/** * This file was automatically generated by pg-proto-parser@latest. * DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify the source proto file, * and run the pg-proto-parser generate command to regenerate this file. */ export type EnumType = "OverridingKind" | "QuerySource" | "SortByDir" | "SortByNulls" | "SetQuantifier" | "A_Expr_Kind" | "RoleSpecType" | "TableLikeOption" | "DefElemAction" | "PartitionStrategy" | "PartitionRangeDatumKind" | "RTEKind" | "WCOKind" | "GroupingSetKind" | "CTEMaterialize" | "SetOperation" | "ObjectType" | "DropBehavior" | "AlterTableType" | "GrantTargetType" | "VariableSetKind" | "ConstrType" | "ImportForeignSchemaType" | "RoleStmtType" | "FetchDirection" | "FunctionParameterMode" | "TransactionStmtKind" | "ViewCheckOption" | "DiscardMode" | "ReindexObjectType" | "AlterTSConfigType" | "PublicationObjSpecType" | "AlterPublicationAction" | "AlterSubscriptionType" | "OnCommitAction" | "ParamKind" | "CoercionContext" | "CoercionForm" | "BoolExprType" | "SubLinkType" | "RowCompareType" | "MinMaxOp" | "SQLValueFunctionOp" | "XmlExprOp" | "XmlOptionType" | "JsonEncoding" | "JsonFormatType" | "JsonConstructorType" | "JsonValueType" | "NullTestType" | "BoolTestType" | "CmdType" | "JoinType" | "AggStrategy" | "AggSplit" | "SetOpCmd" | "SetOpStrategy" | "OnConflictAction" | "LimitOption" | "LockClauseStrength" | "LockWaitPolicy" | "LockTupleMode" | "KeywordKind" | "Token"; export const getEnumValue = (enumType: EnumType, key: string | number) => { switch (enumType) { case "OverridingKind": { switch (key) { case "OVERRIDING_NOT_SET": return 0; case "OVERRIDING_USER_VALUE": return 1; case "OVERRIDING_SYSTEM_VALUE": return 2; case 0: return "OVERRIDING_NOT_SET"; case 1: return "OVERRIDING_USER_VALUE"; case 2: return "OVERRIDING_SYSTEM_VALUE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum OverridingKind"); } } case "QuerySource": { switch (key) { case "QSRC_ORIGINAL": return 0; case "QSRC_PARSER": return 1; case "QSRC_INSTEAD_RULE": return 2; case "QSRC_QUAL_INSTEAD_RULE": return 3; case "QSRC_NON_INSTEAD_RULE": return 4; case 0: return "QSRC_ORIGINAL"; case 1: return "QSRC_PARSER"; case 2: return "QSRC_INSTEAD_RULE"; case 3: return "QSRC_QUAL_INSTEAD_RULE"; case 4: return "QSRC_NON_INSTEAD_RULE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum QuerySource"); } } case "SortByDir": { switch (key) { case "SORTBY_DEFAULT": return 0; case "SORTBY_ASC": return 1; case "SORTBY_DESC": return 2; case "SORTBY_USING": return 3; case 0: return "SORTBY_DEFAULT"; case 1: return "SORTBY_ASC"; case 2: return "SORTBY_DESC"; case 3: return "SORTBY_USING"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SortByDir"); } } case "SortByNulls": { switch (key) { case "SORTBY_NULLS_DEFAULT": return 0; case "SORTBY_NULLS_FIRST": return 1; case "SORTBY_NULLS_LAST": return 2; case 0: return "SORTBY_NULLS_DEFAULT"; case 1: return "SORTBY_NULLS_FIRST"; case 2: return "SORTBY_NULLS_LAST"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SortByNulls"); } } case "SetQuantifier": { switch (key) { case "SET_QUANTIFIER_DEFAULT": return 0; case "SET_QUANTIFIER_ALL": return 1; case "SET_QUANTIFIER_DISTINCT": return 2; case 0: return "SET_QUANTIFIER_DEFAULT"; case 1: return "SET_QUANTIFIER_ALL"; case 2: return "SET_QUANTIFIER_DISTINCT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SetQuantifier"); } } case "A_Expr_Kind": { switch (key) { case "AEXPR_OP": return 0; case "AEXPR_OP_ANY": return 1; case "AEXPR_OP_ALL": return 2; case "AEXPR_DISTINCT": return 3; case "AEXPR_NOT_DISTINCT": return 4; case "AEXPR_NULLIF": return 5; case "AEXPR_IN": return 6; case "AEXPR_LIKE": return 7; case "AEXPR_ILIKE": return 8; case "AEXPR_SIMILAR": return 9; case "AEXPR_BETWEEN": return 10; case "AEXPR_NOT_BETWEEN": return 11; case "AEXPR_BETWEEN_SYM": return 12; case "AEXPR_NOT_BETWEEN_SYM": return 13; case 0: return "AEXPR_OP"; case 1: return "AEXPR_OP_ANY"; case 2: return "AEXPR_OP_ALL"; case 3: return "AEXPR_DISTINCT"; case 4: return "AEXPR_NOT_DISTINCT"; case 5: return "AEXPR_NULLIF"; case 6: return "AEXPR_IN"; case 7: return "AEXPR_LIKE"; case 8: return "AEXPR_ILIKE"; case 9: return "AEXPR_SIMILAR"; case 10: return "AEXPR_BETWEEN"; case 11: return "AEXPR_NOT_BETWEEN"; case 12: return "AEXPR_BETWEEN_SYM"; case 13: return "AEXPR_NOT_BETWEEN_SYM"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum A_Expr_Kind"); } } case "RoleSpecType": { switch (key) { case "ROLESPEC_CSTRING": return 0; case "ROLESPEC_CURRENT_ROLE": return 1; case "ROLESPEC_CURRENT_USER": return 2; case "ROLESPEC_SESSION_USER": return 3; case "ROLESPEC_PUBLIC": return 4; case 0: return "ROLESPEC_CSTRING"; case 1: return "ROLESPEC_CURRENT_ROLE"; case 2: return "ROLESPEC_CURRENT_USER"; case 3: return "ROLESPEC_SESSION_USER"; case 4: return "ROLESPEC_PUBLIC"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum RoleSpecType"); } } case "TableLikeOption": { switch (key) { case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_COMMENTS": return 0; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_COMPRESSION": return 1; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_CONSTRAINTS": return 2; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_DEFAULTS": return 3; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_GENERATED": return 4; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_IDENTITY": return 5; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_INDEXES": return 6; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_STATISTICS": return 7; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_STORAGE": return 8; case "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_ALL": return 9; case 0: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_COMMENTS"; case 1: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_COMPRESSION"; case 2: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_CONSTRAINTS"; case 3: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_DEFAULTS"; case 4: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_GENERATED"; case 5: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_IDENTITY"; case 6: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_INDEXES"; case 7: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_STATISTICS"; case 8: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_STORAGE"; case 9: return "CREATE_TABLE_LIKE_ALL"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum TableLikeOption"); } } case "DefElemAction": { switch (key) { case "DEFELEM_UNSPEC": return 0; case "DEFELEM_SET": return 1; case "DEFELEM_ADD": return 2; case "DEFELEM_DROP": return 3; case 0: return "DEFELEM_UNSPEC"; case 1: return "DEFELEM_SET"; case 2: return "DEFELEM_ADD"; case 3: return "DEFELEM_DROP"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum DefElemAction"); } } case "PartitionStrategy": { switch (key) { case "PARTITION_STRATEGY_LIST": return 0; case "PARTITION_STRATEGY_RANGE": return 1; case "PARTITION_STRATEGY_HASH": return 2; case 0: return "PARTITION_STRATEGY_LIST"; case 1: return "PARTITION_STRATEGY_RANGE"; case 2: return "PARTITION_STRATEGY_HASH"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum PartitionStrategy"); } } case "PartitionRangeDatumKind": { switch (key) { case "PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_MINVALUE": return 0; case "PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_VALUE": return 1; case "PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_MAXVALUE": return 2; case 0: return "PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_MINVALUE"; case 1: return "PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_VALUE"; case 2: return "PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_MAXVALUE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum PartitionRangeDatumKind"); } } case "RTEKind": { switch (key) { case "RTE_RELATION": return 0; case "RTE_SUBQUERY": return 1; case "RTE_JOIN": return 2; case "RTE_FUNCTION": return 3; case "RTE_TABLEFUNC": return 4; case "RTE_VALUES": return 5; case "RTE_CTE": return 6; case "RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE": return 7; case "RTE_RESULT": return 8; case 0: return "RTE_RELATION"; case 1: return "RTE_SUBQUERY"; case 2: return "RTE_JOIN"; case 3: return "RTE_FUNCTION"; case 4: return "RTE_TABLEFUNC"; case 5: return "RTE_VALUES"; case 6: return "RTE_CTE"; case 7: return "RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE"; case 8: return "RTE_RESULT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum RTEKind"); } } case "WCOKind": { switch (key) { case "WCO_VIEW_CHECK": return 0; case "WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK": return 1; case "WCO_RLS_UPDATE_CHECK": return 2; case "WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK": return 3; case "WCO_RLS_MERGE_UPDATE_CHECK": return 4; case "WCO_RLS_MERGE_DELETE_CHECK": return 5; case 0: return "WCO_VIEW_CHECK"; case 1: return "WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK"; case 