data newdata; set infe.intention(obs=1); do fixation=0 to 6; output; end; run; proc glm data=infe.intention noprint; class sex educ revenue; model intention= fixation emotion sex age revenue educ / ss3 solution; store modelinfo; run; proc plm restore=modelinfo; score data=newdata out=prediction predicted lclm uclm lcl ucl; run; proc sgplot data=prediction; band x=fixation upper=ucl lower=lcl / fill transparency=.5 legendlabel="individual"; band x=fixation upper=uclm lower=lclm / fill transparency=.1 legendlabel="mean"; series x=fixation y=predicted; yaxis label="intention score"; xaxis label="fixation time (in seconds)"; run; /* More realistic example with the college data */ ods exclude all; ods noresults; proc glm; class field rank sex; model salary = field rank service sex; store model1; run; data newcollege; length rank $ 10; length field $ 12; /* SAS troncates the variables name exceeding 8 character (default) The above thus declares the categorical variable ($) "rank" of length at most 10.*/ input year field $ rank $ service sex $; datalines; 5 applied associate 3 man ; proc plm restore=model1 alpha=0.05; score data=newcollege out=prediction predicted lcl ucl; run; ods exclude none; ods results; proc print data=prediction; var predicted lcl ucl; run;