywhere it's sees all. The brain picks up that ideas and makes it part of you without you even realizing and doing a next day filtering of information makes sure that you consciously influence the subconscious and that makes it super interesting as you are able to make new connections and restructure your brain quicker.


Let's get to business. Let's get to the things you stand to gain from the book when you combine three important things - increasing speed, increasing the amount of information and opting for the information that is valuable to you. This book will teach you how to:

I can promise you that at the end of this book, you will be wiser, healthier, wealthier and happier.

Why am I doing this?

I am doing this to figure out myself and have an understanding of who I really am. There are so many things to consider in life and writing a book about the answers to the questions in a structured manner is the best way to understand it. Finding the synergy involves living a life worthy of emulation, asking a question and seeking answers. In our lifetime, we will learn some things to an extent, and the future generation will continue where we left. Writing my findings helps me discover things that I believe have the power to influence us. And instead of learning one thing specifically, I decided to focus on the foundation of many others and see how they relate and affect each other. I'm doing this to explore things in depth, learn from one root to a different one while being charged with enough energy to learn more and add value to the society. I'm of the opinion that sharing information helps us to grow. Though I cherish privacy, I'd rather I share the information that can benefit all rather than keep it for just a few people. That's why we should come together to exchange ideas and exchange knowledge so we can brew it and shape new and better ideas to solve problems that require a new approach.

I want to share an example of the multi-vertical talent that I modelled to understand how a person can view the future with the use of logic and not euphoric states. Da Vinci was an inventor, painter, musician and a researcher of nature. He could imagine the flying machines centuries before anyone could by associating the birds and causalities of their movements. He could do it before the technologies, and supporting sciences came to being. Though I advise people to see everything, I still implore them to be focused on things that they believe will produce the greatest value so they can apply the knowledge.

I believe 100% in what I say, but I also believe that all what I am saying is written in the language that was taught to us by our past generations.

In this case, I am a curious messenger who likes to experiment with himself and to live a better life by finding new ways to do that.

What triggered me?

Another reason why I am writing this book is to answer the many questions and structure the knowledge in me. I want to make sure that everyone fined answers to all the question they have been inkling to answer. I want to ensure that everyone does what want. Just like I have gotten some answers from my personal experiences, I want to share these answers with others and make them the light of life full of awareness as opposed to the ignorant darkness they were before.

The first thing that triggered me to write this was my encounter at a trip I took to the Lake District. At the Lake District, I went on a walk with wolves, and the wolf keeper said something that struck me. The idea that the brain of wolves is 20% denser and not spoiled as that of the dogs; even though both dogs and wolves have almost the same origin. Another trigger was an experience that led me to the hospital. I have taken too much of alkaline water which pushed my brain into an overdrive and formed hallucinations that I couldn't explain. This experience of mine made me search deeply into neuroscience and how we function. I carried out different research because I want to develop habits for people thereby adding value and making myself useful to the society. I discover that time once used never comes back, so I resolved to make the best use of my time and get effective results from it.

If you take a moment to observe the wolf and all the animals in the world, you will find that the stuff they did to survive made them stronger and increased density of their brain. This is the reason why you need to do more to challenge yourself. At the end of the day, you will not just survive; you will soar higher and be faster than time itself. I'm doing this so that you can ride your waves more skillfully than you did before. I'm doing this to challenge you to ride the waves that are larger than the ones before.

Good questions give great answers!

A good question brings about a great answer. In turn, a great answer leads to a great decision and a great decision leads to a greater life. Over the years, I have answered different questions, and I have gathered enough information to answer many question you may have.

Some questions I had to ask. How can I make a reader locked on this book? How do I make this book valuable to a reader? How do I get information on a specific topic? How do I structure and format the book for easy reading and understanding of the reader? Do I have enough resources to carry out experiments? Which other fields of science does this book touch? These are two questions I asked myself just so the reader can understand the book and the purpose of the book can be realized. I believe enlightening someone is all about showing the true nature of the subject matter so the reader knows what to do and where to go from there.

Comments on Freedom and Discipline.

I understand that self-development takes time and requires discipline, but the truth is the activity saves and makes time. Self-development helps you work faster and also make decisions with positive outcomes. Think of the time you spend on developing yourself as an investment that will pay off in the nearest future. Think of the time as the tiny effort that will give you freedom and help you form a habit that will change your life for the better.

I advise people not to implement too many habits at once. The body needs time to get adjusted to new habits. If you force yourself to do ten new things every day, you will find it difficult to keep up. I try not to push myself too much in a day. It took me a very long time to write this book. I make sure that I do more in less time, relax and come back to my work when I feel the need to continue. We aren't all wired the same way so our bodies need time to adapt and build a connection with the brain. The brain needs to send a feedback to the body that the activity you are doing benefits you, and if you do many activities at one time, you might confuse the brain.

Where do I start? Which habit do I implement first? Before you rush into making these decisions, I'd advise you to ask yourself what drives you. Ask yourself why you want to do this. I can provide information and guidelines but there is a need for you to answer who you are as a human being, what you do and what you want to do. It's only after you answer these questions that will you be successful at whatever you try out. The activities I penned down in this book are guidelines to follow to get to your destination quicker. These activities are catalyst that speeds up the race to your destination.  In general, it takes about 20 to 60 days to master a habit, so add the habits one after the other with 20 days interval between them. Developing a new habit requires self-control; to change your life for the better, you need to change yourself first and to do that, you need to develop and master habits that support a better life. You need to understand that disciplining yourself doesn't take much time when compared to the time it takes to regret the potential you have missed. This is to say that you spend so much time regretting the potentials you have missed when you could have spent less time to discipline yourself. So which do you want to do? Discipline yourself or regret?

Another important aspect of self-development is feeding your mind positive thoughts on a daily basis. What happens on the outside affects the inside, as such, you need to guard your thoughts ensuring that your critical mind rids itself of the negative aspect of the world that wants to hinder the identity you want to shape. Also, it's important that you strengthen your body. Prepare your body for the task ahead. Make sure that you do everything with ease.

What will you become after implementing ideas from this book? You will become charged like a clean magnet that is charged with energy and clean as nature purposed for you to be. You will develop the feeling of awareness that will help you control your emotions and state. Your health and status will be developed. Those two can be achieved when you know what you want to do. You will at the end own yourself more than before. You will truly live the life that you want, and not react to the environment but make the environment act the way you think is right. You will be disciplined. You will be free.

It’s about consistency, not the intensity.

Going to the gym for 10 hours once in a while doesn't get you into shape, but going to the gym every day for just 20 minutes will. A person doesn't fall in love in one second. It's after being present and giving yourself for a long time that you will realize you are growing with the person and you will do whatever it takes for them. Truth be told, many great inventions and projects take years to complete and sometimes it takes a year to figure out.

It's about doing activities and getting there through accumulation that will bring you to the point where you can say that you've achieved the desired result. The consistency will help you progress through stages in life. You are responsible for your life. You can only change your life when you take charge.


Sundays are probably the best days to review your performance and what you did throughout the week. If you are looking to shed some pounds, Sunday is the best day to measure your weight loss effort. If you have performance review in your company, Sunday is the ideal time to think about your performance.  It's a bit isolated as many performances are based on group effort, but sometimes, the review of your performance on Sundays is ideal for group stuff, and you can try Wednesdays as it’s probably the toughest day on average and doing a review can set you in good motion.

The First 20 Minutes Are Super Important after waking up.

The moment you wake up, your brain moves from subconscious mode to conscious mode, and that's is the best time to influence your identity. The easiest way to change your mindset or a negative paradigm is to influence your subconscious the moment you wake up. If you are familiar with hypnotherapy and fortune tellers, you will find that they use your state of trance against you. That is, they place you in a state of trance as it’s the best time to relate their ideas and make you agree with them.

Another time to influence your identity is when you are meditating. It's important that you have guidance when you are meditating as the guide will give you an understanding of how to get to the state.

Now, I've designed the first steps to help you rewire your subconscious and reach your objectives faster.

Note that the activities listed after step 5 are mainly for health, energy, building your toughness, expression of art and longevity. Also, I listed the two master rituals that are important for the brain. The second master ritual targets the brain. Though the ritual may seem difficult if you are just starting out, but the sooner you master it, the faster you will understand the benefits and use it to your advantage.

The definition of success.

What are the important members of success?

Wisdom - to seek knowledge on a constant basis and utilize the knowledge gained.

Discipline - developing self-control and taking necessary action.

Energy - The reserve of energy to take action

Focus - the direction you are determined to go.  

Some are of the opinion that luck is also important. They believe that one can develop luck and its elements by increasing by chances by chaining their activities and the environment.

The structure of the book

The book is structured into the following parts:

1. Focus meditation.

Rid your brain of negative and unnecessary thoughts and use your energy to achieve what you want during the day.

2. Make the bed

Train yourself to have self-control and be disciplined even on small matters. Discipline is very important for people who are just starting out.

3. Cold environment.

Willpower, improved state, and good health to face your battles head on.

4. The power liquid

Increased wisdom, improved state of mind and healthy body as you train your brain to hunt.

5. The journal and meditation

State, wisdom, self-analysis and discipline with self-control.

6. Creative critique & artist within

Offers fulfillment in life and live your expression behind so you live a fulfilled life.

7. Exercises

For health and longevity. Helps the brain to work better thereby increasing wisdom.

8. Meal

To be disciplined and also improve overall health. Develop a healthy eating habit as it ensures that you have a healthier lifestyle.

9. Play to play

The integration of you in a society to ensure that as a social creature you develop the life you want for yourself, and life of others as your circle of friends is relevant to you.

10. Sleep

Obviously, we will explore the tricks to sleep quicker and have your subconscious ready for your goals.

11. The 2 Master rituals will combine majority of them.

Master Ritual 1 - The frozen magnetic explosion

Master Ritual 2 - The genetic shake up.

You will condition your mind and body for that while training yourself. The amplitude of the meditation will increase while the intensity of the workout will be so tough that in 10 minutes it will be more than enough. Those master rituals should be implemented after few months of working on the first 10 steps as they will combine many things at the same time.

The first 10 steps will help you reach the target of Genetic changes where you will observe a lot of changes.



Do you know that doing a set of activities that will help add value to people just by engaging in them also changes your life? That is, the set of activities you do to help people also comes back to mold you into the person you want to be. Are you interested in knowing these activities and why you should do them?

I will be sharing the steps in their chronological order, and I will discuss each step extensively so you can develop your master rituals from the steps. Also, we will discuss how to build a progression for the steps to make them more challenging and fun for you. If you ask me, the most awesome and challenging activity I enjoy doing is kettlebell swing. I so much enjoy the activity, little wonder I have progressed to 50kg over a period of two months.

Cold environment involves being in a cold state and staying there for long. With food, it's all about eating the food that are more beneficial to you, and controlling your portion sizes. With sleep, it's about enjoying the comfort of sleep and ultimate rest. You do not need to be in a hurry as we will discuss each activity extensively and how to engage in each successfully. Without holding you any longer from the fun, we will begin to explore the maps.

MAP 1: Focus Meditation

Focus meditation is the most important activity or ritual. The idea here is to condition your body to run fast and be super productive by doing the right thing. Focus meditation is important as it gives you direction and charges you to ask questions and eliminate the stuff that are slowing you down. Suffice it to say that making focus meditation a habit will push you forward and keep your eyes on your goals even in tough times. Remember I mentioned earlier that the first twenty minutes after you wake up is important? The moment you wake up, ask yourself, what are the things I'm concentrating on and what do I hope to achieve from them? Asking yourself these questions basically pushes your brain, helps you to focus, reflect and create. When we wake up, our brains are clear and devoid of emotions. So at that time, you are bit reacting but naturally observing. That is the best time to reflect on the things you are doing and visualize positive results. It's at that time of waking up that the brain separates the unimportant from important, and give you clarity so you can make important decisions quickly without hesitation.

Focus is a critical part of meditation. The human brain has two default modes; the reactive mode and the focused alpha mode. The reactive mode is the one that reacts to nature, and the focused alpha mode is the one that is forward-looking people work with. Now, our body requires both modes to be at the top of their game.

The number one ritual you need to do at the beginning of the day is taking charge of your brain's reactive behavior. The aim of the focus ritual is for you to develop the neural network responsible for abstract thinking and focus. Now, this activity isn't as difficult as it sounds. The simplest version of focus meditation is to ask yourself a question: "What am I focusing on? “ When you answer the question, proceed to ask yourself why. Repeat these questions and provide answers until you are sure that your answers match with your value system. Note that the more you this reactively, the faster the balance will shift towards proactive thinking. You'd agree with me that having the idea of what you want out of life the minute you wake up boosts your confidence and drives you to pursue your goals. The idea here is to hack your focus and make your brain seek the things you want. Yes, you want to achieve some goals in life, but the reality is some goals take many years to achieve. But by adding or eliminating, you will know the exact goals you want for yourself. Your goals will become clearer and you will be more excited about life as with every step to towards will give you most of happy neurotransmitters.

Focus meditation helps your brain to work more effectively. There are many ways to meditate; snoozing is a notable mention. When your alarm sounds, snoozing will help you focus meditate. While some people manage to stay in bed and meditate for twenty minutes after the alarm goes off, others fall asleep immediately. To avoid going back to sleep, when I wake up, the first thing I do is state my value and reflect on the things that are important to me. To make this easy for you, all you need to do is to set different alarms. When the first one goes off, remind yourself not to get out of bed because you are waiting for the second alarm that will go off in 20 minutes. Use the 20 minutes to focus meditate, state your values and reflect on the things that are important to you.

Also, this time can be used to reflect on your dreams. Yes, your dreams! Our dreams are the medium by which the subconscious speaks to us. What you see in your dreams is what your subconscious focuses on. That is, you subconscious reveals to you in your dreams what it’s focuses on. Our dreams is also the medium by which our brain communicate with us. Breaking down your dreams into small parts will help you understand them, and when you have nightmares, you will not be frightened because you know it's a picture of what you have on your subconscious. To fully understand your dreams, you need to figure out and understand how your brain works. Simply write your dreams down in a journal to analyze their meanings. Often, our subconscious send us answers in our dreams. I have had many answers that came in my dreams. Also, I won't fail to mention that your subconscious feeds on your emotions, so you want to focus your emotions on positive things before sleeping.

The pool

The idea of meditation is making sure that you use your pool of energy wisely. Meditation entails calming the pool of energy and ensuring that you are conscious of how to use it and having it ready at your disposal. You are the director of your health and happiness, so you want to make sure that you focus on the right things. Do not stress yourself by focusing on things that doesn't matter to you. Preserve your energy, focus on the important things and you will find that stress is far away from you. You should also know that chronic stress speeds up the aging process through oxidation. Stress does nothing good than create an acidic environment that makes you more acidic and feast on your living cells and energy.

Furthermore, focus meditation helps you to hack dopamine. If you can hack your dopamine, then you can turn anyone into an addict. How can you hack your dopamine? You can hack your dopamine by simply discovering what you want. The best time to hack your dopamine is when you wake up and when you go to bed. Hacking your dopamine demands you having a big tough goal and then ensuring that your activities in a day are done in an orderly fashion which draws you near to the realization of the goal.

Not to worry, at the end of this book, you will be familiar with your brain and how it works as well as the many processes in your body and what triggers you.

Some nuggets for focus meditation

Trick to wake up faster

Often times, we find it difficult to get out of bed. You have an important meeting to get to, you know you need to get out of bed at a particular time but your body refuses. I have a trick for you - the adrenal jump start. How do you do the adrenal jump start? While in bed, take about 20 to 30 deep breaths breathing in and out. Make sure to hold the breath as deeply and longer as you can and when you can’t hold no more take a one really deep breath and hold that for 15-20 seconds and let go. When you do this, you will feel your heart pumping and your body will have no choice than to get out of bed. And when you are out of bed, you should do a set of push-ups to utilize the adrenaline you spiked. Now, there is a story behind this trick. Do you care to know?

There is an inventor who made more patents than anyone on the planet. This inventor dives underwater and do not come out until he has a new invention. Note that the inventor carried this out in a controlled environment, so don't risk your life by going under water. Instead, do few sets of adrenal jumps while increasing the speed of breathing. The inventor uses biology to his advantage. When you lower oxygen and increase carbon dioxide, the brain receives a signal that it's in danger and when the brain senses this, it raises creativity by firing more neurons just so it can survive. It's safer to do the adrenal jump start as it releases the hormone adrenaline that is responsible for the rapid beating of the heart. Do not overdo the adrenal jump start, there is a possibility to pass out should you overdo it.

Looking at it from a neurological point of view, adrenal jump start also helps you to reassess your priorities. When your brain senses danger, it rewires itself and that helps you set aside things that aren't important. Also, you can use the adrenal jump start as a form of meditation.

Bonus trick: Internal Vacuum

The adrenal jump start exercise also helps to train your internal core muscles. Simply hold your stomach in when you do an adrenal jump start. This action helps to build strength in your internal core thereby preventing your gut from sticking out as you age. Your organs are carefully placed in their position to function properly but when the gut sticks out, it repositions your organs and cause them to function less efficiently.

Diversified vs centered focus

Likewise the focused focus and diversified focus meditation is very important. If you think specific focus or focused focus helps you to develop attentive learning and keep your brain focused, the diversified focus does much more. The diversified focus is very investigative as it helps you to see the whole world as it is and the way people live. The notion that most people are searching for their career path stems from both diversified focus and focused focus.

When to wake up

I argue that waking up early keeps your spirit up and helps you to achieve whatever you set to do in a day. I'm sure many will agree with this. The ideal time to wake up is 4am. Your bedtime routine should be from 10pm - 4am. You may find it difficult to adjust to this routine at the beginning, but not to worry, your body will get adjusted to it in no time. You can always catch up on sleep at weekends. Remember that we are not wired the same way, while some people can handle this routine, others cannot. So don't force yourself!

Bonus trick. Vision board

You need to do this! Design a vision board on your phone or anything you watch frequently. It will be safe to design your vision board on your laptop phone wallpaper, so you see it continuously. I recommend that you create a password for your laptop and phone. A password that reminds you of your goal and drive you to think more. Also, use a background picture that shows the things you want out of life. This will help you live the life you intend for yourself as your brain sees what you want in the background picture and hunts for it.

You will be amazed at how much your body is capable of doing the impossible. You have to break your vision down into steps and take each step a day at a time, and after some time, when you look back, you'll be glad you took those steps. Decide on what you really want and make your vision board.  You are responsible for your life, your ideas and goals. Only you can decide on the ideas and the interest of life. We are the creators of life and we are creators of what we want.

Focus on the focus

You need to figure out why you are focusing on something. Doing this will help you figure out what interests you and what ticks you. The idea here is that the body will create the rhythm that will push you further ahead and that will help you with the development of life.

Bonus trick: laugh like crazy

Laugh more! Laugh like crazy! Do not allow bad situations get to you, instead laugh it off. If something is bothering you, laugh for a few minutes. I assure you that after you laugh, you won't see the problem as a problem anymore. Just laugh, and you will observe your thoughts change from impossible to possible, from this is messed up to it can be handled.



Can you remember the many times when your parents nagged and nagged you until you made your bed? You see making your bed in the morning before heading out a pointless task. You only agree to do it when your mom insists that you can leave the house after you have made your bed. You sluggishly go to make your bed while coming up with different reasons why making the bed is a bad idea. You come up with reasons like the bed is going to get messed up again, my bed is pushed against the wall, and it's hard to keep the sheets tucked in.

If you ask me, making the bed doesn't require much time. As a matter of fact, it helps you become disciplined because it ensures that you are doing the same thing over and over again. When you become disciplined, you will discover that you are the one controlling your body, and not the other way. Small wins are very important in life as they challenge us to go for the larger wins. In the same way, making your bed helps to build your self-discipline such that when your body says no, your human brain will say yes.

 Make sure you disconnect or switch your phone off and set a reminder. The reminder could be a wallpaper on the wall or the vision board designed on your phone.

This map is especially useful for individuals who are indiscipline as it helps to create the need for them to work on small things to create their dopamine loop.

What do you stand to gain from making your bed?

A neat apartment? Improved confidence? Discipline? High chance of completing a hard activity? Here are six ways the two-minute task of making your bed in the morning can improve your day and your life.

1. Your room will instantly look cleaner

Your room will instantly look cleaner the moment you make your bed. This is evident in small bedrooms where most of the bedroom space is occupied by the bed. Just because your bedroom is small with no space doesn't mean you should lower your standards. Small things evolve into big things, so develop the habit of making your bed in the morning.

2. Developing good habits

Once you have made the act of making your bed an everyday ritual and habit, you will find that other good habits will come to you naturally. You find yourself dusting everywhere, dirt now becomes a taboo to you, and you now keep your drawers tidy at all times. Soon after, you will extend your good habits to other parts of the house like the lounge room and kitchen. Before you know it, your once rough and untidy house will become the perfect place for a retreat.

3. Feeling of accomplishment

While making your bed in the morning might seem like a small task to bother yourself with, starting your day by making your bed minutes after you wake up gives you a sense of accomplishment. Making your bed in the morning takes just a few minutes of your time, and when you do it, you set a positive tone and mood for yourself throughout the day. Don't you want to start your day on a positive note?

4. Creating a retreat

We all have good days and days I call "one of those days". Everyone will experience the one of those days where you just want to go home to collapse into your mattress and curl up in your sheets. Whenever you experience one of those days, you have comfort knowing that your ready-made bed is waiting for you at home to rest and relax in.

5. Increased productivity

The first thing on your to-do-list for each day should be making your bed. It's a way of putting all the activities and happenings of the previous day behind and clearing the way for the opportunities and activities of the new day. It's no surprise that making your bed in the morning gives you a sense of pride and will also encourage you to take on another task and many others until you are done with your tasks for the day. And at the end of the day, you will find that a simple task that you completed motivated you to complete all other tasks.

6. Reduced stress levels

Are you keen on decluttering your life? You need to start from your bed. A decluttered bed helps to declutter your space. A decluttered space helps to declutter your mind, and a decluttered mind makes for a decluttered life.

How do you feel whenever you clean out a rough drawer or an untidy closet? You feel an incredible rush of accomplishment and satisfaction yeah? If cleaning out a drawer or closet and making your bed can give you peace and satisfaction, how much more when you clean out the clutter in your life? Clutter stands for things you don't use, things you don't like or need. According to the Feng Shui philosophy, free energy bring about love, wealth, abundance and health for the individuals who absorbs it. Now, clutters has a way of stopping the energy glow thereby creating exhaustion, exasperation and stagnation. Imagine how your life will turn out with negative and stagnant energy around you. But when you address these clutters and create a path for free flow of energy, your life will soon turn around and open up. The more clutter you remove from your life the better you will feel

Here are some things that happens when you address your clutters: 

You have more time

When the mess in your home or office isn't making you overwhelmed, you will definitely have adequate time to get work done. Not spending an hour combing through your closet for an outfit to wear or searching for your car keys saves you ample time. Addressing your clutters avails you more time to get work done.

