=============== 28-11-2023 =============== Device Changelog: Initial Android 14 release Updated kernel to 4.14.330 Merge latest caf tag LA.UM.9.1.r1-14700-SMxxx0.QSSI13.0 Compiled with latest playground clang 18 Fixed an issue where the number would not be parsed correctly in the phone app Fixed an issue where the adaptive color mode would have frame drops Enable subtle tick vibration when revealing shelf Move to QTI health AIDL service Update blobs and MiuiCamera from from sweet V14.0.8.0.TKFMIXM Update and label public libraries from sweet V14.0.7.0.TKFMIXM Implement Dolby Atmos Fixed an issue where the autobrightness transition was not smooth after using MiuiCamera Added missing ADSP modules and audio dependencies Unpin the global acdbdata calibration file Fix PowerOffAlarm (where the phone used to reboot before the alarm even when the phone was on) Enable usage of dex2oat64 Implement hbm and anti flicker mode Import missing qcrild dependency Target current sdk for XiaomiParts Refactor ClearSpeakerFragment code Add {navigation,video} thermal profiles Other misc. changes