library(survival) library(coin) data(breastcancer, package = "hecstatmod") # chi-square test log-rank test #p-value based on asymptotic null distribution (chi-square (1) survdiff(Surv(time, death) ~ im, data = breastcancer) # Obtain alternative approximation via simulation (permutation test) coin::logrank_test(Surv(time, death) ~ factor(im), data = breastcancer, distribution = coin::approximate(nresample=1e5)) # The log rank test if the two survival curves are equal # Basic idea: under H0, the labels for group are not relevant # We can use a permutation and compare the resulting curves # Plot of the survival function with multiple curves plot(survfit(Surv(time, death) ~ factor(im), data = breastcancer), = FALSE, col = c(2,4), # red, blue xlab = "time (in days)", ylab = "survival function", bty = "l") # Cox proportional hazard cox1 <- coxph(Surv(time, death) ~ im, data = breastcancer) summary(cox1) ## The log rank test coincides with the global significance # test statistic of the Cox model