You become more magnetic and vibrant

The moment you create harmony and order in your home and life, you will find yourself more radiant and present. Clearing clutters is somewhat similar to acupuncture; just as acupuncture removes imbalances and blockages from the body, addressing clutters removes imbalances and blocks from your life and space.

Positive risks aren't scary

Clutters often stands for unfinished business, so when you address the clutter, you are giving yourself bigger and creative risk since you are no longer held down by the problems and disappointments of the past.

Problems get solved.

When you have a fresh and new perspective about life, you have a clear space that allows you to concentrate and solve problems brilliantly.

Money comes freely

When you address your clutter, you will find money in places you don't expect.

Sleep becomes deeper

When you address the clutter around you, especially the big storage you hid under your bed, you will find it relatively easy to fall asleep. The more energy that flows freely around you, the easier it becomes for you to relax with a deep sleep.



Most people find cold water to be great and refreshing which is true. But what they fail to tell you is why cold water is good for you. I will tell you why. Whenever you drink or bathe with cold water, blood rushes from your skin to your organs which is an evolutionary protecting response that ensures that you are warm and protected. When your body comes in contact with cold water, your body strives to protect your internal organs, after all losing a finger is better than losing a liver. While taking a cold shower, you will find that you automatically start breathing rapidly. This is because your body requires you to charge it with enough energy to move blood around to your internal organs. Also, there are some tiny muscles very close to the skin which the body needs to push blood to the internal organs. So, your body charges you with energy that immediately triggers the tiny muscles to begin their work. So when you breathe rapidly, you alkalize your blood to get it charged to move towards the internal organs. People who are familiar with alkaline water should know that alkaline water is ionized, that is, it is charged with electricity.  The process of alkalizing blood can be achieved using different methods with one of them as breathing. Other methods will be discussed further in the maps.

The human blood contains iron; an element on the periodic table which is a great conductor of electricity. So, when you breathe rapidly, your blood grab the toxins in your body with higher efficiency and transport them away from your organs. Thereby, ridding your body of toxins and heavy metals.

Another benefit of cold water is that it makes your blood grab nutrients effectively and deliver them to the appropriate destination. This way, your organs have less toxins to accumulate, therefore, your organs have less problem, better overall performance, fewer mutations and higher efficiency.

 One of the key things to note is that conductivity heightens in a cold environment with less friction. That is, we feel the electricity quicker in a cold environment than just breathing rapidly. Going further, when you breathe rapidly, your blood also send electric signals to your brain to focus because the brain thrives on electricity and by the time you step out of the shower, you will find that you are happier. Basically, cold shower helps to increase neuro-plasticity, as electricity helps the brain to rewire its connections.

Cold water helps to boost your willpower while ridding your organs of toxins, that sends positive signals to your brain that your organs and cells are in great condition. After your cold water experience, you will feel so good because your internal processes was cleaned and your body also burned a few calories to warm you up and bring you to a relaxed state of mind. Because of the delightful feeling that accompanies cold shower, you'll desire to go back again and again.


We will take a look at the first progression where you can control the cold environment in cold plunges, and in the shower. The progression allows you to sit in the cold at will and whenever you want.

Here is an example of the progression you can do. Make sure to do it daily so you will get accustomed to it faster.

1st Week

Start by taking a warm shower for as long as you want, then switch to a cold shower for 30 seconds. When the 30 seconds of cold shower is up, your body begins to heat up, and this essentially helps with the production of mitochondria especially when your body shivers.  

2nd week  

Take a cold shower for 30 seconds, then a warm shower for 30 seconds and finally a cold shower for 30 seconds.

Here, you are training your body pores to close up and open up again. Also, you are training your cardiovascular system to close up and transport the blood to your internal organs to keep them warm and open up to lose the heat, close up again and open up. The closing and opening up mechanism help to train all the muscles of the cardiovascular system. That is, the opening and closing up mechanism helps to train all the muscles responsible for transporting the blood.

3rd week

Take a cold shower for 30 seconds, then a warm shower for 30 seconds, a cold shower for 30 seconds, a warm shower for 30 seconds and finally a cold shower for 30 seconds.

Here, you are giving your cardiovascular system and pores a workout. I trust that you feel great after taking the cold shower?

4th week

Take a cold shower for 10 minutes.

Here, you are training your body to handle cold for a specific period and to keep itself warm for a specific period.

5th week from here you can do two to three times a week

Sit in the cold bath for 10 minutes

Here, the body faces a greater challenge as you essentially have more surface area with cold environment over it.

6th week

Sit in the bath filled with ice for 10 minutes.

Now you have increased the surface area, and the water is much colder. Here, you are training your body to keep itself warm. Blood moves around the body more quickly in this state.

7th week

Sit in the bath filled with ice for 10 minutes and mediate.

Here, you are training yourself to get hotter when you want to. The act of meditation works here as you shift your focus on the pituitary gland that is responsible for the production of neurotransmitters and charge you will electricity so you body is capable of sending enough communication around the body to deal with the environmental issues,.

8th week

Sit in the cold bath for half an hour and meditate.

Here, your body will get used to the cold. You will be very comfortable in the cold so much that you will read a book and you will not shake. This is really cool, and for people who wants to shed some pounds, this is one of the ways to go.

I understand that engaging in weekly meditation in the cold for half an hour can be burdensome, but not to worry, you will see the results after some time and you will be glad you did it. By the time you get used to the progression of the cold bath, you'll be amazed at how much cold your body can take. You will even find yourself placing iced plastic bottles in the bath to make the water colder. This not for all some bodies do like hotter climates but even still I will recommend you to train your self to get into that state where you can control your state.

Some nuggets for cold environment

Bonus tip - shower temperature.

Take a cold shower before working out as it helps to increase testosterone and release lactic acid from the muscles. If the goal of your workout is to build muscles, you want to take a cold shower before the workout and a warm shower after the workout. Lactic acid is important for muscle growth and warm shower do not reduce the amount of lactic acid in the body. More importantly, taking a cold shower before working out makes you tougher and puts you in control of your body. Also, taking a cold shower gives you a huge rush of energy.

On the flip side, a warm shower helps to speed up the production of the growth hormone that is responsible for preserving the cells in the body and keeping you younger.

Meditation in the cold environment

I recommend a bit of Tai Chi dance after deep breathing to allow the body flow it’s energy naturally.

Taking a cold shower in the morning is like preparing yourself for the day and the future decisions you will make to achieve your results.

Focus on lobe - get to homeostasis.

When taking a cold shower, focus on your third eye to regulate your internal environment. It's natural for you to shiver when you enter a cold bath. While in the cold environment, the body pass through different stages where it receives information from outside that some activity is taking place inside. Focusing on your third eye helps to bring you into homeostasis where the shaking stops and you are calmer. At this point, you are the one in control.

On a daily basis, train yourself to get into a peak state, and before you know what's happening, you will become an expert at it. One of the ways to achieve this is focusing in the cold environment. While in the cold environment, focus on the top of your head to move energy to your head and gain control over your body.

I have experimented with cold a lot. The idea is telling the brain to get into homeostasis and have control over nature. And the more you do it, the easier it will become. It'll even get to the point where you can control your body to get to homeostasis without much efforts. Instead of stressing out and shaking in the cold, you train your body to be comfortable outside your comfort zone.

Bonus trick

Place an ice pack behind your neck in the evening time. This incites the production of brown fat, the fat responsible for generating heat which has more mitochondria.

Bonus tip - Breathe through the stomach.

Train yourself to breathe through your stomach, and not the chest. Breathing through the stomach is natural, and it helps you to inhale enough oxygen into your system. Also, breathing through the stomach helps to switch on the part of the parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for relaxing the body.

Idea factory

You will be amazed at how many ideas you come up with when you are sitting in the cold bath. In the cold bath, the body is in a state of relaxation and we tend to lower our guard. In our relaxed state, our brain waves slow down and we come up with different and creative ideas.

Brush your teeth with an opposite hand to create a greater communication between hemispheres.  

 Get out of the cold when feel the burn or feel fear.

I jump out of the cold the moment I sense fear. Fear is natural and it is present in everyone. So whenever you sense fear or you feel the skin is burning while in the cold, jump out immediately.

Super important!!!!

Refrain from doing adrenal jump in the shower. You can pass out and die when you block your breathing for a long time. You have been warned! Likewise, don't breathe too much in cryogenics; inhaling too much nitrogen can kill you.

Benefits of cold environment



After a long night of sleep, the body requires water. Infusing lemon in your water is one of the ways to give your morning drink an extra benefit. It's important to note that lemon is alkaline in nature on the inside and acidic on the outside. So, drink with a straw and make sure you brush your teeth before your lemon infused water as brushing can cause damage to your teeth same applies to apple cider vinegar. Now, the common factor about the western diet is that majority of the food constituents are highly acidic and as such, they stress the body. Take for instance; coffee is highly acidic so as much as you love taking coffee, it's expedient that you replace coffee with green tea to be on the safe side. I have a list of ingredients you can mix and drink for breakfast to live longer and have less stress.

These ingredients provides the body with much benefits and you can mix then however you want.

Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce your insulin. If you want to stay lean and young for a long time, then there is a need for you to reduce your insulin. One of the food ingredients that increases insulin level is sugar. Now, what you want to do is to make sure your insulin level doesn't rise. To get apple cider vinegar into your system, mix with liquid and drink up. You can also mix it with lemon juice and take it cold or warm. Whichever way you want it. I advise that you take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before going to bed and first thing in the morning. Also, you can take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar after your meal for easy digestion. Apple cider vinegar keeps you healthy, promotes weight loss and also increase your growth hormone indirectly. Be sure to buy an organic one.

Furthermore, Apple cider vinegar produces healthy flora in the gut which in turn reduces stress hormone production. Apple cider vinegar also helps the liver process cholesterol. It will interest you to know that Apple cider vinegar is a cure for halitosis; an overabundance of bacteria on the tongue that causes bad breath. More importantly, apple cider vinegar helps to reduce blood sugar. You'd agree with me that high blood sugar is a leading cause of insomnia and high blood sugar prevents the body from burning fat. Apple cider vinegar increases insulin sensitivity thereby lowering blood sugar. Taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before sleeping helps you sleep better at night. The body produces growth hormone when you sleep, so you want to be sure that your blood sugar is low as high blood sugar conflicts with growth hormone. Also, Apple cider vinegar is a cure for sore throat as it helps to kill the bacteria in the throat. Apple cider vinegar helps to boost potassium absorption in the body thereby providing balance for the body. Apple cider vinegar helps to lower the amount of gas and also relieve upset stomach. Apple cider vinegar is one of the super remedies that strengthen the immune system of the body and enhance bodily functions. You can also mix apple cider vinegar with honey.


Pectin present in lemon helps to aid digestion and ease the digestion of fats. Lemon also helps to rid the body of harmful toxins. It promotes hydration. Lemon is a great source of vitamin C which is a primary antioxidant that protects the cells of the body from damaging free radicals. Also, lemon contains Vitamin C that helps to reduce blood pressure and the risk of developing stroke and cardiovascular disease. What's more? Lemon improves the quality of the skin and also support weight loss.


Ginseng helps to relieve inflammation in the body. Also, ginseng speeds up the healing of wounds and injuries. Ginseng helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Also, ginseng helps to stimulate mental and physical activity in weak and tired people.

Green tea

Green tea provides the body with much benefits, but the important one is the dopamine that green tea provides. Dopamine helps to calm the body. Also, green tea contains caffeine which keeps you focused.


Coffee isn't as gloomy as it appears. You need to understand the tradeoffs before concluding that coffee is a must drink for you. Besides the crashes that coffee does to the body, there are other damaging things that coffee does to the body. For instance, too much coffee causes damage to bone structure. If you must take coffee, I recommend that you take coffee with stevia or sweeteners. Be warned that sugar and sweeteners are bad for the body. Sweeteners do make you addicted to sugars it’s like a fake high you get and when you don’t have sweeteners next to you than you will for sure go for a sugar.

On the bright side, coffee promotes fat loss in the body. Coffee promotes the consumption of fat in the body but at the same time, coffee rids the body of calcium. So, to be on the safe side, balance coffee with a food constituent that has abundance of calcium. Coffee helps to burn more calories in the body. It's safe to conclude that drinking too much coffee will cause you to lose the important minerals the body needs for survival. Also, coffee causes the brain to work faster such that it becomes difficult to focus in the long run. Green tea is a great alternative of coffee, so drink green tea instead.

My morning recipes:

How to measure if you are acidic

Simply put, Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies. Acidic bodies creates the environment for yeast, illness and bacteria to thrive. When the body is overly acidic, the body results to loosing minerals from bones and vital organs to neutralize the acid and expel it from the body. As such, the mineral reserves of the body runs low and the body is short of minerals like sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium. The shortage of these minerals in the body causes damages that may not be detected until the body breaks down and develop acidosis.

Many of us have the habit of consuming foods that produces acid such as sugar, meat, grains and dairy. Since the body generates acidic waste products from metabolism, the waste products needs to be excreted or neutralized one way or the other. Now, in order to neutralize the acid generation by the body, we need to consume more alkaline foods (this will be covered later).

Here are some of the health problems that arises from poor pH balance (mild acidosis).

Start by knowing your pH

pH testing is critical as it shows an individual the numeric data of the level of acidification in his/her body. The pH reading that is considered healthy ranges from 6.75 to 7.25 while the optimal pH reading is 7.36. It's relatively easy to measure the acidity of your body. Simply get a litmus paper. Pee on the litmus paper or place it on your tongue to measure your acidity. If the test result shows 5.5 and below on the litmus paper, then your body is highly acidic and you need to watch your diet. Drinking the mix of ginger, matcha tea, lemon juice, cinnamon mix and apple cider vinegar in the morning is the best thing you can do for yourself.

The taste of food alone isn't a yardstick to determine if the food is acidic or alkaline

Take for instance; many people believe that lemon is acidic probably because lemon are classified as being acidic. But in the actual sense, lemon is an alkaline forming food. During the digestion process of lemon, the acid in lemon is oxidized into water and carbon dioxide, therefore, lemon do not generate acid in the body system.

However, Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron are the main alkaline materials. Foods that contains high levels of these minerals are considered as alkaline forming foods.

The Body Has Limits

There is a limit to how much the body can allow for acid imbalance. Therefore, it's important that you eat foods that will maintain the acid-alkaline balance of the body. Many illness and diseases arises because the body made attempt to shift the balance of the internal environment. There is a need for you to find the right balance. If your diet includes too much of acid forming foods like sugar, high amounts of meat, dairy and grains, your body will become too acidic. And on the flip side, if you consume too much of alkaline forming foods such as fruits, sea vegetables and greens, your will be overly alkaline. So, balance is key.

The steps to improve your alkalinity

The food you feed your body matters

Though, improving your body's pH levels may require some thought, the rewards cannot be brushed aside. When you find the right acid-alkaline balance, you will appreciate your efforts as you will feel more vibrant, and energetic. In fact, your health will improve generally. There are no objections; what you feed your body has an effect on your overall health. The foods you feed your body can either be the slowest form of poison, that is, what kills you or the powerful and safest form of medicine. Choose wisely.



The story of life: Wake up, prepare an amazing breakfast comprising of lots of pancakes for yourself. You sit down to eat and while eating, you check the time only to realize that you have to stop your meal immediately otherwise you'd be late for your 9am appointment. Then, you dash out of the house. Some minutes later, your wife wakes up to find the kitchen dirty and the dishes unwashed. She's angry and she thinks of you as an asshole who can't seem to look after himself. When you return home in the evening, your wife in her elevated brain state calls you a moron. What do you do? You do one of two things. It's either you snap at her or you say something that make her appeal towards you. Emotions and brainwaves are a tad related. Your brain spikes when you overheat it. So, there is a need for you to pause and give your brain time to process when you are in difficult situations.

Want to know why I placed Journaling, planning and meditation in one map? That's because they are all related. If you observe philosophies like Buddhism of the West, otherwise known as stoicism, you'll find that there are many ways to achieve the same thing and in this case, self-actualization works. During meditation, you slow down to observe and likewise when you journal, you slow down and observe. Both meditation and Journaling are similar but the difference is they are done in different ways. In both, you can analyze or can let go. Doing both can help you select what you want the most and what suits you the most.

In this chapter, I will teach you how to make your third eye cry. In this case, your third eye is your biological clock that knows how you use your time. The moment you start to realize how you use your energy, you will be more aware and you will become a spiritual expert who is strong, intelligent and kind. This is what I want you to achieve with this book.

In this chapter, we will discuss different ways of meditating, planning and Journaling as well as the science behind it to make you understand yourself better.

The benefit from the previous steps

Previous action (cold environment) charged your brain and your body. I know it sounds simple, but the essence of the cold environment is to charge you up. Through the use of the abundance of breathing and liquid, you provide the charge for your body. The cold environment cleared your system and charged your blood, and ensured that your brain has increased its electric charge which you will have to increase further with analysis and meditation.

The main differences between meditation and journaling

No doubts, meditation and Journaling are different and there are quite a number of things that differentiates them. I have penned down information about each one to differentiate them.


The change of state comes in the journal as you are targeting your analysis and your state is of mind is realistic, but pessimistic or optimistic.

The idea of an analysis. The idea of living a life and having some time to stop and reflect on why you did something. This ensures that you understand yourself better and make decisions that agree with your values.

The idea of planning involves evaluating the available resources and making the decisions that aligns with your values. Though some people agree with the idea of going with the flow, I personally believe that you should plan some aspects of your life in such a way that will allow you live on your terms.

You can plan differently; you can observe your past and evaluate on how you are moving and towards which direction. Planning will help you figure out the things to say to and the ones you should ignore.

A person who wants it all and has no plan is ignorant of what to do. A person with a purpose knows where to start. While having a plan is good, having a purpose is much better.


The idea of doing an activity as an observer rather than a victim will make you the controller of your body and therefore, your life. The idea of controlling your information field which is essentially a mechanism that allows your internal processes to work in sync and to rewire your brain from the default mode of our ancestors to the more evolved state of analysis and control.

Meditation has two key components; rewiring your brain and charging your internal processes to work in sync. These two components come together to reevaluate your external and internal world, thereby making it convenient for you to live a fulfilled life. The spectacular thing about meditation is that it detaches you from the emotions that declouds your priorities, and helps you to form a new habit.

Also, another benefit of meditation is keeping you focused. Meditation helps to change your thought pattern as it directly influence your unconscious and subconscious mind which in turn changes your identity. Your thoughts create reality through expression; meditation allows you to reason your thoughts, detach from the ones that won't get you anywhere and focus on the ones that are helpful.

Self-awareness helps with personal growth as you will start to know what needs to be done in life. Meditation helps you to think critically on things to ensure that you engage in the most important things.

The purpose of meditation is to feel the vibration and oneness and then change it to what makes you happy. The idea of motivation is the one that agrees that the body can heal itself better than medicine by focus and the use of pituitary gland. When you focus your energy on your body, there is a huge rush of blood flow and energy will be distributed to rid your body of illness.

To get the best from meditation, make efforts to manage your energy and master it. Also, ensure that you are passionate about whatever you do. Likewise, you need to be mindful of how and where you expend your energy.

Just like binaural beats where you take yourself to the meditative state , meditation also requires that you train your brain to place yourself in a state of meditation and self-awareness that reduces the brain waves and changes how your body react to the environment.

The big picture

There is nothing that should be considered as complex in this planet. Why? Everything you consider as complex has a multi-level structure and once you allow yourself time to digest it, you'd find that it isn't complex like you pictured. This is where meditation comes in. If you are a fan of personal growth, you should understand that everything is possible. All you need is to give yourself time, expend your energy and focus.

Have a vision of the future! If you ask me, I'd say that visualization and meditation is the best form of leisure. The period of mediation is the time when your brain obtains the information in the world, process them and make decisions, and then send a signal to your body to take action.

Every human being has a similar wiring on their basic needs and when these needs are fully understood, the body and humans will live a correct life.  In order to have an understanding of the future, you have to really understand the past. Meditation calms you to reflect on the past and think deep into the future.

Meditation supports the brain like an information architect that reorganizes the information into different categories that are more or less important for reproduction and survival.

When you meditate and visualize, you rewire your brain and that leads to the brain working more efficiently. You re-structure your internal value system and disengage emotionally on things that doesn't matter to you and connect with things that matters. Meditation helps you to visualize the things that are important to you. Meditate today!

Journal types, meditation, and planning

I G.O.T. love

The "I G.O.T. LOVE" journal is a daily journal with five elements - Identity (who you are), Gratitude (what you are thankful for), Objectives (Your targets and goals for a particular period), Time (the day you set down the schedule and break down into parts) and Love (sending love meditation).

You can use your diary or journal, and if you're using a computer, make sure to keep just one text file with a to-do list or calendar open.  You can type this in an everlasting word document while marking the dates at the start of each day - this makes everything organized; remember that this is mainly for you.

Also, you can place the I G.O.T Love in a different order but I feel the order of identity, gratitude, objectives, time and love is right as it helps to: direct your life, ease your pain from past experiences, helps you to plan while living in the moment. There is a need for us to let go of past pains, and future frustration so we can live in the moment.  I will not mention how long you should do each part of the journal, or how many times to write each part. What is important is to do it as many times as you feel is right. Trust your feeling on this one. For ease, you can set a minimum time or amount to write, and if you are a person that wants a reassurance to yourself that you did a minimum, then do that.

Another journal you can use is "I'm grateful love to all". This one is a bit simpler and it comprises if your identity, objectives, gratitude and love.

This is the simple illustration of Journaling: The brain of a hardworking mom who barely has time to sleep, and as such, her brain couldn't process any information. She has been tired for so long and now, she resolved to make a change. She decided that it's time for a change and she needs to create her life and not live subjected to her circumstances. She sits, thinks, and writes all of it on a piece of paper. And every morning when she wakes up, she reflects on what she wants and at one piece at a time, things started to come to her.


