--- layout: cheatsheet title: "Markdown & YAML cheat sheet" tags: "writing yaml markdown syntax cheat sheet" desc: "A cheat sheet for understanding and writing in Markdown and YAML." groups: - title: 'Markdown' items: - name: '*Paragraphs*' details: - 'Separate paragraphs with a blank line.' - | ```markdown This is a paragraph of text. And another paragraph of text. ``` - name: '`#` — Headings' details: - 'Start each heading with one or more hashes, followed by a space.' - | ```markdown # Heading level 1 ## Heading level 2 ### Heading level 3 ``` - name: '`*` — Italic' details: - 'Wrap the words in single asterisks.' - | ```markdown Some of *these* words *are* italic. ``` - name: '`**` — Bold' details: - 'Wrap the words in double asterisks.' - | ```markdown **Some** of these **words** are bold. ``` - name: '`-` — Unordered list' details: - 'Start each line with a dash and a space.' - 'Indent before the dash for nested lists.' - | ```markdown - List item 1 - List item 2 - Sub list item 1 ``` - name: '`1.` — Ordered list' details: - 'Start each line with a number, period & space.' - 'Indent before the number for nested lists.' - | ```markdown 1. List item one 2. List item two 1. Sub list item one ``` - name: '`[]()` — Link' details: - '`[]` — link text inside square brackets.' - '`()` — link URL inside round brackets.' - | ```markdown [Dinosuars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaurs) The [New Horizons](http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/) space probe took photos of Pluto. ``` - name: '`![]()` — Image' details: - 'Start with an exclamation point.' - '`[]` — alt text inside square brackets.' - '`()` — image URL inside round brackets.' - | ```markdown ![True colour composite of Pluto](true-colour-pluto.jpg) ``` - name: '`---` — Horizontal rule' details: - 'Three consecutive dashes on a single line.' - | ```markdown --- ``` - name: '` — Inline code' details: - 'Surround code inside other text with single backticks.' - | ```markdown The `

` tag is the most important content on the page. ``` - name: '``` — Code block' details: - 'Start a line with three backticks to make a code block.' - 'End the code block with three more backticks on their own line.' - |
            body {
              font-size: 100%;
- 'Optionally specify the code language after the opening backticks.' - |
            body {
              font-size: 100%;
- name: '`- [ ]` — Task list' details: - 'Non standard. Start a list and used square brackets with a space to denote a task.' - | ```markdown - [ ] Read sci-fi - [ ] Watch kaiju movie ``` - 'Put an “x” between the square brackets to mark it as complete.' - | ```markdown - [ ] Read sci-fi - [x] Watch kaiju movie ``` - title: 'YAML' note: 'Always indent with two spaces.' items: - name: '`term: value` — Objects' details: - 'Start with a term, no spaces, followed by a colon and a space.' - | ```yaml name: "Tyrannosaurus" period: "Late Cretaceous" ``` - 'Indent to create nested objects.' - | ```yaml dimensions: width: "3 metres" height: "8 metres" ``` - name: '`- value` — Arrays' details: - 'Start with a dash, and a space.' - | ```yaml - "Other dinosaurs" - "Meat" ``` - 'Arrays inside objects:' - | ```yaml likes_to_eat: - "Other dinosaurs" - "Meat" ``` - 'Objects inside arrays.' - | ```yaml - name: "T. rex" period: "Late Cretaceous Period" ``` - name: '`"` — Escaping' details: - 'Surround text with quotes (double or single) to escape text.' - | ```yaml name_meaning: "tyrant & lizard" ``` - In all the previous examples the quotes aren’t really necessary. But I find myself almost always adding them for clarity and to prevent myself from having to think about whether I need to escape them or not. - name: '`>` — Folded text block' details: - 'Start with a greater than, and indent the next lines.' - 'The text will be collapsed into a single line when parsed.' - | ```yaml desc: > Tyrannosaurus is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex is one of the most well-represented of the large theropods. ``` - name: '`|` — Wrapped text block' details: - 'Start with a vertical pipe, and indent the next lines.' - 'The text will keep its multiple lines when parsed.' - | ```yaml poem: | T. rex, T.rex How I love thee ``` - name: '`---` — Front matter' details: - 'YAML can be used at the top of Markdown documents to add more structured data.' - 'Surround the YAML with two lines of consecutive dashes.' - | ```markdown --- name: "Venus" discoverer: "Galileo Galilei" --- *Venus* is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. ``` ---