2: return "WCO_RLS_UPDATE_CHECK"; case 3: return "WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK"; case 4: return "WCO_RLS_MERGE_UPDATE_CHECK"; case 5: return "WCO_RLS_MERGE_DELETE_CHECK"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum WCOKind"); } } case "GroupingSetKind": { switch (key) { case "GROUPING_SET_EMPTY": return 0; case "GROUPING_SET_SIMPLE": return 1; case "GROUPING_SET_ROLLUP": return 2; case "GROUPING_SET_CUBE": return 3; case "GROUPING_SET_SETS": return 4; case 0: return "GROUPING_SET_EMPTY"; case 1: return "GROUPING_SET_SIMPLE"; case 2: return "GROUPING_SET_ROLLUP"; case 3: return "GROUPING_SET_CUBE"; case 4: return "GROUPING_SET_SETS"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum GroupingSetKind"); } } case "CTEMaterialize": { switch (key) { case "CTEMaterializeDefault": return 0; case "CTEMaterializeAlways": return 1; case "CTEMaterializeNever": return 2; case 0: return "CTEMaterializeDefault"; case 1: return "CTEMaterializeAlways"; case 2: return "CTEMaterializeNever"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum CTEMaterialize"); } } case "SetOperation": { switch (key) { case "SETOP_NONE": return 0; case "SETOP_UNION": return 1; case "SETOP_INTERSECT": return 2; case "SETOP_EXCEPT": return 3; case 0: return "SETOP_NONE"; case 1: return "SETOP_UNION"; case 2: return "SETOP_INTERSECT"; case 3: return "SETOP_EXCEPT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SetOperation"); } } case "ObjectType": { switch (key) { case "OBJECT_ACCESS_METHOD": return 0; case "OBJECT_AGGREGATE": return 1; case "OBJECT_AMOP": return 2; case "OBJECT_AMPROC": return 3; case "OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE": return 4; case "OBJECT_CAST": return 5; case "OBJECT_COLUMN": return 6; case "OBJECT_COLLATION": return 7; case "OBJECT_CONVERSION": return 8; case "OBJECT_DATABASE": return 9; case "OBJECT_DEFAULT": return 10; case "OBJECT_DEFACL": return 11; case "OBJECT_DOMAIN": return 12; case "OBJECT_DOMCONSTRAINT": return 13; case "OBJECT_EVENT_TRIGGER": return 14; case "OBJECT_EXTENSION": return 15; case "OBJECT_FDW": return 16; case "OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER": return 17; case "OBJECT_FOREIGN_TABLE": return 18; case "OBJECT_FUNCTION": return 19; case "OBJECT_INDEX": return 20; case "OBJECT_LANGUAGE": return 21; case "OBJECT_LARGEOBJECT": return 22; case "OBJECT_MATVIEW": return 23; case "OBJECT_OPCLASS": return 24; case "OBJECT_OPERATOR": return 25; case "OBJECT_OPFAMILY": return 26; case "OBJECT_PARAMETER_ACL": return 27; case "OBJECT_POLICY": return 28; case "OBJECT_PROCEDURE": return 29; case "OBJECT_PUBLICATION": return 30; case "OBJECT_PUBLICATION_NAMESPACE": return 31; case "OBJECT_PUBLICATION_REL": return 32; case "OBJECT_ROLE": return 33; case "OBJECT_ROUTINE": return 34; case "OBJECT_RULE": return 35; case "OBJECT_SCHEMA": return 36; case "OBJECT_SEQUENCE": return 37; case "OBJECT_SUBSCRIPTION": return 38; case "OBJECT_STATISTIC_EXT": return 39; case "OBJECT_TABCONSTRAINT": return 40; case "OBJECT_TABLE": return 41; case "OBJECT_TABLESPACE": return 42; case "OBJECT_TRANSFORM": return 43; case "OBJECT_TRIGGER": return 44; case "OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION": return 45; case "OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY": return 46; case "OBJECT_TSPARSER": return 47; case "OBJECT_TSTEMPLATE": return 48; case "OBJECT_TYPE": return 49; case "OBJECT_USER_MAPPING": return 50; case "OBJECT_VIEW": return 51; case 0: return "OBJECT_ACCESS_METHOD"; case 1: return "OBJECT_AGGREGATE"; case 2: return "OBJECT_AMOP"; case 3: return "OBJECT_AMPROC"; case 4: return "OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE"; case 5: return "OBJECT_CAST"; case 6: return "OBJECT_COLUMN"; case 7: return "OBJECT_COLLATION"; case 8: return "OBJECT_CONVERSION"; case 9: return "OBJECT_DATABASE"; case 10: return "OBJECT_DEFAULT"; case 11: return "OBJECT_DEFACL"; case 12: return "OBJECT_DOMAIN"; case 13: return "OBJECT_DOMCONSTRAINT"; case 14: return "OBJECT_EVENT_TRIGGER"; case 15: return "OBJECT_EXTENSION"; case 16: return "OBJECT_FDW"; case 17: return "OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER"; case 18: return "OBJECT_FOREIGN_TABLE"; case 19: return "OBJECT_FUNCTION"; case 20: return "OBJECT_INDEX"; case 21: return "OBJECT_LANGUAGE"; case 22: return "OBJECT_LARGEOBJECT"; case 23: return "OBJECT_MATVIEW"; case 24: return "OBJECT_OPCLASS"; case 25: return "OBJECT_OPERATOR"; case 26: return "OBJECT_OPFAMILY"; case 27: return "OBJECT_PARAMETER_ACL"; case 28: return "OBJECT_POLICY"; case 29: return "OBJECT_PROCEDURE"; case 30: return "OBJECT_PUBLICATION"; case 31: return "OBJECT_PUBLICATION_NAMESPACE"; case 32: return "OBJECT_PUBLICATION_REL"; case 33: return "OBJECT_ROLE"; case 34: return "OBJECT_ROUTINE"; case 35: return "OBJECT_RULE"; case 36: return "OBJECT_SCHEMA"; case 37: return "OBJECT_SEQUENCE"; case 38: return "OBJECT_SUBSCRIPTION"; case 39: return "OBJECT_STATISTIC_EXT"; case 40: return "OBJECT_TABCONSTRAINT"; case 41: return "OBJECT_TABLE"; case 42: return "OBJECT_TABLESPACE"; case 43: return "OBJECT_TRANSFORM"; case 44: return "OBJECT_TRIGGER"; case 45: return "OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION"; case 46: return "OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY"; case 47: return "OBJECT_TSPARSER"; case 48: return "OBJECT_TSTEMPLATE"; case 49: return "OBJECT_TYPE"; case 50: return "OBJECT_USER_MAPPING"; case 51: return "OBJECT_VIEW"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum ObjectType"); } } case "DropBehavior": { switch (key) { case "DROP_RESTRICT": return 0; case "DROP_CASCADE": return 1; case 0: return "DROP_RESTRICT"; case 1: return "DROP_CASCADE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum DropBehavior"); } } case "AlterTableType": { switch (key) { case "AT_AddColumn": return 0; case "AT_AddColumnToView": return 1; case "AT_ColumnDefault": return 2; case "AT_CookedColumnDefault": return 3; case "AT_DropNotNull": return 4; case "AT_SetNotNull": return 5; case "AT_DropExpression": return 6; case "AT_CheckNotNull": return 7; case "AT_SetStatistics": return 8; case "AT_SetOptions": return 9; case "AT_ResetOptions": return 10; case "AT_SetStorage": return 11; case "AT_SetCompression": return 12; case "AT_DropColumn": return 13; case "AT_AddIndex": return 14; case "AT_ReAddIndex": return 15; case "AT_AddConstraint": return 16; case "AT_ReAddConstraint": return 17; case "AT_ReAddDomainConstraint": return 18; case "AT_AlterConstraint": return 19; case "AT_ValidateConstraint": return 20; case "AT_AddIndexConstraint": return 21; case "AT_DropConstraint": return 22; case "AT_ReAddComment": return 23; case "AT_AlterColumnType": return 24; case "AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions": return 25; case "AT_ChangeOwner": return 26; case "AT_ClusterOn": return 27; case "AT_DropCluster": return 28; case "AT_SetLogged": return 29; case "AT_SetUnLogged": return 30; case "AT_DropOids": return 31; case "AT_SetAccessMethod": return 32; case "AT_SetTableSpace": return 33; case "AT_SetRelOptions": return 34; case "AT_ResetRelOptions": return 35; case "AT_ReplaceRelOptions": return 36; case "AT_EnableTrig": return 37; case "AT_EnableAlwaysTrig": return 38; case "AT_EnableReplicaTrig": return 39; case "AT_DisableTrig": return 40; case "AT_EnableTrigAll": return 41; case "AT_DisableTrigAll": return 42; case "AT_EnableTrigUser": return 43; case "AT_DisableTrigUser": return 44; case "AT_EnableRule": return 45; case "AT_EnableAlwaysRule": return 46; case "AT_EnableReplicaRule": return 47; case "AT_DisableRule": return 48; case "AT_AddInherit": return 49; case "AT_DropInherit": return 50; case "AT_AddOf": return 51; case "AT_DropOf": return 52; case "AT_ReplicaIdentity": return 53; case "AT_EnableRowSecurity": return 54; case "AT_DisableRowSecurity": return 55; case "AT_ForceRowSecurity": return 56; case "AT_NoForceRowSecurity": return 57; case "AT_GenericOptions": return 58; case "AT_AttachPartition": return 59; case "AT_DetachPartition": return 60; case "AT_DetachPartitionFinalize": return 61; case "AT_AddIdentity": return 62; case "AT_SetIdentity": return 63; case "AT_DropIdentity": return 64; case "AT_ReAddStatistics": return 65; case 0: return "AT_AddColumn"; case 1: return "AT_AddColumnToView"; case 2: return "AT_ColumnDefault"; case 3: return "AT_CookedColumnDefault"; case 4: return "AT_DropNotNull"; case 5: return "AT_SetNotNull"; case 6: return "AT_DropExpression"; case 7: return "AT_CheckNotNull"; case 8: return "AT_SetStatistics"; case 9: return "AT_SetOptions"; case 10: return "AT_ResetOptions"; case 11: return "AT_SetStorage"; case 12: return "AT_SetCompression"; case 13: return "AT_DropColumn"; case 14: return "AT_AddIndex"; case 15: return "AT_ReAddIndex"; case 16: return "AT_AddConstraint"; case 17: return "AT_ReAddConstraint"; case 18: return "AT_ReAddDomainConstraint"; case 