Better Typescript ================================ # Overview **This plugin is deprecated. Use [Official Type​Script plugin]( instead.**. ## Description This is fork of [Better CoffeeScript]( but adopted for work with Typescript. Also look at this TypeScript plugin for Sublime Text It is really awesome. # Installation If you have Sublime Package Control, you know what to do. If not, well: it's a package manager for Sublime Text 3; it's awesome and you can [read about it here]( Installation guide can be [found here]( * Open the Command Pallete (`ctrl+shift+P` or `cmd+shift+P`). * Type "Install Package" and hit return. * Type "Better TypeScript" and hit return. # Build File Example Current package don't have sublime build file. You can create it by yourself and save it (`Preferences - Browse Packages... - User folder`) as `Typescript.sublime-build`. Then use `Cmd + B` to build your file. ``` { "cmd": ["tsc", "-d", "-m", "amd", "--sourcemap", "$file"], "file_regex": "(.*\\.ts?)\\s\\(([0-9]+)\\,([0-9]+)\\)\\:\\s(...*?)$", "selector": "source.ts", "osx": { "path": "/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin" }, "windows": { "cmd": ["tsc.cmd", "-d", "-m", "amd", "--sourcemap", "$file"] } } ``` # Commands/Shortcuts You can access the commands either using the command palette (`ctrl+shift+P` or `cmd+shift+P`) or via shortcuts. alt+shift+s - Run a syntax check alt+shift+c - Compile a file alt+shift+d - Display compiled JavaScript alt+shift+w - Toggle watch mode Context menu has `Compile Output` that compiles the current TypeScript and outputs the javascript code that is run, in a panel. **Note:** Some of the commands use the Status Bar for output, so you'll probably want to enable it (`View » Show Status Bar`). # Snippets - Use `TAB` to run a snippet after typing the trigger. - Use `TAB` and `shift+TAB` to cycle forward/backward through fields. - Use `ESC` to exit snippet mode. Thanks @MattSeen to provide Snippets ( # Settings Go to `Preferences > Package Settings > Better TypeScript > Settings - User` to change settings. See `Preferences > Package Settings > Better TypeScript > Settings - Default` to see all available settings. # FAQ Most of the linux terminal commands written here can be run via [cygwin]( - aka Linux Terminal in Windows. - Most of the problems are related to configurations. Remember to configure `binDir` after you install! - Do I have `tsc` installed? Try finding tsc in your global npm list with `npm ls -g | grep tsc` which will output something like: ```bash npm ls -g | grep tsc ``` - Where can I find out the path to tsc binary? In Linux `which` command will tell you where a command originates from. In terminal type: ```bash which tsc # /usr/bin/tsc ``` This path will go into the `binDir` setting.