library(hecstatmod) # Fit linear model with lm function # Get coefficient table with "summary" # Get F-table of SS3 with "Anova" from "car" package # WARNING: "anova" returns the SS1 parametrization # Details ols <- lm(intention ~ fixation, data = intention) summary(ols) # parameter estimates table confint(ols) # confidence intervals for coefficients car::Anova(ols, type = 3) # type 3 sum of square intention$sex <- relevel(intention$sex, ref = "woman") ols_full <- lm(intention ~ fixation + emotion + sex + educ + marital + revenue, data = intention) summary(ols_full) # parameter estimates table car::Anova(ols_full, type = 3) # type 3 sum of square # Output for the two-sample t-test summary(lm(offer ~ group, data = tickets)) #p-value coincides with that of t-test t.test(offer ~ group, data = tickets, var.equal = TRUE)