* Global options; options nodate nonumber; * Create grid to arrange output tables; ods layout gridded columns=2; ods noproctitle; ods region; proc means data=statmod.intention mean std min max maxdec=2; var intention sex age marital fixation emotion; run; proc freq data=statmod.intention; tables revenue educ / nocum; run; ods region; proc freq data=statmod.intention; tables intention / nocum; run; ods layout end; * Create a layout for multiple plots; ods layout Start width=10in height=6in; ods region x=0 y=0% width=50% height=50%; ods graphics / noborder; * Repeat for variables age, fixation and emotion; proc sgplot data=statmod.intention noborder; histogram intention; run; ods region x=50% y=0% width=50% height=50%; proc sgplot data=statmod.intention noborder; histogram age; run; ods region x=0 y=50% width=50% height=50%; proc sgplot data=statmod.intention noborder; histogram emotion; run; ods region x=50% Y=50% width=50% height=50%; proc sgplot data=statmod.intention noborder; histogram fixation; run; quit; ods layout end; options nodate nonumber; ods layout Start width=10in height=5in; ods noproctitle; ods region x=0% y=0% width=50% height=100%; proc sgplot data=statmod.intention noborder noautolegend; scatter y=intention x=fixation; reg y=intention x=fixation / nolegfit; yaxis label="intention to buy"; xaxis label="fixation time (in seconds)"; run; ods region x=50% y=0% width=50% height=100%; proc sgplot data=statmod.intention noborder noautolegend; scatter y=intention x=emotion; reg y=intention x=emotion / nolegfit; yaxis label="intention to buy"; xaxis label="emotion score"; run; ods layout end; proc glm data=statmod.intention; ods select ParameterEstimates; model intention=fixation / ss3 solution; run; proc glm data=statmod.intention; ods select ParameterEstimates; class sex(ref="0"); model intention=sex / ss3 solution; run; data temp; set statmod.intention; educ1=(educ=1); educ2=(educ=2); run; proc glm data=temp; ods select ParameterEstimates; model intention=educ1 educ2 / ss3 solution; run; proc glm data=statmod.intention; ods select ParameterEstimates; class educ(ref="3"); model intention=educ / ss3 solution; run; proc glm data=statmod.intention; class revenu(ref="1") educ(ref="1"); model intention=sex age revenue educ marital fixation emotion age /ss3 solution; run;