endpoints: # if you do not have a non archive node, you can set the non archive endpoint to the archive node (yet route to it regular queries, that do not pay the multiplier) - api-interface: jsonrpc chain-id: EVMOS network-address: address: "" node-urls: - url: evmos/rpc/archive addons: - archive - url: evmos/rpc - api-interface: rest chain-id: EVMOS network-address: address: "" node-urls: - url: /evmos/rest/archive addons: - archive - url: /evmos/rest - api-interface: grpc chain-id: EVMOS network-address: address: "" node-urls: - url: evmos-grpc-secure-archive:443 auth-config: use-tls: true addons: - archive - url: evmos-grpc-secure:443 auth-config: use-tls: true - api-interface: tendermintrpc chain-id: EVMOS network-address: address: "" node-urls: - url: evmos/tendermint-rpc-http-archive addons: - archive - url: evmos/tendermint-rpc-ws-archive addons: - archive - url: evmos/tendermint-rpc-http - url: evmos/tendermint-rpc-ws