# Hostnames, comma separated list of Couchbase node IP or hostname hostnames: localhost, # Buket name bucket: default # Bucket password password: # Log to write succesfully imported keys successLogFilename: succes.out # Log to write unsuccesfully imported keys errorLogFilename: error.out # Default RequestCancelledException delay in milliseconds and maximum number of retries requestCancelledExceptionDelay: 31000 requestCancelledExceptionRetries: 100 # Default TemporaryFailureException delay in milliseconds and maximum number of retries temporaryFailureExceptionDelay: 100 temporaryFailureExceptionRetries: 100 # Default upsert timeout in milliseconds importTimeout: 500 # Choose between CSV, COUCHDB, MONGODB, JSON_GENERATOR choosenImporter: MONGODB mongodb: # Give a valid connection string to connect to a MongoDB instance connectionString: "mongodb://" # Name of the MondoDB database to connect to dbName: "test" # Name of the collection to import collectionName: "restaurants" # Couchbase does not have collection, we usually use a type field. As there could already be a type field in Mongo, you can specify another fieldName to be used as type typeField: "type" # type of the documents that will be imported type: "restaurant"