19: return "AT_AlterConstraint"; case 20: return "AT_ValidateConstraint"; case 21: return "AT_AddIndexConstraint"; case 22: return "AT_DropConstraint"; case 23: return "AT_ReAddComment"; case 24: return "AT_AlterColumnType"; case 25: return "AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions"; case 26: return "AT_ChangeOwner"; case 27: return "AT_ClusterOn"; case 28: return "AT_DropCluster"; case 29: return "AT_SetLogged"; case 30: return "AT_SetUnLogged"; case 31: return "AT_DropOids"; case 32: return "AT_SetAccessMethod"; case 33: return "AT_SetTableSpace"; case 34: return "AT_SetRelOptions"; case 35: return "AT_ResetRelOptions"; case 36: return "AT_ReplaceRelOptions"; case 37: return "AT_EnableTrig"; case 38: return "AT_EnableAlwaysTrig"; case 39: return "AT_EnableReplicaTrig"; case 40: return "AT_DisableTrig"; case 41: return "AT_EnableTrigAll"; case 42: return "AT_DisableTrigAll"; case 43: return "AT_EnableTrigUser"; case 44: return "AT_DisableTrigUser"; case 45: return "AT_EnableRule"; case 46: return "AT_EnableAlwaysRule"; case 47: return "AT_EnableReplicaRule"; case 48: return "AT_DisableRule"; case 49: return "AT_AddInherit"; case 50: return "AT_DropInherit"; case 51: return "AT_AddOf"; case 52: return "AT_DropOf"; case 53: return "AT_ReplicaIdentity"; case 54: return "AT_EnableRowSecurity"; case 55: return "AT_DisableRowSecurity"; case 56: return "AT_ForceRowSecurity"; case 57: return "AT_NoForceRowSecurity"; case 58: return "AT_GenericOptions"; case 59: return "AT_AttachPartition"; case 60: return "AT_DetachPartition"; case 61: return "AT_DetachPartitionFinalize"; case 62: return "AT_AddIdentity"; case 63: return "AT_SetIdentity"; case 64: return "AT_DropIdentity"; case 65: return "AT_ReAddStatistics"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum AlterTableType"); } } case "GrantTargetType": { switch (key) { case "ACL_TARGET_OBJECT": return 0; case "ACL_TARGET_ALL_IN_SCHEMA": return 1; case "ACL_TARGET_DEFAULTS": return 2; case 0: return "ACL_TARGET_OBJECT"; case 1: return "ACL_TARGET_ALL_IN_SCHEMA"; case 2: return "ACL_TARGET_DEFAULTS"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum GrantTargetType"); } } case "VariableSetKind": { switch (key) { case "VAR_SET_VALUE": return 0; case "VAR_SET_DEFAULT": return 1; case "VAR_SET_CURRENT": return 2; case "VAR_SET_MULTI": return 3; case "VAR_RESET": return 4; case "VAR_RESET_ALL": return 5; case 0: return "VAR_SET_VALUE"; case 1: return "VAR_SET_DEFAULT"; case 2: return "VAR_SET_CURRENT"; case 3: return "VAR_SET_MULTI"; case 4: return "VAR_RESET"; case 5: return "VAR_RESET_ALL"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum VariableSetKind"); } } case "ConstrType": { switch (key) { case "CONSTR_NULL": return 0; case "CONSTR_NOTNULL": return 1; case "CONSTR_DEFAULT": return 2; case "CONSTR_IDENTITY": return 3; case "CONSTR_GENERATED": return 4; case "CONSTR_CHECK": return 5; case "CONSTR_PRIMARY": return 6; case "CONSTR_UNIQUE": return 7; case "CONSTR_EXCLUSION": return 8; case "CONSTR_FOREIGN": return 9; case "CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE": return 10; case "CONSTR_ATTR_NOT_DEFERRABLE": return 11; case "CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRED": return 12; case "CONSTR_ATTR_IMMEDIATE": return 13; case 0: return "CONSTR_NULL"; case 1: return "CONSTR_NOTNULL"; case 2: return "CONSTR_DEFAULT"; case 3: return "CONSTR_IDENTITY"; case 4: return "CONSTR_GENERATED"; case 5: return "CONSTR_CHECK"; case 6: return "CONSTR_PRIMARY"; case 7: return "CONSTR_UNIQUE"; case 8: return "CONSTR_EXCLUSION"; case 9: return "CONSTR_FOREIGN"; case 10: return "CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE"; case 11: return "CONSTR_ATTR_NOT_DEFERRABLE"; case 12: return "CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRED"; case 13: return "CONSTR_ATTR_IMMEDIATE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum ConstrType"); } } case "ImportForeignSchemaType": { switch (key) { case "FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_ALL": return 0; case "FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_LIMIT_TO": return 1; case "FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_EXCEPT": return 2; case 0: return "FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_ALL"; case 1: return "FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_LIMIT_TO"; case 2: return "FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_EXCEPT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum ImportForeignSchemaType"); } } case "RoleStmtType": { switch (key) { case "ROLESTMT_ROLE": return 0; case "ROLESTMT_USER": return 1; case "ROLESTMT_GROUP": return 2; case 0: return "ROLESTMT_ROLE"; case 1: return "ROLESTMT_USER"; case 2: return "ROLESTMT_GROUP"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum RoleStmtType"); } } case "FetchDirection": { switch (key) { case "FETCH_FORWARD": return 0; case "FETCH_BACKWARD": return 1; case "FETCH_ABSOLUTE": return 2; case "FETCH_RELATIVE": return 3; case 0: return "FETCH_FORWARD"; case 1: return "FETCH_BACKWARD"; case 2: return "FETCH_ABSOLUTE"; case 3: return "FETCH_RELATIVE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum FetchDirection"); } } case "FunctionParameterMode": { switch (key) { case "FUNC_PARAM_IN": return 0; case "FUNC_PARAM_OUT": return 1; case "FUNC_PARAM_INOUT": return 2; case "FUNC_PARAM_VARIADIC": return 3; case "FUNC_PARAM_TABLE": return 4; case "FUNC_PARAM_DEFAULT": return 5; case 0: return "FUNC_PARAM_IN"; case 1: return "FUNC_PARAM_OUT"; case 2: return "FUNC_PARAM_INOUT"; case 3: return "FUNC_PARAM_VARIADIC"; case 4: return "FUNC_PARAM_TABLE"; case 5: return "FUNC_PARAM_DEFAULT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum FunctionParameterMode"); } } case "TransactionStmtKind": { switch (key) { case "TRANS_STMT_BEGIN": return 0; case "TRANS_STMT_START": return 1; case "TRANS_STMT_COMMIT": return 2; case "TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK": return 3; case "TRANS_STMT_SAVEPOINT": return 4; case "TRANS_STMT_RELEASE": return 5; case "TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK_TO": return 6; case "TRANS_STMT_PREPARE": return 7; case "TRANS_STMT_COMMIT_PREPARED": return 8; case "TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK_PREPARED": return 9; case 0: return "TRANS_STMT_BEGIN"; case 1: return "TRANS_STMT_START"; case 2: return "TRANS_STMT_COMMIT"; case 3: return "TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK"; case 4: return "TRANS_STMT_SAVEPOINT"; case 5: return "TRANS_STMT_RELEASE"; case 6: return "TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK_TO"; case 7: return "TRANS_STMT_PREPARE"; case 8: return "TRANS_STMT_COMMIT_PREPARED"; case 9: return "TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK_PREPARED"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum TransactionStmtKind"); } } case "ViewCheckOption": { switch (key) { case "NO_CHECK_OPTION": return 0; case "LOCAL_CHECK_OPTION": return 1; case "CASCADED_CHECK_OPTION": return 2; case 0: return "NO_CHECK_OPTION"; case 1: return "LOCAL_CHECK_OPTION"; case 2: return "CASCADED_CHECK_OPTION"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum ViewCheckOption"); } } case "DiscardMode": { switch (key) { case "DISCARD_ALL": return 0; case "DISCARD_PLANS": return 1; case "DISCARD_SEQUENCES": return 2; case "DISCARD_TEMP": return 3; case 0: return "DISCARD_ALL"; case 1: return "DISCARD_PLANS"; case 2: return "DISCARD_SEQUENCES"; case 3: return "DISCARD_TEMP"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum DiscardMode"); } } case "ReindexObjectType": { switch (key) { case "REINDEX_OBJECT_INDEX": return 0; case "REINDEX_OBJECT_TABLE": return 1; case "REINDEX_OBJECT_SCHEMA": return 2; case "REINDEX_OBJECT_SYSTEM": return 3; case "REINDEX_OBJECT_DATABASE": return 4; case 0: return "REINDEX_OBJECT_INDEX"; case 1: return "REINDEX_OBJECT_TABLE"; case 2: return "REINDEX_OBJECT_SCHEMA"; case 3: return "REINDEX_OBJECT_SYSTEM"; case 4: return "REINDEX_OBJECT_DATABASE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum ReindexObjectType"); } } case "AlterTSConfigType": { switch (key) { case "ALTER_TSCONFIG_ADD_MAPPING": return 0; case "ALTER_TSCONFIG_ALTER_MAPPING_FOR_TOKEN": return 1; case "ALTER_TSCONFIG_REPLACE_DICT": return 2; case "ALTER_TSCONFIG_REPLACE_DICT_FOR_TOKEN": return 3; case "ALTER_TSCONFIG_DROP_MAPPING": return 4; case 0: return "ALTER_TSCONFIG_ADD_MAPPING"; case 1: return "ALTER_TSCONFIG_ALTER_MAPPING_FOR_TOKEN"; case 2: return "ALTER_TSCONFIG_REPLACE_DICT"; case 3: return "ALTER_TSCONFIG_REPLACE_DICT_FOR_TOKEN"; case 4: return "ALTER_TSCONFIG_DROP_MAPPING"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum AlterTSConfigType"); } } case "PublicationObjSpecType": { switch (key) { case "PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLE": return 0; case "PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLES_IN_SCHEMA": return 1; case "PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLES_IN_CUR_SCHEMA": return 2; case "PUBLICATIONOBJ_CONTINUATION": return 3; case 0: return "PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLE"; case 1: return "PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLES_IN_SCHEMA"; case 2: return "PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLES_IN_CUR_SCHEMA"; case 3: return "PUBLICATIONOBJ_CONTINUATION"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum PublicationObjSpecType"); } } case "AlterPublicationAction": { switch (key) { case "AP_AddObjects": return 0; case "AP_DropObjects": return 1; case "AP_SetObjects": return 2; case 0: return "AP_AddObjects"; case 1: return "AP_DropObjects"; case 2: return "AP_SetObjects"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum AlterPublicationAction"); } } case "AlterSubscriptionType": { switch (key) { case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_OPTIONS": return 0; case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_CONNECTION": return 1; case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_PUBLICATION": return 2; case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_ADD_PUBLICATION": return 3; case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_DROP_PUBLICATION": return 4; case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REFRESH": return 5; case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_ENABLED": return 6; case "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_SKIP": return 7; case 0: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_OPTIONS"; case 1: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_CONNECTION"; case 2: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_PUBLICATION"; case 3: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_ADD_PUBLICATION"; case 4: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_DROP_PUBLICATION"; case 5: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REFRESH"; case 6: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_ENABLED"; case 7: return "ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_SKIP"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum AlterSubscriptionType"); } } case "OnCommitAction": { switch (key) { case "ONCOMMIT_NOOP": return 0; case "ONCOMMIT_PRESERVE_ROWS": return 1; case "ONCOMMIT_DELETE_ROWS": return 2; case "ONCOMMIT_DROP": return 3; case 0: return "ONCOMMIT_NOOP"; case 1: return "ONCOMMIT_PRESERVE_ROWS"; case 2: return "ONCOMMIT_DELETE_ROWS"; case 3: return "ONCOMMIT_DROP"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum OnCommitAction"); } } case "ParamKind": { switch (key) { case "PARAM_EXTERN": return 0; case "PARAM_EXEC": return 1; case "PARAM_SUBLINK": return 2; case "PARAM_MULTIEXPR": return 3; case 0: return "PARAM_EXTERN"; case 1: return "PARAM_EXEC"; case 2: return "PARAM_SUBLINK"; case 3: return "PARAM_MULTIEXPR"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum ParamKind"); } } case "CoercionContext": { switch (key) { case "COERCION_IMPLICIT": return 0; case "COERCION_ASSIGNMENT": return 1; case "COERCION_PLPGSQL": return 2; case "COERCION_EXPLICIT": return 3; case 0: return "COERCION_IMPLICIT"; case 1: return "COERCION_ASSIGNMENT"; case 2: return "COERCION_PLPGSQL"; case 3: return "COERCION_EXPLICIT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum CoercionContext"); } } case "CoercionForm": { switch (key) { case "COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL": return 0; case "COERCE_EXPLICIT_CAST": return 1; case "COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST": return 2; case "COERCE_SQL_SYNTAX": return 3; case 0: return "COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL"; case 1: return "COERCE_EXPLICIT_CAST"; case 2: return "COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST"; case 3: return "COERCE_SQL_SYNTAX"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum CoercionForm"); } } case "BoolExprType": { switch (key) { case "AND_EXPR": return 0; case "OR_EXPR": return 1; case "NOT_EXPR": return 2; case 0: return "AND_EXPR"; case 1: return "OR_EXPR"; case 2: return "NOT_EXPR"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum BoolExprType"); } } case "SubLinkType": { switch (key) { case "EXISTS_SUBLINK": return 0; case "ALL_SUBLINK": return 1; case "ANY_SUBLINK": return 2; case "ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK": return 3; case "EXPR_SUBLINK": return 4; case "MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK": return 5; case "ARRAY_SUBLINK": return 6; case "CTE_SUBLINK": return 7; case 0: return "EXISTS_SUBLINK"; case 1: return "ALL_SUBLINK"; case 2: return "ANY_SUBLINK"; case 3: return "ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK"; case 4: return "EXPR_SUBLINK"; case 5: return "MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK"; case 6: return "ARRAY_SUBLINK"; case 7: return "CTE_SUBLINK"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SubLinkType"); } } case "RowCompareType": { switch (key) { case "ROWCOMPARE_LT": return 0; case "ROWCOMPARE_LE": return 1; case "ROWCOMPARE_EQ": return 2; case "ROWCOMPARE_GE": return 3; case "ROWCOMPARE_GT": return 4; case "ROWCOMPARE_NE": return 5; case 0: return "ROWCOMPARE_LT"; case 1: return "ROWCOMPARE_LE"; case 2: return "ROWCOMPARE_EQ"; case 3: return "ROWCOMPARE_GE"; case 4: return "ROWCOMPARE_GT"; case 5: return "ROWCOMPARE_NE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum RowCompareType"); } } case "MinMaxOp": { switch (key) { case "IS_GREATEST": return 0; case "IS_LEAST": return 1; case 0: return "IS_GREATEST"; case 1: return "IS_LEAST"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum MinMaxOp"); } } case "SQLValueFunctionOp": { switch (key) { case "SVFOP_CURRENT_DATE": return 0; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIME": return 1; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIME_N": return 2; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP": return 3; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP_N": return 4; case "SVFOP_LOCALTIME": return 5; case "SVFOP_LOCALTIME_N": return 6; case "SVFOP_LOCALTIMESTAMP": return 7; case "SVFOP_LOCALTIMESTAMP_N": return 8; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_ROLE": return 9; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_USER": return 10; case "SVFOP_USER": return 11; case "SVFOP_SESSION_USER": return 12; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_CATALOG": return 13; case "SVFOP_CURRENT_SCHEMA": return 14; case 0: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_DATE"; case 1: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIME"; case 2: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIME_N"; case 3: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"; case 4: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP_N"; case 5: return "SVFOP_LOCALTIME"; case 6: return "SVFOP_LOCALTIME_N"; case 7: return "SVFOP_LOCALTIMESTAMP"; case 8: return "SVFOP_LOCALTIMESTAMP_N"; case 9: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_ROLE"; case 10: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_USER"; case 11: return "SVFOP_USER"; case 12: return "SVFOP_SESSION_USER"; case 13: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_CATALOG"; case 14: return "SVFOP_CURRENT_SCHEMA"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SQLValueFunctionOp"); } } case "XmlExprOp": { switch (key) { case "IS_XMLCONCAT": return 0; case "IS_XMLELEMENT": return 1; case "IS_XMLFOREST": return 2; case "IS_XMLPARSE": return 3; case "IS_XMLPI": return 4; case "IS_XMLROOT": return 5; case "IS_XMLSERIALIZE": return 6; case "IS_DOCUMENT": return 7; case 0: return "IS_XMLCONCAT"; case 1: return "IS_XMLELEMENT"; case 2: return "IS_XMLFOREST"; case 3: return "IS_XMLPARSE"; case 4: return "IS_XMLPI"; case 5: return "IS_XMLROOT"; case 6: return "IS_XMLSERIALIZE"; case 7: return "IS_DOCUMENT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum XmlExprOp"); } } case "XmlOptionType": { switch (key) { case "XMLOPTION_DOCUMENT": return 0; case "XMLOPTION_CONTENT": return 1; case 0: return "XMLOPTION_DOCUMENT"; case 1: return "XMLOPTION_CONTENT"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum XmlOptionType"); } } case "JsonEncoding": { switch (key) { case "JS_ENC_DEFAULT": return 0; case "JS_ENC_UTF8": return 1; case "JS_ENC_UTF16": return 2; case "JS_ENC_UTF32": return 3; case 0: return "JS_ENC_DEFAULT"; case 1: return "JS_ENC_UTF8"; case 2: return "JS_ENC_UTF16"; case 3: return "JS_ENC_UTF32"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum JsonEncoding"); } } case "JsonFormatType": { switch (key) { case "JS_FORMAT_DEFAULT": return 0; case "JS_FORMAT_JSON": return 1; case "JS_FORMAT_JSONB": return 2; case 0: return "JS_FORMAT_DEFAULT"; case 1: return "JS_FORMAT_JSON"; case 2: return "JS_FORMAT_JSONB"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum JsonFormatType"); } } case "JsonConstructorType": { switch (key) { case "JSCTOR_JSON_OBJECT": return 0; case "JSCTOR_JSON_ARRAY": return 1; case "JSCTOR_JSON_OBJECTAGG": return 2; case "JSCTOR_JSON_ARRAYAGG": return 3; case 0: return "JSCTOR_JSON_OBJECT"; case 1: return "JSCTOR_JSON_ARRAY"; case 2: return "JSCTOR_JSON_OBJECTAGG"; case 3: return "JSCTOR_JSON_ARRAYAGG"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum JsonConstructorType"); } } case "JsonValueType": { switch (key) { case "JS_TYPE_ANY": return 0; case "JS_TYPE_OBJECT": return 1; case "JS_TYPE_ARRAY": return 2; case "JS_TYPE_SCALAR": return 3; case 0: return "JS_TYPE_ANY"; case 1: return "JS_TYPE_OBJECT"; case 2: return "JS_TYPE_ARRAY"; case 3: return "JS_TYPE_SCALAR"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum JsonValueType"); } } case "NullTestType": { switch (key) { case "IS_NULL": return 0; case "IS_NOT_NULL": return 1; case 0: return "IS_NULL"; case 1: return "IS_NOT_NULL"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum NullTestType"); } } case "BoolTestType": { switch (key) { case "IS_TRUE": return 0; case "IS_NOT_TRUE": return 1; case "IS_FALSE": return 2; case "IS_NOT_FALSE": return 3; case "IS_UNKNOWN": return 4; case "IS_NOT_UNKNOWN": return 5; case 0: return "IS_TRUE"; case 1: return "IS_NOT_TRUE"; case 2: return "IS_FALSE"; case 3: return "IS_NOT_FALSE"; case 4: return "IS_UNKNOWN"; case 5: return "IS_NOT_UNKNOWN"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum BoolTestType"); } } case "CmdType": { switch (key) { case "CMD_UNKNOWN": return 0; case "CMD_SELECT": return 1; case "CMD_UPDATE": return 2; case "CMD_INSERT": return 3; case "CMD_DELETE": return 4; case "CMD_MERGE": return 5; case "CMD_UTILITY": return 6; case "CMD_NOTHING": return 7; case 0: return "CMD_UNKNOWN"; case 1: return "CMD_SELECT"; case 2: return "CMD_UPDATE"; case 3: return "CMD_INSERT"; case 4: return "CMD_DELETE"; case 5: return "CMD_MERGE"; case 6: return "CMD_UTILITY"; case 7: return "CMD_NOTHING"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum CmdType"); } } case "JoinType": { switch (key) { case "JOIN_INNER": return 0; case "JOIN_LEFT": return 1; case "JOIN_FULL": return 2; case "JOIN_RIGHT": return 3; case "JOIN_SEMI": return 4; case "JOIN_ANTI": return 5; case "JOIN_RIGHT_ANTI": return 6; case "JOIN_UNIQUE_OUTER": return 7; case "JOIN_UNIQUE_INNER": return 8; case 0: return "JOIN_INNER"; case 1: return "JOIN_LEFT"; case 2: return "JOIN_FULL"; case 3: return "JOIN_RIGHT"; case 4: return "JOIN_SEMI"; case 5: return "JOIN_ANTI"; case 6: return "JOIN_RIGHT_ANTI"; case 7: return "JOIN_UNIQUE_OUTER"; case 8: return "JOIN_UNIQUE_INNER"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum JoinType"); } } case "AggStrategy": { switch (key) { case "AGG_PLAIN": return 0; case "AGG_SORTED": return 1; case "AGG_HASHED": return 2; case "AGG_MIXED": return 3; case 0: return "AGG_PLAIN"; case 1: return "AGG_SORTED"; case 2: return "AGG_HASHED"; case 3: return "AGG_MIXED"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum AggStrategy"); } } case "AggSplit": { switch (key) { case "AGGSPLIT_SIMPLE": return 0; case "AGGSPLIT_INITIAL_SERIAL": return 1; case "AGGSPLIT_FINAL_DESERIAL": return 2; case 0: return "AGGSPLIT_SIMPLE"; case 1: return "AGGSPLIT_INITIAL_SERIAL"; case 2: return "AGGSPLIT_FINAL_DESERIAL"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum AggSplit"); } } case "SetOpCmd": { switch (key) { case "SETOPCMD_INTERSECT": return 0; case "SETOPCMD_INTERSECT_ALL": return 1; case "SETOPCMD_EXCEPT": return 2; case "SETOPCMD_EXCEPT_ALL": return 3; case 0: return "SETOPCMD_INTERSECT"; case 1: return "SETOPCMD_INTERSECT_ALL"; case 2: return "SETOPCMD_EXCEPT"; case 3: return "SETOPCMD_EXCEPT_ALL"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SetOpCmd"); } } case "SetOpStrategy": { switch (key) { case "SETOP_SORTED": return 0; case "SETOP_HASHED": return 1; case 0: return "SETOP_SORTED"; case 1: return "SETOP_HASHED"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum SetOpStrategy"); } } case "OnConflictAction": { switch (key) { case "ONCONFLICT_NONE": return 0; case "ONCONFLICT_NOTHING": return 1; case "ONCONFLICT_UPDATE": return 2; case 0: return "ONCONFLICT_NONE"; case 1: return "ONCONFLICT_NOTHING"; case 2: return "ONCONFLICT_UPDATE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum OnConflictAction"); } } case "LimitOption": { switch (key) { case "LIMIT_OPTION_DEFAULT": return 0; case "LIMIT_OPTION_COUNT": return 1; case "LIMIT_OPTION_WITH_TIES": return 2; case 0: return "LIMIT_OPTION_DEFAULT"; case 1: return "LIMIT_OPTION_COUNT"; case 2: return "LIMIT_OPTION_WITH_TIES"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum LimitOption"); } } case "LockClauseStrength": { switch (key) { case "LCS_NONE": return 0; case "LCS_FORKEYSHARE": return 1; case "LCS_FORSHARE": return 2; case "LCS_FORNOKEYUPDATE": return 3; case "LCS_FORUPDATE": return 4; case 0: return "LCS_NONE"; case 1: return "LCS_FORKEYSHARE"; case 2: return "LCS_FORSHARE"; case 3: return "LCS_FORNOKEYUPDATE"; case 4: return "LCS_FORUPDATE"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum LockClauseStrength"); } } case "LockWaitPolicy": { switch (key) { case "LockWaitBlock": return 0; case "LockWaitSkip": return 1; case "LockWaitError": return 2; case 0: return "LockWaitBlock"; case 1: return "LockWaitSkip"; case 2: return "LockWaitError"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum LockWaitPolicy"); } } case "LockTupleMode": { switch (key) { case "LockTupleKeyShare": return 0; case "LockTupleShare": return 1; case "LockTupleNoKeyExclusive": return 2; case "LockTupleExclusive": return 3; case 0: return "LockTupleKeyShare"; case 1: return "LockTupleShare"; case 2: return "LockTupleNoKeyExclusive"; case 3: return "LockTupleExclusive"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum LockTupleMode"); } } case "KeywordKind": { switch (key) { case "NO_KEYWORD": return 0; case "UNRESERVED_KEYWORD": return 1; case "COL_NAME_KEYWORD": return 2; case "TYPE_FUNC_NAME_KEYWORD": return 3; case "RESERVED_KEYWORD": return 4; case 0: return "NO_KEYWORD"; case 1: return "UNRESERVED_KEYWORD"; case 2: return "COL_NAME_KEYWORD"; case 3: return "TYPE_FUNC_NAME_KEYWORD"; case 4: return "RESERVED_KEYWORD"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum KeywordKind"); } } case "Token": { switch (key) { case "NUL": return 0; case "ASCII_36": return 36; case "ASCII_37": return 37; case "ASCII_40": return 40; case "ASCII_41": return 41; case "ASCII_42": return 42; case "ASCII_43": return 43; case "ASCII_44": return 44; case "ASCII_45": return 45; case "ASCII_46": return 46; case "ASCII_47": return 47; case "ASCII_58": return 58; case "ASCII_59": return 59; case "ASCII_60": return 60; case "ASCII_61": return 61; case "ASCII_62": return 62; case "ASCII_63": return 63; case "ASCII_91": return 91; case "ASCII_92": return 92; case "ASCII_93": return 93; case "ASCII_94": return 94; case "IDENT": return 258; case "UIDENT": return 259; case "FCONST": return 260; case "SCONST": return 261; case "USCONST": return 262; case "BCONST": return 263; case "XCONST": return 264; case "Op": return 265; case "ICONST": return 266; case "PARAM": return 267; case "TYPECAST": return 268; case "DOT_DOT": return 269; case "COLON_EQUALS": return 270; case "EQUALS_GREATER": return 271; case "LESS_EQUALS": return 272; case "GREATER_EQUALS": return 273; case "NOT_EQUALS": return 274; case "SQL_COMMENT": return 275; case "C_COMMENT": return 276; case "ABORT_P": return 277; case "ABSENT": return 278; case "ABSOLUTE_P": return 279; case "ACCESS": return 280; case "ACTION": return 281; case "ADD_P": return 282; case "ADMIN": return 283; case "AFTER": return 284; case "AGGREGATE": return 285; case "ALL": return 286; case "ALSO": return 287; case "ALTER": return 288; case "ALWAYS": return 289; case "ANALYSE": return 290; case "ANALYZE": return 291; case "AND": return 292; case "ANY": return 293; case "ARRAY": return 294; case "AS": return 295; case "ASC": return 296; case "ASENSITIVE": return 297; case "ASSERTION": return 298; case "ASSIGNMENT": return 299; case "ASYMMETRIC": return 300; case "ATOMIC": return 301; case "AT": return 302; case "ATTACH": return 303; case "ATTRIBUTE": return 304; case "AUTHORIZATION": return 305; case "BACKWARD": return 306; case "BEFORE": return 307; case "BEGIN_P": return 308; case "BETWEEN": return 309; case "BIGINT": return 310; case "BINARY": return 311; case "BIT": return 312; case "BOOLEAN_P": return 313; case "BOTH": return 314; case "BREADTH": return 315; case "BY": return 316; case "CACHE": return 317; case "CALL": return 318; case "CALLED": return 319; case "CASCADE": return 320; case "CASCADED": return 321; case "CASE": return 322; case "CAST": return 323; case "CATALOG_P": return 324; case "CHAIN": return 325; case "CHAR_P": return 326; case "CHARACTER": return 327; case "CHARACTERISTICS": return 328; case "CHECK": return 329; case "CHECKPOINT": return 330; case "CLASS": return 331; case "CLOSE": return 332; case "CLUSTER": return 333; case "COALESCE": return 334; case "COLLATE": return 335; case "COLLATION": return 336; case "COLUMN": return 337; case "COLUMNS": return 338; case "COMMENT": return 339; case "COMMENTS": return 340; case "COMMIT": return 341; case "COMMITTED": return 342; case "COMPRESSION": return 343; case "CONCURRENTLY": return 344; case "CONFIGURATION": return 345; case "CONFLICT": return 346; case "CONNECTION": return 347; case "CONSTRAINT": return 348; case "CONSTRAINTS": return 349; case "CONTENT_P": return 350; case "CONTINUE_P": return 351; case "CONVERSION_P": return 352; case "COPY": return 353; case "COST": return 354; case "CREATE": return 355; case "CROSS": return 356; case "CSV": return 357; case "CUBE": return 358; case "CURRENT_P": return 359; case "CURRENT_CATALOG": return 360; case "CURRENT_DATE": return 361; case "CURRENT_ROLE": return 362; case "CURRENT_SCHEMA": return 363; case "CURRENT_TIME": return 364; case "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP": return 365; case "CURRENT_USER": return 366; case "CURSOR": return 367; case "CYCLE": return 368; case "DATA_P": return 369; case "DATABASE": return 370; case "DAY_P": return 371; case "DEALLOCATE": return 372; case "DEC": return 373; case "DECIMAL_P": return 374; case "DECLARE": return 375; case "DEFAULT": return 376; case "DEFAULTS": return 377; case "DEFERRABLE": return 378; case "DEFERRED": return 379; case "DEFINER": return 380; case "DELETE_P": return 381; case "DELIMITER": return 382; case "DELIMITERS": return 383; case "DEPENDS": return 384; case "DEPTH": return 385; case "DESC": return 386; case "DETACH": return 387; case "DICTIONARY": return 388; case "DISABLE_P": return 389; case "DISCARD": return 390; case "DISTINCT": return 391; case "DO": return 392; case "DOCUMENT_P": return 393; case "DOMAIN_P": return 394; case "DOUBLE_P": return 395; case "DROP": return 396; case "EACH": return 397; case "ELSE": return 398; case "ENABLE_P": return 399; case "ENCODING": return 400; case "ENCRYPTED": return 401; case "END_P": return 402; case "ENUM_P": return 403; case "ESCAPE": return 404; case "EVENT": return 405; case "EXCEPT": return 406; case "EXCLUDE": return 407; case "EXCLUDING": return 408; case "EXCLUSIVE": return 409; case "EXECUTE": return 410; case "EXISTS": return 411; case "EXPLAIN": return 412; case "EXPRESSION": return 413; case "EXTENSION": return 414; case "EXTERNAL": return 415; case "EXTRACT": return 416; case "FALSE_P": return 417; case "FAMILY": return 418; case "FETCH": return 419; case "FILTER": return 420; case "FINALIZE": return 421; case "FIRST_P": return 422; case "FLOAT_P": return 423; case "FOLLOWING": return 424; case "FOR": return 425; case "FORCE": return 426; case "FOREIGN": return 427; case "FORMAT": return 428; case "FORWARD": return 429; case "FREEZE": return 430; case "FROM": return 431; case "FULL": return 432; case "FUNCTION": return 433; case "FUNCTIONS": return 434; case "GENERATED": return 435; case "GLOBAL": return 436; case "GRANT": return 437; case "GRANTED": return 438; case "GREATEST": return 439; case "GROUP_P": return 440; case "GROUPING": return 441; case "GROUPS": return 442; case "HANDLER": return 443; case "HAVING": return 444; case "HEADER_P": return 445; case "HOLD": return 446; case "HOUR_P": return 447; case "IDENTITY_P": return 448; case "IF_P": return 449; case "ILIKE": return 450; case "IMMEDIATE": return 451; case "IMMUTABLE": return 452; case "IMPLICIT_P": return 453; case "IMPORT_P": return 454; case "IN_P": return 455; case "INCLUDE": return 456; case "INCLUDING": return 457; case "INCREMENT": return 458; case "INDENT": return 459; case "INDEX": return 460; case "INDEXES": return 461; case "INHERIT": return 462; case "INHERITS": return 463; case "INITIALLY": return 464; case "INLINE_P": return 465; case "INNER_P": return 466; case "INOUT": return 467; case "INPUT_P": return 468; case "INSENSITIVE": return 469; case "INSERT": return 470; case "INSTEAD": return 471; case "INT_P": return 472; case "INTEGER": return 473; case "INTERSECT": return 474; case "INTERVAL": return 475; case "INTO": return 476; case "INVOKER": return 477; case "IS": return 478; case "ISNULL": return 479; case "ISOLATION": return 480; case "JOIN": return 481; case "JSON": return 482; case "JSON_ARRAY": return 483; case "JSON_ARRAYAGG": return 484; case "JSON_OBJECT": return 485; case "JSON_OBJECTAGG": return 486; case "KEY": return 487; case "KEYS": return 488; case "LABEL": return 489; case "LANGUAGE": return 490; case "LARGE_P": return 491; case "LAST_P": return 492; case "LATERAL_P": return 493; case "LEADING": return 494; case "LEAKPROOF": return 495; case "LEAST": return 496; case "LEFT": return 497; case "LEVEL": return 498; case "LIKE": return 499; case "LIMIT": return 500; case "LISTEN": return 501; case "LOAD": return 502; case "LOCAL": return 503; case "LOCALTIME": return 504; case "LOCALTIMESTAMP": return 505; case "LOCATION": return 506; case "LOCK_P": return 507; case "LOCKED": return 508; case "LOGGED": return 509; case "MAPPING": return 510; case "MATCH": return 511; case "MATCHED": return 512; case "MATERIALIZED": return 513; case "MAXVALUE": return 514; case "MERGE": return 515; case "METHOD": return 516; case "MINUTE_P": return 517; case "MINVALUE": return 518; case "MODE": return 519; case "MONTH_P": return 520; case "MOVE": return 521; case "NAME_P": return 522; case "NAMES": return 523; case "NATIONAL": return 524; case "NATURAL": return 525; case "NCHAR": return 526; case "NEW": return 527; case "NEXT": return 528; case "NFC": return 529; case "NFD": return 530; case "NFKC": return 531; case "NFKD": return 532; case "NO": return 533; case "NONE": return 534; case "NORMALIZE": return 535; case "NORMALIZED": return 536; case "NOT": return 537; case "NOTHING": return 538; case "NOTIFY": return 539; case "NOTNULL": return 540; case "NOWAIT": return 541; case "NULL_P": return 542; case "NULLIF": return 543; case "NULLS_P": return 544; case "NUMERIC": return 545; case "OBJECT_P": return 546; case "OF": return 547; case "OFF": return 548; case "OFFSET": return 549; case "OIDS": return 550; case "OLD": return 551; case "ON": return 552; case "ONLY": return 553; case "OPERATOR": return 554; case "OPTION": return 555; case "OPTIONS": return 556; case "OR": return 557; case "ORDER": return 558; case "ORDINALITY": return 559; case "OTHERS": return 560; case "OUT_P": return 561; case "OUTER_P": return 562; case "OVER": return 563; case "OVERLAPS": return 564; case "OVERLAY": return 565; case "OVERRIDING": return 566; case "OWNED": return 567; case "OWNER": return 568; case "PARALLEL": return 569; case "PARAMETER": return 570; case "PARSER": return 571; case "PARTIAL": return 572; case "PARTITION": return 573; case "PASSING": return 574; case "PASSWORD": return 575; case "PLACING": return 576; case "PLANS": return 577; case "POLICY": return 578; case "POSITION": return 579; case "PRECEDING": return 580; case "PRECISION": return 581; case "PRESERVE": return 582; case "PREPARE": return 583; case "PREPARED": return 584; case "PRIMARY": return 585; case "PRIOR": return 586; case "PRIVILEGES": return 587; case "PROCEDURAL": return 588; case "PROCEDURE": return 589; case "PROCEDURES": return 590; case "PROGRAM": return 591; case "PUBLICATION": return 592; case "QUOTE": return 593; case "RANGE": return 594; case "READ": return 595; case "REAL": return 596; case "REASSIGN": return 597; case "RECHECK": return 598; case "RECURSIVE": return 599; case "REF_P": return 600; case "REFERENCES": return 601; case "REFERENCING": return 602; case "REFRESH": return 603; case "REINDEX": return 604; case "RELATIVE_P": return 605; case "RELEASE": return 606; case "RENAME": return 607; case "REPEATABLE": return 608; case "REPLACE": return 609; case "REPLICA": return 610; case "RESET": return 611; case "RESTART": return 612; case "RESTRICT": return 613; case "RETURN": return 614; case "RETURNING": return 615; case "RETURNS": return 616; case "REVOKE": return 617; case "RIGHT": return 618; case "ROLE": return 619; case "ROLLBACK": return 620; case "ROLLUP": return 621; case "ROUTINE": return 622; case "ROUTINES": return 623; case "ROW": return 624; case "ROWS": return 625; case "RULE": return 626; case "SAVEPOINT": return 627; case "SCALAR": return 628; case "SCHEMA": return 629; case "SCHEMAS": return 630; case "SCROLL": return 631; case "SEARCH": return 632; case "SECOND_P": return 633; case "SECURITY": return 634; case "SELECT": return 635; case "SEQUENCE": return 636; case "SEQUENCES": return 637; case "SERIALIZABLE": return 638; case "SERVER": return 639; case "SESSION": return 640; case "SESSION_USER": return 641; case "SET": return 642; case "SETS": return 643; case "SETOF": return 644; case "SHARE": return 645; case "SHOW": return 646; case "SIMILAR": return 647; case "SIMPLE": return 648; case "SKIP": return 649; case "SMALLINT": return 650; case "SNAPSHOT": return 651; case "SOME": return 652; case "SQL_P": return 653; case "STABLE": return 654; case "STANDALONE_P": return 655; case "START": return 656; case "STATEMENT": return 657; case "STATISTICS": return 658; case "STDIN": return 659; case "STDOUT": return 660; case "STORAGE": return 661; case "STORED": return 662; case "STRICT_P": return 663; case "STRIP_P": return 664; case "SUBSCRIPTION": return 665; case "SUBSTRING": return 666; case "SUPPORT": return 667; case "SYMMETRIC": return 668; case "SYSID": return 669; case "SYSTEM_P": return 670; case "SYSTEM_USER": return 671; case "TABLE": return 672; case "TABLES": return 673; case "TABLESAMPLE": return 674; case "TABLESPACE": return 675; case "TEMP": return 676; case "TEMPLATE": return 677; case "TEMPORARY": return 678; case "TEXT_P": return 679; case "THEN": return 680; case "TIES": return 681; case "TIME": return 682; case "TIMESTAMP": return 683; case "TO": return 684; case "TRAILING": return 685; case "TRANSACTION": return 686; case "TRANSFORM": return 687; case "TREAT": return 688; case "TRIGGER": return 689; case "TRIM": return 690; case "TRUE_P": return 691; case "TRUNCATE": return 692; case "TRUSTED": return 693; case "TYPE_P": return 694; case "TYPES_P": return 695; case "UESCAPE": return 696; case "UNBOUNDED": return 697; case "UNCOMMITTED": return 698; case "UNENCRYPTED": return 699; case "UNION": return 700; case "UNIQUE": return 701; case "UNKNOWN": return 702; case "UNLISTEN": return 703; case "UNLOGGED": return 704; case "UNTIL": return 705; case "UPDATE": return 706; case "USER": return 707; case "USING": return 708; case "VACUUM": return 709; case "VALID": return 710; case "VALIDATE": return 711; case "VALIDATOR": return 712; case "VALUE_P": return 713; case "VALUES": return 714; case "VARCHAR": return 715; case "VARIADIC": return 716; case "VARYING": return 717; case "VERBOSE": return 718; case "VERSION_P": return 719; case "VIEW": return 720; case "VIEWS": return 721; case "VOLATILE": return 722; case "WHEN": return 723; case "WHERE": return 724; case "WHITESPACE_P": return 725; case "WINDOW": return 726; case "WITH": return 727; case "WITHIN": return 728; case "WITHOUT": return 729; case "WORK": return 730; case "WRAPPER": return 731; case "WRITE": return 732; case "XML_P": return 733; case "XMLATTRIBUTES": return 734; case "XMLCONCAT": return 735; case "XMLELEMENT": return 736; case "XMLEXISTS": return 737; case "XMLFOREST": return 738; case "XMLNAMESPACES": return 739; case "XMLPARSE": return 740; case "XMLPI": return 741; case "XMLROOT": return 742; case "XMLSERIALIZE": return 743; case "XMLTABLE": return 744; case "YEAR_P": return 745; case "YES_P": return 746; case "ZONE": return 747; case "FORMAT_LA": return 748; case "NOT_LA": return 749; case "NULLS_LA": return 750; case "WITH_LA": return 751; case "WITHOUT_LA": return 752; case "MODE_TYPE_NAME": return 753; case "MODE_PLPGSQL_EXPR": return 754; case "MODE_PLPGSQL_ASSIGN1": return 755; case "MODE_PLPGSQL_ASSIGN2": return 756; case "MODE_PLPGSQL_ASSIGN3": return 757; case "UMINUS": return 758; case 0: return "NUL"; case 36: return "ASCII_36"; case 37: return "ASCII_37"; case 40: return "ASCII_40"; case 41: return "ASCII_41"; case 42: return "ASCII_42"; case 43: return "ASCII_43"; case 44: return "ASCII_44"; case 45: return "ASCII_45"; case 46: return "ASCII_46"; case 47: return "ASCII_47"; case 58: return "ASCII_58"; case 59: return "ASCII_59"; case 60: return "ASCII_60"; case 61: return "ASCII_61"; case 62: return "ASCII_62"; case 63: return "ASCII_63"; case 91: return "ASCII_91"; case 92: return "ASCII_92"; case 93: return "ASCII_93"; case 94: return "ASCII_94"; case 258: return "IDENT"; case 259: return "UIDENT"; case 260: return "FCONST"; case 261: return "SCONST"; case 262: return "USCONST"; case 263: return "BCONST"; case 264: return "XCONST"; case 265: return "Op"; case 266: return "ICONST"; case 267: return "PARAM"; case 268: return "TYPECAST"; case 269: return "DOT_DOT"; case 270: return "COLON_EQUALS"; case 271: return "EQUALS_GREATER"; case 272: return "LESS_EQUALS"; case 273: return "GREATER_EQUALS"; case 274: return "NOT_EQUALS"; case 275: return "SQL_COMMENT"; case 276: return "C_COMMENT"; case 277: return "ABORT_P"; case 278: return "ABSENT"; case 279: return "ABSOLUTE_P"; case 280: return "ACCESS"; case 281: return "ACTION"; case 282: return "ADD_P"; case 283: return "ADMIN"; case 284: return "AFTER"; case 285: return "AGGREGATE"; case 286: return "ALL"; case 287: return "ALSO"; case 288: return "ALTER"; case 289: return "ALWAYS"; case 290: return "ANALYSE"; case 291: return "ANALYZE"; case 292: return "AND"; case 293: return "ANY"; case 294: return "ARRAY"; case 295: return "AS"; case 296: return "ASC"; case 297: return "ASENSITIVE"; case 298: return "ASSERTION"; case 299: return "ASSIGNMENT"; case 300: return "ASYMMETRIC"; case 301: return "ATOMIC"; case 302: return "AT"; case 303: return "ATTACH"; case 304: return "ATTRIBUTE"; case 305: return "AUTHORIZATION"; case 306: return "BACKWARD"; case 307: return "BEFORE"; case 308: return "BEGIN_P"; case 309: return "BETWEEN"; case 310: return "BIGINT"; case 311: return "BINARY"; case 312: return "BIT"; case 313: return "BOOLEAN_P"; case 314: return "BOTH"; case 315: return "BREADTH"; case 316: return "BY"; case 317: return "CACHE"; case 318: return "CALL"; case 319: return "CALLED"; case 320: return "CASCADE"; case 321: return "CASCADED"; case 322: return "CASE"; case 323: return "CAST"; case 324: return "CATALOG_P"; case 325: return "CHAIN"; case 326: return "CHAR_P"; case 327: return "CHARACTER"; case 328: return "CHARACTERISTICS"; case 329: return "CHECK"; case 330: return "CHECKPOINT"; case 331: return "CLASS"; case 332: return "CLOSE"; case 333: return "CLUSTER"; case 334: return "COALESCE"; case 335: return "COLLATE"; case 336: return "COLLATION"; case 337: return "COLUMN"; case 338: return "COLUMNS"; case 339: return "COMMENT"; case 340: return "COMMENTS"; case 341: return "COMMIT"; case 342: return "COMMITTED"; case 343: return "COMPRESSION"; case 344: return "CONCURRENTLY"; case 345: return "CONFIGURATION"; case 346: return "CONFLICT"; case 347: return "CONNECTION"; case 348: return "CONSTRAINT"; case 349: return "CONSTRAINTS"; case 350: return "CONTENT_P"; case 351: return "CONTINUE_P"; case 352: return "CONVERSION_P"; case 353: return "COPY"; case 354: return "COST"; case 355: return "CREATE"; case 356: return "CROSS"; case 357: return "CSV"; case 358: return "CUBE"; case 359: return "CURRENT_P"; case 360: return "CURRENT_CATALOG"; case 361: return "CURRENT_DATE"; case 362: return "CURRENT_ROLE"; case 363: return "CURRENT_SCHEMA"; case 364: return "CURRENT_TIME"; case 365: return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"; case 366: return "CURRENT_USER"; case 367: return "CURSOR"; case 368: return "CYCLE"; case 369: return "DATA_P"; case 370: return "DATABASE"; case 371: return "DAY_P"; case 372: return "DEALLOCATE"; case 373: return "DEC"; case 374: return "DECIMAL_P"; case 375: return "DECLARE"; case 376: return "DEFAULT"; case 377: return "DEFAULTS"; case 378: return "DEFERRABLE"; case 379: return "DEFERRED"; case 380: return "DEFINER"; case 381: return "DELETE_P"; case 382: return "DELIMITER"; case 383: return "DELIMITERS"; case 384: return "DEPENDS"; case 385: return "DEPTH"; case 386: return "DESC"; case 387: return "DETACH"; case 388: return "DICTIONARY"; case 389: return "DISABLE_P"; case 390: return "DISCARD"; case 391: return "DISTINCT"; case 392: return "DO"; case 393: return "DOCUMENT_P"; case 394: return "DOMAIN_P"; case 395: return "DOUBLE_P"; case 396: return "DROP"; case 397: return "EACH"; case 398: return "ELSE"; case 399: return "ENABLE_P"; case 400: return "ENCODING"; case 401: return "ENCRYPTED"; case 402: return "END_P"; case 403: return "ENUM_P"; case 404: return "ESCAPE"; case 405: return "EVENT"; case 406: return "EXCEPT"; case 407: return "EXCLUDE"; case 408: return "EXCLUDING"; case 409: return "EXCLUSIVE"; case 410: return "EXECUTE"; case 411: return "EXISTS"; case 412: return "EXPLAIN"; case 413: return "EXPRESSION"; case 414: return "EXTENSION"; case 415: return "EXTERNAL"; case 416: return "EXTRACT"; case 417: return "FALSE_P"; case 418: return "FAMILY"; case 419: return "FETCH"; case 420: return "FILTER"; case 421: return "FINALIZE"; case 422: return "FIRST_P"; case 423: return "FLOAT_P"; case 424: return "FOLLOWING"; case 425: return "FOR"; case 426: return "FORCE"; case 427: return "FOREIGN"; case 428: return "FORMAT"; case 429: return "FORWARD"; case 430: return "FREEZE"; case 431: return "FROM"; case 432: return "FULL"; case 433: return "FUNCTION"; case 434: return "FUNCTIONS"; case 435: return "GENERATED"; case 436: return "GLOBAL"; case 437: return "GRANT"; case 438: return "GRANTED"; case 439: return "GREATEST"; case 440: return "GROUP_P"; case 441: return "GROUPING"; case 442: return "GROUPS"; case 443: return "HANDLER"; case 444: return "HAVING"; case 445: return "HEADER_P"; case 446: return "HOLD"; case 447: return "HOUR_P"; case 448: return "IDENTITY_P"; case 449: return "IF_P"; case 450: return "ILIKE"; case 451: return "IMMEDIATE"; case 452: return "IMMUTABLE"; case 453: return "IMPLICIT_P"; case 454: return "IMPORT_P"; case 455: return "IN_P"; case 456: return "INCLUDE"; case 457: return "INCLUDING"; case 458: return "INCREMENT"; case 459: return "INDENT"; case 460: return "INDEX"; case 461: return "INDEXES"; case 462: return "INHERIT"; case 463: return "INHERITS"; case 464: return "INITIALLY"; case 465: return "INLINE_P"; case 466: return "INNER_P"; case 467: return "INOUT"; case 468: return "INPUT_P"; case 469: return "INSENSITIVE"; case 470: return "INSERT"; case 471: return "INSTEAD"; case 472: return "INT_P"; case 473: return "INTEGER"; case 474: return "INTERSECT"; case 475: return "INTERVAL"; case 476: return "INTO"; case 477: return "INVOKER"; case 478: return "IS"; case 479: return "ISNULL"; case 480: return "ISOLATION"; case 481: return "JOIN"; case 482: return "JSON"; case 483: return "JSON_ARRAY"; case 484: return "JSON_ARRAYAGG"; case 485: return "JSON_OBJECT"; case 486: return "JSON_OBJECTAGG"; case 487: return "KEY"; case 488: return "KEYS"; case 489: return "LABEL"; case 490: return "LANGUAGE"; case 491: return "LARGE_P"; case 492: return "LAST_P"; case 493: return "LATERAL_P"; case 494: return "LEADING"; case 495: return "LEAKPROOF"; case 496: return "LEAST"; case 497: return "LEFT"; case 498: return "LEVEL"; case 499: return "LIKE"; case 500: return "LIMIT"; case 501: return "LISTEN"; case 502: return "LOAD"; case 503: return "LOCAL"; case 504: return "LOCALTIME"; case 505: return "LOCALTIMESTAMP"; case 506: return "LOCATION"; case 507: return "LOCK_P"; case 508: return "LOCKED"; case 509: return "LOGGED"; case 510: return "MAPPING"; case 511: return "MATCH"; case 512: return "MATCHED"; case 513: return "MATERIALIZED"; case 514: return "MAXVALUE"; case 515: return "MERGE"; case 516: return "METHOD"; case 517: return "MINUTE_P"; case 518: return "MINVALUE"; case 519: return "MODE"; case 520: return "MONTH_P"; case 521: return "MOVE"; case 522: return "NAME_P"; case 523: return "NAMES"; case 524: return "NATIONAL"; case 525: return "NATURAL"; case 526: return "NCHAR"; case 527: return "NEW"; case 528: return "NEXT"; case 529: return "NFC"; case 530: return "NFD"; case 531: return "NFKC"; case 532: return "NFKD"; case 533: return "NO"; case 534: return "NONE"; case 535: return "NORMALIZE"; case 536: return "NORMALIZED"; case 537: return "NOT"; case 538: return "NOTHING"; case 539: return "NOTIFY"; case 540: return "NOTNULL"; case 541: return "NOWAIT"; case 542: return "NULL_P"; case 543: return "NULLIF"; case 544: return "NULLS_P"; case 545: return "NUMERIC"; case 546: return "OBJECT_P"; case 547: return "OF"; case 548: return "OFF"; case 549: return "OFFSET"; case 550: return "OIDS"; case 551: return "OLD"; case 552: return "ON"; case 553: return "ONLY"; case 554: return "OPERATOR"; case 555: return "OPTION"; case 556: return "OPTIONS"; case 557: return "OR"; case 558: return "ORDER"; case 559: return "ORDINALITY"; case 560: return "OTHERS"; case 561: return "OUT_P"; case 562: return "OUTER_P"; case 563: return "OVER"; case 564: return "OVERLAPS"; case 565: return "OVERLAY"; case 566: return "OVERRIDING"; case 567: return "OWNED"; case 568: return "OWNER"; case 569: return "PARALLEL"; case 570: return "PARAMETER"; case 571: return "PARSER"; case 572: return "PARTIAL"; case 573: return "PARTITION"; case 574: return "PASSING"; case 575: return "PASSWORD"; case 576: return "PLACING"; case 577: return "PLANS"; case 578: return "POLICY"; case 579: return "POSITION"; case 580: return "PRECEDING"; case 581: return "PRECISION"; case 582: return "PRESERVE"; case 583: return "PREPARE"; case 584: return "PREPARED"; case 585: return "PRIMARY"; case 586: return "PRIOR"; case 587: return "PRIVILEGES"; case 588: return "PROCEDURAL"; case 589: return "PROCEDURE"; case 590: return "PROCEDURES"; case 591: return "PROGRAM"; case 592: return "PUBLICATION"; case 593: return "QUOTE"; case 594: return "RANGE"; case 595: return "READ"; case 596: return "REAL"; case 597: return "REASSIGN"; case 598: return "RECHECK"; case 599: return "RECURSIVE"; case 600: return "REF_P"; case 601: return "REFERENCES"; case 602: return "REFERENCING"; case 603: return "REFRESH"; case 604: return "REINDEX"; case 605: return "RELATIVE_P"; case 606: return "RELEASE"; case 607: return "RENAME"; case 608: return "REPEATABLE"; case 609: return "REPLACE"; case 610: return "REPLICA"; case 611: return "RESET"; case 612: return "RESTART"; case 613: return "RESTRICT"; case 614: return "RETURN"; case 615: return "RETURNING"; case 616: return "RETURNS"; case 617: return "REVOKE"; case 618: return "RIGHT"; case 619: return "ROLE"; case 620: return "ROLLBACK"; case 621: return "ROLLUP"; case 622: return "ROUTINE"; case 623: return "ROUTINES"; case 624: return "ROW"; case 625: return "ROWS"; case 626: return "RULE"; case 627: return "SAVEPOINT"; case 628: return "SCALAR"; case 629: return "SCHEMA"; case 630: return "SCHEMAS"; case 631: return "SCROLL"; case 632: return "SEARCH"; case 633: return "SECOND_P"; case 634: return "SECURITY"; case 635: return "SELECT"; case 636: return "SEQUENCE"; case 637: return "SEQUENCES"; case 638: return "SERIALIZABLE"; case 639: return "SERVER"; case 640: return "SESSION"; case 641: return "SESSION_USER"; case 642: return "SET"; case 643: return "SETS"; case 644: return "SETOF"; case 645: return "SHARE"; case 646: return "SHOW"; case 647: return "SIMILAR"; case 648: return "SIMPLE"; case 649: return "SKIP"; case 650: return "SMALLINT"; case 651: return "SNAPSHOT"; case 652: return "SOME"; case 653: return "SQL_P"; case 654: return "STABLE"; case 655: return "STANDALONE_P"; case 656: return "START"; case 657: return "STATEMENT"; case 658: return "STATISTICS"; case 659: return "STDIN"; case 660: return "STDOUT"; case 661: return "STORAGE"; case 662: return "STORED"; case 663: return "STRICT_P"; case 664: return "STRIP_P"; case 665: return "SUBSCRIPTION"; case 666: return "SUBSTRING"; case 667: return "SUPPORT"; case 668: return "SYMMETRIC"; case 669: return "SYSID"; case 670: return "SYSTEM_P"; case 671: return "SYSTEM_USER"; case 672: return "TABLE"; case 673: return "TABLES"; case 674: return "TABLESAMPLE"; case 675: return "TABLESPACE"; case 676: return "TEMP"; case 677: return "TEMPLATE"; case 678: return "TEMPORARY"; case 679: return "TEXT_P"; case 680: return "THEN"; case 681: return "TIES"; case 682: return "TIME"; case 683: return "TIMESTAMP"; case 684: return "TO"; case 685: return "TRAILING"; case 686: return "TRANSACTION"; case 687: return "TRANSFORM"; case 688: return "TREAT"; case 689: return "TRIGGER"; case 690: return "TRIM"; case 691: return "TRUE_P"; case 692: return "TRUNCATE"; case 693: return "TRUSTED"; case 694: return "TYPE_P"; case 695: return "TYPES_P"; case 696: return "UESCAPE"; case 697: return "UNBOUNDED"; case 698: return "UNCOMMITTED"; case 699: return "UNENCRYPTED"; case 700: return "UNION"; case 701: return "UNIQUE"; case 702: return "UNKNOWN"; case 703: return "UNLISTEN"; case 704: return "UNLOGGED"; case 705: return "UNTIL"; case 706: return "UPDATE"; case 707: return "USER"; case 708: return "USING"; case 709: return "VACUUM"; case 710: return "VALID"; case 711: return "VALIDATE"; case 712: return "VALIDATOR"; case 713: return "VALUE_P"; case 714: return "VALUES"; case 715: return "VARCHAR"; case 716: return "VARIADIC"; case 717: return "VARYING"; case 718: return "VERBOSE"; case 719: return "VERSION_P"; case 720: return "VIEW"; case 721: return "VIEWS"; case 722: return "VOLATILE"; case 723: return "WHEN"; case 724: return "WHERE"; case 725: return "WHITESPACE_P"; case 726: return "WINDOW"; case 727: return "WITH"; case 728: return "WITHIN"; case 729: return "WITHOUT"; case 730: return "WORK"; case 731: return "WRAPPER"; case 732: return "WRITE"; case 733: return "XML_P"; case 734: return "XMLATTRIBUTES"; case 735: return "XMLCONCAT"; case 736: return "XMLELEMENT"; case 737: return "XMLEXISTS"; case 738: return "XMLFOREST"; case 739: return "XMLNAMESPACES"; case 740: return "XMLPARSE"; case 741: return "XMLPI"; case 742: return "XMLROOT"; case 743: return "XMLSERIALIZE"; case 744: return "XMLTABLE"; case 745: return "YEAR_P"; case 746: return "YES_P"; case 747: return "ZONE"; case 748: return "FORMAT_LA"; case 749: return "NOT_LA"; case 750: return "NULLS_LA"; case 751: return "WITH_LA"; case 752: return "WITHOUT_LA"; case 753: return "MODE_TYPE_NAME"; case 754: return "MODE_PLPGSQL_EXPR"; case 755: return "MODE_PLPGSQL_ASSIGN1"; case 756: return "MODE_PLPGSQL_ASSIGN2"; case 757: return "MODE_PLPGSQL_ASSIGN3"; case 758: return "UMINUS"; default: throw new Error("Key not recognized in enum Token"); } } default: throw new Error("Enum type not recognized"); } };