Having an understanding of who you are, while having an identity that supports your vision helps to propel your understanding of life.  Identity helps you figure out who you are in this infinite puzzle; it reminds you of who you are and the things you have accomplished.  As a trick, you can think of future accomplishment as past ones making you super certain that you worked, so you will not shake when the obstacle arises. If you say I did this, when you're actually about to, then your brain believes that you did it, and doesn't doubt it as it believes it's done. This defines the outcome and focuses on your body, and this changes the state if you say it with emotion.

If you want to change, there is a need for you to take your time because identity shaping requires time. You will have to change your thoughts and daily patterns of life as they set the unconscious understanding of who you are.

Thoughts and feeling make attitude. Attitude over a period of time creates beliefs and beliefs are in your Subconscious. Beliefs overs a period of time create a perception, and that is in the unconscious. Perception is a pure identity as you will look from the eyes that you created. The self-trust is super important. Trust in yourself and time will help you get what you want.

Relationship between evolution and identity

Many people try to find themselves and look through the prism of their life that they've consciously lived. If you really want to change, you have to understand two other things in you. Your instinctual; which was passed through evolution and your upbringing. Our brain, our values, and our fundamental ideas are formed when we are children. It's as people say we live half of our life until 2, the rest will be lived until 80. As kids, we were innocent and we did things without awareness and our identity was forming with our brain as we were importing the knowledge that we were gaining.

The Period of imprinting and formation of new language learning allows you to learn quicker. A baby doesn't learn, it imprints, which is quicker as the brain structure changes. If you look at birds, it will sing its parents song as its imprinting. This is longer to take away, and we can work on this with reverse emotions. The idea of imprinting shapes your identity, and your childhood did a major part in shaping it. That's why you see tons of advertisement for kids because it takes long to change their habits when they are adults. When a kid learns and develops the ability to develop further, the kid builds its structure of knowledge and behaviors which will transform into other aspects of life that will help shape his/her identity.  If you really want to change your identity, you will have to go deep to try to figure out what built you your beliefs and your perceptions.

This may sound funny but if you want to become a great human, you have to be a great animal first. Funny yeah? Animals have morals too. For example, animals of the same type don't go for fatal attacks, they hit on the ears and big lips, not fatal but for pain, not for damage. In the case of dogs; when dogs fight, instead of a bloody battle, what you see is a psychological battle that creates hierarchy. The point is to have morals and be disciplined.

Now, the identity of a human being was shaped a lot from childhood. Excuse me for going deep into the psychology of children; the psychology of children helps you to understand your identity. Have you ever wondered why a child has no capacity to do anything in order to survive than just being cute? Or why babies of monkeys are able to do more things when they are born? Why they grab to the mothers and get carried? Monkeys don't have the neuroplasticity as humans do, so that's why we are born incapable to run but we can evolve much further. While some people have some aspect developed, others are underdeveloped.

Now imagine a situation where you wake up and build a neurological condition that keeps you focused, happy and strong. Imagine doing this every day, how strong do you think the neurological condition would be? This activity is referred to as a NLP anchor. When you intensify the NLP anchor with more emotions, the anchor becomes stronger and can change the state of your mind anytime and anywhere simply saying or thinking two words, "I am". The NLP anchor and identity isn't about an egotistical identity defined by category or progression that limits human brain from using their initiatives and thinking outside the box. No! The NLP anchor allows you to create a neurological response which will fire your synapses in a particular way. We can only produce an astounding work when we are in an extreme state of happiness, confidence, and certainty that things will work out.

To engage in this exercise, all you need to do is to close your eyes. Close your eyes and reflect on your best experiences in life. Imagine it, live it, feel it and declare to yourself that "I am". Confess that you are strength; you are love; you are light, you are confident and you are an infinite abundance. Stop for a while and breathe, then confess that you are thankful. Make your environment as quiet as possible to get your brain connected simply by saying those two words. Say it many times like a morning ritual, and that will help build "I AM" NLP Anchor. Whenever you feel the situation is getting out of control, say that to yourself or out loud. This exercise is super important as it helps to charge your body and brain instantly. You can apply the "I Am anchor" when you are in a negotiation and the other person seem to be having the upper hand. Transform your ego into I AM. Having an ego is one thing but when you transform it into "I am," you then focus on changing your identity to grow instead of focusing on protection and aggression.

Also, there is a need for you to connect with your instincts and live in self-awareness. Being aware of your instincts will help you connect with your subconscious, which will in turn propel you to what you want and reprogram your identity. The only hindrance to getting what you want are the stories that you have playing in your head. There are so many stories that we create, and that makes life different from what it is.

Self-esteem also comes into play here. Self-esteem is the reputation that you have with yourself.  Oftentimes, I see many parents bring up a case of children working hard to guarantee happiness. Children are now stuck in the race of constant satisfaction through labor and hard work instead of being happy and expressing themselves through love.

The clothes you wear and how they shape your identity

We all spend a little extra effort to look all glammed up for special occasions. But the truth is, we remain conflicted between dressing up and feeling guilty about wasting time out of our busy schedule to focus on clothes. Science has suggested that how we dress up in our personal and professional lives projects who we really are. Oftentimes, we hear sayings like "dress like the person you want to be and not who you are”; "dress for the job you desire and not the one you have ". However, most people do not believe in these claims though they make sure that their attires fit in into any occasion they are going to. Science has proven that the clothes we wear defines who we are, affects our attitudes, behavior, confidence, mood, personality and how we relate or interact with others. This is referred to as Enclothed Cognition. The term Enclothed cognition describes the effect that clothes have on psychological processes such as attitudes, emotions, interpersonal interactions and self-evaluations. Even so, clothes affect our mood and behavior because of the meaning the society attaches to different kinds of attire. We tend to evaluate people we are meeting for the first time based on the type of attire they have on. We consider some attires to be fun, casual, powerful and so on. We even go aboard to evaluate ourselves using what we wear at a particular time. This shows that the experience of wearing a subtle attire affects our choice of behavior and attitude.
The idea of mastering for your identity.

There were turning moments in my life when I had to make certain decisions to change. Then I decided to work smart instead of working hard and instead of doing things just for the sake of doing, I resolved to doing what I love doing while ensuring that I rest, develop faster and recover as each day passes by. In my experience, I have learnt that when people walk the talk, everything becomes real. Like I mentioned earlier that this book is a compilation of my experiences and my experiences that I’ve gathered through out my life.

This book helped me find myself more than anything could have, and it helped me find my identity. This book is my value system and what I can do for society to help it grow.

Master your self

 Mastering your state and making sure that you have control over yourself. Building your identity, ensuring that you are healthy and you live in self-awareness. Building your skill set and awareness, so you can easily identify when your body is in a state of focus or exploration, so you can go with the flow and do what your body is best at, at that moment. The healthy mind is an organized mind.

Master the environment

Learn quickly from the environment. Understand the environment and know where you can explore, develop ideas and flow when needed. Gather experiences from your environment. Learn new experiences by reading books, taking trips, trying out new foods, watching movies, studying foreign languages, acquiring new perspectives and learning new words. Stimulate your brain to develop new concepts and improve the old ones in new ways. Thus, affecting your behavior and future predictions.

Master the fun

Master the aspect of having fun. Engage in social interaction, communication, and change your philosophical value structure so you can have meaningful fun. Enjoy real and deep fun, not on the surface level fun.

Master the future

For family and future generation so they will pass the knowledge to future generations. Creating a value structure and strength in individuals, so they do things that are important. Focus and commitment will help you achieve what you want. Everything here are tools, state changers, and skill builders, but you have to define your goals and what drives you.


These are some examples on how to change your identity and develop your thought pattern when you are in a journaling mode. Write these in there and feel it.

Example 1: I am who I am. I am the person who created (X) because of (Y). I've made this and sold this; my growth is X. I am a human that can do anything that I put my mind to, and I will live a life of glory where honor and respect is a must.

Example 2: These are your confessions: I am the Spartan. I live the life of victory, and I accept no defeat. The glorious death of virtue is waiting for me. Surrender is not my option, and I only do what I believe is necessary. I spend on things that are needed, and use my energy where I can produce most value to society.

Example 3: I am who I am…. I am the writer of the book that helped the most people achieve their dreams. I am the person who researched the depth of the environment and nature. I am who I am; I am the person who observed a variety of different views and sciences to figure out how I can combine different fields to form new habits that make me more efficient and helpful.

Example 4: I am a mentor to (Z) and a father to (T). It's my job to be the best for them and to be the person that is an example for them. I am the person who will die for them if needed, and I live with the purpose to make their lives better.


Before you can make any changes to your actions, there is a need for you to change your state first. You can't expect people to achieve great things or carry out great tasks if they are not in their peak state. Hence, the reason why the next step is gratitude. This section is designed to help you achieve peak state all through the day so you can deal with any obstacles that come your way and grow with more joy and less stress. Have you noticed that when you are grateful for the things that happened in the past, your mood turns into a positive one? A positive mood helps you to focus on the moment and the things you can change. Over time, you will become so used to gratitude such that you will look forward to the experience, smile in the face of obstacles and be glad that obstacles exist because they challenge you and make you better.  

The second big thing about gratitude is it helps you to let go of the past and make you achieve more things in the present since your brain isn't focused on things that happened in the past. When you are grateful for your past experiences, you are sending a signal to your brain to let them go. Likewise, gratitude makes you humble and present. All the negative experiences you had in the past are meant to make you better and drive you to become tougher, not bring you down. This is why you should be grateful for the experiences. Writing them in a journal and reflecting on how they have changed you will help you become the best version of yourself. Some of the successful people you look up to today also went through unimaginable pain and they came out tougher. So, you need to be grateful for your past experiences as they will propel you to be a better and tougher person. The idea of living in the past starts when you stress yourself and when you stress yourself, it wears off the brain. So being grateful for your past experiences also tells on your health, not just your psychology.

I'm of the opinion that the universe relies on your gratitude and when you are grateful, the universe pays you back by bringing to you people who will help you live a fulfilled life. As you learn and master the act of gratitude, you will become grateful for the things you have. And the more you are grateful for the things you have, the more universe gives.

Some examples of gratitude are as follows:

I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for the love my family and friends have showed me all these years. I am grateful for the person I have around me. I am grateful for my life and how far I have come. I am grateful for the pain my friend caused me when we were kids. I am grateful for it because the pain made me realize that we need guidance. I am grateful for the friends who challenged me to become a better person. I am grateful for people who looked down on me. I am grateful for the love I send and the value I have added to people. I am grateful for my past, my future and my health.


Goals are very important as they keep you in check and focused. Everyone wants to set goals, so should you too? But you need to understand that living too much in the future will damage your chances of testing and relaxing. As such, it's critical that you set strategic goals for the long future, say like ten years.

My mother instilled this phrase in me when I was a child: "A job is almost complete when you know what you want, it becomes complete when you do the job". Once you find the one thing that you are passionate about, achieving it will not be a herculean task. You will not need to force yourself to do it; you will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to do everything required to do what needs to be done to achieve your goals. So, it's safe to conclude that the hardest part is discovering what you want. Once you have identified what you want, the rest is simple. The actual job isn't difficult. Once the goals you have marked for yourself, you will be hungry to work towards the realization of the goals every time, you will have energy and you will wake up knowing what to do. Writing down your objectives will give you an understanding of what you truly want, and also help you stay focused on things that are important to you.

Also, you need to be mindful of the choices you make. Your choices will either take you towards your goal or take you away from it. You also need to understand that each choice you make will lead to another choice, so it's important that you make choices that are in accordance with your values. I argue that when you believe in something, you can achieve it as long as to take the necessary steps towards it. So, it's important that when you set out to achieve a goal, you should also believe in yourself that you can achieve it.


Remember I talked about you having a calendar and a to-do-list? Time creates a sense of urgency to achieve all you have on your calendar and to-do-list. We all can keep ourselves busy, but in reality, it's about how much time we spend to create value. It's important that you chunk your time so you can make maximum use of it. Chunking your time shows you the actual picture of how you are managing your time. It isn't about how hard you work, but how much time you expend to get where you want. As such, it's important that you spend your time wisely.

I advise that you spend the first 90 minutes of your time to focus on the important task because that's the time you have the most strength and willpower.


The most potent meditation is sending love. Having tried different types of meditation, I discovered that sending love speeds up the process of meditation and energizes you. Now, sending love to someone requires you to be in a state of peace.  This exercise will change who you are and, after a while, you will feel like someone is touching your lobe or your forehead. Don't get overhyped with third eye spirituality, as it's a neurological process, but who knows, maybe I am wrong. My assumption is that your pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythm is the one showing itself by releasing the neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin that makes the experience a visual one.

Here are some ways to send love: I am sending love to all my friends. I am sending love to my partner in life a friend who does everything she can to make us united. I am grateful for sending love to her and for being able to be a man I wish I can be. I am grateful for being a man that creates a family and develops a unit of life. I am sending love to the manufacturers of my fantastic smartphone.

You need to understand that there are different levels of love as love has different potencies. Here is my understanding of the levels of love one can have towards something:

 1. Baby love hedonistic.

 2. Expectational love

 3. Unconditional love

 4. Sacrificing love even when it hurts.

Ask yourself the level of love where you gravitate the most and the level of love you seek and live in the most. If you desire to be happy, you need to be in level 4. This level of love will give you true happiness when you can infinitely give to someone

Sending love will teach you how to love and to love people around you even when they couldn't. Love is the strongest power!

Regarding meditation in general

The pineal gland is highly active when you are grateful and this activeness calms your body. There are different ways to meditate and I implore you to explore them all. Each person responds to the types of meditation differently, that is, the type of meditation that worked for me may not work for you. One of the important benefits of meditation is that it makes us more human. Studies have shown that the act of meditation helps to disengage the stress center of the brain. So, it's safe to say that meditation reduces stress and pain and also makes one confident. What's more? Meditation also helps to build the frontal cortex responsible for control of emotions, language and logic. Dedicating a few minutes a day to meditate is enough, remember that you are not competing with anyone. You have to learn and evolve!

The crucial part of meditation is the lowering of brain waves by concentrating on the third eye or the pineal gland. This can be easily done wherever you are, be it on a plane, in a queue or on a bus. Meditation controls your emotions by lowering brain waves; and when your brain waves is lowered, you become more proactive and less impulsive. So it's safe to conclude that meditation gives you the power to control yourself.


The idea that pleasure is stimulated and not real shouldn't appeal to a healthy person who respects him or herself. With ideas of Nofap, it comes with the same as any other neuro stimulation that will lead to a trigger from dopamine receptors that can lead to the overdose and dependency, which will lead to focusing your energy to the direction which doesn't produce anything great for yourself. If you love yourself, use your energy towards something that you want; that's why I've added it to the goals. As goals can only be achieved by a person who uses energy right. With NoFap, I don't recommend obstructing yourself from sex as I truly believe that it's a beautiful experience and should be experienced often, with a healthy mind of course.

Story of No pleasure, no struggle.

Imagine the future where every person can have any information anytime, anywhere, and when you can do anything anywhere by just telling your artificial intelligence what you want. Imagine the future where all of that is taken away from you. Is that the future you want? Now are you ready to live? Are you

Genetic approach

In order to fully develop, you have to work with your epigenetic. We are the walking genetic expressions that over time set the stone from epigenetic expression in our body to pass to our children! Being objective here is important! The body wants to express its genes and you are a walking expression of your genes and that's how you should see yourself. Your decision that was made on your state, value system and awareness made you do something and that gave a signal for that gene to trigger. Now if you develop the lifestyle that triggers the genes, you will also need to develop the lifestyle you want and for that you will need to understand what you need to do to become who you want. Gene expression is like a biological value system and have a deep awareness of yourself as a piece of the puzzle of this infinite world. Make sure you control your state by creating the rituals that resonate with you. It's possible that all the stuff that I've mentioned here are not relevant; possibly they are but being aware of your state is effective as you have the power to control it and change at your own will and not on stimuli you have on the outside. You will only start seeing results in life when you learn to control yourself. For self-awareness, all you need to do is to create rituals that trains your awareness and one of the ritual is meditation. Meditation quickens the area of the brain that can think about itself and makes it more prevalent than other parts of the brain.

Bonus tips and tricks

 Breaking down the goal, plan and the map

While some set 10 years to achieve their goals, others set daily or weekly goals. Regardless of the time you set to achieve your goals, you need to be aware of the map and the plan if you are keen on achieving on goals. Both plan and map are important as they put your focus on the goals at hand, remember, plans can be overwritten by the constant changes in the environment. One of the issues that arises when it comes to setting goal is keeping them at a high level. We all desire to accomplish great things in life, but if we do not break our goals down into chunks, it might be difficult to achieve them. The convenient way to achieve the important goals that you have penned down for yourself is breaking down the goals into smaller ones. Have a long term goal, medium term goal and short term goals. When you break down your goals, you find it relatively easy to work towards the realization of your goals. As such, the best way to get to your destination is to have a mix of short, medium and long term goals. When you break down your goals, it's much easy to work towards because you know what to do in steps. Remember, no one can eat an elephant in one sitting. Take it a day at a time.


Have friends that you are accountable to. Having friends that you are accountable to will help you get far with your goal. I call it an “Accountability buddy” who will help you make giant strides in your goals. However, you need to find someone that you can rely on and will be committed to you. Likewise, you need someone that you respect enough to listen to when he pushes you. Your accountability buddy will remind you to stay on track when you get distracted. Your accountability buddy could be your friend or a family member. Make them punish you if you do not achieve your goal in time. The punishment can be a bet.  You can set a bet on money; if you lose money, you will more than likely work hard to achieve your goal. Having a journal on a daily basis can remind you to do it continuously as well.


Choose your song playlist wisely as this has an effect on your state of mind. So when you choose your tracks, you want to be sure that they are positive and can benefit you and make you grow. Music helps to improve brain function and health in many ways. Good music makes you happier, productive and smarter. More importantly, music helps to reduce stress and also improve your mood. Listening to music helps to reduce chronic stress by reducing the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Furthermore, music makes you powerful, hopeful and have control of your life. If you are having a bad day or you find yourself in a bad situation, listen to music. Good music has a way of healing you.

What's more? Music helps to boost the chemicals in the brain. Music affects our mood by inducing the production of certain chemicals in the brain. Listening to music helps to increase the production of neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain responsible for the feel good pleasure that comes from having an orgasm and eating chocolate. You can further increase dopamine production by listening to an organized and shuffled Playlist. When a favorite song comes up unexpectedly, the result is a rapid dopamine boost.

Also, music helps to stimulate the production of the brain hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is referred to as the moral or trust molecule as it instills trust and helps us bond more with others. Science has shown that oxytocin bump experienced by lovers of music can make them trustworthy and generous.

Kill the fear

This part focuses on eliminating the fears that stop you. Here, your weaknesses will start to pop out, and you will see how to overcome them. The only thing that can stop you is yourself. When you realize that you can achieve anything as long as you are focused, you will move on with high speed. Close your eyes and imagine yourself reaching your objectives and every step in between, so by the time it appears, your brain doesn't negotiate with setbacks. Instead, your brain deals with it.

Take for Example: The fear center of your brain is scared of how the meeting will turn out. What can you do? Instead of worrying about how the meeting the turn out, why not imagine the person you are meeting with loving your presentation and asking more questions about your interests?

Have a wallpaper

To remind yourself throughout the day, have your wallpaper on the phone with your affirmation, your goals, and your writings of who you are. To write who you are, make sure that you write it in a format of "I am who I am," so your subconscious mind doesn't resist but think of it as facts.

Compare how you lived

You really start to live when you face death, when you know your time is limited and there is an urgency to do something of much importance to you. Ask yourself as an exercise; if this is the last day of your life, what will you do? This will help to explore your head, your needs, your emotion, and what you love. This brings motivation to you! To intensify the life, compare how you lived a life before you die in the future and compare how you live now. If the life you lived surrounds what you strive for, then it's great.


The aim of yoga is to relax the whole body and clear the mind, making sure that the brain works less and relax as a form of meditation.  After testing the brain waves response to yoga I can say that it can be as potent as meditation if done right.

The flow state

The flow state comes when you don't engage in criticism and just do what you have to do. Our ideas of flow has been broken down as a result of constant self-criticism which leads to the ideas that create the negative self image. Live a life full of joy!  Live a life where you do what you want to do and you will create the life that you desire. Effortless ideas of growth and understanding will lead to the flow state where you are giving yourself to others and living in sync with the world.

 Ask a question ?

A good question leads to a great answer; Great answers lead to great decisions, and Great decisions lead to a great life. I've gone through different types of questions to make sure that my brain works on them over the years to come. How can I make this book more valuable to the person who is reading it? How can I find, experiment and test more information on a specific topic? How can I structure the book in a way that makes it easier to understand! Which other fields of science does this activity touch? These are the questions I've asked myself to make sure that everything can be easier for the reader to understand!

Password for your goals

Set a password on your devices that remind you of your goal. For example; Write a music album before the end of the year, Write the book before the end of 4th of September, Sell x amount of glasses before the end of the year.

Pain and Pleasure.

If you think of the way we are built as humans, you will find that we constantly try to run away from pain and seek pleasure. If you find that working towards your goals comes with pain, there is a need for you to rewire your idea of pain and make your body do what needs to be done.

One of my favorite phrases is when you say yes - you say no many times, and when you say no, you say yes many times.

Your goals are your journey; therefore, your genetic destiny is based on your goals as they shape you and make you into who you are.

Make your goals stay with you more conveniently than anything else. Everything is fighting for your convenience, the businesses that sell you goods, friends who love you, and your family makes convenience for your effort to be achieved. Don't make your life hard for yourself, you don't need that to get what you want.

Define the needs of the market

When it comes down to value creation, we all need to understand that market pays us to produce value, and it doesn't care about many aspects that people are setting as a priority which could be gear, person and location.  The market doesn't care if you are working from office or from home, if you use a laptop or a phone.

Do what you love

If you do what you like and that matches with what the market needs, you ultimately get happier and more valuable over time. Sometime in the beginning, it’s hard to catch up, and you have to deliver the skill set. Even if you are doing what you love, you still need to get good at it. Your energy comes from passion and skill comes from experience.  Combine these factors and watch yourself get results fast. Also, you have to bring yourself where you learn and pursue things you are not good at. Even if you die without getting an economical reward, you will be happy as a person. Besides doing what you are re good at, I advise you to learn stuffs you are not good at as well. Learn fast so you can have the required skills and energy that brings enormous value and at the end, you will become valuable as a leader, artist, entrepreneur whichever you choose.

Thinking squared

The neocortex is the only brain that is able to think about itself. I recommend reflecting on your thinking. When you think of what you are you thinking, will start to filter out things that are detrimental to you as you will be aware of yourself.

