#!/bin/bash # macOS-eGPU.sh # # This script handles installation, updating and uninstallation of eGPU support for Mac. # AMD and NVIDIA cards, TI82 and T83 enclosures, TB 1/2 and 3, and CUDA are supported. # # Created by learex on 05.04.18. # # Authors: learex # Homepage: https://github.com/learex/macOS-eGPU # License: https://github.com/learex/macOS-eGPU/blob/master/License.txt # # USAGE TERMS of macOS-eGPU.sh # 1. You may use this script for personal use. # 2. You may continue development of this script at it's GitHub homepage. # 3. You may not redistribute this script or portions thereof from outside of it's GitHub homepage without explicit written permission. # 4. You may not compile, assemble or in any other way make the source code unreadable by a human. # 5. You may not implement this script or portions thereof into other scripts and/or applications without explicit written permission. # 6. You may not use this script, or portions thereof, for any commercial purposes. # 7. You accept the license terms of all downloaded and/or executed content, even content that has only indirectly been been downloaded and/or executed by macOS-eGPU.sh. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # beginning of the script # It is forbidden to execute any code until the very last subroutine. The only execption is to parse incoming options. # Global variables are created as needed. # script specific information branch="master" warningOS="10.13.7" currentOS="10.13.6" gitPath="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/learex/macOS-eGPU/""$branch" scriptVersion="v1.6" debug=false # external programs pbuddy="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" # sudo override sudoActive=false function sudov { if "$sudoActive" then sudo "$@" else "$@" fi } # Subroutine A: Basic functions ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine A1: Directory handling dirName="$(uuidgen)" dirName="/var/tmp/""macOS.eGPU.""$dirName" ## tmpdir creator function mktmpdir { if ! [ -d "$dirName" ] then mkdir -p "$dirName" fi } ## tmpdir destructor function cleantmpdir { if [ -d "$dirName" ] then sudov rm -rf "$dirName" fi } ## Subroutine A2: Cleanup # DMG detachment attachedDMGVolumes="" function dmgDetatch { while read -r DMGVolumeToDetachTemp do if [ -d "$DMGVolumeToDetachTemp" ] then hdiutil detach "$DMGVolumeToDetachTemp" -quiet fi done <<< "$attachedDMGVolumes" } # system cleanup function systemClean { echoing " cleaning system" cleantmpdir dmgDetatch echoend "done" } # quit all running apps function quitAllApps { ret=0 if ! "$debug" then appsToQuitTemp="" appsToQuitTemp=$(osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to set quitapps to name of every application process whose visible is true and name is not "Finder" and name is not "Terminal"' -e 'return quitapps') &>/dev/null if ( ! [[ "$appsToQuitTemp" == "" ]] ) || [[ `ps -A | grep "\-bash" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l | xargs` > 1 ]] then if [[ "$appsToQuitTemp" =~ "iTerm" ]] then echo echo "An open session of iTerm is detected. The script won't run with iTerm. Please use the Terminal app for now." irupt fi if [[ `ps -A | grep "\-bash" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l | xargs` > 1 ]] then echo echo echo `ps -A | grep "\-bash" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l | xargs`" Terminal sessions have been detected. Please only leave one open with which the script is executed." echo irupt fi appsToQuitTemp="${appsToQuitTemp//, /\n}" appsToQuitTemp="$(echo -e $appsToQuitTemp)" while read -r appNameToQuitTemp do killall "$appNameToQuitTemp" if [ "$?" != 0 ] then ret=1 fi done <<< "$appsToQuitTemp" fi fi return "$ret" } ## Subroutine A3: Print functions # print the whole help manual function printUsage { printVariableTemp=`cat </dev/null sleep 1 fi echo restorePrivileges exit } ## Subroutine A8: Rebuild Kexts scheduleKextTouch=false forceCacheRebuild=false function rebuildKextCache { if "$scheduleKextTouch" then echo "Rebuilding caches" elevatePrivileges trapWithWarning2 echoing " kext cache" sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions &>/dev/null sudo kextcache -q -update-volume / &>/dev/null echoend "done" echoing " system cache" sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions &>/dev/null sudo kextcache -system-caches &>/dev/null sudo kextcache -clear-staging echoend "done" if "$forceCacheRebuild" then echoing " dyld cache" sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -root / -force &>/dev/null sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -debug &>/dev/null sudo update_dyld_shared_cache &>/dev/null echoend "done" fi fi } ## Subroutine A9: Finish doneSomething=false function finish { createSpace 2 echo "Finish..." systemClean if "$doneSomething" then rebuildKextCache rebootSystem else echo "Nothing has been changed." fi restorePrivileges echo exit } ## Subroutine A10: Interrupt function irupt { echo "Interrupt..." systemClean restorePrivileges echo "The script has failed." if "$doneSomething" then rebuildKextCache else echo "Nothing has been changed." fi echo exit 1 } ## Subroutine A11: Trap functions exitScript=false function trapIrupt { if ! "$exitScript" then exitScript=true echo "You pressed ^C. Exiting the script during execution might render your system unrepairable." echo "Recommendation: Let the script finish and then run again with uninstall parameter." echo "Press again to force quit. Beware of the consequenses." sleep 5 else irupt fi } function trapIrupt2 { if ! "$exitScript" then exitScript=true echo "You pressed ^C. Exiting the script during execution might render your system unrepairable." echo "Recommendation: Let the script finish and then run again with uninstall parameter." echo "Press again to force quit. Beware of the consequenses." sleep 5 else trap '{ echo; echo "Abort..."; systemClean; restorePrivileges; exit 1; }' INT fi } function trapWithWarning { trap trapIrupt INT } function trapWithWarning2 { trap trapIrupt2 INT } function trapWithoutWarning { trap '{ echo; echo "Abort..."; irupt; }' INT } function trapLock { trap '' INT } ## Subroutine A12: Custom uninstaller function genericUninstaller { fileListUninstallTemp="$1" genericUninstalledTemp=false if [ "$fileListUninstallTemp" != "" ] then elevatePrivileges while read -r genericFileTemp do if [ -e "$genericFileTemp" ] then genericUninstalledTemp=true sudo rm -r -f "$genericFileTemp" &>/dev/null fi done <<< "$fileListUninstallTemp" if "$genericUninstalledTemp" then return 0 else return 1 fi fi } ## Subroutine A13: Binary Hasher binaryHashReturn="" function binaryHasher { testDump=$(hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' "$1" &>/dev/null) if [ $? != 0 ] then echo echo "iterupting execution flow..." echo "--- incorrect permissions detected ---" elevatePrivileges sudo chmod 755 "$1" echo "--- incorrect permissions fixed ---" echo "continuing execution flow..." echo fi hashval1Temp=$(hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' "$1" | sed "s/.*3C3F786D6C2076657273696F6E3D22312E302220656E636F64696E673D225554462D38223F3E0A3C21444F435459504520706C697374205055424C494320222D2F2F4170706C652F2F44544420504C49535420312E302F2F454E222022687474703A2F2F7777772E6170706C652E636F6D2F445444732F50726F70657274794C6973742D312E302E647464223E0A3C706C6973742076657273696F6E3D22312E30223E0A3C646963743E0A093C6B65793E63646861736865733C2F6B65793E//g") hashval2Temp=$(xxd -s -128 "$1") hashvalTemp=$(echo "$hashval1Temp""$hashval2Temp" | shasum -a 512 -b | awk '{ print $1 }') binaryHashReturn="$hashvalTemp" } ## Subroutine A14: Flow hex editor function genericHexEditor { elevatePrivileges (sudo hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' "$3" | sed "s/$1/$2/g" | xxd -r -p )> "$4" } ## Subroutine A15: Inplace hex editor function inPlaceEditor { elevatePrivileges mktmpdir tempBinaryPath="$dirName""/binFile" filePermissionsTemp=$(stat -f "%A" "$3") fileOwnershipTemp=$(stat -f "%Su:%Sg" "$3") genericHexEditor "$1" "$2" "$3" "$tempBinaryPath" sudo rm "$3" sudo cp "$tempBinaryPath" "$3" sudo chmod "$filePermissionsTemp" "$3" sudo chown "$fileOwnershipTemp" "$3" sudo rm "$tempBinaryPath" } ## Subroutine A16: Echo helpers lastLength=0 doneLine=`expr $(tput cols)` function echoing { echo -n "$1" lastLength=`echo -n "$1" | wc -c | xargs` } function echoend { lenTemp=`echo -n "$1" | wc -c | xargs` for i in `seq 1 $(expr "$doneLine" - $lenTemp - 2 - "$lastLength")` do echo -n " " done if [ "$2" != "" ] then tput setaf "$2" fi echo "[$1]" if [ "$2" != "" ] then tput sgr0 fi } function createSpace { for i in `seq 1 $1` do echo done } ## Subroutine A17: binary parser function binaryParser { nbitTemp=`dc -e "$1 2 $2 ^ / 2 % n"` if [ "$nbitTemp" != "$3" ] then if [ "$nbitTemp" == 1 ] then dc -e "$1 2 $2 ^ - n" else dc -e "$1 2 $2 ^ + n" fi else echo "$1" fi } # Subroutine B: System checks ############################################################################################################## os="" build="" function fetchOSinfo { os="$(sw_vers -productVersion)" build="$(sw_vers -buildVersion)" } # 0: completely disabled, 127: fully enabled, 128: error, 31: --without KEXT # Binary of: Apple Internal | Kext Signing | Filesystem Protections | Debugging Restrictions | DTrace Restrictions | NVRAM Protections | BaseSystem Verification statSIP=128 function fetchSIPstat { SIPTemp="$(csrutil status)" if [[ "$SIPTemp[@]" =~ "Custom Configuration" ]] then appleInternalTemp=`echo "$SIPTemp" | sed -n 4p` kextSigningTemp=`echo "$SIPTemp" | sed -n 5p` fileSystemProtectionsTemp=`echo "$SIPTemp" | sed -n 6p` debuggingRestrictionsTemp=`echo "$SIPTemp" | sed -n 7p` dTraceRestrictionsTemp=`echo "$SIPTemp" | sed -n 8p` nvramProtectionsTemp=`echo "$SIPTemp" | sed -n 9p` baseSystemVerificationTemp=`echo "$SIPTemp" | sed -n 10p` appleInternalTemp="${appleInternalTemp##*: }" kextSigningTemp="${appleInternalTemp##*: }" fileSystemProtectionsTemp="${fileSystemProtectionsTemp##*: }" debuggingRestrictionsTemp="${debuggingRestrictionsTemp##*: }" dTraceRestrictionsTemp="${dTraceRestrictionsTemp##*: }" nvramProtectionsTemp="${nvramProtectionsTemp##*: }" baseSystemVerificationTemp="${baseSystemVerificationTemp##*: }" pTemp=1 statSIP=0 for SIPXTemp in "$baseSystemVerificationTemp" "$nvramProtectionsTemp" "$dTraceRestrictionsTemp" "$debuggingRestrictionsTemp" "$fileSystemProtectionsTemp" "$kextSigningTemp" "$appleInternalTemp" do if [ "$SIPXTemp" == "enabled" ] then statSIP="$(expr $statSIP + $pTemp)" fi pTemp="$(expr $pTemp \* 2)" done else keywordTemp="${SIPTemp#*: }" if [[ "${keywordTemp%% *}" =~ "enabled" ]] then statSIP=127 else statSIP=0 fi fi } thunderboltInterface=0 function fetchThunderboltInterface { thunderboltTemp=`ioreg | grep AppleThunderboltNHIType | sed -n 1p` thunderboltTemp="${thunderboltTemp##*+-o AppleThunderboltNHIType}" thunderboltInterface="${thunderboltTemp::1}" if [ "$thunderboltInterface" == "" ] then thunderboltInterface=0 fi } nvidiaDGPU=false function fetchNvidiaDGPU { nvidiaDGPU=false displayListTemp=$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep -v ": " | grep " " | xargs) displayListTemp="$displayListTemp"" " displayListTemp="${displayListTemp//: /\n}" displayListTemp=$(echo -e -n "$displayListTemp") pcieListTemp=$(system_profiler SPPCIDataType | grep -v ": " | grep " " | xargs) pcieListTemp="$pcieListTemp"" " pcieListTemp="${pcieListTemp//: /\n}" pcieListTemp=$(echo -e -n "$pcieListTemp") listOfPossibleDGPUTemp="" while read -r displayTemp do matchTemp=false while read -r pcieTemp do if [[ "$displayTemp" == "$pcieTemp" ]] then matchTemp=true fi done <<< "$pcieListTemp" if ! "$matchTemp" then listOfPossibleDGPUTemp="$listOfPossibleDGPUTemp""$displayTemp""\n" fi done <<< "$displayListTemp" listOfPossibleDGPUTemp=$(echo -e -n "$listOfPossibleDGPUTemp") if [[ "$listOfPossibleDGPUTemp[@]" =~ "NVIDIA" ]] then nvidiaDGPU=true fi } connectedEGPU=false connectedEGPUVendor="" eGPUdriverInstalled="" function fetchConnectedEGPU { ret=0 connectedEGPU=false pciTemp=`system_profiler SPPCIDataType` vendorsTemp=`echo "$pciTemp" | grep "Vendor" | grep -v "Subsystem"` usedSlotsTemp=`echo "$pciTemp" | grep "Slot"` countTemp=`echo "$vendorsTemp" | wc -l | xargs` countTemp2=`echo "$usedSlotsTemp" | wc -l | xargs` if [ "$countTemp" == "$countTemp2" ] then for i in `seq 1 "$countTemp"` do usedSlotTemp=`echo "$usedSlotsTemp" | sed -n "$i"p` vendorTemp=`echo "$vendorsTemp" | sed -n "$i"p` if [[ "$usedSlotTemp" =~ "Thunderbolt" ]] then case "$vendorTemp" in *"0x10de"*) connectedEGPU=true connectedEGPUVendor="NVIDIA" ;; *"0x1002"*) connectedEGPU=true connectedEGPUVendor="AMD" ;; *) ;; esac fi done else ret=1 fi return "$ret" } appleGPUWranglerVersion="" function translateAppleGPUWranglerVersionHash { appleGPUWranglerVersion="" case "$1" in "6606536cd546fbaf6571e3f6e0a815e4e9b06e135812322c7d2a899cffb42ca3a3fc7ef248cb81ae82c558a761bb75c9d852c38e744686ce1b38ad108d269c51") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.2:17C88,17C89,17C205,17C2120,17C2205" ;; "ea9dc6330ba9be64e0403e1b2d30db5483ff117ea2ceb37d90ce6671768a3d13200ceb29f2336a4a908e7665a461187ee3afc214fea4bc01ae2bbfd1b3dfe231") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.3:17D47,17D102" ;; "c13a0bf6c3215b65430242b588f2039f5943c97ada42b3a176de30417b2ab79f3996401e60cbd956b8de63303c282ded8fa1667c64ec3eb241dcc84d86b33241") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.3:17D2047,17D2102,17D2104" ;; "5cecaea9a06812f195e9c6ce6f755a20c623dc8e12222eaee0118c8f8a0fe42e3167d206eb85d5a55ceeeaa9aa55cd9b13433294a3d5de4f9d24f93e07dd67f6") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.4:17E199" ;; "459cba0c4c96cd751ff5d69857901a550ebcd99929d75860d864ae3950a6a1250e30d88ebae0823dfc1544b05b94c3b9b0c1cdfaeb74735d8c69a9438ddf66b4") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.4:17E202" ;; "88411a9cb7d0949fb2eb688281729edbd06f34e41e051a5fb37bf31bd3dbfe6f3d36bfb8917249a4717409417e761b588e7cabad0944602255836b2c1cce4849") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.5:17F77" ;; "51b5608fc6918f7a3b7edc263e721199109663739be260481ef9b6c14747736407cdfc61290f5ae9030aff35718944777828e5fdd0bb5da2674e998ea534f47c") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.6:17G65" ;; "379e758646c6000fc337ff6b8d88db82eb45d321a6f36e40dfa3354755504abcc7460ff0fe96a97aa2ae58ffce6b4cf5ea98f3ba008900591e481692547956e6") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.6:17G2112" ;; "befcbf75dbb4f0c3a9e79d333fef6b6c25a42b929878a572c73c448c01ff8dfdb66eabd02397e9fd1f8f3d4c0fc0c844f7cd0b29e4730314814f657fd20f544e") appleGPUWranglerVersion="10.13.6:17G2208" ;; esac } appleGraphicsControlPath="/System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext" appleGPUwranglerPath="$appleGraphicsControlPath""/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGPUWrangler.kext" appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath="$appleGPUwranglerPath""/Contents/MacOS/AppleGPUWrangler" function fetchAppleGPUWranglerVersion { binaryHasher "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" translateAppleGPUWranglerVersionHash "$binaryHashReturn" } programList="" function fetchInstalledPrograms { appListPathsTemp="$(find /Applications -iname *.app -maxdepth 3)" appListTemp="" while read -r appTemp do appTemp="${appTemp##*/}" appListTemp="$appListTemp""${appTemp%.