#!/bin/bash ## Job Name #SBATCH --job-name=Align-Cmag-MiSeq ## Allocation Definition #SBATCH --account=srlab #SBATCH --partition=srlab ## Resources ## Nodes #SBATCH --nodes=1 ## Walltime (days-hours:minutes:seconds format) #SBATCH --time=4-00:00:00 ## Memory per node #SBATCH --mem=100G #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL #SBATCH --mail-user=lhs3@uw.edu ## Specify the working directory for this job #SBATCH --chdir=/gscratch/srlab/lhs3/outputs/20201213/trimmed/ # Directories and programs bismark_dir="/gscratch/srlab/programs/Bismark-0.22.3" bowtie2_dir="/gscratch/srlab/programs/bowtie2-" samtools="/gscratch/srlab/programs/samtools-1.9/samtools" #reads_dir="/gscratch/srlab/lhs3/outputs/20201213/trimmed/" genome_folder="/gscratch/srlab/lhs3/inputs/C_magister/" # Prepare genome # Not needed, genome already prepped #${bismark_dir}/bismark_genome_preparation \ #--verbose \ #--parallel 28 \ #--path_to_aligner ${bowtie2_dir} \ #${genome_folder} mkdir bismark/ find *_L001_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz \ | xargs basename -s _L001_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz | xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/bismark \ --path_to_bowtie ${bowtie2_dir} \ -genome ${genome_folder} \ -p 4 \ -score_min L,0,-0.6 \ --non_directional \ -1 {}_L001_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz \ -2 {}_L001_R2_001_val_2.fq.gz \ -o bismark/ # From here we extract methylation and create downstream amendable files. # First make new directory for deduplicated files cd bismark/ find *.bam | \ xargs basename -s .bam | \ xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/deduplicate_bismark \ --bam \ --paired \ {}.bam ${bismark_dir}/bismark_methylation_extractor \ --bedGraph --counts --scaffolds \ --multicore 14 \ --buffer_size 75% \ *deduplicated.bam # Bismark processing report ${bismark_dir}/bismark2report #Bismark summary report ${bismark_dir}/bismark2summary