To speed up meditation, I will recommend you to check out

Binaural beats: The tradeoffs with binaural beats is that you change your state with the environment and you can ask yourself a philosophical question, do you want to be in a meditative state when you drive or run away from danger. Binaural beats can be a great introduction to meditation with the feelings and relaxations, but over practicing it will do more harm than good, you should train yourself to get to those states without help.

Detox: Detox yourself, as this will help your brain send more electrical current through the brain and rewire itself quicker.

Explore: Explore different types of meditation as different people have different preferences. For some, it's playing guitar, yoga, music, dancing, sitting cross-legged and figuring how to slow down the brain to become more observant.

My four funky meditations.

1. Meditate on the highest note that you can reach: This is great for singers. It worked on my body but I didn’t test other people. Sit and hear the highest note in your body and elevate it to the point where your brain wouldn't recognize the notes.

2. Mediation from the moon: When I look at a watch, it reminds me of the moon, and I walk and meditate when in a rush to make sure that I come to the meetings. I am in a state that is primed and calm

3. Focus make - I am saying or thinking focus as an object in my head and then I produce    branches of information in search of life and meaning

4. I am grateful for all I have and people that surrounds me. Just say that over and over to get into a state and do feel it deep.

As humans, we need varieties and we need varieties of the things we want, not varieties of problems though problems make us tougher. Overtime, you will deal with problems with ease and that will make you more significant. We need to work on our conscience to have a great experience, and we want to love and connect with people on a very deep level to really understand the problems that needs solving. This is very important as it helps with internal growth, and will help you to contribute and help others. Change your emotions, as it help changes your motion and your direction.

Use the time when your body is lazy to think and plan, and when you are full of energy, then execute. You will figure out your body. Awareness is the key at the end of the day. You can change yourself if you can measure the change, and before the measurement comes the awareness of what needs to be changed.

To conclude the ‘I GOT Love journal’, meditation and plan will change your emotional state, so you become emotionally fit to tackle obstacle while taking away the pain from the past, so ensure that nothing slows you down.

Story of Evolving loop

We are in this constant loop that evolves and will evolve. You get, you gain, you are bored, you seek, you get, you gain, you are bored you seek, you get, you gain, you are bored, and you seek. The person who is dumb and doomed is the person who never changes their mind.

Measuring the state technique mind-body feedback loop.

The way I adopted to measure my state: Over the years, I've developed this thing I refer to as Halo. I thought Halo was dope; I felt a circle shaped thing flying above my head, especially when I am in deep meditation. I look at all the religious paintings and seeing the angels with the halo drawn on them. I was like wow, this is awesome. I am the angel just kidding I think it’s something that all of us capable of achieving although a friend of mine was telling me he was feeling horns from sides of his skull so who knows.  Well my curiosity killed my joy quicker than I expected. I didn't try to reach the feeling of having a halo, I just felt it when meditating for a long period of time and especially when I was meditating with the intention of sending love to someone while being in a state of gratitude. After researching with the ideas of religions of halo, I've bumped into ideas of aura and started to ask myself what does it mean? Magnetic field ideas start to pop out as halo started to get larger and get around my body. When it started to get larger and larger, it freaked me out, remember I said that I believe that we are expanding things using an old language. I think new ones should be made for this to explain maybe it is quantum physics or religion. At this stage, what I know is I feel awesome when I meditate and feel halo. I assess the state and I start playing around with it all the time and I want to get more people feeling as I did help few of my friends to get to the state when they were feeling like a pulsation, or massage on their head and in many cases it’s different as mentioned before

I know it's weird, and after my research and figuring out why there is feeling, I've feel that it's nothing more than a mechanism that displays in which state you are in and how you are connected to the environment - as animals are connected, so as you within a group. If it's getting larger then your body goes outward, and you are connecting with nature and absorbing and searching, if it's inside and close to your skin as in yogi people call crown chakra than you are more centered, then you are inside an internal world and in less of exploration and more stable. I know it sounds like pseudoscience, even I am looking at this and thinking what the F.... But after experiencing those things many time, I found that life isn't the same and I think it wouldn’t be for you either. I call it a magnetic field and the top of the head like a dot or halo depending on how I want to see it.

Getting to this state of self-awareness, and making sure you are in control of your states and magnetic fields requires you to explore outside. We will explore how to get to the state where you can feel it as I've experimented and I am trying to cover as much as possible to make sure that people will feel it.

When you are not taking steps to grow yourself, you are going on a negative downward spiral as the world moves forward. I say, at least do observe.

Once I was super drunk, enjoying the time with my friends and I made a toast! A toast for our parents! Saying that we as individuals don't have to put so many calories of energy to get the results. I was drinking and I was drunk that time but the idea that we create our life and we should find an easier way so we don't use up resources. We also need to make sure that we are self-disciplined and can do the work! Here, we are going to discuss the tricks, habits and tradeoffs of what it takes to do what you want. Also, we will discuss how to charge yourself so you have more energy and therefore can tackle the obstacles and how to conserve energy so you don't use it up.

Meditation and awareness

When you see a power plant, it's aware of what happens inside of it. It feels and senses everything that is inside. In order for it to work and adjust, it has to be first aware of itself and what comes in and out. Human beings do that unconsciously but knowingly. Now being aware of your body will help you understand and reassess your environment.

When a general sits on top of the hill, he sees the whole army and the opponent, and decides where to move the army to defeat the opponent. Information overload is happening in our brain. Every piece of information is the information that helps us to survive, and now we are making and consuming more and more information. Regarding the information overload; now our brain hasn't evolved as fast as information produced, but the amount of information that is given to us is extreme. Add few days of silence and less contact, and let the brain figure out things. Days of silence allows you to process things out. The less stimuli your brain has to deal with throughout the day, the less things it will process. Imagine you have a cup, and you pour in water all the time, and when you overfill it, the water will spill. But the brain tries to accommodate that water and increase in size and speed itself up. Now if you pour in less water, you will free your mind. The great practice is meditation but few days of meditation is one of the most effective, and being in silence is super effective. This will help so much drastically, and when you come back, you will change your priorities and therefore, actions, as your brain now knows what is more important.

Mindfulness is all about paying attention to what is now without allowing things control you. There's a space between stimulation and response and you will only be able to widen the space with meditation. You want to be sure that you are not reacting but observing and deciding how to respond. The way we respond makes our destiny.

You need to have an understanding of the default mode network where you slow down your brainwave activity and not respond when your body wants to. The music and all those convenient additions are good, but they are also taking you away from the truth, the truth is that our brain is the value management system with the priority set for survival and for growth as secondary.

The more we unconsciously allow our attention to be directed and redirected, the less aware we become of the fact that it is happening. The existential crisis comes from the ideas that we as human beings need to survive and grow and we are doing this sort of a/b testing on that and we are getting A/B tested by the planet. The idea that mind and philosophy interconnect with the value system and doing something that is important is more valuable than wasting time and that’s why our actions are really designed to be evolutionary even if it’s sedative. Now we have connected to people on so many different levels. The life is more about the stuff that we do and the ideas that make the world a better place around us and therefor the environment that we shape is also an expression of who we are.

The brain will rewire its structures when you meditate and it will reprioritize things that are more important! The brain is a value sorter and you have to sort out your priorities.

Meditation helps to build your brain and change your value system.  Changing value system will let go of all the stuff that is not connected to you and free up the space for things that are important. Then, it builds up the brain to think outside the box and be more aware of the world.


Oftentimes, we are distracted from the things that are more important to us. We can solve the problem of distraction by first having an understanding of the things that are valuable to us. On a daily basis, ask yourself for the things that are more valuable to you, to the world and to your future, then project yourself towards the things.

Activating the glands.

To activate your pituitary gland, simply focus on the point between your eyebrows as it helps to stimulate the growth hormone.

Find your strength and make your strength even better with time. When you do something important quickly, you tend to outrun the value creation environment that seeks to add more value on the planet. So, while meditating you will bring your focus back to the reality and the state to flow more and more. You should know that the overabundance of information brings about distortion of focus. So when you distract yourself with a truckload of information you don't need, you are simply wasting your time. Stimulate your brain to constantly search for useful information; this will help your brain evolve, grow, survive and procreate. Try not to sprinkle your brain with useless information, otherwise you'd just be wasting your life away.

Understanding the field - aura

Now I know this will sound a lot like pseudoscience but listen to me and you will understand what I'm trying to say.

Two atoms form an element; few elements form a molecule, few molecules form a cell, many cells form an organ, many organs form a body, many bodies form a group, and many groups come together to form civilization. Now we need to understand the concept of an energy field where the field is the information exchange tool. The monks and many people who are in spiritual realms start to feel it as they are increasing their awareness of themselves and so they were drawing it in the paintings and calling it auras. The field will be charged with more positive emotions as more neurons will be created. Now it's hard to grasp the concept before feeling the field but stay with me. Now if you have no energy in the cell, what will happen? They will dissipate into atoms, and same comes from the body. The body will dissipate into particles and cells for nature to recycle it. The body needs to keep this field charged to be healthy. Meditation will train you to be more aware of it, and with time, you will know what needs to be done which may be engaging in breathing techniques to charge it, having a different diet and changing your perspective of life. The charge of the field applies to many things, but mainly, it will keep you going for longer, which will give you an extra step ahead when the rest are resting. The field is charged through the process of movement of spinal fluids, which are full of salts. That creates the field, and as it goes up in around 12 hours and down in 12 hours. This process can be hastened with breathing as well as the creation of electric current from the brain that comes from mechanic to electric. By exerting pressure on the crystals of a pineal gland you generate eletricity and the magnetic field.

The pineal gland, otherwise known as third eye is an electric generator for the body, and the way the spinal liquid moves up our spine, it turns the mechanical movement into electric which in turn creates the electricity.   The property of the pineal gland and its expansion allows the magnetic field to be made - some call it aura - but I call it the magnetic field. The magnetic field helps you to make the connection with the environment and turn you into a gamma brain wave producing machine that feels super excited, which processes the information and place the valuable information above all, as you have the brainpower to process and create the information architecture inside it.

Meditation makes you a spiritual monster which controls itself and therefore whatever you want. The more you meditate, the better. The more you are grateful for life, the more charged you are. The more charged you are, the more you will be in gamma waves when you meditate very deeply. The more you are in gamma waves through life, the more the opportunities will come about as you will be more receptive to them. The more charged your inner world is, the more you influence the outer world as it will reflect who you are.

The strength of the individual is relative to the magnetic field. When you have abundance of electric current in your brain, then you will have more available electrical energy to use to pass the signal and allow the brain to work on delivering information to the body. Just like a magnet, the body has North and south poles.

To do something, you have to be driven to do it, and when you are in control of your emotions, you can control your actions, and that will bring the results.

DMT is a great tool that helps to rearrange the brains neuron connection. What happens when you escape a near death experience? You feel euphoric like your brain is controlling your life. This is the reason why I recommend mediation, breathing, exercise and other activities to stimulate the growth of your brain.

Why worry?

Why worry when there's a way out? Do you have a problem? Is there a solution? Why worry if there is a solution to your problems? Instead of spending your time worrying, consider looking at the positive and finding a solution. Cortisol, Testosterone and estrogen are all made from the same building blocks and can be depleted by stress and worry, so you want to be mindful of stress and worry. Decide how you respond to external stimuli and you will have a handle or edge over stress.

A session with hypnotherapists and fortunetellers.

Having a session with fortune tellers help to lower your brainwaves, places you in a state of trance and sends information to your brain in a format that makes you digest it deeply. The same also applies to hypnotherapy.

Watching TV

 Alpha waves are more present in your brain, and so you are more suggestible to information. Now instead of watching TV, I would like to ask you to create the movie of your future. And while at it, increase your magnetic field and change your genetic code by elevating your emotions.

 Living in the moment.

Human beings have an idea of living in the moment, but if you ask me, I'd say living in the moment is a weird concept. We have a functioning brain that does the cognitive function of planning and going over memories to analyze them and see how we could have done things better in the past and how to do it better in the future.

 We collect data from the past to essentially make better decisions in the future. Some people have problems with cerebral activity and over-attachment to the time that they live, which they call now. Since we have a super computer like the brain, we need to read the manual, and we shouldn't dull the mind on thinking on just reactionary activities. Because we understand what happened in the past, we can make sure to avoid painful experiences and grow while focusing on things that develop us. All human experience is based on chemistry and the business of the endocrine response. Having the chemistry of blissfulness, no matter what, allows you to grow and to be strong. What you can do in this world and what you can't do is based on psychology and information management as you change the world, but the world will always be there.

The idea of living in the moment is obsolete as you can't live in the other times yet, maybe quantum physicists will prove me wrong. It took a lot of time to figure out what to do in the future or remember, and now the philosophy jumps into this idea of do this and not that.

Dream journal

 Our brain is an organ that we do not fully understand. We do not fully understand dreams, but writing a journal helps in analyzing the meaning. I have had many answers that came through in my dreams. Edison said to never go to bed without asking your subconscious to work. Your subconscious works with emotions, so make sure you focus your emotions before sleeping as well.

"The value of a character is based on how many uncomfortable acts were done to achieve virtue". - Andranik @focusmake

"Instead of searching for love, be the love" - Andranik @focusmake

"Before knowledge was power. Now knowing what to ignore is power. Now having a right value system is more important than anything else". Andranik @focusmake

Meditation allows us to reprogram our subconscious by changing values to the things that we are isolating. It is controlling itself through feedback loops, and changes your automatic response to situations. Andranik @focusmake



The former steps have gone the extra mile to charge the brain with the help of either a lemon drink or tea, conventionally referred to as alkaline. The alkalinity is a charge and therefore helps with neuroplasticity and neurogenesis with the assurance of one performing faster and more efficiently. Very well, the cold shower not only woke you up, but also increased the alkalinity in your blood, which again increases the charge. For instance, the adrenal does the same, the adrenal jump also increases alkalinity.

Regarding hunger

Do you know that a hungry artist is regarded as a great artist; skipping breakfast is an accomplice to this or creating something fasted when you are hungry for the art. I do focus on artistic expression earlier between 3, and 6 am, due to the fact that no one distracts me. If you want to stay more focused for a much-extended period, you’ll definitely need to isolate yourself. Also, you can set a measure with a fixed amount of minutes/hours, thereby building a habit which will help design a masterpiece over time, depending on your standards. Also, being isolated gives you the chance to consider tradeoffs without being distracted.

What exactly is about hunger? We have grown to hunt, and it can be deduced that when we are hungry, we are much more focused as our brain instructs us to pursue. When we eventually get food, we get relaxed, which is also suitable for observation and recovery, but it’s a different case when it comes to crafting.

One thing which always proves me right about art is that, no matter what you do, it’s is pretty much advisable to explore ceaselessly, because you never know which will work better for the ideas. Examine different areas and fields, and not except learning over and over again until you can create useful art.

Once you stop creating, that implies that you’ve traded the emotions which you have towards the life you live, and you’ve accepted the mediocracy of what is out there and stopped improving yourself or the world around you.

Being human

It has been the basis of debates over time that computers will substitute human beings in diverse aspects of life. Presently, what's important is to focus on how to develop the techniques which are most likely to be replaced at the end of this lifecycle to bring about our resourcefulness or usefulness to the society. Human beings who have evolved empathy, i.e., those who can (feel other people’s emotions) will understand what is essential and what isn't. Those that have gotten a grasp of what is essential will be the last being left on this planet as useful individuals. The idea of evolution is also crucial in developing the creative minds which will help many people to live longer because computers cannot take the broad spectrum of information types such as: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, smell and taste and also begin to combine them as we have grown out of it through millions of years or so. So, learn a lot of context have something that keeps your heart beating and learn to be creative.

 Love life and it will reciprocate it. Create a world that will grow to make the world a better place.


An Artist who has a lot of ideas that he/she works with is susceptible to issuing greater benefits to the society. If you have lots of ideas, then you can filter and keep the good ones. Ensure that you have an idea file you fill; this can be actualized in the morning because the brain is fresh at that time, and so it’ll be very much efficient on bringing ideas with fewer emotions swimming inside. Ideas, either good or bad all depends on how you define them. Just come up with a lot of it then you realize you will have a library to choose from with time.

As regards what we do in art; we rearrange, contribute and subtract when dealing with art. In that case, don't be overwhelmed with the idea that craft is superb. Instead, cycle it through the market and then proceed to craft and to inspire people. As regards with the AI overtaking your life, ensure that you carry out a craft that AI cannot work with, as trade-offs are super hard to undertake, and if tradeoffs are repetitive, then AI will be more likely take the spot.

“Examples of how ideas are to be written. Topic- Romance: Make sure that I am kind to people. Topic - Phone - Add Camera to the phone that can see X-ray. Topic - Chorus hook. I love roses, and roses love me, what can I say, give them to me”!

Now, it's left for our heart to set us in motion and for our brain to pull the breaks. The simple hack is, do what you love and kill the breaks, and also be rest assured that you will never die like Mozart, Chopin, and Beethoven who just became music; like Picasso, Dali and Rothko who became the paint.

The brain vomit

Give the idea of brain vomit a try on the creative side or part when you create tons of ideas which can be useful for you in making your craft. Everything is a craft and  the simple hack that’ll suffice is to express as much as you can without judgement. A simple idea states that ‘both the mind and brain uses the body to do what is needed to be done in its superb way’. Your mind gets hold of pieces of information which can be useful for you in creating the content and that will help you with the development of knowledge and the lifestyle you desire.

This simple idea here states that the brain helps in creating things that is neither useful nor helpful, you are not judging the creativity, you are just allowing the brain to release and let go of all the aspects of creativity.

Try this as an exercise draw a hood of the car two wheels and a trunk. Pass it to your friend and ask him what does he sees. If he said car than he thought about it if he said a monkey with big eyes he thought of something else. The idea here is that a person comes up with solutions based on a previous experience and a creative genius is someone who was exposed to many ideas, systems and solutions which made him or her aware of potential similar solution in a different environment.

The idea of when and not why

Engage in deep reading well if you want to widen the field of knowledge as doing reading and research on the topics are super helpful.

Fiction books hold so importance as it will help calm yourself, think of the future and stimulate further ideas of creation and the development of new ideas so much that your body and mind can create more connections and interpretations.

Unity eradicates or removes negativity just as sunlight removes darkness. If we are without an idea, we are good as nothing. We are like a bowl of consciousness that seeks to solve something to make the life better for our self or others.

Community of artist

There is a community or gathering of people who are called creators. A community where discipline and persistence is very important in developing one's expression, the way we work, and the knowledge of life. I believe that as humans, we create a constant hybrid of everything, even ourselves. Making researches of the best in the field will help you understand who you are.

The only thing that can be noted most, in my opinion, is for us to evolve faster than possible and also help the world to evolve as fast as possible, for the benefit of all!!

Have you ever taken your time to think about why some people work all the time, and some do not? It is well said that the energy is fueled or boosted by emotion. Once you have a great reason, you definitely will do more of what is needed to be done quicker. So, first of all, get to know the reason why something must be done, not everything is enjoyable, even in the actions you don’t like, you can derive joy. We should have a minimum environment which will not bring about distractions in the art that we are doing. Ensure that phones are switched off and should be hard to reach, as it takes some time to switch focus as your internal neurological processes needs time to change the course.

Ultimately, find one infinite loop where you learn more about the world and get ideas and inspire yourself to do more and create more in life. Make proper use of your strength and develop them to make sure that you push forward! Find people who can complement you on your weaknesses!


It is imperative to have a mentor or someone in your relative industry that you are looking up to and makes you build models of how to create your identity. Of course, it is possible to have many mentors to a person; nevertheless, not all of them have to be one to one. There can also be mentorship from the videos, books, and seminars as those things explain the ideas of life. Every individual has different ideas based on the models that he or she constructed, and those ideas will be added or subtracted based on the visions that the person has. Someone can also help along the way and shape you to be a better individual thereby promising a better life. We pick up the emotions of people who are around us. Just being around your great mentors will help you produce great results.

Surround yourself with strong people! Who will not allow you to rest or get complacent!  

Focus-make method

The focus-make method is the idea of convergence and divergence thinking with adding different ideas on top. When we develop something, we are considering tradeoffs that are there to make the product or service, or person, a habit or whatever it is converge based on the environmental limitations of available parts and economics. This convergent thinking creates the flow of ideas, so to make a great idea, you have to think of thousands, and you have to cut through and choose the one that you think will create value thats when empathy comes as computers will not be able to sense what’s valuable and what is not until full upload of a human brain. The convergence is the hardest to decide when you are closer to the center, closer to completion as tradeoffs become larger and more significant to consider. The illustration of two triangles will help you with understanding the focus-make method. The tipping point creates the foundation of new ideas to come. Converging helps the brain to realize what is more important and that creates the habits to asses at what time of the lifecycle of the evolution of the world and individual to form a right action.

The Focus-make method essentially is the method of decision-making where you decide on the spot while knowing the past data and the day as you will create the abundance of ideas and you have to keep them usable as possible. I can't say how to record ideas as it's up to you, as different crafts will do it differently at the end of the day, but there are many other factors that need to be considered. There is a tradeoff that converges and diverges. At the start, you have tons of ideas, and then you delete and you keep to shape your vision

The idea of people creating the environment to propel their understanding of life and nature itself while other people question their creations cannot be overemphasized.

Battling creative block

Creating a creative block comes from an overabundance of information that comes from the outside world, which the brain thinks is important. Usually, creative blocks emerges when the brain is interpreting information as danger and make you feel stressed as a result, and when you are associating that information with the craft that you do. This will slow down your craft development. How to deal with creative block ? First, change the environment. Chill out and take the very simple first step of the crafting art without the attachment to it. In writing, write the first word or sentence; in music, write the first chord and so on in other arts and see where it goes.

Obtain new knowledge and information that will help with the art and de-commit, and by that I mean don't commit to the large task, commit to just writing a simple line. The rest will follow. Now in the brain, it doesn't have more information and art, it's all about adding, subtracting and/or rearranging existing information so when you have the simple line or chord, or paintbrush, the brain will start to do the rest as it will know what to do especially if you set your environment to set you into a flow state. Did you ever wonder why creative people are a bit on the inside? It's because their brain thinks of information they've obtained instead of reacting to news that is out there.

Traveling artist

When you travel, you come up with stuff, as the brain is in different modes and states, and in a very calm state. Many great ideas were created when traveled, as you are in a very much rested state. I meditate when I travel; it's kind of weird, I must say, but it works for me.

Art is all about action!