*}""\n" done <<< "$appListPathsTemp" programList="$(echo -e -n $appListTemp)" } internet=false function checkInternetConnection { internet=false /sbin/ping -c 1 -t 3 &> /dev/null if [ "$?" == 0 ] then internet=true fi } # Subroutine C: NVIDIA drivers ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine C1: Global variables nvidiaDriversInstalled=false nvidiaDriverVersion="" nvidiaDriverBuildVersion="" nvidiaDriverUnInstallPKG="/Library/PreferencePanes/NVIDIA Driver Manager.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/NVIDIA Web Driver Uninstaller.app/Contents/Resources/NVUninstall.pkg" nvidiaDriverVersionPath="/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartupWeb.kext/Contents/Info.plist" nvidiaDriverNListOnline="https://gfe.nvidia.com/mac-update" nvidiaDriverListOnline="$gitPath""/Data/nvidiaDriver.plist" foundMatchNvidiaDriver=false customNvidiaDriver=false forceNewest=false omitNvidiaDriver=false nvidiaDriverDownloadVersion="" nvidiaDriverDownloadLink="" nvidiaDriverDownloadChecksum="" ## Subroutine C2: Check functions function checkNvidiaDriverInstallReset { nvidiaDriversInstalled=false nvidiaDriverVersion="" nvidiaDriverBuildVersion="" } function checkNvidiaDriverInstall { if [ -e "$nvidiaDriverUnInstallPKG" ] then nvidiaDriversInstalled=true nvidiaDriverVersion=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print CFBundleGetInfoString" "$nvidiaDriverVersionPath") nvidiaDriverVersion="${nvidiaDriverVersion##* }" nvidiaDriverBuildVersion=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:NVDARequiredOS" "$nvidiaDriverVersionPath") fi } ## Subroutine C3: Uninstaller function uninstallNvidiaDriver { if "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" || "$enforce" then elevatePrivileges fileDump=`cat </dev/null pkgutil --forget com.nvidia.web-driver &>/dev/null fi } ## Subroutine C4: Downloader function downloadNvidiaDriverInformation { mktmpdir foundMatchNvidiaDriver=false if "$forceNewest" then nvidiaDriverListTemp="$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.plist" curl -s "$nvidiaDriverNListOnline" -m 1024 > "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then driversTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" | grep "OS" | awk '{print $3}') driverCountTemp=$(echo "$driversTemp" | wc -l | xargs) for index in `seq 0 $(expr $driverCountTemp - 1)` do buildTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:OS" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverVersionTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:version" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverLinkTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:downloadURL" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:checksum" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") if [ "$build" == "$buildTemp" ] then nvidiaDriverDownloadVersion="$nvidiaDriverVersionTemp" nvidiaDriverDownloadLink="$nvidiaDriverLinkTemp" nvidiaDriverDownloadChecksum="$nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp" foundMatchNvidiaDriver=true fi done rm "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" fi elif "$customNvidiaDriver" then nvidiaDriverListTemp="$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.plist" curl -s "$nvidiaDriverNListOnline" -m 1024 > "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then driversTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" | grep "OS" | awk '{print $3}') driverCountTemp=$(echo "$driversTemp" | wc -l | xargs) for index in `seq 0 $(expr $driverCountTemp - 1)` do buildTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:OS" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverVersionTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:version" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverLinkTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:downloadURL" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:checksum" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") if [ "$nvidiaDriverDownloadVersion" == "$nvidiaDriverVersionTemp" ] then nvidiaDriverDownloadVersion="$nvidiaDriverVersionTemp" nvidiaDriverDownloadLink="$nvidiaDriverLinkTemp" nvidiaDriverDownloadChecksum="$nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp" foundMatchNvidiaDriver=true fi done rm "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" fi else nvidiaDriverListTemp="$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.plist" curl -s "$nvidiaDriverListOnline" -m 1024 > "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then driversTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" | grep "OS" | awk '{print $3}') driverCountTemp=$(echo "$driversTemp" | wc -l | xargs) for index in `seq 0 $(expr $driverCountTemp - 1)` do buildTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:build" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverVersionTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:version" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverLinkTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:downloadURL" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:checksum" "$nvidiaDriverListTemp") if [ "$build" == "$buildTemp" ] then nvidiaDriverDownloadVersion="$nvidiaDriverVersionTemp" nvidiaDriverDownloadLink="$nvidiaDriverLinkTemp" nvidiaDriverDownloadChecksum="$nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp" foundMatchNvidiaDriver=true fi done rm "$nvidiaDriverListTemp" fi fi } function downloadNvidiaDriver { if "$foundMatchNvidiaDriver" then mktmpdir sudov curl -o "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" "$nvidiaDriverDownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp=$(shasum -a 512 -b "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ "$nvidiaDriverDownloadChecksum" != "$nvidiaDriverChecksumTemp" ] then omitNvidiaDriver=true fi else omitNvidiaDriver=true fi } ## Subroutine C5: Installer/Patcher # Credit: This code logic is inspired by Benjamin Dobell's nvidia-update.sh function patchNvidiaDriverNew { mktmpdir fetchOSinfo elevatePrivileges expansionTemp="$dirName""/nvidiaDriverExpansion" payloadTemp="$dirName""/payloadExpansion" sudo pkgutil --expand "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" "$expansionTemp" if [ `cat "$expansionTemp"/Distribution | grep "var supportedOSBuildVer" | xargs | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed 's/;//g'` != "$build" ] then mkdir "$payloadTemp" driverPathTemp=$(ls "$expansionTemp" | grep "NVWebDrivers.pkg") driverPathTemp="$expansionTemp""/""$driverPathTemp" sudo cat "$expansionTemp""/Distribution" | sed '/installation-check/d' | sudo tee "$expansionTemp""/PatchDist" &>/dev/null sudo mv "$expansionTemp""/PatchDist" "$expansionTemp""/Distribution" (cd "$payloadTemp"; sudo cat "$driverPathTemp""/Payload" | gunzip -dc | cpio -i --quiet) "$pbuddy" -c "Set IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:NVDARequiredOS ""$build" "$payloadTemp""/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartupWeb.kext/Contents/Info.plist" sudo chown -R root:wheel "$payloadTemp/" (cd "$payloadTemp"; sudo find . | sudo cpio -o --quiet | gzip -c | sudo tee "$driverPathTemp""/Payload" &>/dev/null) (cd "$payloadTemp"; sudo mkbom . "$driverPathTemp""/Bom") sudo rm -rf "$payloadTemp" sudo rm -rf "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" sudo pkgutil --flatten "$expansionTemp" "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" sudo chown "$(id -un):$(id -gn)" "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" fi sudo rm -rf "$expansionTemp" } function patchNvidiaDriverOld { elevatePrivileges sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Set IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:NVDARequiredOS ""$build" "$nvidiaDriverVersionPath" &>/dev/null sudo nvram nvda_drv=1 } function installNvidiaDriver { if [ -e "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" ] then elevatePrivileges patchNvidiaDriverNew sudo installer -pkg "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" -target / &>/dev/null sudov rm -f "$dirName""/nvidiaDriver.pkg" sudo nvram nvda_drv=1 scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine C6: Helper functions # Subroutine D: CUDA drivers ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine D1: Global variables cudaLatest=true toolkitLatest=true cudaDriverVersion="" cudaVersionFull="" cudaVersion="" cudaVersionsInstalledList="" cudaVersionsNum=0 cudaVersionInstalled=false cudaDriverInstalled=false cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled=false cudaToolkitInstalled=false cudaSamplesInstalled=false cudaToolkitUnInstallDir="" cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptName="" cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath="" cudaDeveloperDriverUnInstallScriptPath="/usr/local/bin/uninstall_cuda_drv.pl" cudaDriverListOnline="$gitPath""/Data/cudaDriver.plist" cudaToolkitListOnline="$gitPath""/Data/cudaToolkit.plist" cudaAppListOnline="$gitPath""/Data/cudaApps.plist" cudaDriverWebsite="http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda-mac-driver.html" cudaToolkitWebsite="https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=MacOSX&target_arch=x86_64&target_version=1013&target_type=dmglocal" cudaDriverDownloadLink="" cudaDriverDownloadVersion="" cudaToolkitDownloadLink="" cudaToolkitDownloadVersion="" cudaDriverVolPath="/Volumes/CUDADriver/" cudaDriverPKGName="CUDADriver.pkg" cudaToolkitVolPath="/Volumes/CUDAMacOSXInstaller/" cudaToolkitPKGName="CUDAMacOSXInstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/CUDAMacOSXInstaller" cudaDriverFrameworkPath="/Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework" cudaDriverLaunchAgentPath="/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nvidia.CUDASoftwareUpdate.plist" cudaDriverPrefPanePath="/Library/PreferencePanes/CUDA Preferences.prefPane" cudaDriverKextPath="/Library/Extensions/CUDA.kext" cudaDeveloperDir="/Developer/NVIDIA/" cudaSamplesDir="" cudaVersionPath="" cudaDriverVersionPath="/Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist" #forceNewest=false - defined at Subroutine C: NVIDIA drivers scheduleCudaDeduction=0 cudaRoutine=0 forceCudaToolkitStable=false forceCudaDriverStable=false omitCuda=false foundMatchCudaDriver=false foundMatchCudaToolkit=false attachedDMGVolumes="$attachedDMGVolumes""$cudaDriverVolPath""\n" attachedDMGVolumes="$attachedDMGVolumes""$cudaToolkitVolPath""\n" ## Subroutine D2: Check functions function checkCudaInstallReset { cudaVersionFull="" cudaVersion="" cudaVersionsInstalledList="" cudaVersionsNum=0 cudaVersionInstalled=false cudaDriverInstalled=false cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled=false cudaToolkitInstalled=false cudaSamplesInstalled=false } function readCudaDeveloperVersion { cudaVersionFull="$(cat $cudaVersionPath)" cudaVersionFull="${cudaVersionFull##CUDA Version }" cudaVersion="${cudaVersionFull%.*}" } function readCudaToolkitVersions { cudaDirContentTemp="$(ls $cudaDeveloperDir)" while read -r folderTemp do if [ "${folderTemp%%-*}" == "CUDA" ] then cudaVersionsInstalledList="$cudaVersionsInstalledList""${folderTemp#CUDA-}\n" fi done <<< "$cudaDirContentTemp" cudaVersionsInstalledList="$(echo -e -n $cudaVersionsInstalledList)" cudaVersionsNum="$(echo $cudaVersionsInstalledList | wc -l | xargs)" } function refineCudaToolkitInstallationStatus { if "$cudaVersionInstalled" then cudaToolkitUnInstallDir="/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-""$cudaVersion""/bin/" cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptName="uninstall_cuda_""$cudaVersion"".pl" cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath="$cudaToolkitUnInstallDir""$cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptName" cudaSamplesDir="/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-""$cudaVersion""/samples/" if [ -d "$cudaSamplesDir" ] then cudaSamplesInstalled=true fi if [ -e "$cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath" ] then cudaToolkitInstalled=true fi fi } function checkCudaDriverInstall { cudaDriverInstalled=false cudaDriverVersion="" if [ -e "$cudaDriverFrameworkPath" ] || [ -e "$cudaDriverLaunchAgentPath" ] || [ -e "$cudaDriverPrefPanePath" ] || [ -e "$cudaDriverKextPath" ] then cudaDriverVersion=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "$cudaDriverVersionPath") cudaDriverInstalled=true fi } function checkCudaInstall { checkCudaInstallReset if [ -e "$cudaDeveloperDir" ] then versionPathTemp=`find "$cudaDeveloperDir" -iname "version.txt" -maxdepth 2` if [ "$versionPathTemp" != "" ] then cudaVersionPath=`echo "$versionPathTemp" | sed -n 1p` cudaVersionInstalled=true readCudaDeveloperVersion fi fi if [ -d "$cudaDeveloperDir" ] then readCudaToolkitVersions refineCudaToolkitInstallationStatus fi if [ -e "$cudaDeveloperDriverUnInstallScriptPath" ] then cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled=true fi checkCudaDriverInstall } ## Subroutine D3: Uninstaller function uninstallCudaDriver { elevatePrivileges fileDumpTemp=`cat </dev/null doneSomething=true fi } function uninstallCudaToolkit { if [ -e "$cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo perl "$cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath" --silent &>/dev/null doneSomething=true fi } function uninstallCudaSamples { if [ -e "$cudaSamplesDir" ] && [ -e "$cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo perl "$cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath" --manifest="$cudaToolkitUnInstallDir"".cuda_samples_uninstall_manifest_do_not_delete.txt" --silent &>/dev/null doneSomething=true fi fileDumpTemp=`find "$cudaDeveloperDir" -iname samples -type d` genericUninstaller "$fileDumpTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then doneSomething=true scheduleReboot=true fi } function uninstallCudaVersions { while read -r versionTemp do cudaVersion="$versionTemp" cudaToolkitUnInstallDir="/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-""$cudaVersion""/bin/" cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptName="uninstall_cuda_""$cudaVersion"".pl" cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptPath="$cudaToolkitUnInstallDir""$cudaToolkitUnInstallScriptName" uninstallCudaToolkit done <<< "$cudaVersionsInstalledList" uninstallCudaDeveloperDriver uninstallCudaDriver uninstallCudaResidue } function uninstallCuda { elevatePrivileges if [[ "$cudaVersions" > 1 ]] then uninstallCudaVersions else if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 8192 