#!/usr/bin/perl # # An advanced SPF query, like spfquery command, but with two more result codes. # This script queries the public lists of SPFBL.net, so be careful about query limits. # # Usage: # spfbl.pl '' '' '' [debug|header ] # # Parameters: # 1 - IP address # 2 - hostname from HELO # 3 - envelope sender # 4 - debug mode (optional) # # Returns: # 0 - pass: accept the message because the sender is permitted. # 1 - fail: reject the message because the sender is not permitted. # 2 - softfail: accept the message, but flag it as suspect. # 3 - neutral: accept the message because of neutral result. # 4 - permerror: reject the message because it is a pemanent error. # 5 - temperror: defer the message because it is a temporary error. # 6 - none: accept the message because the sender don't have a SPF record. # 7 - accept: accept the message because it's a special situation. # 8 - junk: move the message to junk because it's probably spam. # 9 - reject: reject the message because it's a special situation. # 10 - defer: defer the message because it's a special situation. # # The output must be included as Received-SPF header. Example: # # Received-SPF: pass (matrix.spfbl.net: domain of postmaster@spfbl.net # designates as permitted sender) # identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; # envelope-from=postmaster@spfbl.net; # # These libraries must be installed before use it: # # sudo cpan -i -f Config::Std Net::IP Net::DNS Mail::SPF URI::Encode # sudo cpan -i -f LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request HTTP::Cookies # # For cPanel configuration, run this installation script: # # Install: # # sudo cpan -i -f Config::Std Net::IP Net::DNS Mail::SPF URI::Encode # sudo cpan -i -f LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request HTTP::Cookies JSON::XS # cd /usr/local/bin/ # wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leonamp/SPFBL/master/client/spfbl.pl # sudo chmod +x spfbl.pl # cd /usr/local/cpanel/etc/exim/acls/ACL_MAIL_BLOCK # wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leonamp/SPFBL/master/client/custom_end_mail_spfbl # service exim restart # # Uninstall: # # rm /usr/local/cpanel/etc/exim/acls/ACL_MAIL_BLOCK/custom_end_mail_spfbl # service exim restart # # # For Exim configuration, add this in the acl_check_mail ACL section and restart it: # # warn # logwrite = ${run{/usr/local/bin/spfbl.pl '$sender_host_address' \ # '$sender_helo_name' '$sender_address'}} # deny # message = 5.7.1 [SPF] $sender_host_address is not allowed to send mail from \ # ${if def:sender_address_domain {$sender_address_domain}{$sender_helo_name}}. \ # Please see http://www.openspf.org/Why?scope=${if def:sender_address_domain \ # {mfrom}{helo}};identity=${if def:sender_address_domain \ # {$sender_address}{$sender_helo_name}};ip=$sender_host_address # condition = ${if eq {$runrc}{1}{true}{false}} # deny # message = 5.7.0 Permanent DNS error while checking SPF record. # condition = ${if eq {$runrc}{4}{true}{false}} # defer # message = 4.5.1 Temporary DNS error while checking SPF record. Try again later. # condition = ${if eq {$runrc}{5}{true}{false}} # warn # condition = ${if eq {$runrc}{8}{true}{false}} # add_header = X-Spam-Flag: YES # deny # message = 5.7.1 Your sender cannot send messages to this recipient. # condition = ${if eq {$runrc}{9}{true}{false}} # defer # message = 4.7.1 Your sender is greylisted. # condition = ${if eq {$runrc}{10}{true}{false}} # warn # add_header = Received-SPF: $value # # # For Postfix configuration, follow this procedure and restart it: # # Add this line in master.cf file: # # policy-spfbl unix - n n - - spawn user=nobody argv=/usr/local/bin/spfbl.pl # # Add this line in section "smtpd_recipient_restrictions" in main.cf file: # # check_policy_service unix:private/policy-spfbl # # Keep this line comented at file main.cf: # # # soft_bounce=yes # # # SPFBL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SPFBL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SPFBL. If not, see . # # Project SPFBL - Copyright Leandro Carlos Rodrigues - leandro@spfbl.net # https://github.com/leonamp/SPFBL # # Version: 1.7 use Config::Std; use Net::IP qw(ip_expand_address ip_reverse); use Net::DNS; use Mail::SPF; use URI::Encode; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Cookies; use JSON::XS 'decode_json'; my %config; my $licence; my $ip; my $helo; my $sender; my $output; my $query; if ($#ARGV == -1) { my $params = {}; while ( my $line = ) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /=/) { my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $line, 2; $params->{$key} = $value; next; } else { last; } } if ($params->{sasl_method} ne '') { # Authenticated user. STDOUT->print("action=DUNNO\n\n"); STDOUT->flush(); exit 0; } $ip = $params->{client_address}; $helo = $params->{helo_name}; $sender = $params->{sender}; $output = 'postfix'; } elsif ($ARGV[3] eq 'debug') { $ip = $ARGV[0]; $helo = $ARGV[1]; $sender = $ARGV[2]; $output = 'debug'; } elsif ($ARGV[3] eq 'header') { $ip = $ARGV[0]; $helo = $ARGV[1]; $sender = $ARGV[2]; $output = 'header'; eval { read_config '/etc/spfbl.conf' => %config; $licence = $config{''}{'licence'}; }; if ($licence) { my $encoder = URI::Encode->new({encode_reserved => 1}); my $ip2 = $encoder->encode($ip); my $helo2 = $encoder->encode($helo); my $sender2 = $encoder->encode($sender); $query = "$licence?ip=$ip2&helo=$helo2&sender=$sender2"; for (my $i = 4; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { my $parameter = $ARGV[$i]; if ($parameter =~ m/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/g) { my $key = $1; my $value = $encoder->encode($2); $query = "$query&$key=$value"; } } } } else { $ip = $ARGV[0]; $helo = $ARGV[1]; $sender = $ARGV[2]; $output = 'header'; } my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( nameservers => [ '', '' ] ); my $reverse = ip_reverse($ip); my $hostname = $helo; my $fqdn; my $email; my $domain; my $result; # Fix IPv4 ip_reverse function result. if ($reverse =~ m/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){1})in-addr\.arpa\.