<title type="main">Straight Talk! Automatic Recognition of Direct Speech in Nineteenth-Century French Novels Schöch Christof University of Würzburg, Germany christof.schoech@uni-wuerzburg.de Schlör Daniel University of Würzburg, Germany daniel.schloer@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de Popp Stefanie University of Würzburg, Germany stefanie.popp@uni-wuerzburg.de Brunner Annelen Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim brunner@ids-mannheim.de Henny Ulrike University of Würzburg, Germany ulrike.henny@uni-wuerzburg.de Calvo Tello José University of Würzburg, Germany jose.calvo@uni-wuerzburg.de 2016-03-06T21:45:35.785393349 Maciej Eder, Pedagogical University in Krakow Jan Rybicki, Jagiellonian University
Institute of Polish Studies Pedagogical University ul. Podchorazych 2 30-084 Krakow, Poland maciej.eder@ijp-pan.krakow.pl

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Paper Long Paper direct speech dialogue Random Forest novels literary genre literary studies natural language processing text analysis french studies genre-specific studies: prose, poetry, drama data mining / text mining English

In fictional prose narrative such as novels and short stories, various forms of speech, thought, and writing representation are ubiquitous and have been studied in great detail in linguistics and literary studies. However, beyond quotation marks, what are linguistic markers of direct speech? And just how ubiquitous is direct speech really? Is there systematic variation in the amount of direct speech over time or across genres? Especially for the field of French literary history, where typography is not a reliable guide, we really don't know.

This is regrettable, because being able to quickly and automatically detect direct speech in large collections of literary narrative texts is highly desireable for many areas in literary studies. In the history of literary genres, this allows to observe distributions and evolutions of a fundamental, formal aspect of the novel on a large scale. In narratology, differentiating narrator from character speech is a precondition for more detailed analyses of narrator speech, e.g. with regard to text type (descriptive, narrative, argumentative text). And in authorship attribution, it hereby becomes possible to discard character speech from a set of novels and perform authorship attribution on the narrator speech only, something which may improve attribution.

Against this background, the work presented here addresses both the question of how to identify direct speech in French prose fiction and that of how prevalent direct speech is in different subgenres of the nineteenth-century French novel.

Aims and hypotheses

Our first aim has been to use machine learning to automatically identify direct character speech in a small collection of French-language fictional prose. This is less trivial than it seems to be since in the French typographical tradition, direct speech is usually not marked with opening and closing quotation marks (figure 1). Rather, a long hyphen usually indicates the beginning of direct speech, whereas the end is left unmarked. In figure 1, the first highlighted direct speech continues after the insertion revealing who has just spoken (“lui dit-il, tout bas,”; he quietly said to him). In the second example, the direct speech ends after the speaker has been indicated (“dit une voix à la portière”; said a voice at the door). Our hypothesis is that there are enough linguistic markers of direct speech to make it possible to identify it automatically and reliably (for an overview of such markers, see Durrer, 1994).

Figure 1: Detail from Paul Féval, La Louve, 1857, p. 126 (Source: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6366934b)

Our second aim has been to use the best-performing algorithm to identify direct speech in a larger collection of French nineteenth-century novels and to study its distribution. Here, we hope to detect significant differences in the proportion of direct speech found in different novelistic subgenres. Research about other literary traditions supports this hypothesis (e.g. Allison et al., 2011).

State of the Art

Speech, thought and writing representation are common topics in narratology and stylistics (Genette, 2008, Leech/Short, 2007). Semino and Short’s 2004 quantitative study finds that direct representation is clearly the most frequent type in their English fiction sub-corpus. Brunner 2015 confirms this trend for her corpus of German short narratives. Here, the percentage of sentences containing direct speech is about 35% and varies widely over different texts (2%-72%).