Do less than you think you are capable of doing! Start it and do the easy one first. Take it from the scratch and see how you feel if you want to do more! Have a daily Quota of things to do like two pages! Have incentives to not lose a bet, or get something lost! One big tip is when emotions hit use that energy to create you art don’t waste it.

Develop your taste through experimentation and when you have enough knowledge that it can converge into something different something fundamental than you can create new ideas, new genre, new style and new ways how to live a life with newly improved habits that will make you do more and therefore be more.

Meditation on art

You can influence your life. The body can be in the state of creation. You create masterpiece over time with habits. Coffees, drugs and meditation and everything influence it. As soon as you are done meditating, your brain falls in a state of peace, in that case, it will enjoy the creative process as it’s the best state to create the content.

When you are in a fear mode, you are not learning those parts of the brain shuts down, and that creates the problem!

Escapism and the idea that people don’t need to produce an illusion of achievement  buttresses the fact that people with weak philosophical minds only live in an illusionary state.

“Stop the fear, and the escape, decide to engage or not”.

Go fast but don't joke with nature! It’s there doing what it's doing because it the way it is!

Bonus trick: The zone

In the meantime, what I do in most cases is to repeat the same song over and over again to get into the zone. I've created a special song that I call "zone." I've published it out so you can play it on repeat. Those tracks work on me and friends who have heard it.

“You can only learn when your curiosity beats your fears”.

Learn minimalism, it is the genius way of life. They concentrate in the ideas that are somewhat simple, and then fill life with few most important things than many useless ones. This is how they become world class in very few things that has in no doubt helped promote their better self.

Shaman, in ancient Siberia is referred to the person who sees in the dark. In the art of creating comes from seeing the pains of others through you and solving it by understanding it first and finding the weak spots of pain.

“The problem with the world is that people fall in love with things and not with people”.




Overtime, I’ve asked myself times without number how to go about doing a super quick workout, one that is convenient the same way, and doesn't require much of the equipment or no equipment if I am traveling. After digging and experimenting, I've realized that it’s all about genetic expression. There should be an existing series of exercises that stimulate some of the genetics, but it took me a while to figure out all of this.

There are many stereotypes of what is good and what is bad, and they have changed based on the influence of the few powerful voices. I believe as long as you are healthy, it's great. It's a waste of time to follow a stereotype as they change all the time. Nevertheless, the whole essence of this is to make the best version of who you are.

Reasons to do sport! I have come to discover beyond imagination that more attractive people get other people wanting them in different ways, and that triggers the relationships. The abundant use of computers and phones made our back hunch, and that is not in any way great for our posture. We evolved out of nature's way, and we are sure going back into the primate state with a curved back digressed there a little.

I've tried to create the simplest set that is very easy to do at home with the minimum amount of equipment. There are many ways to exercise, and it's much better to understand what's up with it by doing it in front of a professional who can evaluate your movement. So go for a cross fit class or get a coach, it will teach you how to improve on your exercises. A coach will set a program for you as he or she will see your body type and discuss your goals with you. Since everyone is different, then some people will definitely benefit differently from others, so that is also a reason to go for a session with a coach.

As regard the previous activities when you were in fasted state, you will burn calories from your fat storage instead of glycogen from the muscles and liver. In addition, if you are competing with quick-twitch muscles for activities such as cross fit, wrestling or sprints, then of course, you want some glycogen as it is quicker. But in the trade-off, if you train in a fasted state, you will develop the frontal cortex, as your brain thinks that you are in hunting mode. The growth hormone that the body produces will be used to conserve more muscles after the fast, and you can use that to your advantage. After breathing from a cold shower, you have oxygen in your system, and that will push your body to metabolize the fat quicker, so you can get the activity further. The alkalinity will help with neuron-plasticity thereby enhancing your progress in sports of building neural connections in sports.

As for me, I don't train, what I do simply is, elevate my growth hormones, change my epigenetic response and create a new genetic structure that dominates the other ones.

Why train at home?

This has been a question a whole lot of people raise in debate. Whichever way, your home or not. If it is your comfort zone and you are at liberty to put anything up when and how you want it so you can do a session without distraction

You save so much time when you train at home especially when it is set as a morning routine. The idea of going to the gym and changing up takes so much time than when you are just at home.

My foundation of all - the kettlebell swing

Pushing the limit on the kettlebell swing! So I go nuts if I do the exercises by pushing myself to the limits in a messed manner! I go all in for a short period. So I had to stop as I was getting super tired of it! While I was looking for a solution that could fix that case as I was in the gym for way too long, scaring people. I go to find out that one of the solutions was to find a full body exercise that will do cardio and strength at the same time and will develop the posterior chain and essentially a chain of muscles that is responsible for posture. All the muscles and joints that are responsible for mobility are being exercised to build myself and make sure that with age, I am more mobile and able to do more without my aging my body causing a setback. With that, I developed rituals and have set in stone that will help the body to do what it needs to do no matter how old I am as I keep my mobile capacity elevated.

When you look at the tree, what do you see? The branches, the leaves and main foundation that carries all the weight and makes sure that the rest of the plant does what it is supposed to do to survive and thrive. Well, what do you think you should train for the rest of the body to do its functions well? Do you think you should train your biceps or calves or do you think you should train it in one smooth motion that develops the foundation of the body that will train a variety of your systems including nervous, cardiovascular and muscular system all together at high intensity? Do you think you will focus on that exercise and just that exercise alone? If you had a choice to choose that exercise and do that exercise, will you do that and ignore the rest? Do you want to know that exercise?

I’ll tell you, you don't have to do many changes in the movement of it as the progression is straightforward and simple. It's called kettlebell swing. Yep!!! Give a kettlebell swing a try if you are bored of switching the machines.


Now, why kettlebell swings?

1. Burns more calories than anything out there.

 2. Easy progression, just do more swings in one set or use a heavier kettlebell

 3. Whole body movement; trains the whole body.

4. Develops joints, and strengthening your back.

5. Trains variety systems in sync, including nervous and cardio systems.

7. Very convenient to have at home with very little space required

8. You can groom your bum, and you know what that means (for both gender)

9. It is a HIIT exercise

 10. It develops core joints for martial arts and powerlifting

 11. It makes your booty workout.

Here are the benefits of the kettlebell swings benefits, well, read them again. Ha-ha!!

1. Increased aerobic capacity: If you have challenged yourself to do the sets of the swing

2. Increased anaerobic capacity: This will also create the muscle size, essentially you will create a stronger body.

3. Compound movement of the body:  Due to the fact that it’s a full body compound movement it will make sure that the body

4. Increase overall power: Due to the fact that you are doing a thrust movement from the hip you basically force your body to perform the movement that will develop punches.  

5. Increased muscular endurance:  Muscles can contract for a long time and for a short time actually there are two types of muscles that are created in this case. You will create a better endurance and strength.

6. Lymphatic movement: If you look at a cross fit movement, it’s wise to do the lower part of the body and then upper part of the body in one set as you will help the lymphatic fluid to move more rapidly and use your bodies fat storage.

7. Convenience: You basically use a space that is equal of a gaming console that you can set away when you don’t use that will do a great workout that I will say as equipment as having a gym at home without using large space for the equipment.

8. Time efficiency with relation to burning overall calories: I don’t like to count calories and all as I think it takes a mental effort to look out for the calories consumed.

9. Easily scalability: do more reps and or buy a heavier kettlebell - the sky is the limit here. You can be a Good Samaritan and also give one as a present to your friend when you are done

10. Make friends and do it as a competition: Can be done with friends at home. If you have couple of them or one, do it in turns and see who beats who. Of course healthy competition shows how far you have gone but you don’t want to rub your nose to much.

11. Better sex drive: For guys this is crucial as you will be a better performer in bed. Don’t believe me? Try it and you will know what I'm talking about.

12. Increased growth hormone: We will discuss ways by which you can increase growth hormone with eating specific food, having the sleep cycle and going to a hot environment such as saunas or hot shower or bath will produce in the other chapter. The growth hormone is very crucial to keep you looking young and strong

13. Increased testosterone for men: This one is very crucial as when you move with the kettlebell swing or snatch movement, you will essentially produce a pressure around area that will increase testosterone levels. Well, testosterone is very close to the mood regulation and the abilities that will help you think much clearer.

14. Triggering a lot more epigenetic markers than any other workout and that way you make sure that you do a workout that essentially changes your genetics as well as your mental abilities.

15. Leaner body and increased muscle size at the quickest pace; we talked about aerobic and anaerobic capacity but what that leads is the fuel consumption that essentially is fat.

16. Improvement of physical appearance and greater proportions that represent the functional fitness not the cosmetic. I don’t have anything against bodybuilding; I will hold the position that classical bodybuilding from 1970-90s was the peak as there was a real hard consideration in proportion not just mass. Current bodybuilding culture has bloated stomachs that essentially make it very unattractive at least in my eyes, due to the fact that insulin is injected to keep the hunger up and to eat a lot of food to digest. Still I prefer the appearance of a Greek or a Roman mythological sculpture that again is closer than original bodybuilding and cross fit.

17. Sort of meditation itself: People see running works as a meditation for them; it does so as an increase of growth hormone which will make your mind clearer. I believe the reason for that is neurogenesis and as when you have a more neural connection made you will essentially create the abundance of the brain power that you can use to create and do the set of activities.

18. Increased serotonin due to development of posture. The mind body feedback produced through posture and responses of bacteria.

Improved mood;  this applies to every workout really but this one I believe works the best as you can scale it constantly and you can throw in variety such as the rep range, amount of sets, challenges that you set.

Improved looks spill on other aspects of life; this will sound arrogant but when you feel attractive you like what you see in the mirror in the morning and people get your vibe and give you opportunities because of it. It sound strange but it kind of works as snowball effect.


Did someone just ask me how to go about it? Make sure both legs are parallel, stomach tight, back straight and swing it like you mean it! But to be serious, lifting kettlebell requires practice, so to do it properly. I recommend a professional to take a look at you when you do it once you set your technique right and then you can practice that for a period. I do recommend finding videos how to do it as they will show more than text as this is very visual.

How to select the starting weight?

How do we select a starting weight with this idea? Selecting the weight of 8kg for females and 16kg for males is not engaging and challenging enough as I've started with 16kg and progressed now to 40kg. The idea is to select a weight that you can do 20-100 swings in one set and do it in 3-5 sets to get a total of 60-500reps in one go. And the larger quantity of reps you do and the more you focus on cardio, the fewer reps you do overall, the more you focus on strength. When you are capable of doing more than 75 swings in one set with a kettlebell, do select a bigger weight in my opinion as it can get a bit boring. I want you to enjoy it with full bum power. I know I sound corny here, but you will get better at it, and you know what I mean! You can do a bit of stretch after like forward bend and backward one to make sure you help loosen up the muscles.


Try it barefoot or shoes that have very thin cushion so it’s grounded.

If the kettle bell is about to fall, get out of the way.

Build training load.

When you finish your set do some light activity if your heart rate is elevated.

Stretch often after or before.

Ok, so there was an accidental experiment! I was doing intermittent fasting to the extreme, and I took a kettlebell and started swinging with such ease that was even confusing for me, and the maximum amount of reps went on 20% more than usual! So I was thinking well if you are mainly low on glycogen than what’s going on! Some digging and this comes up! So there were some studies on the time people can spend underwater! When a person in a ketogenic state the time nearly doubled, and with the kettlebell, the situation is that it’s one of the activities that if you do it right, you will have barely any air in you! Now here is the correlation, if you are in the ketogenic state you will produce something which will essentially make you use fat as kind of replacement of and that will use less oxygen in some way.

What to do in a break? The toughest option is pull-ups on rings and dips on rings. Rings do it on! That attaches to pull up bar!  60-80 second between the, and 48 hours recovery! So, doing the 3-6 sets with. You can do alternating as well! One day you can focus on pull-ups and dips the others you can concentrate on kettlebell swing! If you are willing, then go ahead! You can use something else instead of a machine something like a pull-up bar that can be installed in the doorway, which is easily available! That way you can develop strength of the body and wider upper body as well! We all want a quick workout, and this might be the most convenient option that you can use at home without the use of gym and equipment.

Take it easy to push the level and progress off your limit. The idea behind it is that you develop the body and push the limit of the body. Good tip will be use battle ropes to help with warming up the wrist as well so you can do the movement to warm up. Select a light kettle bell to do the movement at start and progress! The idea behind it is to make sure you take 20-40 Total reps in one go! Then when you go with the battle rope go hard for a minute! Then do push-ups and repeat! Doing that three times will count to around 10 minutes!

The ideal number of sets

18 sets for each muscle group per week is something that will be awesome. When you do a compound movement that essentially utilizes more muscles than the same recipe applies.

The ideal is, train 3-4 times a week with 6 sets for each session as muscle protein synthesis takes around 48-72 hours and the muscle will be recovered.

The magic 300 swings a day

The Beauty of doing 300 swings is that it’s not too much and it’s not too little. Once you get accustomed to the weight, you will be able to do 70-100 swings in one set, and then you can move to a heavier weight depending on if you want to build muscle or not I would always recommend going heavier as you become so much stronger.

Well, there are workouts that you can do to keep you filled with energy throughout the day. Some people will meditate instead of having lunch. Some people will go for a jog. One thing that I did with testing is to have the kettlebell at the office and home. A highly paid job is usually stationary especially the one that's demands you to sit in front of the computer, our bodies were not designed that way. Our body requires the blood flow to be pushed and maintained but doing a workout can elevate the growth hormone and the blood flow. But do you want to spend time to travel to the gym, if your targets are high then should you? But if your priorities are elsewhere and your workout to have a greater mental clarity than I recommend having what I call kettlebell break when you do a set of swings any 2 to 3 hours when you feel you want to stand up. For guys, it’s even more important as the body has lower levels of testosterone if you sit for an hour or more. It can drop by 90%, and for guys, it’s very important as their mental process goes sideways and only down if it lowers too much. So I recommend to do some kettlebell swings as it also spikes the testosterone and it helps the cardiovascular system to get a hit, and the way the movement happen helps the movement of the lymphatic fluid which also carries the fatty acids, so you burn the fat as it becomes more accessible for the body. So knowing all this make sure you do a proper form and that you train your body to it in a way that will help the body perform its functions well.

So, the point is to have the feeling that when you get too stationary and the body doesn’t feel to move, you can get your brain work with a higher clarity after doing a kettlebell swing set. If you want to do the 300 swings thought if you want to do more this depends on your obsession.

One main reason to do the kettlebell swing is that, it uses more of your body than any other workout with a convenient aspect

Try it for a day and see what happens, you will be amazed at how your state will be so much elevated.

Mainly with the calories, you can surely know if you will burn more than a 1000 calories with that swing session if you use a kettlebell between 30-40 pounds, now imagine how many calories you will burn when you use a 70-pound kettlebell.

Also, constant push on your cardiovascular system will tell your body what you need to be able to transport its oxygen which will spill over on the nutrients as well. Well if you are traveling, do 100-300 burpees in a day or just a morning session.

Cardio HIIT

Now we will discuss in the full details that the body is the expression of yourself, and to get the most expression out of exercise; you have to select the one that does the most gene expression. The one that does that is HIIT training. The research did a measure of around 7000 epigenetic markers, and HIIT activates more than any other exercise of them. Now the kettlebell swing is HIIT training as if you do 20 swings and rest for a minute or two, and then do that five times, that places it in this category, but if you know how to do the HIIT, then you are sorted wherever you are. So if you want to be fitter, stronger and more intelligent babies then do this as an epigenetic pass to the future generations as well.

With regards to Epigenetics with HIIT training, you are telling your genetics that you have to output more energy in a shorter time window; therefore the total output has to increase, and endurance too as your lungs has to inhale more oxygen into the system. This activates a specific part of the genetics, and the idea of the epigenetic is that your body will activate specific parts of the genome and switch off other ones - activating strong one and switching off the weak ones.

When you train in a hungry state, you will also make more mitochondria, which essentially is a great thing for the body. My measuring indicator is rowing, as it uses the whole body and burns calories like a furnace. That way, you will train your body to extract energy from storage quicker and recover for the next set much faster as well. To start your HIIT cardio, you can make it like this: Warm up for 3-5 minutes, then do high-intensity interval for 30 seconds. After that, low-intensity interval for 1 minute, and repeat that three times. "There is also a way of shortening the intervals, see what you like more just stop and do five deep breaths as low intensity," and finish it off with a cool-down for 3-5 minutes. With every week, you can lower the low-intensity period and increase high-intensity period, and you can increase resistance and also the number of sets. I don't recommend having a session longer than 45 minutes, as it's intense, and if you overdo it, your body will start to produce cortisol, which will reverse the results. This exercise focuses on density if you think about it. Density is all about doing more in a shorter period, which will result in greater performance on many levels. Rowing is a great way of building a great posture for the back, to make sure that you are not lounging, and that way, you also build confidence.

An advantage of HIIT is that you reach your mental limits quicker, and then you start to go for psychological limits that are essentially responsible for self-control. The mind tells you to stop, but at this time, your brain dominates instead and, therefore, develops. While doing HIIT, you can also watch some lectures, series, whatever keeps you occupied.

HIIT exercise helps with endocrine system control, as you basically tell your body to explode to the maximum and relax as quickly as possible, and so when in life, you see that you are about to explode because someone called you something, you will more likely be able to control yourself as you did that 20 times in the morning. So the HIIT training will help you take control of your adrenaline and the speed the blood starts to rush, and the speed you can slow down, this way is beneficial to train to relax as quickly as possible. Now imagine being able to explode any second just because you decide to not because you are stressed!

When exercising this way, your body will be able to utilize the fat much more efficiently and will less likely be hungry in the long run. I don't feel the hunger after those types of exercises, to the point that I have to force myself to eat. There are studies to show that VO2 Max increases with intermittent fasting that helps extract more oxygen and that trains your lungs.

Doing exercise in a fasted state can increase the human growth hormone by 2000%, which will lead to an increase in lean muscle mass that is counter-intuitive in some way. The brain is hunting, so it will reward you by making you better for the hunt next time! Make sure you do cardio after the strength training; it's all about the glycogen and in strength training, you require the glycogen in the system to push harder. If you do cardio before strength training, you deplete the glycogen reserves, and therefore will not go hard.

If you have a choice that your body will use 100 calorie burn in five minutes or 15 minutes. When do you think your body will become stronger and will have to change itself most, then why would you do a long strenuous cardio exercise?

Your body is a protein-producing machine. Every protein expression is an expression of life. To create life, you have to create the protein, and genetic code and markers have to be triggered to tell the body to react in one way or the other.

After years of experimentation, I've reached a level which I aim to get a great exercise while giving the rest for at least a day as the body needs it after a good workout. So I decided to find two exercises that I can progress super easy while keeping the risk of injury as easy as possible. The reason why I decided to keep two exercises is to give an adequate amount of rest in between. If you can't be bothered to switch, just do one of them 3-5 times a week, it's your choice.

Here is the example of week one breakdown. Day 1, 3, 5 Kettlebell swing. Total Rep Range 100 with a target of 10-20 Reps each set, make the weights heavier to keep the rep range between 10-20 reps with some pushups. Day 2, 4, 6 Rowing or Battle Ropes Total of 20 Minutes with 30-45 second intervals Making around 8-12 intervals.

The super set 2. Repeat 2-4 Kettlebells swings. Pull-ups, Dips, Plank with weights. OR like in the master ritual which will be at the end. But for that, you need to increase your VO2 max, and that takes some time.

As for a super set 3 Kettlebell swings and push-ups, you can rotate and do three sets anyways, and that's a really good wake up to start with.

For other sessions, Rowing Station, Elliptical, Assault bike, Punching bag, Battle ropes, Whole body vibration machines, weights and Yoga mat. They are easily available and create low impact for joints. You can easily warm-up and go crazy. Variety is important to keep things interesting.

Also, if you are focusing on the upper body for strength, you can concentrate on cardio for upper body, that way, you will tire the muscle completely and make sure to switch it up to the lower body part cardio like bicycle, and that way, and you will burn more calories. The use of battle ropes as upper body cardio can be a solution or a hand bike.

“If you are looking at how the hormonal changes happen in the body, I bet you will love it as the body creates high growth hormone”.

Fasted training.

Doing workout few hours before your breakfast in the morning is the way to go. Fasting will best produce visible results when you work out in the morning. Working out in the morning encourages Lipolysis - the breakdown of fats by hydrolysis to release fatty acids and that give you energy. It's important that you eat well otherwise you will lose essential muscles if you work out without food.

Your body utilizes 2 to 3 times more fat when you are in the fasted state and that's the period when you have a baseline of insulin. At high levels of insulin in your body, cardio will not do much but at low level of insulin, cardio is effective. Hence, the reason why you should workout during the fasted state. If you want to burn stubborn belly fat, you should do your cardio in a deep fasted state as it promotes blood flow to the areas where you want to see results.

During the fasting state, you are in a fight or flight mode where you have activated your sympathetic nervous system that keeps you focused. Also during the HIIT workout, you also trigger the sympathetic neurons system. The combination of both helps to activate faster mobilization of fat tissues that allows the rapid consumption of fat tissue and increased growth hormone.

During fasting, you also experience the increased efficiency of cyclic amp which essential helps to deliver information to the cells of the body. Fasting is more like a command to the body to become better.

Another thing that happens to your body when you fast is that the AMP kinase sees to the regulation and dispersion of energy throughout the cells and this stimulates fat burning.

Also, when you engage in weight training, you increase lactic acid and that stimulates growth hormone. As such, kettle bell is a great exercise to do during fasting.

For longevity.

Trust me, a lot of walking is effective for longevity. VO2 max is important, and this essentially shows how strong your lungs are. The stronger the lungs, the more oxygen you get into your system when you need, the more strength you will have in future to carry out actions.

Do more of Kettle bell swing as it helps to increase mobility while you develop the posterior chain responsible for walking. Also, kettle Bell exercise helps to develop the structure of the body parts whose functions is to help the body perform daily tasks better. Also, kettle bell swing helps to build upper body muscles that gives the body a nice shape.

If you are really keen on living long, you should consider eating healthy and working out.

To build the muscle size

Put your muscle under tension of 8-12 reps with 5 seconds up and 5 seconds down to make your muscle have longer period under tension 80-130 seconds usually is ideal after that it hit’s diminishing returns. To build your muscle size, what you need to do is to select the exercise that will target the muscles you want to build and then work effortlessly to reach your muscle building goals.

A few tips to build muscle:

You have to load the muscle to the limit and give it a rest to recover and build. You can circulate the focus with your upper and lower body. You can do back, legs, arms, and chest, or you can do compound movement and not care, but make sure whatever you do, you do use your head.