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then uninstallCudaSamples fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 512 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then uninstallCudaToolkit uninstallCudaResidue fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 32 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then uninstallCudaDeveloperDriver uninstallCudaDriver fi fi } ## Subroutine D4: Downloader function downloadCudaDriverInformation { mktmpdir foundMatchCudaDriver=false if ( "$cudaLatest" && [ "${currentOS::5}" == "${os::5}" ] ) || "$forceNewest" && ( ! "$forceCudaDriverStable" ) then cudaWebsiteLocalTemp="$dirName""/cudaWebsite.html" sudov curl -s -L "$cudaDriverWebsite" -m 1024 > "$cudaWebsiteLocalTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then cudaDriverDownloadLink=$(cat "$cudaWebsiteLocalTemp" | grep -e download) cudaDriverDownloadLink="${cudaDriverDownloadLink##*url=}" cudaDriverDownloadLink="${cudaDriverDownloadLink%%.dmg*}" cudaDriverDownloadLink="http://us.download.nvidia.com""$cudaDriverDownloadLink"".dmg" cudaDriverDownloadVersion="${cudaDriverDownloadLink%_*}" cudaDriverDownloadVersion="${cudaDriverDownloadVersion##*_}" rm "$cudaWebsiteLocalTemp" foundMatchCudaDriver=true fi else cudaDriverListLocalTemp="$dirName""/cudaDriverList.plist" curl -s "$cudaDriverListOnline" -m 1024 > "$cudaDriverListLocalTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then driversTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:" "$cudaDriverListLocalTemp" | grep "OS" | awk '{print $3}') driverCountTemp=$(echo "$driversTemp" | wc -l | xargs) for index in `seq 0 $(expr $driverCountTemp - 1)` do osTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:OS" "$cudaDriverListLocalTemp") cudaDriverPathTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:downloadURL" "$cudaDriverListLocalTemp") cudaDriverVersionTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:version" "$cudaDriverListLocalTemp") if [ "${os::5}" == "$osTemp" ] then cudaDriverDownloadLink="$cudaDriverPathTemp" cudaDriverDownloadVersion="$cudaDriverVersionTemp" foundMatchCudaDriver=true fi done rm "$cudaDriverListLocalTemp" fi fi } function downloadCudaDriverDownloadFallback { forceCudaDriverStable=true downloadCudaDriverInformation if "$foundMatchCudaDriver" then mktmpdir sudov curl -o "$dirName""/cudaDriver.dmg" "$cudaDriverDownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 hdiutil attach "$dirName""/cudaDriver.dmg" -quiet -nobrowse if [ "$?" == 1 ] then omitCuda=true fi else omitCuda=true fi } function downloadCudaDriver { if "$foundMatchCudaDriver" then mktmpdir sudov curl -o "$dirName""/cudaDriver.dmg" "$cudaDriverDownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 hdiutil attach "$dirName""/cudaDriver.dmg" -quiet -nobrowse if [ "$?" == 1 ] then echo "Download failed... Falling back to another download list..." downloadCudaDriverDownloadFallback fi else echo "macOS version match failed... Falling back to another download list..." downloadCudaDriverDownloadFallback fi } function downloadCudaToolkitInformation { mktmpdir foundMatchCudaToolkit=false if (( "$toolkitLatest" && [ "${currentOS::5}" == "${os::5}" ] ) || "$forceNewest" ) && ( ! "$forceCudaToolkitStable" ) then cudaWebsiteLocalTemp="$dirName""/cudaWebsite.html" curl -s "$cudaToolkitWebsite" -m 1024 > "$cudaWebsiteLocalTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then cudaToolkitDownloadLink=$(cat "$cudaWebsiteLocalTemp" | grep -e mac | grep -e local_installers) cudaToolkitDownloadLink="${cudaToolkitDownloadLink#*/compute/cuda/}" cudaToolkitDownloadLink="${cudaToolkitDownloadLink%%_mac*}" cudaToolkitDownloadLink="https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/""$cudaToolkitDownloadLink""_mac" cudaToolkitDownloadVersion="${cudaToolkitDownloadLink%_*}" cudaToolkitDownloadVersion="${cudaToolkitDownloadVersion##*_}" rm "$cudaWebsiteLocalTemp" foundMatchCudaToolkit=true fi else cudaToolkitListTemp="$dirName""/cudaToolkitList.plist" curl -s "$cudaToolkitListOnline" -m 1024 > "$cudaToolkitListTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then driversTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:" "$cudaToolkitListTemp" | grep "OS" | awk '{print $3}') driverCountTemp=$(echo "$driversTemp" | wc -l | xargs) for index in `seq 0 $(expr $driverCountTemp - 1)` do osTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:OS" "$cudaToolkitListTemp") cudaToolkitPathTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:downloadURL" "$cudaToolkitListTemp") cudaToolkitVersionTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:version" "$cudaToolkitListTemp") cudaToolkitDriverVersionTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:driverVersion" "$cudaToolkitListTemp") if [ "${os::5}" == "$osTemp" ] then cudaToolkitDownloadLink="$cudaToolkitPathTemp" cudaToolkitDownloadVersion="$cudaToolkitVersionTemp" cudaToolkitDriverDownloadVersion="$cudaToolkitDriverVersionTemp" foundMatchCudaToolkit=true fi done rm "$cudaToolkitListTemp" fi fi } function downloadCudaToolkitDownloadFallback { forceCudaToolkitStable=true downloadCudaToolkitInformation if "$foundMatchCudaToolkit" then mktmpdir sudov curl -o "$dirName""/cudaToolkit.dmg" -L "$cudaToolkitDownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 hdiutil attach "$dirName""/cudaToolkit.dmg" -quiet -nobrowse if [ "$?" == 1 ] then omitCuda=true fi else omitCuda=true fi } function downloadCudaToolkit { if "$foundMatchCudaToolkit" then mktmpdir sudov curl -o "$dirName""/cudaToolkit.dmg" -L "$cudaToolkitDownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 hdiutil attach "$dirName""/cudaToolkit.dmg" -quiet -nobrowse if [ "$?" == 1 ] then echo "Download failed... Falling back to another download list..." downloadCudaToolkitDownloadFallback fi else echo "Download failed... Falling back to another download list..." downloadCudaToolkitDownloadFallback fi } ## Subroutine D5: Installer function installCudaDriver { if [ -e "$cudaDriverVolPath""$cudaDriverPKGName" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo installer -pkg "$cudaDriverVolPath""$cudaDriverPKGName" -target / &>/dev/null scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true hdiutil detach "$cudaDriverVolPath" -quiet sudov rm -rf "$dirName""/cudaDriver.dmg" fi } function installCudaToolkitBranch { if [ -e "$cudaToolkitVolPath""$cudaToolkitPKGName" ] then elevatePrivileges if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 64 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then sudo "$cudaToolkitVolPath""$cudaToolkitPKGName" --accept-eula --silent --no-window --install-package="cuda-driver" &>/dev/null scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 1024 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then sudo "$cudaToolkitVolPath""$cudaToolkitPKGName" --accept-eula --silent --no-window --install-package="cuda-toolkit" &>/dev/null scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 16384 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then sudo "$cudaToolkitVolPath""$cudaToolkitPKGName" --accept-eula --silent --no-window --install-package="cuda-samples" &>/dev/null doneSomething=true fi hdiutil detach "$cudaToolkitVolPath" -quiet rm -rf "$dirName""/cudaToolkit.dmg" fi } function installCuda { if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 64 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 1024 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 16384 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then installCudaToolkitBranch fi checkCudaDriverInstall if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] && [ "$cudaDriverVersion" != "$cudaDriverDownloadVersion" ] then installCudaDriver fi } ## Subroutine C6: Helper functions # Subroutine E: eGPU enabler NVIDIA macOS 10.13.X ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine E1: Global variables nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed=false nvidiaEGPUenabler1013BuildVersion="" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013BuildVersionPath="/Library/Extensions/NVDAEGPUSupport.kext/Contents/Info.plist" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013="/Library/Extensions/NVDAEGPUSupport.kext" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListOnline="$gitPath""/Data/nvidiaEGPUenabler1013.plist" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadPKGName="" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadLink="" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadChecksum="" foundMatchNvidiaEGPUenabler1013=false omitNvidiaEGPUenabler1013=false ## Subroutine E2: Check functions function checkNvidiaEGPUenabler1013InstallReset { nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed=false nvidiaEGPUenabler1013BuildVersion="" } function checkNvidiaEGPUenabler1013Install { checkNvidiaEGPUenabler1013InstallReset if [ -e "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013" ] then nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed=true nvidiaEGPUenabler1013BuildVersion=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:NVDARequiredOS" "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013BuildVersionPath") fi } ## Subroutine E3: Uninstaller function uninstallNvidiaEGPUenabler1013 { if "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" then elevatePrivileges sudo rm -rf "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine E4: Downloader function downloadNvidiaEGPUenabler1013Information { mktmpdir nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp="$dirName""/eGPUenabler.plist" curl -s "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListOnline" -m 1024 > "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp" if [ "$?" == 0 ] then enablersTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:" "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp" | grep "build" | awk '{print $3}') enablerCountTemp=$(echo "$enablersTemp" | wc -l | xargs) foundMatchNvidiaEGPUenabler1013=false for index in `seq 0 $(expr $enablerCountTemp - 1)` do buildTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:build" "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp") nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ChecksumTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:checksum" "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp") nvidiaEGPUenabler1013PKGNameTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:packageName" "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp") nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadLinkTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print updates:$index:downloadURL" "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp") if [ "$build" == "$buildTemp" ] then nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadPKGName="$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013PKGNameTemp" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadLink="$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadLinkTemp" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadChecksum="$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ChecksumTemp" foundMatchNvidiaEGPUenabler1013=true fi done rm "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ListTemp" fi } function downloadNvidiaEGPUenabler1013 { downloadNvidiaEGPUenabler1013Information if "$foundMatchNvidiaEGPUenabler1013" then mktmpdir curl -o "$dirName""/enabler.zip" "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ChecksumTemp=$(shasum -a 512 -b "$dirName""/enabler.zip" | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadChecksum" != "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013ChecksumTemp" ] then omitNvidiaEGPUenabler1013=true else unzip -qq "$dirName""/enabler.zip" -d "$dirName""/" fi rm -rf "$dirName""/enabler.zip" else omitNvidiaEGPUenabler1013=true fi } ## Subroutine E5: Installer function installNvidiaEGPUenabler1013 { if [ -e "$dirName""/""$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadPKGName" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo installer -pkg "$dirName""/""$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadPKGName" -target / &>/dev/null rm -f "$dirName""/""$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadPKGName" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine E6: Helper functions # Subroutine F: Thunderbolt 1/2 support - credit mayankk2308 @ GitHub / mac_editor @ eGPU.io; Please visit the GitHub repository to see all contributors. ############################################################################################################## # The subroutine F has been copied and adapted from "https://github.com/mayankk2308/purge-wrangler/raw/master/purge-wrangler.sh". ## Subroutine F1: Global variables #appleGraphicsControlPath="/System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext" - defined at Subroutine B: System checks #appleGPUwranglerPath="$appleGraphicsControlPath""/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGPUWrangler.kext" - defined at Subroutine B: System checks #appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath="$appleGPUwranglerPath""/Contents/MacOS/AppleGPUWrangler" - defined at Subroutine B: System checks thunderbolt12UnlockSupportPath="/Library/Application Support/Purge-Wrangler" thunderbolt12UnlockKextBackupPath="$thunderbolt12UnlockSupportPath""/Kexts" thunderbolt12UnlockHexBookmark="494F5468756E646572626F6C74537769746368547970653" thunderbolt12UnlockInstalled=false thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatus=0 ## Subroutine F2: Check functions function checkThunderbolt12UnlockInstall { if [ -e "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" ] then thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatusTemp=`hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" | sed "s/.*""$thunderbolt12UnlockHexBookmark""//g"` thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatus="${thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatusTemp::1}" if [ "$thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatus" != 3 ] then thunderbolt12UnlockInstalled=true fi fi } ## Subroutine F3: Uninstaller function uninstallThunderbolt12Unlock { elevatePrivileges fetchThunderboltInterface checkThunderbolt12UnlockInstall inPlaceEditor "$thunderbolt12UnlockHexBookmark""$thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatus" "$thunderbolt12UnlockHexBookmark""3" "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true } ## Subroutine F4: Downloader ## Subroutine F5: Installer function installThunderbolt12Unlock { elevatePrivileges fetchThunderboltInterface checkThunderbolt12UnlockInstall inPlaceEditor "$thunderbolt12UnlockHexBookmark""$thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatus" "$thunderbolt12UnlockHexBookmark""$thunderboltInterface" "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true } ## Subroutine F6: Helper functions function backupAppleGraphicsControl { if ! [ -d "$thunderbolt12UnlockSupportPath" ] then mkdir "$thunderbolt12UnlockSupportPath" fi sudo cp -R "$appleGraphicsControlPath" } # Subroutine G: AMD Legacy Driver ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine G1: Global variables amdLegacyDriversInstalled=false amdLegacyDriverDownloadLink="https://egpu.