Frequently, speech representation recognition is an auxiliary step to other tasks, e.g. knowledge extraction or speaker recognition (Krestel at al., 2008, Elson and McKeown, 2010, Iosif and Mishra, 2014, Sarmento/Nunes, 2009). Weiser and Watrin 2012 used a rule-based approach to extract unmarked quotations in French newspaper texts with success rates of 0.745-0.789. Brunner 2015 focuses on speech, thought and writing representation in German short literary narratives. Using machine learning with random forests, she reports an F1 score of 0.87 for direct speech in a sentence-based cross-validation.


Figure 2: Distribution of novels per subgenre and decade

Our text collection contains 127 French novels published between 1840 and 1889. Three generic subsets can be distinguished, each of which is represented by approximately 40 texts: general novelistic fiction (so-called ‘littérature blanche’) is contrasted with specific subgenres, crime fiction (‘policier’) and fantastic novels (see figure 2). The narrative perspective is largely heterodiegetic.

Manual Annotation

To obtain a gold standard, 40 chapters from 20 different novels were randomly chosen from the collection and annotated manually. 5734 sentences were marked as either containing direct speech or not containing any direct speech; the former also include mixed sentences.


To prepare feature generation, preprocessing was performed, the pipeline consisting of the Stanford CoreNLP-Tokenizer and Sentence-Splitter, as well as the TreeTagger for POS-Tagging and Lemmatization.

Feature generation

We modeled 81 features which we believed to be useful cues for the classification task (see the annex for a ranked list). Features are generated on a sentence-based level and can be divided into different categories:

Character-based: e.g. long hyphen marks, exclamation marks, question marks. Lexical: e.g. deictic expressions, interjections. Semantic: categories of verbs, from WordNet and the French equivalent WOLF: e.g. verbs of motion or perception. Morphological: e.g. part-of-speech, verb-tense, lemma. Syntactic features: e.g. number of commas, sentence length.

For the binary classification task (sentences containing vs. not containing direct speech), we used an annotation and classification framework developed by Markus Krug (Würzburg) wrapping LibSVM Support-Vector-Machine (Chang and Lin, 2011), Maximum Entropy (Nigam et al., 1999) and Naïve Bayes (John and Langley, 1995) and implemented in MALLET (McCallum 2002). Random Forest (Breiman, 2001) and JRip (Cohen, 1995) were applied using Weka. All experiments were validated using 10-fold cross-validation unless otherwise stated.

Error analysis

The machine learning algorithms’ incorrect assignments on the gold standard (false positives and false negatives) were manually analyzed in order to detect the errors' underlying causes.

Automatic tagging of unseen texts

Using the best-performing model, all sentences in the text collection were tagged for containing direct speech or not. The distribution of ratios of direct speech / non-direct speech was calculated for the three subgenres and five decades covered by the collection. Performance on these unseen texts was checked manually on a random sample. (We sampled 2300 sentences, i.e. 100 random sentences each from a sample of 23 novels stratified by ratio of direct speech.)

Results and Discussion
Recognition of direct speech

Table 1 depicts the performance for different conditions.

Table 1: Performance (10-fold cross-validation on the gold standard)

Our baseline is using the speech sign (i.e. the long hyphen) as the only feature, which yields an F1 score of 0.734. Random-Forest performs best, with an F1 score of 0.939, which we consider to be an impressive result. Even when excluding the speech sign from the features, we still reach an F1 score of 0.924, much better than the hyphen alone.

After inspecting the models, it becomes clear that only very few features carry strong cues for direct speech, namely (and unsurprisingly) the initial long hyphen. Most other features, taken separately, carry weak signals in either direction, but become relevant in combination.

Error analysis reveals that incorrect assignments (false positives and negatives) are frequently due to imperfect sentence segmentation. Several features which have been previously used to define and recognize direct speech (question / exclamation marks, interjections, verbal tenses) also cause incorrect assignments, especially in the context of homodiegetic narration, where the narrator is somewhat involved in the plot so that his narrator speech is similar to direct speech. Finally, letters are sometimes mistaken for direct speech, which makes sense given that in most of them, one person addresses one or several other people.