For building muscles, you have to make sure that your set has 5-12 reps, for strength, 1-5 reps and, for endurance, everything above 12. Try doing drop sets to fatigue more muscles. You can lower the drop set by 10-20% with every set, and that will help with building the muscle size.

Progression is the key! Because over time, you create more and more veins for the activity and as you age, your muscle mass lowers. So, in order to live longer and keep yourself mobile, you need to engage in baby building exercises.

Be careful not to over-train your bones and joints as it takes long for your bones and joints to recover when you over-train them. Ensure you warm up your body first before engaging in exercise. Also, make sure to finish with compound movement so as to take care of the muscles beneath the ones you see on the outside.

 If your target is to build muscles, note that you have to stretch after doing upper body specifically to avoid closing up the veins on the top of the body and limit blood flow to the head.

An exercise routine referred to as Colorado experiment is the type that make one marvel at the exercises that can be done within 28 minutes, 3 times per week and obtain a heavy amount of workload. There is a whole routine that you can check out and do it if you want. The Colorado experiment is mainly for muscle building though it has a lot of upsides. The experiment requires isolated machines, and if you are in the gym, it demands you to be uninterupted. It's basically a set of exercises non-stop with a mindset that you are going to target many muscles and have a lot of pain doing so. Once it's over, you will be tired, but that is essentially the way to build muscle super quick.

Finishing exercise

My personal finishing exercise routines are a rotation of between the plank and pull-ups with dips. Plank, because it's a stoic exercise to push you through the pain. Pull-ups and dips for stronger wider chest and back, which is a very compound movement and also uses a lot of muscle tissue and energy. If some muscles were forgotten in isolation exercises, then those exercises will tackle them. There are other compound exercises you can try to add, such as bench press or bar pulls.

Finishing stretch

Stretching is important as it helps to lower the level of cortisol in the body. This in turn helps to improve blood flow thereby all spine the body cells to receive more nutrients and send a positive feedback loop to the brain.

Finish with four basic axis stretch of the frontal bend, backward bend, left to right, and right to left. It disengages spinal disks, thereby increasing the blood flow between the disks. When doing the plank, train your core strength to push your stomach in and position your internal organs when you push your stomach in.

As you age, your muscles relax and doing the plank allows the body to have a healthier position of internal organs, less internal body fat, and better looks overall. Over time, try this pose from yoga instead of backward bend called Supta-Vajrasana.

The results to measure.

Which Results should you measure? For Looks, measure body fat; you can also measure your weight, but at a certain point when you gain muscle, you gain weight too, especially when you are below 15% body fat. You can check out pictures online to compare or measure using specific tools, but know that they have some errors between them and they will show different results between themselves.

How much is considered as a healthy body fat? The percentage is 9-11% for a man, and 15-20% for a woman. It also depends on your genetics and the activities you engage in.

For Flexibility, well, how far you can reach specific poses. I'd advise that you try forward bend as it's the easiest measure for flexibility.

For endurance; rowing is a good measure. Measure the time it takes for you to row 5000 meters.

You can measure that with the specific tools, or you can do the HIIT and see if you are progressing with an amount of calories burned. Making the high-intensity interval longer should increase your VO2 max. For muscle size, you can measure the muscle size with a measuring tape.

To measure speed, measure jumping jacks in a minute, and you can do it with battle ropes to make it harder. Place the weight scale next to the mirror where you brush your teeth to measure weight so you don’t have to bring it out everytime.

I do recommend to measure the number of swings you can do within one session.


Supplements can make your heart heavy, as such I recommend that you stick with electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium if you are low on veggies and also vitamin d3 if you live in areas with low sun exposure.

When to train.

You can train anytime. Pick a specific time of the day to train and your body will adapt to the cycle and allocate the hormones at the right time for next day.  

 You can set for convenience in the morning, so social events don't grab you out of the routine. Generally speaking, evenings are good for breaking your records, as you will most likely do that as your body is more warmed up.

When it comes down to the days of exercise, it's important that you give yourself enough time to recover and for your joints and muscles to heal.

Bonus tricks

 Time machine

To make the time fly super quick, you can do this. Listen to the same song, and that will set you into a zone so time will fly really quickly.


To keep yourself accountable, get yourself a coach or an app that records your progress. Also, you can work out with a friend who will measure your performance and return the favor by doing the same.

 The must use of plank

Do the handstand plank every morning and I promise that you will see noticeable results. Planking is effective for muscle development. Planking helps to develop the joints and makes them more flexible. Also, it helps to develop the back and body posture. So, I recommend that you finish your exercise routine with planks. However, laziness gets the best of us and we are unable to finish our exercise routine with planks.

Stand up every hour

Endeavor to stand up every hour. Your blood flow decreases a lot when you sit down, especially when you sit for the whole day. The worst case scenario is sitting too much can lead to muscle atrophy.

Use Rings if can

Use rings in the place of pull up bars. When you use rings, you will train more muscles as balancing muscles will begin to work with you.

Regarding overtraining

What if we had the measurement of the heart health that could have been prevented Bruce Lee from having a stroke?  What if we had all the information about him before? That way we would have ensured that he lived a little while longer delivering the best martial arts. When you train, you have to make sure you do so with recovery in mind.

Martial Hunter

We have the body to hunt and to make sure that we survive. Training for muscles size was not really designed by nature. What I would suggest is to learn martial arts to make sure that when you need to defend yourself, you will be able to.


Yoga was designed to connect you with the body and understand where the blockages are, so to use it often will help you learn more about your self.. It will help you chill out and also develop your cardiovascular system.

Learn while training on HIIT

It’s great to watch set of video materials to learn fromwhile doing a cardio work out. I don't recommend reading as too much movement can interfere with your training.

The training will help your brain learn as you have an abundance of blood flow to hippocampus - the memory center. Also, more blood flow in the brain increases your chances of memorizing the contents you are learning.

Exercise routines to do on travels

When I travel and don't have the kettle bell or barbell, I do pushups, sit ups and plank. Then I repeat the routine few times during the day to keep my blood circulation and metabolism going. Also, I do sit ups, jumping jacks, burpees hand stands lunges and jumping lunges. Essentially you can focus on lower body, then shift to upper body and do it all over again. Give your body enough time to rest and recover before you continue.

When on travels, you can go for a run. Go and run at different places and see the city! This way you can truly explore! Preferably in the morning.

Alkaline water

If you are experiencing lactic acid, you can neutralize a lot of it with alkaline water. You have to be fasted for that period. Alkaline water helps to sooth acid reflux. Besides soothing acid reflux, alkaline water helps to neutralize acid in the blood thereby bringing about improved, improved energy and increased oxygen. Also, alkaline water has antioxidant properties, lubricates joints and muscles, cleanses the colon, and rejuvenates the skin. What's more? Alkaline water helps to reduce fatigue and body fat, support the immune system and protect bones. More importantly, alkaline water is good for optimal health.

Benefits of exercise/working out

Makes you tougher.

Creates a better lifestyle.

More productive throughout the day.

Healthier organs.

Detoxifies through sweat.

Helps with blood flow.

Increases longevity.

Makes you stronger.

Makes your brain bigger and younger.

Improves self-control.

Improves your looks and confidence.

Enhances libido.

Makes you happy.

When it comes down to exercise and working out, doing a long exercise routine doesn't make you successful, but a quick and strong one. It’s easy to train the body when you have trained your mind. Because when you train your mind, you'll find it easy to control yourself and your body.

You should learn how to push your body to build more strength and how to push your brain to have more neural connections so you can have a stronger brain and body.



What does the digestion?

We have more bacteria than human cells that aids digestion and are responsible for many bodily processes including making person happy. The bacteria’s will change in the gut through the different cultures of food you eat. Now I wouldn’t go deep to which bacteria you should cultivate in your gut. They require fiber to grow as well so make sure that your food choice is rich in fiber and healthy fats and protein. Stay away from sugary things if you want to have less inflammation. It is found that around 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut so your energy is highly dependent on what, how and when you eat. Such as Candida, Escherichia, Enterococcus, Streptococcus ( Happy mood and energy ) and this ones are responsible for dopamine ( the willpower )  Bacillus and Serratia so eating foods that will cultivate them is definitely something I will recommend and even some probiotics have anti depressant and anti anxiety effects. You can also loose weight with probiotics or gain depending on how much body fat % person has who gave the probiotics and who received it. The idea that neurotransmitters are rewarding you if you do something right or you are going towards the direction that nourishes the body and the mind.

Personal fat loss journey.

A short while ago, I was super fat. With nearly 100 pounds needed to be shed from my body. Again I permitted it to happen to me. I allowed the external world to influence my dopamine production system whereas the rewards were not as important as I thought. I was eating too much for no cause other than self-fulfillment. I wasn't thinking with my head. And instead of owning up to my excessive eating habits and dealing with it, I made it a part of me and lived with it, so I had to figure out more optimum solution for it.

Fat VS. Sugar and ketogenic case

Sugar and everything sugary makes you fat and dependent on it. One can of soda a day gives you 15 pounds of fat by the end of a year. Now, many sugar-free or sugary drinks contains salt and when you drink them, they make you thirsty and have urge to drink more. Guess what? Juice is bad too because it causes insulin spikes. Also, juice doesn't have fiber that helps to slow down digestion.

 Now one big thing that is hidden from us is fructose, which is a poison when consumed in excess. Fructose is evil in its roots, and it's nearly everywhere, even in bread. It acts like alcohol to the body, but just feels different to the brain because the brain doesn't feel its effect.  So make sure you eat healthy.

So eating good fats will make you calmer throughout the day and will also ensure that you do not have a spike of hunger when you are hungry. Good fat also helps to monitor your weight and makes you calmer throughout the day like omega’s 3 and 6.

What happens to the body when you eat sugar? The sugar in your food makes you sick and also poses a neuro degenerative effects on your brain. Sugar messes up your gut biome and also causes your internal gut bacteria eat up the lining of your gut.

Inflammation when triggered chronically creates the state of alert in the body and that stresses you out as a human being. Chronic inflammation is one of the health problems that arises when you eat sugar.

Alkalizing VS. Acid situation

What happens when you touch acid? Can you dare touch it with your bare hands? So why do you eat acidic foods?

The body is in a constant state of equilibrium where it needs good food to survive and grow. I talked extensively on alkalizing in the previous step, this step basically add to it that highly acidic food is bad for our body. Therefore, it's critical that you change your food choices to make yourself happy, wise and healthy. You need to eat good food to make your brain happy. A happy brain is the one that has electricity; your brain needs electricity to function well. You need to eat good food to be healthy so your body doesn't have to deal with acidity as acid corrodes bones and organs. You need to eat good food to be wise to enable your brain build more neural connections and learn much quicker as neuroplasticity increases with the abundance of electricity.

Food substances that do not create oxidative stress are advisable as they rid your body of stubborn fats. While many health experts advised that you eat alkaline diet, I'd tell you that you can get your body alkaline without living on the diet but one of the easiest step is through it.

Are you suffering from depression? Increase the alkalinity in your brain and watch your depression go away. Consuming alkaline foods increases the electricity in the brain and as I mentioned earlier, your brain needs electricity to function well.

Fill yourself with good stuff.

The foods you eat will either kill or heal you. You don't really need to go too deep, the basic stuff you need is amino acids to rebuild your body and eating great food constituents contribute to that.  Now, the tradeoff is simple, amino acids are acidic, and therefore must be balanced out with greens to alkaline the body. So, get some salads with your protein-rich meal.

Consider detoxing your body as it will help to increase the production of melatonin and serotonin in your brain. The food imbalances that people create, creates stress and that way, your brain starts to seek pleasure from other sources. If you take care of your body, I assure you that you will be a happier person.

Organic VS. Chemically grown

If I present you with a great clean food and add some toxins on it while you know that it has some, will you eat it?  Same happens with what we do in our diet if we eat stuffs that are inorganic in nature. Organic foods are those food substances that are grown without the use of irradiation, pesticides, drugs, synthetic fertilizers, genetic engineering and sewage sludge. Pesticides are those chemical agents or chemicals that are designed to kill weeds, fungal pests and insects that causes damage to crops. On the flip side, non-organic foods or chemically grown foods are those foods that are indirectly contaminated or directly manufactured by sewage sludge, synthetic fertilizers, irradiation, drugs or pesticides. Now, let me ask you a question: which do you think will benefit your body? Organic foods or chemically grown foods? The choice is yours.  Respect yourself and eat organic. Be the friend of your body and eat healthily!

Intermittent fasting.

How do you ease in into a fasted state? Simply skip breakfast or dinner. For fat loss I would recommend to skip dinner and make the feeding window shorter and shorter so in case of skipping dinner.

So I've experimented a bit on this and the idea here is that you can trigger a drop of insulin that will result in fat burning. In order to do that, you have to eat food that doesn't spike insulin and generally drop the insulin so it's low throughout the day. There isn't one formula that's fits all but there is a formula that allows you to mix and match what works for you.

Regarding breakfast or dinner skipping.

Aristotle mentioned that you eat quarter of food for yourself and the rest for your doctor. Overeating is a situation that makes you Fat, as your body doesn't get a signal that you are not eating enough, and therefore, always hungry. You also become stressful as you become insulin-dependent with spikes of insulin; therefore, it shoots cortisol.

Digestions process lowers the focus as the food dilutes the blood and that takes you off guard.

What does breakfast really means?  Breakfast means to break the fast and fasting is very important. It makes us less complacent, makes us more active, and trains us to survive in tougher situations, as well as clearing our body from waste. The frontal cortex increases in size when humans or animals fast, which improves self-control, so you can make more rational choices. To begin with, it's hard but, later, the body adapts. Now, think of this: Why do wolves have brains that are 20% denser than dogs? The reason is simple - they have to hunt to survive, and dogs do not. The dogs became complacent as we feed them every day. Now, when you are fasted, you will have longer attention spans, and your blood will be in your brain, not your gut. It will increase focus and brain performance.

Maybe you've heard of the Ketogenic diet. It is the similar to fasting. You can extract the benefits of fasting while following a ketogenic diet. With fasting, the liver produces ketones that will essentially make you burn fatter and provide energy for the brain. The brain works much better on ketones, comparatively to sugar. With fasting, the body learns to work efficiently, and that essentially lowers the chance of growing cancer cells, because the body will eat them before they form. Implementing Fasting and the Ketogenic diet will increase mitochondria, and therefore, will produce the energy release systems in place. Those energy release systems are good for brain performance and health, as they feed the brain instantly when other sources are not present, therefore, lowering the chance of getting Alzheimer's and/or other diseases. Longevity is also a factor as the body will eat dead cells and that will give space for new ones.

Fasting will produce a growth hormone for the body, which is great when you train your body to be able to consume energy from fat cells; so essentially, you are fasting for lean muscle growth and not muscle loss. Insulin is responsible for storing fat because, if you over-eat sugar, then that insulin produced will push energy towards the fat storage. With the ketogenic diet, essentially, you lower insulin, hunger, and less fat storage. Now, the reason why I am saying this is that our body requires it. I recommend intermittent fasting for 16-23 hours, then work out, and then have your meals ready to recover. If you look at babies, they extract energy mainly from ketones, and that helps them to grow, as the growth hormone is in abundance. The idea is that the body will also be utilizing the cells that I refer to as zombie cells, which need to be used up in order to give space for the new ones it will also eat up also junk in your system which will clear out your body. I call them zombie cells as they have done what they need to do and now they need to be flushed from the system. Cancer cells are less likely going to form if you fast intermittently very well as body will utilize them and break them down.

In my opinion it’s easier to have dinner than breakfast as everyone are so into eating out and being social and having some food at night but it also depends on your body type. I would recommend breakfast but because I am super-duper social it’s hard to keep up with eating just breakfast when everyone on the table eats in the meetings or social gathering so there is a trick I do where I will skip breakfast and have dinner with someone.

What dish should come first?

It is ideal to eat soup first as it cleans and prepare the stomach to receive the meal. If you are not having soup, then have a salad before the main meal. Since the salad is vegetable, they will digest quicker than other foods and will also give space for heavier foods like meat or fish.


Replace the normal salt with Himalayan salt. Studies have shown that Himalayan salt is healthy.  The Pink Himalayan is really good for you as it contains tons of minerals. Also, the alkalinity of pink Himalayan salt helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

Bonus trick - Kill the addiction

I had to write about it as the idea of addiction applies. When you are an addict, it's hard to reach your goals as they take away your focus. Though the world is designed to be a consumer-making world, it's important that you make yourself a spiritual being who expresses himself rather than being a consumer.  Every addiction started with pain. Pain makes your body crave for a way out and drugs do give an illusion of that. People tend to use drugs to ease addiction not knowing that drug is a habitual way out and sooner or later distraction and temporary anesthesia will set in. This leads to consequences as your decision making system is geared towards achieving a never-ending illusion that has to be ended one way or another.

K.A.R.V.O.M.A.D. protocol

Having talked about the importance of good food for your body and your brain, I introduce to you my diet - the K.A.R.V.O.M.A.D protocol. Though, it’s an acronym but turning yourself to this diet will make you live longer, feel healthier and have a sharper mental focus.

Ketogenic - To make sure that your body is burning more fat instead of sugar that is consumed (very hard to follow as it requires a very precise eating plan).

Alkaline - To charge your brain with electricity.

Raw - In other words not cooked and organic.

Vegan - Eating just plant based food.

One - Eat once or twice per day.

Exceptions - If you are at a friend’s party (not a buffet), there's no crime in saying no and looking the other way when the leftover meats are passed around. In the case where you are really hungry, fill your stomach with veggies.

Feast meals

There are feast days or feast meals. Feast days or feast meals helps to speed up your metabolism to some extent.  So go for complex carbs on those days, as too much of sugary foods might tamper with your results. Overeating is never advisable as eating too much of good stuff will turn the good stuff into bad stuff.

Prolong Fasting

Prolong fasting promotes autophagy. Autophagy is a natural process where you the body clean itself. That is, the body cells produces membranes that hunts out worn out cells, damaged cells, and diseased cell, eat them up, and use the resulting molecules to generate new cells parts or energy. Think of autophagy as the body carrying out a recycling program. The natural process of autophagy simply makes the body efficient machines that rids us of faulty parts, hinder cancerous growths and metabolic dysfunction like diabetes or obesity. To induce autophagy, there is a need for you to place your body in a state of discomfort. Fasting is the best approach. While the body may not love or accept fasting immediately, it ultimately benefits from it. As a matter of fact, studies has shown that there are a lot of health benefits associated with occasional fasting such as lower risks of heart disease and diabetes So, it's safe to say that fasting is an effective way to reduce the risk of formation of neuro degenerative diseases like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. Also, studies have shown that prolong fasting helps to improve cognitive function, neuroplasticity, and brain structure thereby helping the brain to learn easily.

Water fast

Water fast is when you have water in the equation. That is, you are fasting but you are drinking water.  This you can definitely do more than dry fast. Water fast is a period when a person drinks only water without eating food. Water fast helps with weight loss. While people undertake water fast to lose weight, for religious or spiritual reasons, studies have shown that occasional fasting helps with weight loss. To ensure that water fast is done safely and without risk, it's advisable that you undertake water fast when your body can't go without food and doesn't require too much energy. Medically, there's no set time for water fast but experts advice that water fast shouldn't last more than 72 hours. Water fast is now becoming popular in wellness and natural health movements as well as meditation.

Here are some of the benefits of water fast.

Weight loss

Lowers cholesterol

Reduces risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Recipes and eating protocol

Start with soup to clean and prepare your stomach, then have a salad.

My favorite recipes that are quick to make and keep me going: Shakes, Hemp Seeds, Hemp seeds, Wheatgrass, Broccoli, Berries, and Water.

For Soup: I use Broccoli, onion, ginger, spices and some garlic.

For Salad: I use Tomato, Cucumber, Onion, Spinach, Kale, Apples and Avocado

Snacks: Kale with apples, Dark chocolate, Almonds & Nuts, Berries, and Cherries Deserts: Berries with hemp, chia, and sesame seeds.

Supplements Spiralina and Chlorella tablets.

Now, to my crazy healthy Ketogenic shake that considers a variety of tradeoffs for the majority of people on this planet. You can play with the portions and ingredients, as different people will require different measures for their size and their goals, but you can keep this foundation.

 The ingredients are as follows:

10-15 grams wheatgrass in the form of preference,

20-50 grams of hemp seeds, Chia seeds

Hemp seeds and a lot of berries for good taste, veggies such as kale, broccoli, spinach, celery, cucumber, etc.

This has around 500-1200 calories and is super healthy. It provides an excellent source of protein for the body, fats, and omega 3-6 that are great for brain development and a lot of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. This shake is alkaline because of the presence of wheatgrass and, at the same time, has proteins in it, which are rare to get. Usually, protein shakes are acidic. If you are one of those people who feel like a third eye is opening when you meditate, you should get the same feeling after drinking this shake. Also, your body will get the charge and will get the building blocks. Hemp is a great source of protein that is easily digestible and has good fats, which makes it a great source for brain development, and it replaces fish oils. The brain will perform at its peak after this shake; the insulin levels will not spike and, that way, you will continue to be calm.

Powders to have that are useful.

1. MACA powder - Great for the endocrine system.

2. Green tea Matcha powder - Great alternative for coffee

3. Ginger powder - Great detoxifier

4. Ceylon cinnamon - Great for weight loss

5. Turmeric - lowers inflammation good for heart

6. Cacao powder - great for heart

7. Spirulina - Great source of protein

8. Chia Seeds - Great for heart

9. Sesame seeds - high in fiber, high in calcium.

10. Acai powder - High in fiber, good for the heart and full of antioxidants

11. Goji berries - healthy skin, full of antioxidants, good for heart

12. Pumpkin seeds - Great for heart and liver, immune support

13. Quinoa - great replacement for the grains.

To conclude, you are what you do, but what you do is dependent on what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat.

What to finish with:

Finish with Grapefruit, oranges or apple cider vinegar to aid digestion. I already talked about the numerous health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Exercise time between meals.

Also with exercises, give some time to digest the meal, at least 45 minutes before and after workout.

Bonus trick

Kill the addiction

If you want to lower addiction of specific things, such as pizza, specific sweets or whatever, try this: Picture the food you want and now imagine yourself feeling sick after eating it. Imagine the food all dirty and full of things that you hate; increase and intensify the disgusting feeling until the craving stops. Now, imagine the scale of the craving. You'd observe that it has reduced.

Food and drinks to have to burn fat.