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/automate-eGPU.kext_-1.zip" amdLegacyDriverChecksum="2c93ef2e99423e0a1223d356772bd67d6083da69489fb3cf61dfbb69237eba1aaf453b7dc571cfe729e8b8bc1f92fcf29f675f60cd7dba9ec9b2723bac8f6bb7" amdLegacyDriverKextPath="/Library/Extensions/automate-eGPU.kext" omitAMDLegacyDriver=false ## Subroutine G2: Check functions function checkAMDLegacyDriverInstall { amdLegacyDriversInstalled=false if [ -e "$amdLegacyDriverKextPath" ] then amdLegacyDriversInstalled=true fi } ## Subroutine G3: Uninstaller function uninstallAMDLegacyDriver { if [ -e "$amdLegacyDriverKextPath" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo rm -rf "$amdLegacyDriverKextPath" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine G4: Downloader function downloadAMDLegacyDriver { mktmpdir curl -o "$dirName""/AMDLegacy.zip" "$amdLegacyDriverDownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 amdLegacyDriverChecksumTemp=$(shasum -a 512 -b "$dirName""/AMDLegacy.zip" | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ "$amdLegacyDriverChecksum" != "$amdLegacyDriverChecksumTemp" ] then omitAMDLegacyDriver=true else unzip -qq "$dirName""/AMDLegacy.zip" -d "$dirName""/" fi rm -rf "$dirName""/AMDLegacy.zip" } ## Subroutine G5: Installer function installAMDLegacyDriver { if [ -e "$dirName""/automate-eGPU.kext" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo cp -r "$dirName""/automate-eGPU.kext" "$amdLegacyDriverKextPath" rm -rf "$dirName""/automate-eGPU.kext" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine G6: Helper functions # Subroutine H: T82 unblock ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine H1: Global variables t82UnblockerDownloadLink="https://github.com/rgov/Thunderbolt3Unblocker/releases/download/v0.0.2/Thunderbolt3Unblocker.zip" t82UnblockerChecksum="ce6b38f6c641f1a7866a57853a877126881f5f4b79d678a2952de585e48a23f6b20cae3fd4c177cedc17968c8042ca1f562953b6bf35360428799e3184c525b9" t82UnblockerInstalled=false t82UnblockerKextPath="/Library/Extensions/Thunderbolt3Unblocker.kext" omitT82Unblocker=false ## Subroutine H2: Check functions function checkT82Unblocker { t82UnblockerInstalled=false if [ -e "$t82UnblockerKextPath" ] then t82UnblockerInstalled=true fi } ## Subroutine H3: Uninstaller function uninstallT82Unblocker { if [ -e "$t82UnblockerKextPath" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo rm -R "$t82UnblockerKextPath" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine H4: Downloader function downloadT82Unblocker { mktmpdir curl -o "$dirName""/tb82Unblock.zip" -L "$t82UnblockerDownloadLink" "-#" -m 1024 t82UnblockerChecksumTemp=$(shasum -a 512 -b "$dirName""/tb82Unblock.zip" | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ "$t82UnblockerChecksumTemp" != "$t82UnblockerChecksum" ] then omitT82Unblocker=true else unzip -qq "$dirName""/tb82Unblock.zip" -d "$dirName""/" fi rm -rf "$dirName""/tb82Unblock.zip" } ## Subroutine H5: Installer function installT82Unblocker { if [ -e "$dirName""/Thunderbolt3Unblocker.kext" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo cp -R "$dirName""/Thunderbolt3Unblocker.kext" "$t82UnblockerKextPath" rm -R "$dirName""/Thunderbolt3Unblocker.kext" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine H6: Helper functions # Subroutine I: NVIDIA dGPU deactivator ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine I1: Global variables nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorBackupPath="/Library/Application Support/Purge-NVDA" nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled=false omitNvidiaDGPUdeactivator=false ## Subroutine I2: Check functions function checkNvidiaDGPUdeactivator { nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled=false if [ -d "$nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorBackupPath" ] then nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled=true fi } ## Subroutine I3: Uninstaller function uninstallNvidiaDGPUdeactivator { elevatePrivileges sudo nvram -d fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs sudo nvram -d fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-active sudo nvram boot-args="" } ## Subroutine I4: Downloader ## Subroutine I5: Installer function installNvidiaDGPUdeactivator { elevatePrivileges sudo nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs=%01%00%00%00 sudo nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-active=%01%00%00%00 sudo nvram boot-args="nv_disable=1" } ## Subroutine I6: Helper functions # Subroutine J: macOS 10.13.4/.5 wrangler patch ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine J1: Global variables nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchHexBookmark="4989C7498B3C24E81DBDFFFF41F7C50000000" nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstalled=false nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstallStatus=0 ## Subroutine J2: Check functions function checkNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstall { fetchAppleGPUWranglerVersion if [ -e "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" ] && ( [[ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" =~ "10.13.4" ]] || [[ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" =~ "10.13.5" ]] ) then nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstallStatusTemp=`hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" | sed "s/.*""$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchHexBookmark""//g"` nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstallStatus="${nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstallStatusTemp::1}" if [ "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstallStatus" != 1 ] then nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstalled=true fi fi } ## Subroutine J3: Uninstaller function uninstallNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatch { checkNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstall elevatePrivileges inPlaceEditor "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchHexBookmark""$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstallStatus" "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchHexBookmark""1" "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true } ## Subroutine J4: Downloader ## Subroutine J5: Installer function installNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatch { checkNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstall elevatePrivileges inPlaceEditor "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchHexBookmark""$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstallStatus" "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchHexBookmark""0" "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true } ## Subroutine J6: Helper functions # Subroutine K: Thunderbolt daemon ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine K1: Global variables thunderboltDaemonInstalled=false macOSeGPUdaemonPlistPath="/Library/LaunchDaemons/scp.learex.daemon-macOS-eGPU.plist" macOSeGPUDaemonPath="/usr/local/bin/daemon-macOS-eGPU" ## Subroutine K2: Check functions function checkThunderboltDaemonInstall { thunderboltDaemonInstalled=false if [ -e "$macOSeGPUdaemonPlistPath" ] then thunderboltDaemonInstalled=true fi } ## Subroutine K3: Uninstaller function uninstallThunderboltDaemon { if [ -e "$macOSeGPUdaemonPlistPath" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo rm "$macOSeGPUdaemonPlistPath" fi if [ -e "$macOSeGPUDaemonPath" ] then elevatePrivileges sudo rm "$macOSeGPUDaemonPath" fi } ## Subroutine K5: Installer function installThunderboltDaemon { elevatePrivileges plistGenerateTemp=`cat < Label daemon-macOS-eGPU KeepAlive RunAtLoad ProgramArguments $macOSeGPUDaemonPath --launchDaemon EOF ` launchDaemonGenerateTemp=`cat <<"EOF" #!/bin/bash # macOS eGPU launch deamon args="$@" function daemon { if [ "$args" == "--launchDaemon" ] then sudo nvram tbt-options="<00>" fi } daemon EOF ` echo "$launchDaemonGenerateTemp" | sudo tee "$macOSeGPUDaemonPath" &>/dev/null sudo chown "$SUDO_USER" "$macOSeGPUDaemonPath" sudo chmod 755 "$macOSeGPUDaemonPath" echo "$plistGenerateTemp" | sudo tee "$macOSeGPUdaemonPlistPath" &>/dev/null sudo chown root:wheel "$macOSeGPUdaemonPlistPath" sudo launchctl load -F "$macOSeGPUdaemonPlistPath" &>/dev/null } # Subroutine L: New IOPCITunnelled Patch 10.13.6+ ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine L1: Global variables ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath="/System/Library/Extensions/IOGraphicsFamily.kext/IOGraphicsFamily" iondrvPlistPath="/System/Library/Extensions/IONDRVSupport.kext/Info.plist" nvidiaDriverPlistPath="$nvidiaDriverVersionPath" iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmark="494F50434954756E6E656C6C65" iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmarkOld="494F50434954756E6E656C6C6564" iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmarkNew="494F50434954756E6E656C6C6571" iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled=false iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus1=0 iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus2=0 iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal=0 ## Subroutine L2: Check functions function checkIopciTunnelledPatchInstall { fetchAppleGPUWranglerVersion if [ -e "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" ] && [ -e "$ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath" ] && ( [[ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" =~ "10.13.6" ]] || ( [ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" == "" ] && "$beta" ) ) then iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTemp=`hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" | sed "s/.*""$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmark""//g"` iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus1="${iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTemp::2}" iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTemp=`hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' "$ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath" | sed "s/.*""$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmark""//g"` iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus2="${iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTemp::2}" iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal=0 if [ "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus1" != "64" ] then iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal=`binaryParser "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" 0 1` fi if [ "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus2" != "64" ] then iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal=`binaryParser "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" 1 1` fi if [ -e "$iondrvPlistPath" ] then if [[ `"$pbuddy" -c "Print :IOKitPersonalities:3" "$iondrvPlistPath" | grep "IOPCITunnelCompatible"` =~ "true" ]] then iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal=`binaryParser "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" 2 1` fi fi if [ -e "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" ] then if [[ `"$pbuddy" -c "Print :IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup" "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" | grep "IOPCITunnelCompatible"` =~ "true" ]] then iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal=`binaryParser "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" 3 1` fi fi if "$debug" then echo "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" fi if [ "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" == 15 ] then iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled=true elif [ "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" != 0 ] && ( ! "$iopcieTunnelPatch" ) then echo echo trapWithoutWarning echo "--- corrupt IO PCIE Tunnelled patch found ---" echo "The script cannot continue with corrupt installations." echo "Execute 'macos-egpu -U -l' to remove the patch or" echo "execute 'macos-egpu -n -i -l' to repair the patch." echo if ! "$check" then irupt fi elif [ "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" != 0 ] && "$uninstall" && "$iopcieTunnelPatch" then iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled=true else iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled=false fi fi } ## Subroutine L3: Uninstaller function uninstallIopciTunnelledPatch { checkIopciTunnelledPatchInstall elevatePrivileges if [ -e "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" ] then inPlaceEditor "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmark""$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus1" "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmarkOld" "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" fi if [ -e "$ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath" ] then inPlaceEditor "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmark""$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus2" "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmarkOld" "$ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath" fi if [ -e "$iondrvPlistPath" ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Set :IOKitPersonalities:3:IOPCITunnelCompatible false" "$iondrvPlistPath" &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == 1 ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:3:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool false" "$iondrvPlistPath" &>/dev/null fi fi if [ -e "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Set :IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:IOPCITunnelCompatible false" "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == 1 ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool false" "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" &>/dev/null fi fi scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true } ## Subroutine L4: Downloader ## Subroutine L5: Installer function installIopciTunnelledPatch { checkIopciTunnelledPatchInstall elevatePrivileges if "$debug" then echo if [ -e "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" ] then echo "yes" else echo "no" fi if [ -e "$ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath" ] then echo "yes" else echo "no" fi if [ -e "$iondrvPlistPath" ] then echo "yes" else echo "no" fi if [ -e "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" ] then echo "yes" else echo "no" fi echo "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" fi if [ -e "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" ] && [ -e "$ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath" ] && [ -e "$iondrvPlistPath" ] && [ -e "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" ] && ( [[ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" =~ "10.13.6" ]] || ( [ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" == "" ] && "$beta" ) ) then trapLock inPlaceEditor "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmark""$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus1" "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmarkNew" "$appleGPUwranglerBinaryPath" inPlaceEditor "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmark""$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatus2" "$iopciTunnelledPatchHexBookmarkNew" "$ioGraphicsFamilyBinaryPath" sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Set :IOKitPersonalities:3:IOPCITunnelCompatible true" "$iondrvPlistPath" &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == 1 ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:3:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool true" "$iondrvPlistPath" &>/dev/null fi sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Set :IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:IOPCITunnelCompatible true" "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == 1 ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:NVDAStartup:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool true" "$nvidiaDriverPlistPath" &>/dev/null fi trapWithWarning scheduleReboot=true doneSomething=true scheduleKextTouch=true fi } ## Subroutine L6: Helper functions ##fn # Subroutine M: CUDA drivers ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine M1: Global variables ## Subroutine M2: Check functions ## Subroutine M3: Uninstaller ## Subroutine M4: Downloader ## Subroutine M5: Installer ## Subroutine M6: Helper functions # Subroutine X: Option parsing ############################################################################################################## ##fn install=false uninstall=false check=false nvidiaDriver=false amdLegacyDriver=false reinstall=false #forceNewest=false - defined at Subroutine C: NVIDIA drivers nvidiaEnabler=false thunderbolt12Unlock=false thunderboltDaemon=false t82Unblocker=false unlockNvidia=false iopcieTunnelPatch=false deactivateNvidiaDGPU=false fullInstall=false #noReboot=false - defined at Subroutine A: Basic functions #customNvidiaDriver=false - defined at Subroutine C: NVIDIA drivers help=false acceptLicense=false skipWarnings=false fullCheck=false enforce=false #forceCacheRebuild=false - defined at Subroutine A8: Rebuild Kexts beta=false argumentsGiven=false ##fn scriptParameterList="" lastParam="" for options in "$@" do scriptParameterList="$scriptParameterList"" ""$options" case "$options" in "--install" | "-i") if "$uninstall" || "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi install=true ;; "--uninstall" | "-U") if "$install" || "$check" || "$forceNewest" || "$reinstall" || "$fullInstall" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi uninstall=true ;; "--checkSystem" | "-C") if "$install" || "$uninstall" || "$nvidiaDriver" || "$amdLegacyDriver" || "$reinstall" || "$forceNewest" || "$nvidiaEnabler" || "$thunderbolt12Unlock" || "$t82Unblocker" || "$unlockNvidia" || [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] || "$fullInstall" || "$fullCheck" || "$thunderboltDaemon" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$iopcieTunnelPatch" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi check=true ;; "--checkSystemFull") if "$install" || "$uninstall" || "$nvidiaDriver" || "$amdLegacyDriver" || "$reinstall" || "$forceNewest" || "$nvidiaEnabler" || "$thunderbolt12Unlock" || "$t82Unblocker" || "$unlockNvidia" || [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] || "$fullInstall" || "$check" || "$thunderboltDaemon" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$iopcieTunnelPatch" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi fullCheck=true check=true ;; "--nvidiaDriver" | "-n") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi nvidiaDriver=true ;; "--amdLegacyDriver" | "-a") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi amdLegacyDriver=true ;; "--forceReinstall" | "-R") if "$uninstall" || "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi reinstall=true ;; "--forceNewest" | "-f") if "$uninstall" || "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi forceNewest=true ;; "--useForce" | "-o") if "$install" || "$check" || "$forceNewest" || "$reinstall" || "$fullInstall" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi enforce=true ;; "--nvidiaEGPUsupport" | "-e") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$iopcieTunnelPatch" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi nvidiaEnabler=true ;; "--deactivateNvidiaDGPU" | "-d") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true ;; "--unlockThunderboltV12" | "-V") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi thunderbolt12Unlock=true ;; "--unlockT82" | "-T") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi t82Unblocker=true ;; "--unlockNvidia" | "-N") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$iopcieTunnelPatch" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi unlockNvidia=true ;; "--iopcieTunneledPatch" | "-l") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$nvidiaEnabler" || "$unlockNvidia" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi iopcieTunnelPatch=true ;; "--thunderboltDaemon" | "-A") if "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi thunderboltDaemon=true ;; "--cudaDriver" | "-c") if [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] || "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 1` ;; "--cudaDeveloperDriver" | "-D") if [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] || "$check" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` ;; "--cudaToolkit" | "-t") if [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] || "$check" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` ;; "--cudaSamples" | "-s") if [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] || "$check" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 1` ;; "--fullInstall" | "-F") if "$check" || "$uninstall" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi fullInstall=true ;; "--noReboot" | "-r") noReboot=true ;; "--acceptLicenseTerms" | "--acceptLicense") acceptLicense=true ;; "--skipWarnings" | "-k") skipWarnings=true ;; "--beta") beta=true ;; "--forceCacheRebuild" | "-E") if "$install" || "$uninstall" || "$nvidiaDriver" || "$amdLegacyDriver" || "$reinstall" || "$forceNewest" || "$nvidiaEnabler" || "$thunderbolt12Unlock" || "$t82Unblocker" || "$unlockNvidia" || [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] || "$fullInstall" || "$check" || "$thunderboltDaemon" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$iopcieTunnelPatch" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options" irupt fi forceCacheRebuild=true ;; "--help" | "-h" | "-?" | "?" | "help") help=true ;; *) case "$lastParam" in "--nvidiaDriver" | "-n") if "$forceNewest" || "$uninstall" || "$check" || "$forceCacheRebuild" || "$enforce" then echo "ERROR: Conflicting arguments with ""$options"" [revision]" irupt fi customNvidiaDriver=true nvidiaDriverDownloadVersion="$options" ;; *) echo "unrecognized parameter: ""$options" printShortHelp irupt ;; esac esac argumentsGiven=true lastParam="$options" done if [ -e "/usr/local/bin/macos-egpu" ] then skipWarnings=true acceptLicense=true fi if "$debug" then echo "Parameters:" echo "$scriptParameterList" fi # Subroutine Y: Script execution algorithm ############################################################################################################## ## Subroutine Y1: Global variables attachedDMGVolumes="$(echo -e -n $attachedDMGVolumes)" #scheduleReboot=false - defined at Subroutine A: Basic functions #doneSomething=false - defined at Subroutine A: Basic functions scheduleKextTouch=false determine=false setStandard=false scheduleSecureEGPUfetch=false sipRequirement=127 ##fn nvidiaDriverRoutine=0 nvidiaEnablerRoutine=0 unlockNvidiaRoutine=0 amdLegacyDriverRoutine=0 t82UnblockerRoutine=0 deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine=0 thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine=0 thunderboltDaemonRoutine=0 iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine=0 ## Subroutine Y2: Print functions function printHeader { echo "macOS-eGPU.sh (""$scriptVersion"")" echo } function askLicenseQuestion { if ! "$acceptLicense" && ! "$debug" then printLicense echo echo "Do you agree with the license terms of the script and wish to continue?" read -p "[y]es [n]o : " -r -n 1 echo if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ] then echo echo "Continuation requires acceptance of the license terms." createSpace 4 irupt fi fi } function printWarnings { if ! "$skipWarnings" && ! "$debug" then echo "The script will soon close (kill) all programs." echo "Please abort the script now should you wish to do it manually and save your work." echo "Please do not, under any circumstances abort the script later during the execution." echo "This might break your system." echo "" if ! "$noReboot" then echo "The script might automatically reboot the system after successful execution." fi fetchOSinfo if [ "$os" == "$warningOS" ] then echo "This script is not designed to work with your current version of macOS." echo "Continuation might result in failure and/or system crash." fi echo "To safely abort the script now, press ^C." echo "Continuing in" trapWithoutWarning if ! "$debug" then waiter 15 fi trapWithWarning fi } ## Subroutine Y3: System properties enforcer function enforceEGPUdisconnect { fetchConnectedEGPU if ! "$debug" then if [ "$?" == 1 ] then echo echo "Please disconnect all thunderbolt devices. Should this problem persist, please file an issue." irupt fi if "$connectedEGPU" then echo echo "Please disconnect your eGPU. The script does not allow installations with a connected eGPU." irupt fi fi } ## Subroutine Y4: Preparations function licenseAndWarnings { trapWithoutWarning if "$debug" then createSpace 3 debugModeText=`cat <<'EOF' ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╗ ╦ ╦╔═╗ ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗ ║║║╣ ╠╩╗║ ║║ ╦ ║║║║ ║ ║║║╣ ═╩╝╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╩ ╩╚═╝═╩╝╚═╝ EOF ` echo "$debugModeText" createSpace 3 fi if "$beta" then createSpace 3 betaModeText=`cat <<'EOF' ╔╗ ╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗ ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗ ╠╩╗║╣ ║ ╠═╣ ║║║║ ║ ║║║╣ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩╚═╝═╩╝╚═╝ EOF ` echo "$betaModeText" createSpace 3 fi if "$enforce" then createSpace 3 forceModeText=`cat <<'EOF' ╔═╗╔═╗╦═╗╔═╗╔═╗ ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗ ╠╣ ║ ║╠╦╝║ ║╣ ║║║║ ║ ║║║╣ ╚ ╚═╝╩╚═╚═╝╚═╝ ╩ ╩╚═╝═╩╝╚═╝ EOF ` echo "$forceModeText" createSpace 3 fi if ! "$acceptLicense" then createSpace 3 printHeader askLicenseQuestion fi if ! "$skipWarnings" then createSpace 3 printWarnings fi createSpace 5 printHeader } function preparations { echoing "Accept license terms..." echoend "done" echoing "Killing all other running programs..." quitAllApps if [ "$?" != 0 ] then echoend "FAILURE" 1 irupt fi echoend "OK" 2 echoing "Internet connection established..." checkInternetConnection if "$internet" then echoend "YES" 2 else echoend "NO" 1 fi } ## Subroutine Y5: Get system info ##fn function gatherSystemInfo { echoing " macOS info" fetchOSinfo echoend "done" echoing " system integrity protection" fetchSIPstat echoend "done" echoing " thunderbolt version" fetchThunderboltInterface echoend "done" echoing " GPU information" fetchConnectedEGPU fetchNvidiaDGPU fetchAppleGPUWranglerVersion echoend "done" echoing " installed eGPU software" checkNvidiaDriverInstall checkCudaInstall checkNvidiaEGPUenabler1013Install echoend "done" echoing " installed patches" checkThunderbolt12UnlockInstall checkAMDLegacyDriverInstall checkT82Unblocker checkNvidiaDGPUdeactivator checkNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstall checkThunderboltDaemonInstall checkIopciTunnelledPatchInstall echoend "done" echoing " installed programs" fetchInstalledPrograms echoend "done" } ## Subroutine Y6: Deductions and Parsing ### Subroutine Y6'1: Automated eGPU information fetching function moveDriversToBackup { mktmpdir geforceKextTemp="/Library/Extensions/GeForceWeb.kext" nvdaStartupKextTemp="/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartupWeb.kext" nvdaEGPUKextTemp="/Library/Extensions/NVDAEGPUSupport.kext" geforceKextBackupTemp="$dirName""/GeForceWeb.kext" nvdaStartupKextBackupTemp="$dirName""/NVDAStartupWeb.kext" nvdaEGPUKextBackupTemp="$dirName""/NVDAEGPUSupport.kext" if [ -e "$geforceKextTemp" ] then sudo cp -R "$geforceKextTemp" "$geforceKextBackupTemp" sudo rm -R "$geforceKextTemp" fi if [ -e "$nvdaStartupKextTemp" ] then sudo cp -R "$nvdaStartupKextTemp" "$nvdaStartupKextBackupTemp" sudo rm -R "$nvdaStartupKextTemp" fi if [ -e "$nvdaEGPUKextTemp" ] then sudo cp -R "$nvdaEGPUKextTemp" "$nvdaEGPUKextBackupTemp" sudo rm -R "$nvdaEGPUKextTemp" fi } function moveDriverFromBackup { mktmpdir geforceKextTemp="/Library/Extensions/GeForceWeb.kext" nvdaStartupKextTemp="/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartupWeb.kext" nvdaEGPUKextTemp="/Library/Extensions/NVDAEGPUSupport.kext" geforceKextBackupTemp="$dirName""/GeForceWeb.kext" nvdaStartupKextBackupTemp="$dirName""/NVDAStartupWeb.kext" nvdaEGPUKextBackupTemp="$dirName""/NVDAEGPUSupport.kext" if [ -e "$geforceKextBackupTemp" ] then sudo cp -R "$geforceKextBackupTemp" "$geforceKextTemp" sudo rm -R "$geforceKextBackupTemp" fi if [ -e "$nvdaStartupKextBackupTemp" ] then sudo cp -R "$nvdaStartupKextBackupTemp" "$nvdaStartupKextTemp" sudo rm -R "$nvdaStartupKextBackupTemp" fi if [ -e "$nvdaEGPUKextBackupTemp" ] then sudo cp -R "$nvdaEGPUKextBackupTemp" "$nvdaEGPUKextTemp" sudo rm -R "$nvdaEGPUKextBackupTemp" fi } function manualGetEGPUInformation { echo " please select your eGPU brand:" echo " [1]: NVIDIA" echo " [2]: AMD" read -p "Number: " -r -n 1 echo case "$REPLY" in "1") nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true ;; "2") amdLegacyDriver=true deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true ;; *) echo echo "ERROR: Unrecognized answer" irupt ;; esac echo "Do you use an 'unsupported' eGPU enclosure (T82 chip)" echo "Most eGPU enclosures are supported. If you don't know the answer" echo "abort and read the documentation for more information." echo " please select your answer:" echo " [1]: YES" echo " [2]: no" read -p "Number: " -r -n 1 echo case "$REPLY" in "1") t82Unblocker=true ;; "2") t82Unblocker=false ;; *) echo echo "ERROR: Unrecognized answer" irupt ;; esac } function secureGetEGPUInformation { echoing " locking script execution" trapLock echoend "done" enforceEGPUdisconnect