Distribution of direct speech in the corpus

We applied the best-performing algorithm (Random Forest) to the entire text collection. Evaluation shows a certain drop in performance, with a weighted average success rate of 0.844, indicating less-than-perfect generalization. We noted a welcome absence of any strong bias for either direct or non-direct speech. Our results suggest that the average proportion of direct to non-direct speech across the collection is 61% sentences with direct speech (and 39% without direct speech).

Figure 3: Ratio of direct to non-direct speech in 127 novels

While variance is considerable (see figure 3), the proportion of direct speech in French nineteenth-century novels is overall much higher than expected (and higher, for example, than the 35% reported by Brunner 2015 for German novellas).

Figure 4 shows that both fantastic novels and crime fiction have a significantly higher median for proportion of direct-speech than ‘littérature blanche’, but do not differ significantly from each other (for significance tests, we used the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test at a significance level of 1%).

Figure 4: Distribution (left) and significance (right) of direct to non-direct speech ratios across three subgenres

Figure 5 shows that only the ratios for the 1850s and the 1880s have a significantly differing level. However, because the decades do not have perfectly balanced subgenre proportions, this is probably due to a subgenre imbalance rather than an effect of the time period.

Figure 5: Distribution (left) and significance (right) of direct to non-direct speech ratios across five decades

Conclusions and Future Work

Using a wide range of linguistic markers allows the reliable identification of direct speech, even in the absence of clear typographic markers. Performance is excellent to good (F1-score of 0.94 on the gold standard, weighted average success rate of 0.844 on unseen texts). Using our method reveals that nineteenth-century French novels contain a large proportion of sentences with direct speech (61% on average). Also, there are previously unseen differences in direct speech proportion for subgenre, but not for time period.

For future work, we plan to use several strategies to improve performance. One is to add more sequential information to our set of features. Examples include the position, inside a sentence, of certain lexical or typographical features as well as linguistic cues preceding and following direct speech. Also, we plan to expand our corpus to make it more balanced in terms of genres and decades. This will allow us to discover genre-related patterns of interest to literary historians in a more reliable manner and assess their significance with more confidence.

Supplementary material

Supplementary material can be found at: https://github.com/cligs/projects/tree/master/2016/dh.

Annex A: Features used

List of features used, sorted by descending rank by a one-rule classifier.