Foods and drinks to eat to burn fat quick.

1. Chili peppers, Coffee - I will say it yes but have it with green tea.  

2. Cinnamon powder but don’t overdo it.

3. Apple cider vinegar.

4. MCT as it can’t turn to fat which is very useful if you are doing ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting.

5. Ginger tea or ginger, Lemon tea, Broccoli or any crucifius vegetables - Enzymes production is different for each type of food so for some it’s cauliflower or kale.

6. Alkaline food if you are very acidic as it will take off the acid stored with fat cells and allow the fat mobilization.

Before eating a meal, try the Japanese method of saying 80% full. That is, tell yourself you have to eat till you are 80% full. Doing this reduces inflammation in your body and also helps to increase longevity.


If you are looking to build muscle mass, you should consider eating more protein because carbs alone do not have the building blocks to build muscles. There are several beliefs and assumptions about the consumption of protein, let's talk about it.

Many people assume that there are no scientific evidence that supports the consumption of protein 3-6 times a day. They believe that protein absorption is worse especially when you consume in excess as it slows down digestion.

Of course, if you eat an extreme amount of protein that will make you bloated, you are more likely to lose protein. Likewise, the sources of protein is important as some are more acidic than others and they will require your body neutralize the acidity with the process we talked about before. So you might consume 90 grams but lose some of the protein due to its acidity.

Try to eat complete proteins and also with building muscles you require growth hormones and Insulin to make sure that the muscles are created.

Benefits Karvomad

Higher growth hormone count.

Cleaner digestive system.

More blood flow to the brain.

Higher functions in neocortex.

More neuroplasticity in the brain - learn quicker.

Less insulin dependency - higher self-control.

Weight loss.

 Higher creativity.

When you eat sugar, you age quicker. You increase your insulin, and that decreases your growth hormone.



Understand that you need not do anything in this world. You chose to do it and that's why you are doing it. When it comes to relationship, you chose not to manage your relationship with people. You prefer to include them, develop yourself and also develop them. While at it, make sure you stop once in a while to observe where you are coming from, where you are going, and how you can develop yourself.

What drives you?

It's critical that you take some time to reflect on what you want and why you want to do it. In your soul searching exercise, if you find that what drives you, energizes you and gives you fulfillment, then it's your calling. I wouldn't write a book about how to be a great swimmer because it doesn't interest me and it wouldn't be of a high quality even if I know I can make money out of it.

The sexual energy to connect

Use your sexual energy to connect with the art and craft. Wars were for love and intentions made. Some might think I am crazy, but the topic of nofap applies here. You will be less complacent when you have this sexual energy in you. Well, I will let you in on this secret; the kettlebell swing helps to increase it so you will have more energy overall to do what you want.

Have you noticed that when you get really close to someone, you start to feel their energy? You feel the energy of those you share your sexual energy with. I'm talking about those you think about this minute and you get a text from them the next minute; those who affects you so much that you can't sleep when they are sick. Those you send food too when you feel they are hungry while in a different country. It's okay to get close to people and feel their energy but you need to be careful. You need to be picky about who you share your sexual energy with as it has a way of shaping your life.

Confidence to create life.

You need confidence to live a good life; overconfidence makes you arrogant and low confidence makes you fearful so you need to find balance. You can train yourself to have high self-confidence but entertain fear (fear as lack of information not as emotional state) to make sure that you don’t make decisions with the wrong information.  As humans, we tend to interpret the world differently and our interpretation of the world goes a long way to make or break the life we are living as our value system and assumptions comes together to form the decision we make. So be confident in yourself but understand that you will need the right information to make the best assumption and statement for the time that you are living in. Ensure you have the right information before making important decisions.


The confidence connector

To be confident, you must ask yourself this: why am I doing this? What is the purpose? People show some ways to boost confidence; some of them work, while some of them don't. If you have a great reason and you know there is no danger, then you can do whatever you want.

If you are shy

To boost your confidence, carry out this exercise: Go to a mall and ask for few phone numbers of an opposite sex. This will get your tongue going and just goofing around to do something silly. Do something silly once in a while, you don't have to be serious every time. I have come to realize that we are different people at different times. We are a living being today but tomorrow, our atoms will pass on to another person and we will dissipate with our awareness disappearing into the cloud.

Caring Vs Not caring

This applies to everything related to business and life, family and relationship with friends. Let me tell you a story of a king - A king went into a meeting with a rival party and the enemy mentioned that his breath was stinking and so he was insulted. He returned home after the meeting and asked his wife if indeed his breath stinks. The wife replied and said yes he stinks and she thinks that's how men stinks.

The moral of the story is that you can be caring and criticize people constructively at the same time.  You can be caring by saying the truth straight out without holding it back and being frightened that you will insult the concerned person. If you must say things that will hurt someone's ego, make sure you learn how to do it in a way that will make them open to you rather than close up. Your friends and family need you to give them information that will better their life, so if you must criticize, do it constructively.

What market needs?

What is important is to understand what the market needs; it's not good to become great at something that no one wants. It's important not to multitask as your brain doesn't really do many things at once, it switches from activity to an activity, and it takes around 10 minutes to do so. So make sure that you don’t switch the activity and that you are focused on something that will help you evolve very quickly.

The synergy

Expand on this. This is a combo of what the market needs and what drives you! If you are doing what you want, and you are getting paid for it, then you are living life. Get out and play on the biggest playground called Earth, and never think of anything as a mistake. Learn from it, evolve and adapt. If time gets tough, use that to be tougher. That's the secret of life and to living the way you want.

You enjoy what you do, and you get rewarded for it, and using that reward gives you the flexibility to make more and better art. This also creates the situation where you progress your skill. This creates momentum; instead of pushing yourself to do something, you are pulled towards it.

The ultimate reward

The reward is proximity to the problems that you want to solve. So know this if you play, you will have the chance to level up the play, and that is the biggest reward in craft - to be able to do a better craft. Now in any craft, you will connect with the individuals who are better than you in some aspects and therefore, you will grow holistically. You want to surround yourself with leaders that will lead you to win the battles that you have or the ones that will come. Make sure you exchange the same by being the leader and develop yourself.

Proximity is power, some say. Proximity is power over problem, is what I believe! I say if you are with people who have the same problems as you, and who seek to solve them then you obviously will more likely solve them. With proximity, you might find people who have access to the resources that you don't have, or knowledge or skill that you don't possess. Some say you get a higher economical reward if you are with people who can influence more and in control of more resources. While that is true, it still comes down to why you are doing what you are doing and what drives you.

Surround yourself with the best people. You will become who you hang out with.

Play for hunting

We have gotten so serious with life matters that we have forgotten to play. Wolves play in order to become better hunters. When we become older, we stop playing, and we take things way too seriously. Of course, taking things seriously puts systems in place, but it also makes things very numbing and purposeless. Playing makes things fun, and when they are fun, you live more. Philosophical idea of freedom of thoughts and information is what I believe that everyone must have to be an expert to express his or herself without constraints.

Control your state all day

Affirmations and emotional Neuro-Linguistic Programming anchors help with making you stronger and changes your state of mind when you want to. Building one is super important, as it changes the state of mind instantly, and it's great to be able to control your state whenever you want to. To make one, you can do this: clench your fist and imagine something that gives you emotions. It can be a house that you want, a partner, etc., and think and multiply that emotion over and over many times; then you can associate that with the word and say it out loud or inside your mind and, here you go, you've made an anchor.

To make an affirmation, you can make it with this first phrase: "I am who I am," and that essentially bypasses the sub-consciousness critique; when you say you are who you are, it's not a question, it's not a statement, and it’s a fact. The hormones changes based on your anchors, so make sure you are in control of your anchors.

The quick shortcut for calming yourself in a stressful situation: whenever a stressful situation arises, stop and focus on the lobe. Studies on EEG showed that this creates the slow-down of the waves, which in fact leads to calming the brain. You can do that with closed eyes, so no one is looking. That way, you slow down the brainwaves and therefore take control of yourself. Mainly, stress is caused by the brain going too fast, beta waves, and that will create the confusion and no solutions as it can overwork the brain.

When you are overworked, ask yourself why. Ask why you are doing this or that? Create the mental image to get your back into the state that you want to be.

Bonus tricks

 The uniform

Wear a uniform. Having a uniform is like wearing an identity, and having an identity makes life simple. Many successful people wear it as it frees the thinking power because you don't have to think of what to wear when you wake up. Sometimes, that decision lasts until lunchtime, which is sad. Imagine what you could do with that time!!!!Just make sure you change wash them so buy in bulk.

Switch off the phone when with someone

We are so hardwired to our devices that it became an addiction to many people. Our happiness levels increase or decrease based on the number of followers we have. We get happy when we get a text. When we are sad, we send a bunch of text messages and wait for a reply. We are getting hardwired and disengaged with the people around us, and we need to take that aspect away. The phones made us lonely and divided. If you have power over someone to make their phone off when you are with them, then do that. Your conversation will be much better, and you will connect on a deeper level. I think people should use the technology to their advantage and not fill themselves with useless information that will not produce any results.

Measure impact.

There is an exercise that I call Measure time. Measure, which essentially is once a week where you estimate the results and achievements of what you do. This way, you can make sure that you do what you need to do. It is also a reflective thing. There are some parts that might not be so easily measurable, for example, if you are an artist, then you don't really want to measure the number of paintings done, as you are missing on the quality. So, you can apply this exercise once a week, monthly, quarterly or yearly. It all depends on you.


What is ikigia? It is a way of living a constant search for the purpose and balance of what you want and what you do. Ask yourself these questions: Who am I? Am I a lover? Am I a model? Am I a person that inspire growth in other people?  Statistically, if you live with the purpose, you are 3 times more likely to live to a 100 years.  I want to ask you; what is your purpose? Having the right answer to this will make you live longer.

How to find your ikigai!

Well, technically, you will seek that until you die. But having said that, you can always refine it and make sure you are closer to the level that you want. How to discover your ikigai? Make a rating of 1-10 of what you are good at, what you love, what the world needs, and the skills that can fetch you money. Check where you have the highest rating. Ensure that you do not get below 3-4 for the other ones so you can easily make a decision.

Play in the sandbox

Taking life seriously is the first mistake. You can be in control of life but know some stuff are not worth controlling. Play in the sandbox and never let success get to your head and failure into your heart. Control your ego. My recommendation is to do what you love, and then you will create something so beautiful and be proud of, and after achieving small successes, your confidence will boost so you will fly high…

Have the work environment and eliminate all the distractions. Listen to music. If you have to do something that you don’t like, break them down into chunks - 30 minutes active and 5-10 minutes rest and repeat, rather than jump into it with anger. When you do something you truly find joy in, time will be infinite and energy will come to you without thinking.

While traveling

You can set the audiobook that will play, imagine how much information you will get from doing that. If you are a passenger in a vehicle and the journey is an hour of daily commute, read a book.

Judging people

Don't judge and you will not be judged, people react differently to a different environment, have different endocrine condition at different times based on foods that they ate, time they woke up and the situations that happened to them. When you are working with people, and it's not really working out, don't judge them. Instead, think outside the box and find the way you can work together.

Lunch with someone

Having lunch with someone that you really want to know is a great way to connect, and you need to have it; we are social creatures and eating together helps us develop.

Location, legislation and location

Know the legislation that you are working with, different societies have less trust built as people are surviving and therefore the brain that is responsible for that is dominating and so they will think more short term.

Walking meetings.

Walking meetings are great, just try it. I need not talk more on some stuffs because they are self-explanatory already. You will understand the benefits better when you try it.

Evening meet ups.

Those meet-ups are like closers and sorters of people who are coming to solve the same problem and are interested in the same topic. Those meet-ups are very useful if you want to develop your mindset.

Your circle changes who you are…

Being romantic about your network is great, but understanding who you are around with is very important… Spend your time with people that you grow, and give back to people who you can help grow, as it is give and take, and believe me, I’ve learned so much by sharing the information and so much by receiving.

We mix and match with people! We are a creation of decision that we take on daily basis. We are the products of our decisions.

The group mentality

Joining the club and having the instinct of connecting with a group without a hired Leader is normal. Create one or join the one that you think you can add more value to, or obtain some from. Monkeys will outshout other groups to show the size of their group, and they will feel confident especially if they are a larger group. The group shouts of humans will instinctively outshout the other group to make the other group scared subconsciously. It's not information exchange; it's about power.

Regarding lying

There is something you should know about lying. When you lie, you have to remember the lie. The lies grow to the point that it becomes obvious when you are trying to cover it up. So it then ruins your reputation and that will create a set of problems for you and for other people.

Live on less than you make

Learn to live on less than you make; that is the basics of making money. Living on less of what you make will give you the idea, skill set and thinking that there is always an abundance and that will create the forward moving motion.

Empathic listening

Empathic listening is super important. Tell me, how can you help someone without understanding them first, without feeling their value system and without feeling their emotions? To help someone, you need to listen and give them your full attention. In order to feel, you have to be less distracted, you have to be with the person fully present otherwise, you will not grasp the information that will help you build that connection and build a true win-win relationship. It's the information you get from the person that will help you determine the way forward.

You will know what the other person wants and need more accurately, and that will help propel the movement towards the direction where both sides will reach a compromise.

Whenever I call someone on the phone, I close my eyes and I try to imagine myself seated with the person. I try to send love to the person even before I call him or her.  It’s a meditation but also filters my emotions.

If you find the conversation boring, then you are not listening. Why not you go for a deeper conversation? You need to get information as much as possible. Enough information will help you make a more rational and more informed decisions so you can live a better life.

Personal trust Connect > Like > Trust > Professional trust

Credibility > respect > trust Knowledge skill and capability.

Trust is a connection, and connections create everything.

Theurapeutic relationship.

Therapeutic relationship is the form of relationship where both sides talk and go deep into each others psyches to make sure that they live the life that makes them better. Now if your relationship is not therapeutic then what is it ? Is it a monkey hierarchy where you go and attack each other ? Maybe it's a form of relationship where one partner is a tyrant and the other is a slave to emotion.

Being present

Be present. The problem I see with many people and myself is that being present is getting hard with all distraction. Our attention span is getting smaller and smaller with apps that give you instant gratification, and that makes our lifestyle to be faster (which isn’t bad) but it is bad when you require to give your self for long term and building a family, business, career and long term gratification requires that.

The environment In Play for play

The environment is super important, which makes it a key for the world. The idea behind this is that we changed our environment in last thousand years and till now our genetics hasn't caught up, and this poses a large problem. We are over stressing ourselves as we are not living the way we were designed by our ancestors. As a matter of fact, our epigenetic markers get the signal that we should change and that the environment requires us to change. But saying that, if we want to live a very productive life while not focusing on purely commercial aspects of life and being a balanced individual, we have to identify the environment that we live in and what we can do to make it better.

Training soft skills

To train your soft skill, I recommend doing this: First be aware, what are the most crucial factors of soft skills? Soft skills are first about connecting with other people. If your phone vibrates in your pocket every few minutes, I don't think your attention will be towards the person that is in front of you, so empathy is not just about feeling the other person, it is also about being clear, so when you are with them, you are truly with them. The second factor that is super important is cultural competency and being flexible.  Having the observation and knowledge of how to bring yourself into a different environment allows you to be flexible, and it's not about impressing other persons, it is about making sure that the other side can empathize with you. Thirdly and in my belief is the most important, is the cultural curiosity.

Live and learn the freedom of thought and defeating the fear of not being liked. Do the random approach situation as this is unprepared and gets you going on your feet as you have to think quickly on what to say. If you want go to the conferences, meet ups and make a quota that you have to meet at least 10 people and exchange conversation with, you can have a prepared agenda. But you should know that a free dialog coming from a mind that is unprepared is the way to go and the on that really build trust

Regarding speaking to the mass audience

There are no such things as public speaking. Talking to a mass audience is more like connecting to a set of group of people linked together.  Building eye contact is very important, so if you want to develop the speaking abilities next to the set of people, try to exercise first by looking at someone in the eye for a long period of time and then you will develop that aspect. Before starting the speech, say things like: "I am glad that I am here, I am glad that you are here, and I care about you. Connect with your audience emotionally.

Building the reputation

Learn to be difficult when it counts. You will build to be assertive and you will have a reputation that you get what you want without fighting for it every time.


One of the first things that schools should teach is awareness. We live in an awareness-seeking world, where we need to grab the awareness of others to survive. This isn't good because there is a limit to the information that our brain can process at a specific time. As such, we need to let go of unnecessary things that grab our awareness.

Like a car, in order to drive faster, it needs more horsepower, but it also needs to be lighter and have less drag. If you are aware of too many things, it will burn your brain and lead you to analysis paralysis, and if you are aware of too little, then you are ignorant. You have to be selective with information that you gather and with people that you interact. Before improving the world, we have to improve ourselves, and in order to do so, we have to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses that we have so we find what can complement us.

The brain break

 When tired, do a few pushups and take a cold shower. Recall that I have talked about the importance of a cold shower. While cold shower helps to raise your beta endorphins, pushups ensures that blood moves freely in your body. Standing blood is the worst thing that can happen to you.

Do good to other people

When you do good to others, you'll observe that something good happens to you instantly. And if not instantly, the universe has a way of paying you back. Take for example: You are inside a plane and you discover that the person next to you is disabled and he doesn't feel comfortable at the seat he was given. You go ahead to switch seats with him and instantly the flight attendant gives you a better seat. It's hard to explain but the universe is governed by laws of exchange and when you do good to people, the world gives you good situations, connections and reputation.

Spread the love

It's super important to spread the knowledge and increase the understanding of different fields and life as it will pass to you and make your life more interesting.

Knowledge > experience > emotions > understanding > wisdom > evolution

Our journey is about being less attached to things while being deeper than ever

Life is Harmonious chaos - chaos where we are balanced in a way.



Sleep is super important, and I can't say how long you should sleep as there are tradeoffs involved. Moreover, you need a long sleep when you've been beating your body in the gym for too long. What we can do is to speed up sleep, making sure that biological processes work faster, and that we go sleeping happily without anything bothering us, so we sleep deeper. Now we will consider the biological and psychological needs for sleep, and how to improve them.

Detox your brain

Imagine this! Your brain produces toxins throughout the day, and it needs to get rid of them. Now, imagine how you can speed up this process! You are right to make the flow larger and to provide something that can neutralize the toxins. To clear the pathways through stretching by opening up spinal discs, or in other words, the distance between the spinal discs will open up the path for the toxins to be removed. You can do that by doing the same 4-axis stretch that is similar to the one in step 8, which you do after the workout, that will essentially increase the flow, and so the body can remove the toxins easier. Now to neutralize the toxin, you can alkalize, and to do that effectively, you can drink alkaline water, lemon juices, teas that are not black and are caffeine-free such as chamomile and other herbal teas to make sure that you detox quicker and sleep better.


When you sleep, melatonin induces the deep sleep - the REM sleep. Melatonin ensures that you fall asleep deeply and also ensures that your hormones align accordingly.

It's important to get plenty of sleep for rewiring as the brain will fire together when you sleep and that will help the brain to grow and develop.

Melatonin is required to make DMT, and will essentially help you to develop the skills that you have in life.

Importance of Melatonin

 Lowers cortisol

 Improves carbohydrate metabolism.

Stimulates anti-aging.

Promotes DNA repairs and replication.

Activates neuroprotective role in the brain.

Decreases the development of certain tumors.

Heightens the immune response.

Inhibits atherosclerosis (hardening arteries).

Lowers triglyceride levels.

Increases lifespans of some animals by 20%.

Increases REM sleep.

Melatonin lowers with age and this is the reason why older people have issues with falling and staying asleep. Melatonin also conflicts with insulin so the more you eat before sleep, the worse the sleep you will have.

Internal clock and waking up early

Now imagine if you do an exercise every day for a month at 6 am. Your body will know that 6 am is exercise time.  Your body doesn’t know if you are hunting or lifting barbells, it just fixes 6am as exercise time. To make your workout better and effective, your body will produce hormones that will make the exercise more rewarding and less damaging.

 You have to understand that the internal clock part is also a self-awareness tool. When you set your action in time, your brain and fluids and hormones will work in that patterns. Your body will prepare set of hormones to kick in when you wake up, if you start your day with exercise. Studies have shown that the body makes energy available when you do something at a specific time. It would help you and help others to live much fuller lives if people understood this concept than they will have much deeper sleeps which spills on other things in life. .

Stretch for faster sleep

One of the main functions of sleeping is clearing out toxins in the brain.  You can speed up this process by stretching your back as spinal disks will give more space for spinal fluids to move around. You will sleep much deeper, and your body will recover quicker if you do that.

Sleep at the same time

The reason to go to sleep at the same time is to make sure that your body knows when are you sleeping and, therefore, prepare the internal chemistry. The pineal gland, which regulates the circadian rhythm. It regulates the hormones to perform better next time, while using less energy through the cycles of the day.

The reason to go to sleep at 10 pm and sleep until at least 2-3 am is to get your body to produce growth hormones to rejuvenate your body and also increase the alkalinity. Have you ever wondered why you looked skinnier in the mirror when you wake up? That's one of the reasons. If it's hard to sleep at those hours, at least try to sleep at the same time. Breaking your sleeping schedule can produce cortisol, which will stress you up, and cause you to gain fat, lose muscle, and lose the brainpower. The melatonin is abundant between 1 and 4 am, so that will help you with recovering quickest.

Now, put your phone in Airplane mode and go to bed at a good time.

Bonus tricks

Blue light blocking glasses and dim the lights.

Wear the blue-blocking glasses that will make sure that your brain doesn't produce too much serotonin, and that way, you make your brain think it’s night time and not day time.

Now imagine millions of years ago, we were multi-celled creatures that did a range of activities such as digest and hunt. One evolutionary tool that we call pineal gland woke us up when it was sunny, and switched us off when it was dark. Dimming the light will make sure that the pineal gland wouldn't switch on our brain.

Screens and sleep are the enemies of the brain as they produce the serotonin and that disrupts the production of the melatonin because they are in conflict with each other.

The drink that’ll place you to sleep.

Spoon of apple cider vinegar and spoon of honey mix it in cold water . ( use the straw ) Drink that few minutes before you want to go to bed and see what happens. Just make sure that you are close to bed.

Make your subconscious work for you

Analyze the day. Every evening, you should write, type, or think of the good and the bad that happened in a day; analyzing them and thinking about what you have learned from it. That way, you can make sure that whatever you do is great work and when that thing happens the next time, you can act differently and not follow the same pattern, breaking the loop if you want to. You can also ask yourself, what did I make? Good work should make you proud, and if you produce work that makes you proud, YOU WILL BE HAPPY. To make sleep more useful, ask questions that bothers you. Analyze the day to figure out the questions that bothers you.