elevatePrivileges echoing " preparing secure eGPU connection" moveDriversToBackup sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions &>/dev/null sudo kextcache -q -update-volume / &>/dev/null sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions &>/dev/null sudo kextcache -system-caches &>/dev/null echoend "done" echo " waiting 20 seconds for user to connect eGPU" echo -n " " waiter 20 sudo -v echoing " fetching eGPU information" unsupportedCheckTemp=`system_profiler SPThunderboltDataType` pciTemp=`system_profiler SPPCIDataType` if [[ "$unsupportedCheckTemp[@]" =~ "Unsupported" ]] then t82Unblocker=true echoend "done" return 0 else fetchConnectedEGPU fi echoend "done" if ! "$connectedEGPU" then echo moveDriverFromBackup echo "--- Automatic eGPU information fetching has failed ---" echo "Proceeding with manual eGPU information fetching..." manualGetEGPUInformation else echoing " preparing secure eGPU disconnection" SafeEjectGPU Eject &>/dev/null echoend "done" echo " waiting 20 seconds for user to disconnect eGPU" echo -n " " waiter 20 sudo -v connectedEGPUTemp="$connectedEGPU" connectedEGPUVendorTemp="$connectedEGPUVendor" fetchConnectedEGPU moveDriverFromBackup if "$connectedEGPU" then echo echo "--- eGPU has not been disconnected ---" echo "Do not diconnect now!" echo "The script enters panic mode..." echo "Trying to halt in order to avoid a fatal kernel panic..." echo "Only disconnect the eGPU once the Mac has shut down." echo "Re-run the script afterwards." systemClean echo "The script has failed." sudo halt & &>/dev/null exit fi echoing " stetting switches" connectedEGPU="$connectedEGPUTemp" connectedEGPUVendor="$connectedEGPUVendorTemp" if [ "$connectedEGPUVendor" == "NVIDIA" ] then nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true elif [ "$connectedEGPUVendor" == "AMD" ] then typesTemp=`echo "$pciTemp" | grep "Type"` usedSlotsTemp=`echo "$pciTemp" | grep "Slot"` countTemp=`echo "$typeTemp" | wc -l | xargs` countTemp2=`echo "$usedSlotsTemp" | wc -l | xargs` if [ "$countTemp" == "$countTemp2" ] then for i in `seq 1 "$countTemp"` do typeTemp=`echo "$typesTemp" | sed -n "$i"p` usedSlotTemp=`echo "$usedSlotsTemp" | sed -n "$i"p` if [[ "$typeTemp" =~ "VGA" ]] || [[ "$typeTemp" =~ "Display" ]] || [[ "$typeTemp" =~ "gpu" ]] && [[ "$typeTemp" != *"Type: Display Controller" ]] && [[ "$usedSlotTemp" =~ "Thunderbolt" ]] then amdLegacyDriver=true deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true fi done else amdLegacyDriver=true deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true fi else echoend "FAILURE" 1 irupt fi echoend "done" fi scheduleKextTouch=true echoing " opening script execution lock" trapWithoutWarning echoend "done" } ### Subroutine Y6'2: CUDA requirements function getCudaNeeds { if "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" || "$nvidiaDriver" then mktmpdir echoing " fetching CUDA requiring apps list" cudaAppListTemp="$dirName""/cudaApp.plist" curl -s "$cudaAppListOnline" -m 1024 > "$cudaAppListTemp" echoend "done" echoing " preparing matching" appsTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print apps:" "$cudaAppListTemp" | grep "name" | awk '{print $3}') appCountTemp=$(echo "$appsTemp" | wc -l | xargs) echoend "done" echoing " matching" for index in `seq 0 $(expr $appCountTemp - 1)` do appNameTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print apps:$index:name" "$cudaAppListTemp") driverNeedsTemp=$("$pbuddy" -c "Print apps:$index:requirement" "$cudaAppListTemp") if [[ "$programList[@]" =~ $appNameTemp ]] then fullProgramNameTemp=$( echo "$programList" | grep "$appNameTemp" ) case "$driverNeedsTemp" in "driver") scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 1` ;; "developerDriver") scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` ;; "toolkit") scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` ;; "samples") scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 1` ;; *) ;; esac fi done sudov rm "$cudaAppListTemp" echoend "done" fi } ### Subroutine Y6'3: Basic requirement handler/scheduler ##fn function setStandards { if ( ! "$install" ) && ( ! "$uninstall" ) && ( ! "$check" ) then setStandard=true install=true fi if ( ! "$nvidiaDriver" ) && ( ! "$amdLegacyDriver" ) && ( ! "$nvidiaEnabler" ) && ( ! "$thunderbolt12Unlock" ) && ( ! "$t82Unblocker" ) && ( ! "$unlockNvidia" ) && ( ! "$deactivateNvidiaDGPU" ) && [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" == 0 ] && ( ! "$thunderboltDaemon" ) && ( ! "$iopcieTunnelPatch" ) then determine=true fi if "$determine" then if "$enforce" then createSpace 3 echo "When force in use, automatic determainations cannot be performed." irupt elif "$fullInstall" then if "$install" then nvidiaDriver=true amdLegacyDriver=true nvidiaEnabler=true thunderbolt12Unlock=true t82Unblocker=true unlockNvidia=true deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true scheduleCudaDeduction=15 thunderboltDaemon=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true else irupt fi else if "$install" then if "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" then nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" then nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if "$amdLegacyDriversInstalled" then deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true amdLegacyDriver=true fi if "$t82UnblockerInstalled" then t82Unblocker=true fi if "$nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled" then deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true fi if "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstalled" then nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled" then nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if "$cudaDriverInstalled" then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 1` nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if "$cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled" then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if "$cudaToolkitInstalled" then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if "$cudaSamplesInstalled" then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 1` nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaDriver=true unlockNvidia=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi if ( ! "$nvidiaDriver" ) && ( ! "$amdLegacyDriver" ) then scheduleSecureEGPUfetch=true fi if [[ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" < 15 ]] then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 4 1` fi thunderbolt12Unlock=true elif "$uninstall" then nvidiaDriver=true nvidiaEnabler=true amdLegacyDriver=true t82Unblocker=true deactivateNvidiaDGPU=true unlockNvidia=true thunderbolt12Unlock=true scheduleCudaDeduction=15 thunderboltDaemon=true iopcieTunnelPatch=true else irupt fi fi else if "$install" then if "$enforce" then createSpace 3 echo "Installations cannot be enforced." irupt elif "$nvidiaDriver" then if [ "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" != 0 ] then iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$nvidiaDriver" then if [ "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstallStatusTotal" != 0 ] then iopcieTunnelPatch=true fi scheduleCudaDeduction=15 nvidiaEnabler=true fi fi fi } ### Subroutine Y6'4: Compatibility checks function nvidiaDriverDeduction { echoing " NVIDIA drivers" nvidiaDriverRoutine=0 if "$nvidiaDriver" then if "$install" then downloadNvidiaDriverInformation if ! "$foundMatchNvidiaDriver" then if "$beta" then echoend "FAILURE, no match was found" 1 echo "you must manually specify the version, automated matching failed, due to unknown build" irupt else echoend "FAILURE, no match was found" 1 irupt fi fi if "$reinstall" && "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" then nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 0 1` nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 1 1` nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" then nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 0 1` nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 elif [ "$nvidiaDriverDownloadVersion" != "$nvidiaDriverVersion" ] then nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 0 1` nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 1 1` nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 2 1` echoend "update scheduled" 4 elif [ "$nvidiaDriverBuildVersion" != "$build" ] then nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 3 1` echoend "patch scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, up to date" 5 nvidiaDriver=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" || "$enforce" then nvidiaDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 nvidiaDriver=false fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi } function nvidiaEnablerDeduction { echoing " NVIDIA eGPU enabler" nvidiaEnablerRoutine=0 if "$nvidiaEnabler" then if "$install" then if "$nvidiaDriver" || "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" then if ( [ "$os" == "10.13.0" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.1" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.2" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.3" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.4" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.5" ] ) || ( "$beta" && ( ! "$determine" ) ) then downloadNvidiaEGPUenabler1013Information if ! "$foundMatchNvidiaEGPUenabler1013" then if "$beta" then nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadPKGName="NVDAEGPUSupport.pkg" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadLink="https://egpu.io/wp-content/uploads/wpforo/attachments/6469/5130-NVDAEGPUSupportUniversal.zip" nvidiaEGPUenabler1013DownloadChecksum="ed1dbef44a918d034b4c47ce996c62365871488de652fdd14104e79820daa54ecb63977bef6fbe5c6337918635224b32b607cb543cb1d5209080640ea2d6d377" foundMatchNvidiaEGPUenabler1013=true else echoend "FAILURE, no match was found" 1 irupt fi fi if "$reinstall" && "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" then nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 0 1` nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 1 1` nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" then nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 0 1` nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 elif [ "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013BuildVersion" != "$build" ] then nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 0 1` nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 1 1` nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 2 1` echoend "update scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, up to date" 5 nvidiaEnabler=false fi else if "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" then nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, incompatible" 5 nvidiaEnabler=false fi fi else echoend "skip, dependencies" 5 nvidiaEnabler=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" || "$enforce" then nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 nvidiaEnabler=false fi fi else if [ "$os" != "10.13.0" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.1" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.2" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.3" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.4" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.5" ] && "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" && ( ! "$beta" ) then nvidiaEnabler=true nvidiaEnablerRoutine=`binaryParser "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip" 5 fi fi if [ "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" != 0 ] then sipRequirement=`binaryParser "$sipRequirement" 6 0` sipRequirement=`binaryParser "$sipRequirement" 5 0` fi } function iopcieTunnelPatchDeduction { echoing " IO PCIE Tunnelled patch" iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine=0 if "$iopcieTunnelPatch" then if "$install" then if "$nvidiaDriver" || "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" then if ( [ "$os" != "10.13.0" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.1" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.2" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.3" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.4" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.5" ] ) || ( "$beta" && ( ! "$determine" ) ) then if "$reinstall" && "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled" then iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine=`binaryParser "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine" 1 1` iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine=`binaryParser "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled" then iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine=`binaryParser "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 elif "$nvidiaDriver" then iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine=`binaryParser "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine" 2 1` echoend "update scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, already installed" 5 iopcieTunnelPatch=false fi else iopcieTunnelPatch=false echoend "skip, incompatible" 5 fi else iopcieTunnelPatch=false echoend "skip, dependencies" 5 fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled" || "$enforce" then iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine=`binaryParser "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 iopcieTunnelPatch=false fi else irupt fi else if ( [ "$os" == "10.13.0" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.1" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.2" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.3" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.4" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.5" ] ) && "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled" && ( ! "$beta" ) then iopcieTunnelPatch=true iopcieTunnelPatch=`binaryParser "$iopcieTunnelPatch" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip" 5 fi fi if [ "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine" != 0 ] then sipRequirement=0 fi } function amdLegacyDriversDeduction { echoing " AMD legacy drivers" amdLegacyDriverRoutine=0 if "$amdLegacyDriver" then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$amdLegacyDriversInstalled" then amdLegacyDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" 0 1` amdLegacyDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" 1 1` amdLegacyDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$amdLegacyDriversInstalled" then amdLegacyDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" 0 1` amdLegacyDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, already installed" 5 amdLegacyDriver=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$amdLegacyDriversInstalled" || "$enforce" then amdLegacyDriverRoutine=`binaryParser "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 amdLegacyDriver=false fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi if [ "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" != 0 ] then sipRequirement=`binaryParser "$sipRequirement" 6 0` sipRequirement=`binaryParser "$sipRequirement" 5 0` fi } function t82UnblockerDeduction { echoing " T82 unblocker" t82UnblockerRoutine=0 if "$t82Unblocker" then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$t82UnblockerInstalled" then t82UnblockerRoutine=`binaryParser "$t82UnblockerRoutine" 0 1` t82UnblockerRoutine=`binaryParser "$t82UnblockerRoutine" 1 1` t82UnblockerRoutine=`binaryParser "$t82UnblockerRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$t82UnblockerInstalled" then t82UnblockerRoutine=`binaryParser "$t82UnblockerRoutine" 0 1` t82UnblockerRoutine=`binaryParser "$t82UnblockerRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, already installed" 5 t82Unblocker=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$t82UnblockerInstalled" || "$enforce" then t82UnblockerRoutine=`binaryParser "$t82UnblockerRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 t82Unblocker=false fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi if [ "$t82UnblockerRoutine" != 0 ] then sipRequirement=`binaryParser "$sipRequirement" 6 0` sipRequirement=`binaryParser "$sipRequirement" 5 0` fi } function deactivateNvidiaDGPUDeduction { echoing " NVIDIA dGPU deactivator" deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine=0 if "$deactivateNvidiaDGPU" then if "$install" then if "$nvidiaDGPU" then if "$reinstall" && "$nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled" then deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine=`binaryParser "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine" 1 1` deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine=`binaryParser "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled" then deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine=`binaryParser "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, dGPU already deactivated" 5 deactivateNvidiaDGPU=false fi else echoend "skip, no NVIDIA dGPU" 5 deactivateNvidiaDGPU=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled" || "$enforce" then deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine=`binaryParser "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else if "$nvidiaDGPU" then echoend "skip, dGPU already activated" 5 else echoend "skip, no NVIDIA dGPU" 5 fi deactivateNvidiaDGPU=false fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi if [ "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine" != 0 ] then sipRequirement=0 fi } function unlockNvidiaDeduction { echoing " macOS 10.13.4/.5 NVIDIA patch" unlockNvidiaRoutine=0 if "$unlockNvidia" then if ( [ "$os" == "10.13.4" ] || [ "$os" == "10.13.5" ] ) || ( "$beta" && ( ! "$determine" ) ) then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstalled" then unlockNvidiaRoutine=`binaryParser "$unlockNvidiaRoutine" 1 1` unlockNvidiaRoutine=`binaryParser "$unlockNvidiaRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstalled" then unlockNvidiaRoutine=`binaryParser "$unlockNvidiaRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, already installed" 5 unlockNvidia=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstalled" || "$enforce" then unlockNvidiaRoutine=`binaryParser "$unlockNvidiaRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 unlockNvidia=false fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip, incompatible" 5 unlockNvidia=false fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi if [ "$unlockNvidiaRoutine" != 0 ] then sipRequirement=0 fi } function thunderbolt12UnlockDeduction { echoing " macOS 10.13.4+ thunderbolt 1/2 unlock" thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine=0 if "$thunderbolt12Unlock" then if [ "$os" != "10.13.0" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.1" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.2" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.3" ] && ( [ "$thunderboltInterface" == 1 ] || [ "$thunderboltInterface" == 2 ] ) then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$thunderbolt12UnlockInstalled" then thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine" 1 1` thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$thunderbolt12UnlockInstalled" then thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, tb""$thunderboltInterface"" already unlocked" 5 thunderbolt12Unlock=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$thunderbolt12UnlockInstalled" || "$enforce" then thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, tb$thunderboltInterface already locked" 5 thunderbolt12Unlock=false fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip, incompatible" 5 thunderbolt12Unlock=false fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi if [ "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine" != 0 ] then sipRequirement=0 fi } function thunderboltDaemonDeduction { echoing " thunderbolt daemon" thunderboltDaemonRoutine=0 if "$thunderboltDaemon" then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$thunderboltDaemonInstalled" then thunderboltDaemonRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderboltDaemonRoutine" 1 1` thunderboltDaemonRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderboltDaemonRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$thunderboltDaemonInstalled" then thunderboltDaemonRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderboltDaemonRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, already installed" 5 thunderboltDaemon=false fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$thunderboltDaemonInstalled" || "$enforce" then thunderboltDaemonRoutine=`binaryParser "$thunderboltDaemonRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 4 else echoend "skip, already uninstalled" 5 thunderboltDaemon=false fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi } function cudaDriverDeduction { echoing " CUDA drivers" if [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 2 % n"` == 1 ] then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$cudaDriverInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 0 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 1 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 2 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$cudaDriverInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 0 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 2 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else if [ "$cudaDriverVersion" == "$cudaDriverDownloadVersion" ] then echoend "skip, up to date" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 0` else cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 0 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 1 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 2 1` echoend "update scheduled" 4 fi fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$cudaDriverInstalled" || "$enforce" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 1 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 0` fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi } function cudaDeveloperDriverDeduction { echoing " CUDA developer driver" if [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 4 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 5 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 6 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 0 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 2 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 4 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 6 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else if [ "$cudaDriverVersion" == "$cudaDriverDownloadVersion" ] then echoend "skip, up to date" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 0` else cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 0 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 1 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 2 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 4 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 5 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 6 1` echoend "update scheduled" 4 fi fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled" || "$enforce" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 5 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 0` fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi } function cudaToolkitDeduction { echoing " CUDA toolkit" if [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$cudaToolkitInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 8 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 9 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 10 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$cudaToolkitInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 8 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 10 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else if [ "$cudaVersionFull" == "$cudaToolkitDownloadVersion" ] then echoend "skip, up to date" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 0` else cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 8 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 9 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 10 1` echoend "update scheduled" 4 fi fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$cudaToolkitInstalled" || "$enforce" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 9 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 0` fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi } function cudaSamplesDeduction { echoing " CUDA samples" if [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 8 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then if "$install" then if "$reinstall" && "$cudaSamplesInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 12 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 13 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 14 1` echoend "reinstall scheduled" 3 elif ! "$cudaSamplesInstalled" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 12 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 14 1` echoend "install scheduled" 4 else if [ "$cudaVersionFull" == "$cudaToolkitDownloadVersion" ] then echoend "skip, up to date" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 0` else cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 12 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 13 1` cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 14 1` echoend "update scheduled" 4 fi fi elif "$uninstall" then if "$cudaSamplesInstalled" || "$enforce" then cudaRoutine=`binaryParser "$cudaRoutine" 13 1` echoend "uninstall scheduled" 3 else echoend "skip, not installed" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 0` fi else irupt fi else echoend "skip" 5 fi } function cudaDeduction { cudaRoutine=0 if [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] then if "$install" then if "$nvidiaDriver" || "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" then echo " CUDA software" downloadCudaDriverInformation downloadCudaToolkitInformation if [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 8 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` elif [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` elif [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 1` fi else echoing " CUDA software" echoend "skip, dependecies" 5 scheduleCudaDeduction=0 fi elif "$uninstall" then if [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 2 % n"` == 1 ] then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 1 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 1` elif [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 0 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 2 1` scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 1` elif [ `dc -e "$scheduleCudaDeduction 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then scheduleCudaDeduction=`binaryParser "$scheduleCudaDeduction" 3 1` fi fi cudaDriverDeduction cudaDeveloperDriverDeduction cudaToolkitDeduction cudaSamplesDeduction else echoing " CUDA software" echoend "skip" 5 fi } ### Subroutine Y6'5: sufficent disabled SIP function checkSIPRequirement { appleInternalTemp=`dc -e "$sipRequirement 64 / 2 % n"` kextSigningTemp=`dc -e "$sipRequirement 32 / 2 % n"` fileSystemProtectionsTemp=`dc -e "$sipRequirement 16 / 2 % n"` debuggingRestrictionsTemp=`dc -e "$sipRequirement 8 / 2 % n"` dTraceRestrictionsTemp=`dc -e "$sipRequirement 4 / 2 % n"` nvramProtectionsTemp=`dc -e "$sipRequirement 2 / 2 % n"` baseSystemVerificationTemp=`dc -e "$sipRequirement 2 % n"` for i in `seq 0 6` do if [[ `dc -e "$sipRequirement 2 $i ^ / 2 % n"` < `dc -e "$statSIP 2 $i ^ / 2 % n"` ]] then echoend "ERROR" 1 echo " SIP setting too high." echo "Execute in recovery mode:" if [ "$sipRequirement" == 0 ] || [ "$baseSystemVerificationTemp" == 0 ] then echo "csrutil disable" else echo -n "csrutil" if [ "$appleInternalTemp" == 0 ] then echo -n " --no-internal" fi if [ "$kextSigningTemp" == 0 ] then echo -n " --without kext" fi if [ "$fileSystemProtectionsTemp" == 0 ] then echo -n " --without fs" fi if [ "$debuggingRestrictionsTemp" == 0 ] then echo -n " --without debug" fi if [ "$dTraceRestrictionsTemp" == 0 ] then echo -n " --without dtrace" fi if [ "$nvramProtectionsTemp" == 0 ] then echo -n " --without nvram" fi echo "" fi irupt fi done echoend "OK" 2 if "$debug" then echo echo "$sipRequirement" echo "$statSIP" fi } ### Subroutine Y6'6: Fetch eGPU and deduce ##fn function softwareDeduction { if "$scheduleSecureEGPUfetch" then if [ "$os" != "10.13.0" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.1" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.2" ] && [ "$os" != "10.13.3" ] then echo "Automatic eGPU information fetching..." secureGetEGPUInformation if "$t82Unblocker" then echo " After the script has finshed and the Mac has been rebooted" echo " you will need to execute the script again." fi else echo "Manual eGPU information fetching..." manualGetEGPUInformation fi fi if [[ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" > 15 ]] && "$install" then echo "Fetching CUDA needs..." getCudaNeeds fi echo "Checking for incompatibilies and up to date software..." nvidiaDriverDeduction nvidiaEnablerDeduction amdLegacyDriversDeduction t82UnblockerDeduction deactivateNvidiaDGPUDeduction unlockNvidiaDeduction thunderbolt12UnlockDeduction cudaDeduction thunderboltDaemonDeduction iopcieTunnelPatchDeduction echoing "Checking if SIP is sufficently disabled..." checkSIPRequirement } ### Subroutine Y6'7: Combine fetching, switching and deducution function determination { echo "Fetching system information..." gatherSystemInfo echo "Setting internal switches..." setStandards softwareDeduction } ### Subroutine Y7: Check script requirement basics