average merit average rank attribute

74.028 +- 0.168 1 +- 0 79 SPEECHSIGN

71.743 +- 0.16 2 +- 0 57 VER:impf

65.847 +- 0.234 3 +- 0 54 VER:pres

63.893 +- 0.155 4 +- 0 55 VER:simp

63.248 +- 0.136 5 +- 0 6 PUNCMARKDOT

59.48 +- 0.12 6 +- 0 29 MATCHINGPPER_SON

58.835 +- 0.094 7.7 +- 0.64 30 MATCHINGPPER_SES

58.695 +- 0.208 8.1 +- 0.94 24 MATCHINGPPER_IL

58.713 +- 0.104 8.4 +- 0.92 35 VERB_MOTION

58.364 +- 0.083 10.6 +- 0.49 28 MATCHINGPPER_SA

58.344 +- 0.417 10.8 +- 1.78 7 SENTENCELENGTH

58.172 +- 0.078 11.7 +- 0.46 61 VER:subi

57.492 +- 0.091 14 +- 1.41 25 MATCHINGPPER_ELLE

57.422 +- 0.103 14.5 +- 1.36 44 VERB_PERCEPTION

57.387 +- 0.248 14.9 +- 1.51 50 INNERSUBCLAUSE

57.356 +- 0.4 15.8 +- 2.09 48 UNKNOWNLEMMA

57.213 +- 0.07 16.5 +- 1.02 31 MATCHINGPPER_LEUR

57.143 +- 0.162 17.3 +- 1.1 60 VER:ppre

56.672 +- 0.042 20.2 +- 0.98 36 VERB_BODY

56.672 +- 0.115 21 +- 1.84 52 VER:cond

56.62 +- 0.136 21.7 +- 2.1 40 VERB_EMOTION

56.567 +- 0.072 22.3 +- 1.19 26 MATCHINGPPER_ILS

56.497 +- 0.033 23.9 +- 1.3 41 VERB_COGNITION

56.428 +- 0.044 25 +- 1 46 VERB_CONSUMPTION

56.201 +- 0.005 34.5 +- 4.06 20 MATCHINGPPER_VOTRE

56.339 +- 0.176 35.4 +-18.69 32 COMMAS

56.201 +- 0.005 35.8 +- 4.19 21 MATCHINGPPER_VOS

56.201 +- 0.005 35.8 +- 6.4 22 MATCHINGPPER_TOI

56.201 +- 0.005 36.3 +- 4.2 17 MATCHINGPPER_TES

56.201 +- 0.005 37.6 +- 7.35 5 PUNCMARKCOLON

56.195 +- 0.018 37.7 +-13.33 18 MATCHINGPPER_NOTRE

56.201 +- 0.005 38.2 +- 3.16 23 MATCHINGPPER_MOI

56.424 +- 0.296 38.4 +-25.85 47 VERB_COMMUNICATION

56.201 +- 0.005 38.6 +- 6.45 4 PUNCMARKEXCL

56.201 +- 0.005 38.7 +- 3.44 16 MATCHINGPPER_TON

56.201 +- 0.005 39.4 +- 4.82 15 MATCHINGPPER_TA

56.201 +- 0.005 39.6 +- 6.45 3 PUNCMARKQUSTION

56.201 +- 0.005 40.2 +- 8.81 8 MATCHINGPPER_JE

56.201 +- 0.005 41.8 +-10.17 9 MATCHINGPPER_TU

56.201 +- 0.005 43.5 +- 9.19 10 MATCHINGPPER_NOUS

56.201 +- 0.005 43.5 +- 2.84 13 MATCHINGPPER_MON

56.201 +- 0.005 44.6 +- 4.43 12 MATCHINGPPER_MA

56.201 +- 0.005 44.7 +- 6.47 11 MATCHINGPPER_VOUS

56.261 +- 0.436 45.6 +-27.28 1 AmmountOfPPER

56.201 +- 0.005 45.8 +- 9.65 75 INTERJECTION_FI

56.201 +- 0.005 48 +-14.72 76 INTERJECTION_HEP

56.201 +- 0.005 50.2 +- 9.34 73 INTERJECTION_EH

56.201 +- 0.005 50.2 +- 6.27 74 INTERJECTION_EUH

56.201 +- 0.005 51.3 +- 3.66 81 INTERJECTION_MADAME

56.203 +- 0.08 51.3 +-23.56 37 VERB_COMPETITION

56.201 +- 0.005 52.1 +-15.75 58 VER:infi

56.201 +- 0.005 52.3 +-16.54 56 VER:futu

56.201 +- 0.005 53 +- 8.91 78 INTERJECTION_OUSTE

56.201 +- 0.005 54.7 +-17.43 34 VERB_CONTACT

56.162 +- 0.116 55.6 +-18.7 33 VERB_WEATHER

56.201 +- 0.005 56.9 +- 6.55 64 INTERJECTION_OH

56.201 +- 0.005 57.3 +- 4.5 63 INTERJECTION_AH

56.135 +- 0.087 58 +-24.31 19 MATCHINGPPER_NOS

56.193 +- 0.015 58.7 +-13.46 77 INTERJECTION_OUF

56.201 +- 0.005 59.3 +- 9.42 67 INTERJECTION_HÉLAS

56.143 +- 0.07 59.6 +-16.69 14 MATCHINGPPER_MES

56.201 +- 0.005 59.9 +- 4.5 42 VERB_STATIVE

56.201 +- 0.005 60.2 +- 2.64 62 VER:subp

56.201 +- 0.005 60.6 +- 8.39 71 INTERJECTION_CHUT

56.201 +- 0.005 62 +- 6.36 70 INTERJECTION_HEM

56.193 +- 0.015 62.5 +-10.87 66 INTERJECTION_HEIN

56.197 +- 0.011 62.6 +- 8 65 INTERJECTION_HÉ

56.201 +- 0.005 62.7 +- 5.87 51 DEIKTIKA

56.201 +- 0.005 63 +- 4.07 80 INTERJECTION_MONSIEUR

56.201 +- 0.005 63 +-11.79 53 VER:impe

56.005 +- 0.298 63.8 +-24.78 38 VERB_POSSESSION

56.201 +- 0.005 64 +- 5.67 39 VERB_SOCIAL

56.201 +- 0.005 64.3 +- 4.86 45 VERB_CHANGE

56.197 +- 0.013 64.7 +- 8.74 68 INTERJECTION_BAH

56.201 +- 0.005 64.7 +- 5.27 59 VER:pper

56.197 +- 0.015 65.2 +- 7.08 69 INTERJECTION_HOLÀ

