### 2.0 * Command versions updated to **GNU grep 3.10** and **ripgrep 13.0.0** * Many more exercises added, and you can practice some of them using this [interactive TUI app](https://github.com/learnbyexample/TUI-apps/blob/main/GrepExercises) * PCRE chapter — added section for conditional grouping, corrected description and examples for `\K`, atomic grouping, etc * ripgrep chapter — options and regex section modified to present only differences compared to `GNU grep`, added details for more options such as `--field-match-separator`, improved recursive search section, etc * Long sections split into smaller ones * In general, many of the examples, exercises, solutions, descriptions and external links were updated/corrected * Updated Acknowledgements section * Code snippets related to info/warning sections will now appear as a single block * Book title changed to **CLI text processing with GNU grep and ripgrep** * New cover image * Images centered for EPUB format
### 1.7 * Command versions updated to **GNU grep 3.6** and **ripgrep 12.1.1** * Added examples for using `--include` and `--exclude` when recursive option is not active * Added examples which require `**` in the `glob` pattern with `rg -g` * Updated documentation snippets as per new `man` and `info` pages * Updated timing data for speed comparison examples * Corrected various typos, improved descriptions/comments/examples/exercises/etc
### 1.6 * Clarified BRE vs ERE difference for line anchor escaping * Added more details for `--include` and `--exclude` related options * Changed `wrt` to expanded form instead of abbreviation * Added workaround for **epub** version for iBooks * For more detailed view of changes, see the [commit changes for the markdown source file](https://github.com/learnbyexample/learn_gnugrep_ripgrep/commit/ca6cd9169f206c24e64ba103667dbac44261ed4d#diff-bd3e21cd00859a688be8c3d0429b1dc4)
### 1.5 * Command versions updated to **GNU grep 3.4** and **ripgrep 12.1.0** * Quantifiers terminology and explanation corrected, it is longest match wins instead of greedy for BRE/ERE * Using escape sequences via `bash` feature for BRE/ERE * Explicit 'Summary' section for clarity * For code snippets in the repo, added chapter sub-headings for clarity * Corrected various typos, improved descriptions/comments/examples/exercises/etc * Added epub version of the book * Updated cover image * For more detailed view of changes, see the [commit changes for the markdown source file](https://github.com/learnbyexample/learn_gnugrep_ripgrep/commit/99d8bdb40ba5ba0f7a67fe266ba355a92a9cd178#diff-bd3e21cd00859a688be8c3d0429b1dc4)
### 1.2 * Updated cover image * Added table of contents (in addition to automatic toc provided by some pdf readers) and reference to chapter names in other places are now clickable links * Chapter and section names are now colored * Borders added to code snippet images * Info/Warning messages are now indented * Minor description changes based on user feedback * Added a note about `rga` which is based on `ripgrep` * Fixed *italic* formatting, wasn't showing up as I didn't have that variation of font installed on my system
### 1.1 * Speed comparison section for `ripgrep` reorganized and improved * Some minor description changes and links added
### 1.0 * First version