--- title: enable key repeat permalink: enable-key-repeat date: 2022-01-16T23:09:29-08:00 tags: mac --- In macOS, when you hold down a letter key you see a small popover with available alternates for that letter (for example by applying accents). This behavior can be disabled, returning to the previous behavior where holding a key repeats that letter until you release it. To do so for a specific app: ```sh defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false ``` Or to disable system wide: ```sh defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false ``` After changing this setting, you need to restart the app or sign in session. _I learned this TIL recently from [@rsms] care of his excellent [macOS Fixes] doc._ [@rsms]: https://twitter.com/rsms [macos fixes]: https://gist.github.com/rsms/fb463396c95ad8d9efa338a8050a01dc