56.139 +- 0.062 66.7 +-20.16 27 MATCHINGPPER_ELLES

56.183 +- 0.008 71.8 +- 5.23 72 INTERJECTION_BRAVO

56.005 +- 0.121 74.2 +- 9.41 43 VERB_CREATION

56.079 +- 0.038 77.4 +- 1.56 2 AmmountOfDET

55.99 +- 0.142 78.1 +- 3.73 49 POSNPP

Annex B: Text collection author-name title year subgenre narration Balzac Pierrette 1840 blanche heterodiegetic Balzac TenebreuseAffaire 1841 policier heterodiegetic Balzac AlbertSavarus 1842 blanche heterodiegetic Sue MysteresParis02 1842 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MorneDiable 1842 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresParis01 1842 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP LoupBlanc 1843 blanche heterodiegetic Dumas Eppstein 1843 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP MysteresLondres1 1843 policier heterodiegetic FevalPP FanfaronsRoi 1843 blanche heterodiegetic FevalPP MysteresLondres3 1843 policier heterodiegetic Sue MysteresParis04 1843 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresParis05 1843 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue JuifErrant 1844 fantastique heterodiegetic Sand PecheAntoine 1845 blanche heterodiegetic Sue PaulaMonti 1845 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP Quittance2Galerie 1846 blanche heterodiegetic Sand LucreziaFloriani 1846 blanche homodiegetic Balzac CousineBette 1846 blanche heterodiegetic Gautier PartieCarrée 1848 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple02 1849 fantastique heterodiegetic Dumas Fantômes 1849 fantastique homodiegetic Dumas Olifus 1849 fantastique homodiegetic Dumas ColliersVelours 1850 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple03 1850 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple04 1850 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple07 1851 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple06 1851 fantastique heterodiegetic Aurevilly Ensorcelée 1852 fantastique homodiegetic Ponson Baronne 1852 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP ReineEpees 1852 blanche heterodiegetic Ponson FemmeImmortelle 1852 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple09 1853 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple08 1853 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple11 1854 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple10 1854 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple12 1855 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP MadameGilBlas 1856 blanche homodiegetic Gautier Avatar 1856 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP Louve2 1856 blanche heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple13 1856 fantastique heterodiegetic Gautier RomanMomie 1857 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple16 1857 fantastique heterodiegetic Dumas MeneurLoups 1857 fantastique heterodiegetic Sue MysteresPeuple15 1857 fantastique heterodiegetic Ponson ClubValets2 1858 policier heterodiegetic Ponson ExploitsRocambole3 1859 policier heterodiegetic Ponson ExploitsRocambole2 1859 policier heterodiegetic Ponson ExploitsRocambole1 1859 policier heterodiegetic Sand ElleLui 1859 blanche heterodiegetic Ponson Chevaliers 1860 policier heterodiegetic Féval Ténèbre 1860 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP ChevalierTenebre 1861 fantastique homodiegetic Aimard RodeursFrontieres 1861 blanche heterodiegetic Hugo Miserables1Fantine 1862 blanche heterodiegetic Ponson TestamentGrainDeSel 1862 policier heterodiegetic About OreilleCassée 1862 fantastique heterodiegetic Villiers Isis 1862 fantastique heterodiegetic FevalPP HabitsNoirs1 