[![Release]][url: Release] [![License]][url: License] [![Semver]][url: Semver] Cyanide Theme for Sublime Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/lefoy/cyanide-theme](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/lefoy/cyanide-theme?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) A minimal dark theme for Sublime Text 3. ![Default Theme Screenshot 1] ![Default Theme Screenshot 2] ![Default Theme Screenshot 3] Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Package Manager Install the theme with the [Command Palette] and update your `Settings - User` file: ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide.sublime-theme" ``` ### Manual Clone Cyanide Theme into your `packages` folder. Make sure the folder name is `Theme - Cyanide`: ``` cd ~/"Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/" git clone git@github.com:lefoy/cyanide-theme.git 'Theme - Cyanide' ``` If you are on Windows, instead run: ``` cd %AppData%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ git clone git@github.com:lefoy/cyanide-theme.git 'Theme - Cyanide' ``` Update your `Settings - User` file to activate the theme: ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide.sublime-theme" ``` Themes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Monocyanide Colorscheme If you like [Monokai Extended], there's a colorscheme called [Monocyanide] that was developed specifically for Cyanide. It works with any of the themes. ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Monocyanide.tmTheme", ``` ![Monocyanide screenshot] ### Twilightcyanide Colorscheme If you like [Twilight], there's a colorscheme called [Twilightcyanide] that was developed specifically for Cyanide. It works with any of the themes. ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Twilightcyanide.tmTheme", ``` ![Twilightcyanide screenshot] ### Acid theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Acid.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Acid.sublime-theme" ``` ![Acid screenshot] ### Alert theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Alert.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Alert.sublime-theme" ``` ![Alert screenshot] ### Golden theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Golden.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Golden.sublime-theme" ``` ![Golden screenshot] ### Love theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Love.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Love.sublime-theme" ``` ![Love screenshot] ### Mint theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Mint.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Mint.sublime-theme" ``` ![Mint screenshot] ### Purple theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Purple.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Purple.sublime-theme" ``` ![Purple screenshot] ### Salmon theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Salmon.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Salmon.sublime-theme" ``` ![Salmon screenshot] ### Sky theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Sky.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Sky.sublime-theme" ``` ![Sky screenshot] ### Wood theme ``` "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Wood.tmTheme", "theme": "Cyanide - Wood.sublime-theme" ``` ![Wood screenshot] ### ColorScheme Background Variations All colorschemes provided come in 5 flavors where the background of each is different. The variations that are available are: + Default (the one with no suffix): `#0a0a0a` + Black: `#000000` + Contrasted: `#121212` + Contrasted Semi: `#191919` + Contrasted Light: `#282828` When words are not enough: ![Background variations screenshot] Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These settings go into `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User`. ### Sidebar file type icons Sublime Text 3 added sidebar icons. Thanks to a great contribution by [@Centril], now also supported in Cyanide! ``` "icon_file_type_enable": true ``` ![Sidebar file type icons] ### Centurion sidebar folder icons Sidebar folder icons from the Centurion theme. ``` "centurion_folder_icons": true ``` ![Sidebar folder icons Centurion] ### Afterglow sidebar folder icons Sidebar folder icons from the Afterglow theme. ``` "afterglow_folder_icons": true ``` ![Sidebar folder icons Afterglow] ### Spacefunk sidebar folder icons Sidebar folder icons from the Spacefunk theme. ``` "spacefunk_folder_icons": true ``` ![Sidebar folder icons Spacefunk] ### Tabs height Vary tab height with either `tabs_medium` or `tabs_large`. ``` "tabs_medium": true ``` or ``` "tabs_large": true ``` ![Tabs height] ### Contrasted UI Increased contrast for better legibility. ``` "contrasted_sidebar": true, "contrasted_tabs": true, "contrasted_quick_panel": true ``` ![Contrasted UI] Or use a lighter alternative: ``` "contrasted_light_sidebar": true, "contrasted_light_tabs": true, "contrasted_light_quick_panel": true ``` ## Custom UI font Change the UI font: ``` "ubuntu_mono_ui": true // Ubuntu Mono UI font "monaco_ui": true // Monaco UI font "inconsolata_ui": true // Inconsolata UI font ``` ## Large scrollbars Increased scrollbars size for better control. ``` "large_scroll_bars": true ``` ![Large scrollbars] ## Cyanide Theme Builder *You must install the Cyanide Theme manually if you want to use the Cyanide Theme Builder.