Ask yourself those questions and build emotions around a big question while you can meditate before sleeping. Go to bed while making your subconscious work for you. We truly create when we do with passion. By falling asleep with passion towards something, it will make our brain work extra hard, and will shape your dreams accordantly, which we can use to our advantage. 95% of the brainpower is distributed in the subconscious mind and the rest in the conscious one. This makes the essence of whatever we do with our subconscious mainly. The time that we use for analyzing your subconscious will help us with future decision-making.

Change your state before you sleep

Today is the best day of my life as it shows that I need to do things in advance and that I need to make sure that my actions are justified.

Write or type why it's the best day of your life in your planner if you want or think about it. Now, being able to convert everything in life into a positivity increases strength and truly helps you evolve. Making sure that you can deal with any situation as you take it as a learning experience. This helps you go forward all the time. Turning anything into positivity changes your mindset and helps you to learn quickly as your brain really can observe when it's in a positive state of mind. When it's in a negative state, it narrows down only on negative things. Now, sleep pressure has been built, and scientifically speaking, adenosine is built on neuron receptors. The brain tells you to go to sleep, and that essentially means to go to bed.

More Air during sleep

Get an air circulator fan to circulate the air inside the room where you sleep, and that way, you will receive more air inside your room, and you will be more charged when you wake up. Keep house plants if you live in cities.

Sleep on the left side

There are lots of reasons to sleep on the left side and one of them is better lymphatic movement. It's also easier on the stomach. The next time you sleep on the sofa, make sure to sleep on your left side.

Reasons to sleep naked

SLEEP NAKED, you will have a better sleep as your body will breathe more. It makes you more connected to your partner closely. Likewise, there is a drop in stress hormone when you sleep naked. During sleep, growth hormone increases, while cortisol decrease, the natural process of breathing through the skin allows the body to have a deeper sleep when naked.

5 am club

Do set a mind that wakes you up at 5 am. Then you will wake up at 5 am if you do it with enough willpower without the alarms.

 The vivid dreams and Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar will help you get a great rest when you sleep.

A Tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and honey in hot water is one of the greatest tranquilizers you can get. It helps with the delivery of nutrients and makes sure that whatever you eat has the better effect on you. Having apple cider vinegar can help you have much more visual dreams. Having a lot of apples also helps but consider the tradeoffs when you fast.

If your pineal gland is full of toxins, you will have less vivid dreams as the execution of the gland is diminished.  Having a pineal gland that is clear and active is like having a second person helping you, as you can visualize pretty much everything.


Analyze the day & Ask big questions, Sleep with less information. Processes emotions. Focuses the brain. Benefits: Speed up sleep at the same time - Deeper sleep. Detox the body. Higher growth hormone count, lose weight.



The master rituals are designed for advanced users who have experiences in physical, mental and spiritual rituals.  Once you have mastered and condition your body, you can then progress to this level. It should take you few months but once you are there, the 15 minutes master ritual will charge you, change you and evolve so quick that you will never look back at your old self ever again.

The master ritual of energy and focus.

After mastering the steps in the book, you will be combining them to make sure you do what you do at higher efficiency with the highest progression, using less time and making sure whatever you do, you do with energy and strength.

After practicing those steps, you will be able to create your own master rituals, which essentially will charge you and give you an extreme amount of focus and willpower.

This extreme ritual requires you to master other steps to feel the basics, so don't overdo it with the hard approach. It is extreme, you can do a light version to feel where you will progress towards, but be careful. Once you reach the high levels, you will have the performance to charge yourself very quickly.

Know this; for some, it can take a week, and for others, it can take few months, but you have to make sure that you are not forcing yourself as your body and mind knows how to evolve. Just follow your intuition as it will guide you through the steps.

The master morning ritual of 2 steps

The first step is mainly to charge your brain and clear your body, and also connect with your magnetic field for measuring your state and keep you focused.

Second step is to make your body perform with the simple exercise and show your body that you are in control. This ritual will help you develop control of the endocrine system even further. The main system of control of relaxation and activation in which we will discuss further in the book.

Step one of master ritual - The frozen magnetic explosion ( F.M.E )

The purpose of this ritual is to charge your magnetic field, bring awareness to the magnetic field, make you tough and kind, charge you will electricity and make you push further than anyone could. I believe in my philosophy that a great human must be strong but must be kind at same time, and not just with emotions but with actions. Person must also be clever enough to see when someone is trying to abuse the kindness and try to help the person to find what he really wants.

The charging aspect comes from the idea that we as humans do need an electric field to keep our cells engaged and function properly! The sciences behind it is; as humans, we are a combination of many other living organisms, where the living organisms communicate with each other. When they don't communicate, the bond breaks, they separate and they search to connect with something else. Just like atoms connects with other atoms to form elements, elements connect with other elements to form cells, cells connect to form organs, organs connect to form our body and our body connects with the larger magnetic field which connects with the world. As such, when we have weak electric charge, our bodies are unable to function properly as connections are severed in the internal cells. That's why we must be aware of this. It's neither taught in biology nor any other field. People who were religious felt the electric field and tagged it aura, if you ask me that was an important finding. It made them feel good, they were literally high because the abundance of magnetic field creates mind body connection but also detoxes the body especially if you mediate between 4-6 am. There is a whole science on how melatonin converts to DMT and Valium when you meditate and melatonin production peaks at around 3 am.

Do you know that the brain doesn't need oxygen to operate in the cold? If you know a person who is about to fall into near death experience, you can save his/her brain by placing the head in a very cold environment. Place lots of ice on and around the head to save the brain. The reason when people escape death after a clinical death is because their brain continued to function, the synapses continued to send signals while the body was shutting down and doctors were fixing the failing body parts. Now you know what to do the next time you see a person having a near death experience. Simply place the head in a cold environment to ensure that the brain continues working. That way, you can keep the person alive and save his life.

People who fly to space are trained with water that is colder than 0 degrees, so if their spaceship blows or their space suit leaks, then they have to withstand an extreme amount of temperatures drop for some time while fixing an issue and being calm.

Now we are going to replace that mindset from the idea that cold is bad to cold is awesome when you reach nirvana states quicker when in it.

The benefits of cold are as follows:

Frozen Magnetic Explosion is basically sitting in a super cold bath that is filled with salt water and ice. The purpose of salt is to make sure that the temperature of sub-zero degrees can be reached and also it helps to charge your body. Now in salt water, the ions will help you detox your body such that you will feel even greater as you clear the acids in your body. While sitting in the bath, you will start to control your state. When it's cold and getting colder over time, you will want to start filling it with more ice.

How do we do frozen magnetic explosion?

It’s a combination of few things into one spectrum!

1.1 Breathing technique

1.2 Awareness of the points of the body! Meditation!

1.3 Emotional state change (philosophical including hormonal)

1.4 Cold environment

1.5 Increasing levels of antioxidants in the body

1.6 Waking up early (for some this is not fun but it will be worth it)

1.7 Building an NLP anchor

1.8 Focus on the goals (seeing the big picture)

1.9 Hands together to push further the spinal fluids (optional - which increase the magnetic field.)

Let’s go deep with each point.

1.1 Breathing

The idea of breathing is simple. It’s a mechanical way of ensuring that we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide for our bodies’ requirement, so we can pump the blood and have oxygen in our system. Simply put, we are dead without breathing. Now, we can take breathing to the extreme when it makes our body alkaline and produces electricity that charges the brain and the body through pressure creation on pineal gland and as well the requirement of the body of potassium that creates electricity through out the body.

1.2 Awareness of the points in the point’s body

One of the first foundation of mindfulness and meditation is awareness of your body, it’s elements and it’s activities. I advise that you start your meditation session by paying close attention to the parts of your body that are close to the ground. This helps to ground and stabilize the mind, thereby calming the mind and preventing the mind from wandering off. Start this practice by becoming aware of your feet. Then I project your awareness to every other part of your body, relaxing every part of your body with every change of awareness.

1.3 Emotional state change

Sending love helps to shift from negative to positive. Likewise expressing gratitude also shift your state from a negative one to a positive one. You feel so much better when you are grateful for your past, present and future. You let go of attachment and pain and you also learn quicker by doin this.

1.4 Cold environment - basically cold environment helps to reduce friction and increase conductivity thereby helping with the passage of electric signals that leads to the creation of neural connections. The cold environment detoxes the body and trains cardio vascular system making it more

1.5 Detoxing the body through the increase of electrical charge, thereby allowing blood to flush toxins quicker from the body and flush them out through urine, sweat and tears

1.6 Waking up early (for some this is not fun but it will be worth it)

The brain produces melatonin at peak levels in the night and when you wake up early, you still have some of the melatonin in your system. When you meditate deeply you will initiate the conversion of the melatonin into DMT and valium which are super antioxidants and help the brain to function better.

1.7 Building an NLP anchor (NLP - Neuro linguistic programming)

I am grateful love to all! Saying the words I am whenever you are in a state where you don't want to be can change your state so you take control of your life in any situation you are in.

1.8 Focus on the goals (seeing the big picture)

After ridding your brain and body of toxins, the next thing is to focus on your goals.

1.9 Hands together to push further the spinal fluids (optional).

In order to push the spinal fluid up, place your hands together in front of you and push them in as you are trying to squeeze a lemon. This movement pushes the spinal fluid up there by making the magnetic field to circulate and expand more.

Putting it all together

Sit in the cold shower and close your eyes. Place your hands together and focus on the lower back, breathe in fully and let go but squeeze with your stomach and pelvic muscles while imaging the point of awareness and focus going up slowly with each breath. It should take around 20 breath for it to reach the top of your head and try to focus above the point of your head. Breathe out, hold and enjoy ( optional for improving the core muscles - tuck in your stomach similar to vacuum breathing, this will make sure you train your stomach muscles and so with age, your gut wouldn't stick out and your organs will be positioned in much more optimum location inside your body).

After the point when you need to breathe, breathe deep and hold, squeeze in your pelvic muscles and push your stomach in. Now think on the stuff that need to be done. Focus on your goals! You are in a much positive state so you will do it. Your adrenaline level will increase and whatever was stuck in your veins and blood you will clear out. Your body is now alkaline and you most likely have reached state that is associated as nirvana or ecstasy when brain has abundance of gamma waves as your brain now is fully charged and syncing.

Your body is getting colder and as a protection mechanism, it pushes the blood towards your organs so you have abundance of oxygen and you reach the state of clarity and focus.

With meditation, this is gonna sound like lecture but I will try to summarize something it took years for me to understand. Through different experimentation, research from many different books, lectures and seminars.   I love the approach of science and here I am giving it to you who ever reads it.

The reason I went through different sciences is to go deep and to understand the need to do something and how to look at different angles that different sciences provide. To make it more effective and be able to progress and go further, you need to understand that the harder you try to switch off your thoughts, the more you will have them as you actually make your brain work faster since you send a signal to the brain that something is going on. You need to adopt the idea of observing your thoughts.

It is impossible to shut down your thoughts, what you can do is to redirect your energy and focus it to another part of the brain that doesn't have that internal voice which can place you in the state of a zone.

To train that, you need to sit and observe your thoughts. Don't judge, don't care, you just think and look at your thoughts, disengaging yourself from emotions. When you do this, the brain will automatically slow down the brain wave frequency and you will move from the state of default mode to a more primed zone.

Now, when you become an observer of your thoughts, blood and electricity will move to the part of the brain that develops self-control as well as other things. You will also experience increased focus and healing. Also, you will experience increased open thinking which helps with idea generation, seeing the whole picture with intuition and essentially the control of your state throughout the day.

When it comes to meditation, you need to fully understand what meditation is in order to have a great meditation.  Also, you have to feel what it is and how to know the different states. While meditating, you might feel a tingling sensation or like someone is touching your head. This feels good comes from a part of the brain called pineal gland or third eye. The pineal gland is responsible for the release of serotonin and melatonin. If you meditate to super deep levels, the melatonin converts to DMT and Valium which is a component you find in drugs. These compounds have high anti oxidation power which heals the body and see to it that the brain rewires itself and change your priorities to more important ones.

I remember when I started meditation. It felt like someone touches my lobe whenever I was meditating. It is a great feeling, it felt like someone was on standby to massage my head all day long.

If while meditating, you feel pain in your head, it shows that your brain needs to detox. The brain feels the accumulated toxins the moment you starting building neural connection, so detox first.

Meditation has helped me so much that it made me develop self-awareness and also effect changes in my life. Take for instance: whenever I drink tap water, I feel a sharp pain in my head like I'm been pricked by needle. I soon discovered that my body wanted me to drink bottled or filtered water, not tap water. This clearly shows that meditation helps to change one's lifestyle

Ok so what is meditation?

So imagine the brain as the machine that has different brain wave frequencies! When you sleep it works at slow frequency and when you wake, its works at a fast frequency as you have information coming in and your brain is trying to figure out if its danger or something you love.

So, there are different frequencies here and you will understand each definition of them.

Here are the brain waves:

1 Beta fully functioning awake

2 Alpha Waking up (watching TV, relaxed) (meditation at beginning)

3 Theta - Just about to fall asleep or wake up (really deep meditation)

4 Delta Sleep waves

5 Gamma (super deep meditation) also known as nirvana

The whole idea is that the brain is an electromagnetic field that sends signals.  It sends signals based on the awareness that we have and when you develop your awareness, you develop the focus as well. The idea of convergence and divergent thinking applies when you can narrow your focus like a lens and feel towards specific part of the body that will send the blood and all the required nutrients towards that area to heal faster. It’s not magic, basically you tell your body to heal by telling where to send the nutrients to break down the dead cells away and give birth to the new ones.

How to meditate? I am 100% sure that you will feel the benefit of it straight away.

 So how to do it.

 As soon as you wake up, don't check anything, and don't check your mail. The reason for this is your brain processed all the information while sleeping and will start to speed up when you wake up. Close your eyes and observe. This will train the brain to get there, you will catch your brain waves before it turns into beta waves and they will sit more on Alpha waves throughout the day and that's it. For me, mornings are more convenient as I fall asleep in front of my art or what I do, or reach the state where I am too tired and just pass to bed to sleep!

Things to note

One of the big things that you can do is, when you meditate you can influence your subconscious and memory of the body, the reflexes and the way the body believes the world is. The assumption that we are aware of some things and not about others is because we have those things in our unconscious belief system and when you meditate you can change the beliefs the same what hypnosis does.

Also, you should know that when you meditate, more blood rushes to the brain and less to the body and that grows the brain.

What happens when you meditate?

 When you mediate:

You can also sit in a cold bath; I don't know if you have tried this but I can tell you that it's more advanced. And because our brain can work in the cold without oxygen it start to speed up. You know like frogs in winters they freeze in ice and after the ice melts, they continue hoping because their brain is still functioning. Humans can't really do that in ice as they have much more complex system.

Train more to balance yourself so you can control your state and not be attached to anything and live life fully. You will have the brain that will be able to reach those states of mind that is called 'flow.' Your brain will be silence, and it will focus on extreme temperature, and when it is silent, you will go into a very deep meditation. As such, combining the meditation and the cold environment helps to improve the performance of the brain. When the environment is not an easy one, you will train, and you will thrive as you are prepared. Also, one of the things all of us have is this internal chatter, and people who meditate try to eliminate it through long hours of meditation. When you jump into a cold environment, you will feel your internal chatter shutting up; this is called default mode of the brain that we can influence and change. The more you're in a flow, the easier to get there, so if you do it every day in the morning, you can just get to it by thought.

When you are inside the cold environment, to amplify the effect and charge your brain with positivity, say this to yourself: "I am grateful love to all".  You can ask yourself where is your focus is at. The focus makes meditation and focusing on your pineal gland ensure that your brain waves slow down so you will feel calmer and focus on a specific aspect that you want and influence yourself more effectively. The sending of love and gratitude are all instrumental parts to make you feel great and connected, and all the love will make sure that your identity is truly given to the society. Here I’ve traded this book with you to pass you the knowledge on how to connect with the world.

Warning: When you feel that your skin is burning, make sure you get away from the cold as fast as possible; that means you are overdoing it or when you don’t feel it.

What do you require for a cold environment?

A Bathtub with ice or some sort of cooling system and bath salt. Another option is a cryogenic chamber, though it's an expensive machine. To be honest, I did get burns from it once, and the owner of the spa center thought that I would sue her, but personally, I don't like those people who sue others to obtain a financial reward. It was actually a fun experience and I enjoyed the experience, even though I have a scar on my body. What I am saying is it has dangers of its own because you are prone to inhaling liquid nitrogen and if care is not taken, it can kill you.

Step two of the master ritual

 The genetic shake up

The reason why we engage in sports is to energize our body and make our body fit. Your genetics should resonate with the desires that you have not some circumstances. Fitness level is an expression of what your body is capable of doing. When you are fit, it's obvious you will push your limit on health and other things to get even fitter to be capable of doing more. Now, the genetic shake up is all about focusing the exercise in a way that will make you super strong and have other aspects added to it. If can tell that your brain and your body is following the genetic shake up closely, then you are a person that is capable of a great achievement.

We will discuss the progression science in a sport step, but there is a superset that I've developed which is tough and can be easily progressed over time. I call it the Kettle/Rope madness.

Kettle/Rope madness

Do as many kettlebell swings in one go; you will want to hit heavier weights when you reach above 50-100 reps in one attempt as it can get a bit boring. After you're done with those, take battle ropes and do swings to push other muscles in motion and keep your heart rate elevated. Then, you can finish with plank, but the main one is kettlebell swing. Remember that it uses most of the muscles and develops more than any other equipment, the Beauty of kettlebell is that it burns more muscles and produces the quickest result to the body hormonally.

If the battle ropes is not an option, you can do this instead to keep your heart rate elevated. With completing the set by circling kettlebell around your shoulder. The reason why I will prefer the battle ropes for the second part of the set is that kettlebell swings and battle ropes require you to increase your VO2 max, as both consume a lot of oxygen and make your body crave for it, therefore, expand your cardiovascular system by the pure demand of the body.

Now it's a heavy set, so hitting from 2-6 sets is a good guideline, make sure you are listening to your body. Make sure to check out how to do the kettlebell swings, battle ropes or if battle ropes not an option than pull up bar and do press ups and also how to do planks as it’s important to do it right which you can finish with. After waking up, shower, and get dressed, and here you go - you did three sets.

It takes 30-40 minutes a week and you can really progress with ease with nearly no equipment. To measure the performance just do maximum number of reps of kettle bell swing in one set or do few with a minute break in between it’s your choice.

The right diet while on master ritual

Do the kettle set in the morning and do it in the evening to make the body crave nutrients and produce growth hormones for its shape and development. The idea here is to go on intermittent fasting with increasing fasting window by training in the evening and as soon as you wake up. So if you eat in 3-4 hours window, then you will make sure that your food will be distributed across the body and you will have a longer intermittent fasting session. And if you eat once a day, then you will have an even greater kick.

 I usually eat in the evenings or lunchtimes and not eat any other time. So if you eat at 2 and eat in the evening at around 5-6, then exercising in the evening can burn off the calories that you consumed so you go back into fasting mode, which is ketogenic. Socially wise, if you eat at 2 and 6, which is like having lunch and dinner with people to connect deeper, you can also cut it to just 5-6pm where you eat and do few sets an hour later, which will most likely distribute whatever you ate into recovery and building the strength. If my target is to loose fat tissue than I will eat in the morning as soon as I wake up but that’s periodically. Switching up is important as you don’t allow your body to go out of balance and be ready if things change around. Our ideas of food consumption, and our lifestyle in general makes us tired and stressed due to the fact that we are abusing our body with not allowing it to filter out junk out of our system.

What you should do is to eat the right food that charges your body with electricity so you function better and eat only once or twice a day to shorten the feeding window so you can have a period of time where you are fasting throughout the day.  With an exercise in the morning, you burn out all the free energy in the body and if you do a session in the evening you will use up what you've eaten for lunch and if you just eat lunch, then you have a huge window. The body will start to produce growth hormones during the fasting window; it can rise up to 5 more times than the usual amount within 24 hours and if you do that regularly you will have a much healthier body so you can be more mobile throughout your life and live longer. It's important that you drink plenty of water so that your body can accommodate nutrients.

Summary of the book

Like I mentioned at the beginning of the book, this book is a result of my past experiences and I'm looking to add value to you and the society. I intended this book for those who want to achieve greatness in life. I believe you want to, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book.

It's natural to set goals and thirst for success, as a matter of fact, everyone wants to achieve greatness. However, greatness doesn't happen overnight or happen because I wish to be successful. No, you and I have got to be full of energy and directs our energy towards what we want to pursue - our dreams, greatness. Working towards the realization of your goals is a constant refining process, where you develop your wisdom, health, wealth and happiness.

Firstly, this book helps you to create focus, be focused and remind you of the goals you have set for yourself on a daily basis so you can imprint them inside you till they become who you are. Then, you go further to start the circulation process of oxygen and blood in your body. The circulation of oxygen and blood in the body charges your brain to perform better and build positivity around you. You go on to engage in exercise designed to make you more combative so you can tackle challenges head on.


You've learned the Eleven Steps to Success, Now Design Your Life and Evolve It. What I want you to do is to design your life the way you want to live. Think of this steps as building blocks for your habits. It’s important to have time to yourself, and those steps are designed to make sure you give to your mind and body a lot of value.

Plan the steps to get there and become strong, so you can do what you want at any time. Nothing in this world comes to anyone instantly; you have to work for it, and you have to live truly and you will self-correct through your emotions. Just make sure you think, work hard, and recover fast. Use every part of your brain before making a decision and think long-term, and you will get there.

Honor your struggle; when everyone quits you just keep on going! You develop the mind and the body in a way that will help you learn and grow. You will strengthen yourself if you do more of what your body resist. Opening up your ideas of life and opening up the way you think of life!

The balance of life.

Life is a balance, make sure whatever you do, you are not too engaged in one thing and that your life is a balance and variety. Make sure that whatever you do, you do with love and with energy. I wish you luck and success in your endeavors. It took me years to write this, and a lifetime to understand it. I kept it short so that you can get the most valuable information. I didn't go deep with the tools as they always change, and are different to every environment. I went with principles instead of describing the tools I went with describing the activities, systems and building blocks of them, so you can mold them and apply them anywhere. Now you know what happens and how your body reacts to the world around it go explore deeper and be a good samaritan pass the knowledge.

Wish you success in your endeavors.

Andranik Okroyan