library(ggplot2) library(patchwork) ############################### ####### Exercise 4.1 ######## ############################### data(profsalary, package = "hecstatmod") profsalary$salbi <- profsalary$salary > 105000 mod1p1 <- glm(salbi ~ degree + sex + yr + yd, data = profsalary, family=binomial(link="logit")) summary(mod1p1) mod1p2 <- glm(salbi ~ degree + sex + yr + yd + factor(rank), data = profsalary, family=binomial(link="logit")) library(ggplot2) ggplot(data.frame(pred = fitted(mod1p2), rank = profsalary$rank), aes(x = rank, y = pred)) + geom_boxplot() + labs(x = "academic rank", y = "fitted probability") ############################### ####### Exercise 4.2 ######## ############################### data(awards, package = "hecstatmod") mod2p1 <- glm(nawards ~ prog + math, data = awards, family=poisson(link="log")) mod2p2 <- MASS::glm.nb(nawards ~ prog + math, data = awards, link='log') #Testing for overdispersion - don't use deviance, as these are not comparable pchisq(2*as.numeric(logLik(mod2p2) - logLik(mod2p1)), df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)/2 # Reject null that k=0 khat <- 1/mod2p2$theta #Checking adequacy - LRT comparing with saturated model deviance(mod2p1) / mod2p1$df.residual #df residuals not taking into account the k parameter pchisq(deviance(mod2p1), df = mod2p1$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE) summary(mod2p1) # Pearson chi-square statistic for Poisson model PearsonX2 <- sum(residuals(mod2p1, type = "pearson")^2) # sum((awards$nawards - fitted(mod2p1))^2/fitted(mod2p1)) ############################### ####### Exercise 4.3 ######## ############################### data(ceb, package = "hecstatmod") # par(mfrow= c(1,2),mar = c(4,4,1,1), bty = "l", pch = 20) # with(ceb, plot(log(nwom), log(nceb), # xlab = "number of women per group (log)", # ylab = "number of children ever born (log)")) # with(ceb, plot(nceb/nwom, var, # xlab = "mean number of children ever born", # ylab = "variance of number of children")) g1 <- ggplot(data = ceb, aes(x = log(nwom), y =log(nceb))) + geom_point() + labs(x="number of women per group (log)", y ="number of children ever born (log)") g2 <- ggplot(data = ceb, aes(x = nceb/nwom, y =var)) + geom_point() + labs(x = "mean number of children ever born", y = "variance of number of children") g1 + g2 mod3p1 <- glm(nceb ~ dur + res + educ + offset(log(nwom)), data = ceb, family = poisson) mod3p2 <- glm(nceb ~ dur + res + educ + log(nwom), data = ceb, family = poisson) # Coefficients summary(mod3p1) # Profile likelihood confidence intervals for betas confint(mod3p1) # Type 3 LRT for covariates car::Anova(mod3p1, type = 3) # Diagnostic plots for residuals boot::glm.diag.plots(mod3p1) # LRT test for deviance - versus saturated model pchisq(deviance(mod3p1), df = mod3p1$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE) mod3p3 <- glm(nceb ~ dur * educ + res + offset(log(nwom)), data = ceb, family = poisson) anova(mod3p1, mod3p3, test = "LRT") ############################### ####### Exercise 4.4 ######## ############################### data(bixi, package = "hecstatmod") mod4p1 <- glm(nusers ~ weekend, data = bixi, family = poisson(link="log")) mod4p2 <- glm(nusers ~ weekend + temp + relhumid, data = bixi, family = poisson(link="log")) anova(mod4p1, mod4p2) mod4p3 <- MASS::glm.nb(nusers ~ weekend + temp + relhumid, data = bixi) # Overdispersion # Likelihood ratio test: compare neg. binom (Ha) versus Poisson (H0) # Null distribution is 0.5 chi-square(1). This means we proceed as usual, but halve the p-value pchisq(q = as.numeric(2*(logLik(mod4p3) - logLik(mod4p2))), df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)/2 # Rejette H0: Modèle Poisson n'est pas une "simplification adéquate" du modèle binom nég mod4p4 <- MASS::glm.nb(nusers ~ factor(weekday) + temp + relhumid, data = bixi) # Compare model with daily effect (Ha) versus model with we/weekdays (H0) anova(mod4p4, mod4p3) ############################### ####### Exercice 4.5 ######## ############################### data(socceragg, package = "hecstatmod") xtabs(counts ~ home + away, data = socceragg) model_ctab <- glm(data = socceragg, counts ~ home + away, family=poisson) pchisq(q = deviance(model_ctab), df = df.residual(model_ctab), lower.tail = FALSE) data(soccer, package = "hecstatmod") mod0 <- glm(score ~ team + opponent + home, data = soccer, family=poisson) coef(mod0)["home"] confint(mod0)["home",] car::Anova(mod0, type=3) set.seed(1234) B <- 9999 devpval <- rep(0, B) soccerfake <- soccer for(i in 1:B){ soccerfake$score <- rpois(n = nrow(soccer), lambda = exp(mod0$linear.predictors)) devpval[i] <- deviance(glm(score ~ team + opponent + home, data = soccerfake, family=poisson)) } mean(devpval > deviance(mod0)) pchisq(deviance(mod0), df.residual(mod0), lower.tail = FALSE) pdf("deviance_approx.pdf", width = 5, height = 2.5) par(mar = c(4,4,1,1)) curve(dchisq(x, df = 720), from = 600,to = 950, bty = 'l', ylim = c(0, 0.015), yaxs="i", ylab = "density", xlab= '') hist(devpval, add = TRUE, freq = FALSE, col = scales::alpha(1, 0.1)) mod1 <- glm(score ~ team + opponent + home + team*home + opponent*home, data = soccer, family=poisson) anova(mod0, mod1, test = "LRT") newdat <- data.frame(team = c("Manchester United", "Liverpool"), opponent = c("Liverpool", "Manchester United"), home = c(1,0)) predict(mod0, newdata = newdat, type="response") ############################### ####### Exercice 4.6 ######## ############################### data(buchanan, package = "hecstatmod") with(buchanan, sum(buch) / sum(totmb + buch)) library(ggplot2) col <- rep(1, nrow(buchanan)); col[50] <- 2 g1 <- ggplot(data = buchanan, aes(y = 100*buch/(totmb + buch), x =log(totmb))) + geom_point(col = col) + xlab("total population (log scale)") + ylab("Buchanan vote share (%)") + theme_minimal() g2 <- ggplot(data = buchanan, aes(y = log(buch), x =log(popn))) + geom_point(col = col) + xlab("total votes (log scale)") + ylab("number of Buchanan votes (log scale)") + theme_minimal() library(patchwork) g1 + g2 modfl1 <- glm(data = buchanan, subset = county != "Palm Beach", buch ~ white + log(hisp) + geq65 + highsc + log(coll) + income + offset(log(totmb)), family = poisson) modfl2 <- MASS::glm.nb(data = buchanan, subset = county != "Palm Beach", buch ~ white + log(hisp) + geq65 + highsc + log(coll) + income + offset(log(totmb))) pchisq(deviance(modfl2), df.residual(modfl2), lower.tail = FALSE) anova(modfl1, modfl2) predict(modfl2, newdata = buchanan[50,], type = "response") predict(modfl1, newdata = buchanan[50,], type = "response") # Poor man's prediction interval based on # Normal approximation to the sampling distribution of beta B <- 1e4 xPB <- with(buchanan[50,], c(1, white, log(hisp), geq65, highsc, log(coll),income, log(totmb))) predc <- apply(MASS::mvrnorm(n=B, mu = coef(modfl2), Sigma = vcov(modfl2)), 1, function(beta){ mu <- exp(sum(xPB * c(beta,1))) pred <- MASS::rnegbin(n = 1, mu = mu, theta = rnorm(1, modfl2$theta, modfl2$SE.theta)) return(c(mu, pred)) }) quantile(predc[1,], c(0.025, 0.975)) # Monte Carlo confidence interval for the mean quantile(predc[2,], c(0.025, 0.975)) # Monte Carlo approximate prediction interval