library(survival) library(survminer) # graphics data(breastcancer, package = "hecstatmod") summary(breastcancer) with(breastcancer, table(death, im)) # Kaplan-Meier estimator # The response is packed in "Surv" with # survival time and right-censoring indicator kapm1 <- survfit(Surv(time, death) ~ 1, type="kaplan-meier", conf.type="log", data = breastcancer) summary(kapm1) print(kapm1, print.rmean=TRUE) plot(kapm1, ylab = "survival function", xlab = "time (in days)") ggsurvplot(fit = kapm1, = TRUE, data = breastcancer, legend = "none", xlab = "time (in days)") quantile(kapm1) data(breastfeeding, package = "hecstatmod") kapm2 <- survfit(Surv(duration, delta) ~ 1, type="kaplan-meier", conf.type="log", data = breastfeeding) plot(kapm2, ylab = "survival function", xlab = "time (in weeks)") quantile(kapm2) print(kapm2, print.rmean=TRUE)