function checkScriptRequirement { fetchOSinfo if [ "${os::5}" != "10.13" ] then echo echo "This script is only for macOS 10.13.X" if "$beta" then echo "Continuation might result in failure and/or system crash. (seriously!)" echo "continuing due to beta flag..." waiter 4 else irupt fi elif [ "$os" == "$warningOS" ] && ( ! "$beta" ) then echo echo "This script is not designed to work with your current version of macOS." echo "Continuation might result in failure and/or system crash. (seriously!)" waiter 10 fi fetchAppleGPUWranglerVersion if "$debug" then echo echo "$os" echo "$build" echo "$binaryHashReturn" echo fi if ! [[ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" =~ "$build" ]] && [ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" != "" ] then echo "A system file (wrangler), has been replaced and does not fit to the system. You must revert those changes in order to continue. You can also upgrade to the latest supported release or reinstall macOS." if "$beta" then echo "Continuation might result in failure and/or system crash. (seriously!)" echo "continuing due to beta flag..." waiter 4 else irupt fi elif [ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" == "" ] then echo "Your system hasn't yet been approved. The system may be unbootable or unstable." if "$beta" then echo "Continuation might result in failure and/or system crash. (seriously!)" echo "continuing due to beta flag..." waiter 4 else irupt fi fi } ### Subroutine Y8: Execution ### Subroutine Y8'1: Download ##fn function download { createSpace 2 trapWithoutWarning echo "Download external content..." if [ `dc -e "$nvidiaDriverRoutine 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echo "--- NVIDIA drivers ---" downloadNvidiaDriver if "$omitNvidiaDriver" then echo echo "NVIDIA driver download failed. Checksums do not match." irupt fi fi if [ `dc -e "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echo "--- NVIDIA eGPU enabler ---" downloadNvidiaEGPUenabler1013 if "$omitNvidiaEGPUenabler1013" then echo echo "NVIDIA eGPU enabler download failed. Checksums do not match." irupt fi fi if [ `dc -e "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echo "--- AMD legacy drivers ---" downloadAMDLegacyDriver if "$omitAMDLegacyDriver" then echo echo "AMD legacy driver download failed. Checksums do not match." irupt fi fi if [ `dc -e "$t82UnblockerRoutine 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echo "--- T82 unblock ---" downloadT82Unblocker if "$omitT82Unblocker" then echo echo "T82 unblocker download failed. Checksums do not match." irupt fi fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echo "--- CUDA driver ---" downloadCudaDriver if "$omitCuda" then echo echo "CUDA driver download failed. Checksums do not match." irupt fi fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 16 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 256 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 4096 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echo "--- CUDA developer driver / CUDA toolkit / CUDA samples ---" downloadCudaToolkit if "$omitCuda" then echo echo "CUDA developer driver / CUDA tooolkit / CUDA samples download failed. Checksums do not match." irupt fi fi } ### Subroutine Y8'2: Uninstall ##fn function uninstall { createSpace 2 echo "Uninstalling..." trapWithWarning if [ `dc -e "$nvidiaDriverRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA driver" uninstallNvidiaDriver echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA eGPU support" uninstallNvidiaEGPUenabler1013 echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$unlockNvidiaRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA macOS 10.13.4/.5 unlock" trapLock uninstallNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatch trapWithWarning echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " IO PCIE Tunnelled patch" trapLock uninstallIopciTunnelledPatch trapWithWarning echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " AMD legacy drivers" uninstallAMDLegacyDriver echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$t82UnblockerRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " T82 Unblocker" uninstallT82Unblocker echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA dGPU deactivator" uninstallNvidiaDGPUdeactivator echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " Thunderbolt 1/2 unlock" trapLock uninstallThunderbolt12Unlock trapWithWarning echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 32 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 512 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 8192 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " CUDA" uninstallCuda echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$thunderboltDaemonRoutine 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " thunderbolt daemon" uninstallThunderboltDaemon echoend "done" fi } ### Subroutine Y8'3: Install function install { echo "Installing..." if [ `dc -e "$nvidiaDriverRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA driver" installNvidiaDriver echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA eGPU support" installNvidiaEGPUenabler1013 echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$unlockNvidiaRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA macOS 10.13.4/.5 unlock" trapLock installNvidiaUnlockWranglerPatch trapWithWarning echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " IO PCIE Tunnelled patch" trapLock installIopciTunnelledPatch trapWithWarning echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " AMD legacy drivers" installAMDLegacyDriver echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$t82UnblockerRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " T82 Unblocker" installT82Unblocker echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " NVIDIA dGPU deactivator" installNvidiaDGPUdeactivator echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " Thunderbolt 1/2 unlock" trapLock installThunderbolt12Unlock trapWithWarning echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 64 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 1024 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] || [ `dc -e "$cudaRoutine 16384 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " CUDA" installCuda echoend "done" fi if [ `dc -e "$thunderboltDaemonRoutine 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then echoing " thunderbolt daemon" installThunderboltDaemon echoend "done" fi } ### Subroutine Y8'4: Patch function patch { echo "Patching..." if [ `dc -e "$nvidiaDriverRoutine 8 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then trapLock patchNvidiaDriverOld trapWithWarning echoend "done" fi } ### Subroutine Y8'5: Deactivate auto updaters cudaUpdateDaemonPath="/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nvidia.CUDASoftwareUpdate.plist" function deactivateCUDAupdater { if [ -e "$cudaUpdateDaemonPath" ] then elevatePrivileges echoing " CUDA" sudo rm -f "$cudaUpdateDaemonPath" echoend "done" doneSomething=true fi } nvidiaDriverUpdateLibPath="$HOME""/Library/Preferences/ByHost" nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath="" function deactivateNvidiaDriverUpdater { nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath=`find "$nvidiaDriverUpdateLibPath" -iname com.nvidia.nvagent*` if [ `echo "$nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath" | grep "nvagent" | wc -l | xargs` == 1 ] then updatePlistTemp=`"$pbuddy" -c "Print" "$nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath"` toDoListTemp=0 if [[ "$updatePlistTemp[@]" =~ "autoCheck" ]] then if [ `"$pbuddy" -c "Print autoCheck" "$nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath"` != 0 ] then toDoListTemp=`binaryParser "$toDoListTemp" 0 1` fi else toDoListTemp=`binaryParser "$toDoListTemp" 1 1` fi if [[ "$updatePlistTemp[@]" =~ "downloadInBackground" ]] then toDoListTemp=`binaryParser "$toDoListTemp" 2 1` fi if [ "$toDoListTemp" != 0 ] then elevatePrivileges echoing " NVIDIA" if [ `dc -e "$toDoListTemp 2 % n"` == 1 ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Set autoCheck 0" "$nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath" fi if [ `dc -e "$toDoListTemp 2 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Add autoCheck integer 0" "$nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath" fi if [ `dc -e "$toDoListTemp 4 / 2 % n"` == 1 ] then sudo "$pbuddy" -c "Remove downloadInBackground" "$nvidiaDriverUpdatePlistPath" fi echoend "done" doneSomething=true fi fi } function deactivateAutoUpdaters { echo "deactivating auto-updates..." deactivateCUDAupdater deactivateNvidiaDriverUpdater } ## Subroutine Y9: Pre branch functions function printHelp { if "$help" then printUsage createSpace 3 exit fi } function forceCacheRebuildPreBranch { if "$forceCacheRebuild" then if ! "$acceptLicense" then createSpace 3 printHeader askLicenseQuestion else createSpace 3 printHeader fi createSpace 3 scheduleKextTouch=true rebuildKextCache exit fi } ##fn function checkSystem { if "$check" then if ! "$acceptLicense" then createSpace 3 printHeader askLicenseQuestion fi createSpace 3 echo "Fetching system information..." gatherSystemInfo systemProfilerTemp="" if "$fullCheck" then echoing " creating detailed system report" systemProfilerTemp=`system_profiler -detailLevel mini 2>/dev/null` echoend "done" else echoing " fetching GPU related system information" systemProfilerTemp=`system_profiler -detailLevel mini SPDisplaysDataType SPHardwareDataType SPThunderboltDataType SPPCIDataType 2>/dev/null` echoend "done" fi createSpace 3 printHeader echo "Listing installation status of packages..." echoing " NVIDIA driver" if "$nvidiaDriversInstalled" then echoend "$nvidiaDriverVersion" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " NVIDIA eGPU enabler" if "$nvidiaEGPUenabler1013Installed" then echoend "installed" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " AMD legacy drivers" if "$amdLegacyDriversInstalled" then echoend "installed" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " T82 unblocker" if "$t82UnblockerInstalled" then echoend "installed" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " NVIDIA dGPU" if "$nvidiaDGPUdeactivatorInstalled" then echoend "deactivated" else if "$nvidiaDGPU" then echoend "activated" else echoend "not available" fi fi echoing " NVIDIA macOS 10.13.4/.5 patch" if "$nvidiaUnlockWranglerPatchInstalled" then echoend "installed" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " IO PCIE Tunnelled patch" if "$iopciTunnelledPatchInstalled" then echoend "installed" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " unlocked thunderbolt version" echoend "$thunderbolt12UnlockInstallStatus" echoing " thunderbolt daemon" if "$thunderboltDaemonInstalled" then echoend "installed" else echoend "not installed" fi echo " CUDA" echoing " CUDA drivers" if "$cudaDriverInstalled" then echoend "$cudaDriverVersion" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " CUDA developer drivers" if "$cudaDeveloperDriverInstalled" then echoend "$cudaDriverVersion" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " CUDA toolkit" if "$cudaToolkitInstalled" then echoend "$cudaVersionFull" else echoend "not installed" fi echoing " CUDA samples" if "$cudaSamplesInstalled" then echoend "$cudaVersionFull" else echoend "not installed" fi echo "Listing system information..." echoing " macOS version" echoend "$os" echoing " macOS build" echoend "$build" echoing " SIP status" echoend "$statSIP" echoing " thunderbolt interface version" echoend "$thunderboltInterface" echo " eGPU information" echoing " connected eGPU" echoend "$connectedEGPU" if "$connectedEGPU" then echoing " eGPU vendor" echoend "$connectedEGPUVendor" fi echoing " NVIDIA dGPU" echoend "$nvidiaDGPU" echoing " AGW version" if [ "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" == "" ] then echoend "Unrecognized" echo echo "--- developer Information ---" fetchAppleGPUWranglerVersion echo "$binaryHashReturn" echo "--- end developer Information ---" echo else echoend "$appleGPUWranglerVersion" fi echo "$systemProfilerTemp" exit fi } function installShortCommand { commandShortPathTemp="/usr/local/bin/macos-egpu" installShortCommandTemp=false checkInternetConnection if "$internet" then if ! [ -e "$commandShortPathTemp" ] then echo echo "--- installing short command ---" installShortCommandTemp=true elif [ `shasum -a 512 -b "$commandShortPathTemp" | awk '{ print $1 }'` != `curl -s "$gitPath""/Data/checksum.txt"` ] then echo echo "--- updating short command ---" installShortCommandTemp=true else installShortCommandTemp=false fi if "$debug" then echo `shasum -a 512 -b "$commandShortPathTemp" | awk '{ print $1 }'` echo `curl -s "$gitPath""/Data/checksum.txt"` fi if "$installShortCommandTemp" then elevatePrivileges sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin scriptGenerateTemp=`curl -s "$gitPath""/macOS-eGPU.sh"` echo "$scriptGenerateTemp" | sudo tee "$commandShortPathTemp" &>/dev/null sudo chown "$SUDO_USER" "$commandShortPathTemp" sudo chmod 755 "$commandShortPathTemp" echo "now the script can be used like this (internet may be required):" echo "macos-egpu [parameters]" if "$debug" then echo "Parameters:" echo "$scriptParameterList" fi waiter 7 echo "--- short command end ---" echo echo "--- restarting ---" echo echo sudo macos-egpu$scriptParameterList exit 0 fi fi } ### Subroutine Y10: Base function function macOSeGPU { licenseAndWarnings installShortCommand printHelp forceCacheRebuildPreBranch checkSystem checkScriptRequirement enforceEGPUdisconnect preparations if ( ! "$uninstall" ) && ( "$nvidiaDriver" || "$amdLegacyDriver" || "$nvidiaEnabler" || "$t82Unblocker" || [ "$scheduleCudaDeduction" != 0 ] ) then checkInternetConnection if ! "$internet" then echo echo "--- internet connection required ---" echo irupt fi fi determination download deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine=0 deactivateNVIDIAdGPU=false if [ "$nvidiaDriverRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$nvidiaEnablerRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$unlockNvidiaRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$amdLegacyDriverRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$t82UnblockerRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$deactivateNVIDIAdGPURoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$thunderbolt12UnlockRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$cudaRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$thunderboltDaemonRoutine" != 0 ] || [ "$iopcieTunnelPatchRoutine" != 0 ] then echo echo echo "Checking for elevated privileges..." elevatePrivileges fi uninstall install patch deactivateAutoUpdaters finish } # Subroutine Z: Script execution call ############################################################################################################## macOSeGPU # end of script