* Create your own custom Cyanide Theme with the Theme Builder. If you don't have [grunt] installed, do that first. Go to your Cyanide Theme folder and run: ``` npm install ``` Edit the `colors.json` file to add your own custom color. Edit the `languages.json` file to add your own custom sidebar icon. Match every new entry with images named `file_type_{icon}.png` (dimensions: `16x16`) and `file_type_{icon}@2x.png` (dimensions: `32x32`) in the icons/ directory. Edit the `external.json` file to roll your own custom colorscheme to build. Take a look at the template of the [Monocyanide] colorscheme for how to accomplish this. Save the file, and run: ``` grunt build ``` Your new theme is generated. Update the Sublime Text settings to use it. The tasks that are available are: ``` grunt build # Does all of the below. themes # Builds the theme files, do this when colors.json is updated. languages # Builds sidebar icon bindings and dummy syntax highlighting. external-colorschemes # Pulls the latest version of Monocyanide and Twilightcyanide from their repos and builds them. ``` ## Known issues ### Ubuntu Mono UI cuts off the tabs font ![Screenshot - Ubuntu Mono UI cuts off the tabs font] Unfortunately, this is a Sublime Text bug. As a work-around, use the `"small_ui_font": true` setting. If this doesn't fix it, please file a new issue on GitHub. ## Plugins support The following Sublime Text plugins are currently supported by Cyanide Theme: * [GitGutter] * [SublimeLinter3] Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This theme is based on [Centurion], [Afterglow], [Spacefunk] and [Seti_UI]. Thanks to [@Centril], [@pds2k12], [@hraban], [@renkun-ken] and [@wfalkwallace] for helping me with bug reports and suggestions. Like this theme? I'd love to hear! Contact me on Twitter ([@louisetiennefoy]). [Default Theme Screenshot 1]: http://i.imgur.com/CuitnN9.png [Default Theme Screenshot 2]: http://i.imgur.com/eHHNKAl.png [Default Theme Screenshot 3]: http://i.imgur.com/fBECh69.png [Background variations screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/KVnYDGw.png [Monocyanide screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/GFDo1B5.png [Twilightcyanide screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/0XDRtaP.png [Acid screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/GbB80Aj.png [Alert screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/fSXNPYH.png [Golden screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/XpNt7rM.png [Love screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/cJPqBtT.png [Mint screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/9PkgNGu.png [Purple screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/YT1QGvH.png [Salmon screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/1SO5oms.png [Sky screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/L8egKdc.png [Wood screenshot]: http://i.imgur.com/zTc44p7.png [Sidebar file type icons]: http://i.imgur.com/1wPpg6E.png [Sidebar folder icons Centurion]: http://i.imgur.com/HHQZmrR.png [Sidebar folder icons Afterglow]: http://i.imgur.com/mgMfGKy.png [Sidebar folder icons Spacefunk]: http://i.imgur.com/YocMfse.png [Tabs height]: http://i.imgur.com/0NCrXVF.png [Contrasted UI]: http://i.imgur.com/cfYkL92.png [Large scrollbars]: http://i.imgur.com/wfmZdzx.png [Screenshot - Ubuntu Mono UI cuts off the tabs font]: http://i.imgur.com/jdKUPoE.png [Release]: https://img.shields.io/github/release/lefoy/cyanide-theme.svg?style=flat [url: Release]: https://github.com/lefoy/cyanide-theme/releases [License]: http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat [url: License]: https://github.com/lefoy/cyanide-theme/blob/master/LICENSE.md [Semver]: http://img.shields.io/badge/semver-2.0.0-blue.svg?style=flat [url: Semver]: http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html [Command Palette]: http://sublime-text-unofficial-documentation.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/command_palette.html [Monokai Extended]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/sublime-monokai-extended [Monocyanide]: https://github.com/Centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme [Twilight]: https://github.com/jrnewell/predawn-twilight-theme [Twilightcyanide]: https://github.com/Centril/sublime-twilightcyanide-colorscheme [grunt]: http://gruntjs.com/ [GitGutter]: https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/GitGutter [SublimeLinter3]: https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3 [Centurion]: https://github.com/allanhortle/Centurion [Afterglow]: https://yabatadesign.github.io/afterglow-theme/ [Spacefunk]: https://github.com/Twiebie/ST-Spacefunk [Seti_UI]: https://github.com/ctf0/Seti_ST3 [@Centril]: https://github.com/Centril [@pds2k12]: https://github.com/pds2k12 [@hraban]: https://github.com/hraban [@renkun-ken]: https://github.com/renkun-ken [@wfalkwallace]: https://github.com/wfalkwallace [@louisetiennefoy]: https://twitter.com/louisetiennefoy