#### Note: This is deprecated software, I no longer maintain or use it, and there are probably many issues with it. Sublime Text Math Evaluator =========== Evaluate mathematical expressions in Sublime Text selection regions inline. Use the command `control + shift + m` (or `super + shift + m`) to evaluate all mathematical expressions in selection areas. Symbols and functions supported: | Expression| Example | Output | Expression | Example | Output | |:---------:|:-------------:|:---------:|:----------:|:-------------:|:---------:| |+ | 3 + 4 | 7 | abs | abs(4) | 4 | |- | 3 - 4 | -1 | trunc | trunc(4) | 4 | |* | 3 * 4 | 12 | round | round(4) | 4 | |/ | 3 / 4 | 0.75 | sgn | sgn(4) | 1 | |^ | 3 ^ 4 | 81 | E | 5E4 | 50000 | |sin | sin(4) | -0.7568 | e | e | 2.7182 | |cos | cos(4) | -0.6536 | pi | pi | 3.1415 | |tan | tan(4) | 1.1578 | In Action ----------- ![In action](http://i.imgur.com/8cXEAHB.gif "Evaluator in Action")