# Sublime-Clannad-Theme > Hey! 🌈 Meet the Clannad Theme for [Sublime Text 4](http://sublimetext.com) – cozy coding with a dash of tranquility from the beloved anime series. Let's make coding as chill as a lazy Sunday afternoon! 😎✨ ## Preview ### Clannad Theme
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### Only Clannad Color Scheme (under the default Adaptive Theme)

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## Installation ### Option 1: Using Package Control (Recommended) 1. Open Sublime Text. 2. Press the following key combination: - **Windows:** `Ctrl + Shift + P` - **Mac:** `Cmd + Shift + P` 3. Type `Package Control: Install Package` and press `Enter`. 4. Search for `Clannad Theme` and install it. ### Option 2: Manual Installation 1. **Locate Sublime Text Packages Directory:** - Open Sublime Text. - Click on `Preferences` -> `Browse Packages...`. 2. **Download the Clannad Theme Package:** - Visit the [releases page](https://github.com/lemorage/sublime-clannad-theme/releases). - Download the latest release of the `Clannad Theme` asset. 3. **Install the Theme:** - Move the downloaded package into the Sublime Text Packages directory. ## Applying the Theme or Color Scheme 1. **Apply the Theme:** - Go to `Preferences` -> `Select Theme...` or `Tools` -> `Command Palette` -> `UI: Select Theme`. - Choose the *Clannad Theme* from the available options. 2. **Apply the Color Scheme:** - Go to `Preferences` -> `Select Color Scheme...` or `Tools` -> `Command Palette` -> `UI: Select Color Scheme`. - Choose the *Clannad Color Scheme* from the available options. - Additionally, you might notice there is also a slightly older color scheme `ClannadLegacy`, which is available for your use. However, please be aware that this color scheme may not receive frequent updates and is maintained for legacy purposes. 3. **Enjoy a Pleasing Coding Experience!** ## Why Clannad Theme? - Choosing a color scheme for your coding environment is a personal decision, and this theme offers a unique twist, a refreshing alternative for those who want their coding environment to reflect their personal style. - We believe in keeping it simple yet classy. The theme focuses on simplicity and elegance, making your code not only easy to read but also a delight for the eyes. - It's not just about looks; It all comes down to a smooth transition between style and utility. The Clannad Theme ensures that your coding experience is not only visually pleasing but also practical and efficient. ## Inspirations This theme draws inspiration from the following sources. Credits to these projects and their authors. 1. [The Built-in Color Schemes in DrRacket](https://docs.racket-lang.org/drracket/color-scheme.html) 2. [Github Sublime Theme](https://github.com/mauroreisvieira/github-sublime-theme) ## Contributing Your contributions and suggestions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have ideas for improvements, please [open an issue](https://github.com/lemorage/sublime-clannad-theme/issues) or submit a pull request. Your feedback helps make this color scheme better for the community. ## License [BSD-2-Clause License](./LICENSE) © 2023 Clannad Theme