1863 policier heterodiegetic Aurevilly PrêtreMarié 1864 fantastique homodiegetic Féval Vampire 1865 fantastique homodiegetic Gaboriau Lerouge 1865 policier heterodiegetic FevalPP HabitsNoirs2Coeur 1865 policier heterodiegetic Ponson Breda 1866 fantastique heterodiegetic Ponson ResurrectionRocambole2 1866 policier heterodiegetic Verne CapitaineHatteras 1866 blanche heterodiegetic Ponson DernierMot3 1867 policier heterodiegetic Ponson DernierMot4 1867 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau EsclavesParis2 1867 policier heterodiegetic Ponson DernierMot2 1867 policier heterodiegetic Ponson MiseresLondres3 1868 policier heterodiegetic Aimard Ourson 1868 blanche heterodiegetic Ponson MiseresLondres2 1868 policier heterodiegetic Ponson MiseresLondres4 1868 policier heterodiegetic FevalPP HabitsNoirs3Rue 1868 policier heterodiegetic Ponson FéeAuteuil 1868 fantastique heterodiegetic Flaubert Education 1869 blanche heterodiegetic FevalPP HabitsNoirs4Arme 1869 policier heterodiegetic FevalPP HabitsNoirs5Maman 1869 policier heterodiegetic Gouraud EnfantsFerme 1869 blanche heterodiegetic Gaboriau MonsieurLecoq2 1869 policier heterodiegetic Zola FortuneRougon 1870 blanche heterodiegetic Ponson CordePendu1 1870 policier heterodiegetic Ponson CordePendu2 1870 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau VieInfernale2 1870 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau Degringolade1 1872 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau Degringolade3 1872 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau Degringolade2 1872 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau CordeCou2 1873 policier heterodiegetic Zola VentreParis 1873 blanche heterodiegetic Gaboriau CordeCou1 1873 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau Argent1 1874 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau Argent2 1874 policier heterodiegetic FevalPP VilleVampire 1875 fantastique homodiegetic Zola AbbeMouret 1875 blanche heterodiegetic Verne HectorServadac 1877 fantastique heterodiegetic Malot Cara 1878 blanche heterodiegetic AimardAuriac AigleNoirDacotahs 1878 blanche heterodiegetic Stolz SecretLaurent 1878 blanche heterodiegetic FevalPP HommeSansBras 1881 policier heterodiegetic Loti RomanSpahi 1881 blanche heterodiegetic Boisgobey Omnibus 1881 policier heterodiegetic Gaboriau AmoursEmpoisonneuse 1881 policier heterodiegetic Stolz Mesaventures 1881 blanche heterodiegetic FevalPP HistoireRevenants 1881 fantastique heterodiegetic Gouraud ChezGrandMere 1882 blanche heterodiegetic Aurevilly HistoireSans 1882 fantastique heterodiegetic Maupassant UneVie 1883 blanche heterodiegetic Rachilde MVénus 1884 fantastique heterodiegetic Boisgobey Voilette 1885 policier heterodiegetic Zola Germinal 1885 blanche heterodiegetic Ohnet GrandeMarnière 1885 blanche heterodiegetic Zola Oeuvre 1886 blanche heterodiegetic Villiers EveFuture 1886 fantastique heterodiegetic Boisgobey RubisOngle 1886 policier heterodiegetic Malot Zyte 1886 blanche heterodiegetic Loti PecheurIslande 1886 blanche heterodiegetic Mary RogerLaHonte 1886 blanche heterodiegetic Malot Conscience 1888 blanche heterodiegetic Boisgobey OeilChat1 1888 policier heterodiegetic Boisgobey Chat2 1888 policier heterodiegetic Gouraud QuandGrande 1888 blanche heterodiegetic Boisgobey MainFroide 1889 blanche heterodiegetic Boisgobey Opera2 1889 policier heterodiegetic Boisgobey MainFroide 1889 policier heterodiegetic Boisgobey Opera1 1889 policier heterodiegetic Boisgobey DoubleBlanc 1889 policier heterodiegetic
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