QuickXDev --ver 3.3 ========= Powerful quick-cocos2d-x develop plugin for sublime text 2/3 CHINESEļ¼šhttp://my.oschina.net/lonewolf/blog?catalog=412647 ## Description A quick-cocos2d-x develop plugin for sublime text 2/3. ##Features * quick-cocos2d-x api completions support(framework and cocos2dx tolua) * goto definition * create new project * run with player * compile scripts * user definition auto completion * system api completions support (lua 5.1) * some snippets,like if-else,if-elseif-else,while,comment,repeat-until.... * create new lua file with template * lua biuld system ## Installation 1.Install via [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/) 2.Download .zip source file, then unzip it,rename it with "QuickXDev",then clone "QuickXDev" folder into the SublimeText ```Packages``` directory. A restart of SublimeText might be nessecary to complete the install. ## Usage ###setting ``` { "quick_cocos2dx_root": "/quick-cocos2d-x", "author": "", "compile_scripts_key": "encrypt_key" } ``` you must set "quick_cocos2dx_root" ### goto definition select a word then right click ->Goto Definition or press key ctrl+shift+g * support framework (i.e. CCNodeExtend, display.newScene, newScene, display.CENTER) * support cocos2dx (i.e. CCMoveBy, getWritablePath, CCMoveTo:create, create, kCCHTTPRequestMethodGET) * support user definition ### Create New Project right click a folder on the sidebar,select "Create New Project",enter the package name,then a new project will created. ### Run with player right click "src" folder on the sidebar,select "Run With Player",the player will run with current project. ### Compile Scripts right click "src" folder on the sidebar,select "Compile Scripts",enter the output file,then it will compile all scripts to the output file. ### User definition auto completion right click "src" folder on the sidebar,select "Rebuild User Definition". and when you save a lua file in sublime,it will auto build all user definition in the current file.