$/i) { $reverse = "0.0.0.$reverse"; } elsif ($reverse =~ m/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){2})in-addr\.arpa\.$/i) { $reverse = "0.0.$reverse"; } elsif ($reverse =~ m/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3})in-addr\.arpa\.$/i) { $reverse = "0.$reverse"; } if (!$reverse) { print("permerror ($ip: invalid IP)"); exit 4; } elsif ($reverse =~ m/^(([0-9a-f]\.){32})ip6\.arpa\.$/i) { my $expanded = ip_expand_address($ip, 6); eval { my $packetAAAA = $resolver->query($helo, 'AAAA'); if ($packetAAAA) { foreach my $rrAAAA ($packetAAAA->answer) { if ($expanded eq ip_expand_address($rrAAAA->rdstring, 6)) { $fqdn = $helo; break; } } } }; if (!$fqdn) { eval { my $packetPTR = $resolver->query($reverse, 'PTR'); if ($packetPTR) { foreach my $rrPTR ($packetPTR->answer) { $hostname = $rrPTR->rdstring; $packetAAAA = $resolver->query($hostname, 'AAAA'); if ($packetAAAA) { foreach my $rrAAAA ($packetAAAA->answer) { if ($expanded eq ip_expand_address($rrAAAA->rdstring, 6)) { $fqdn = $hostname; break; } } } } } }; } $reverse = $1; } elsif ($reverse =~ m/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){4})in-addr\.arpa\.$/i) { my $expanded = ip_expand_address($ip, 4); eval { my $packetA = $resolver->query($helo, 'A'); if ($packetA) { foreach my $rrA ($packetA->answer) { if ($expanded eq ip_expand_address($rrA->rdstring, 4)) { $fqdn = $helo; break; } } } }; if (!$fqdn) { eval { my $packetPTR = $resolver->query($reverse, 'PTR'); if ($packetPTR) { foreach my $rrPTR ($packetPTR->answer) { my $hostname = $rrPTR->rdstring; $packetA = $resolver->query($hostname, 'A'); if ($packetA) { foreach my $rrA ($packetA->answer) { if ($expanded eq ip_expand_address($rrA->rdstring, 6)) { $fqdn = $hostname; break; } } } } } }; } $reverse = $1; } else { print("permerror ($reverse: undefined reverse version)"); exit 4; } if ($fqdn =~ m/^((([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9]))\.?$/i) { $fqdn = lc($1); } my $freemail = 0; my $invalid = 0; my $bounce = 0; if (!$sender) { $bounce = 1; } elsif ($sender =~ m/^([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)((\+|=)[a-zA-Z0-9._\+=-]+)?@((([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]))$/i) { $sender = "$1\@$4"; $domain = lc($4); $freemail = freemail($domain); if ($freemail) { $email = lc($1) . '\\@' . $domain; } else { $email = '\\@' . $domain; } } else { $invalid = 1; } my $qualifier; my $explanation; if ($sender) { eval { my $spf = Mail::SPF::Server->new(); my $request = Mail::SPF::Request->new( versions => [1, 2], scope => 'mfrom', identity => "$sender", ip_address => "$ip", helo_identity => "$helo" ); my $process = $spf->process($request); $qualifier = $process->code; $result = $process->code; $explanation = $process->local_explanation; } or do { $qualifier = 'temperror'; $result = 'temperror'; $explanation = "$domain: could not process SPF query"; }; if ($result eq 'none' || $result eq 'temperror') { eval { $resolver->query($domain, 'TXT'); if ($resolver->errorstring() eq 'NXDOMAIN') { $result = 'nxdomain'; } }; } } else { $qualifier = 'none'; $result = 'none'; $explanation = 'bounce message'; } my $information; if ($query) { $query = "$query&result=$result&fqdn=$fqdn"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 1 } ); $ua->timeout(5); $ua->cookie_jar( HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "/var/spfbl/cookie.jar", autosave => 1 ) ); my $header = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $query); my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $query, $header); my $response = $ua->request($request); if ($response->is_success){ my $content = decode_json($response->content); $result = $content->{'result'}; $information = $content->{'information'}; } elsif ($response->code eq 429) { # Expired licence. removeLicence(); $query = ''; } elsif ($response->code eq 500 && $response->as_string =~ m/Connection refused/){ # Query limit reached. $query = ''; } elsif ($response->code eq 500 && $response->as_string =~ m/Connection timed out/){ # Restarting server. $result = 'temperror'; $information = 'connection timeout'; } elsif ($response->code eq 500 && $response->as_string =~ m/Can't connect to/){ # Server busy. $result = 'temperror'; $information = 'connection fail'; } elsif ($response->code eq 500 && $response->as_string =~ m/read timeout/){ # Server busy. $result = 'temperror'; $information = 'response timeout'; } else { $result = 'temperror'; $information = $response->code . ' ' . $response->as_string; } } if (!$query) { my $focused = $freemail && $result eq 'pass'; my $good = 0; my $essential = 0; my $transactional = 0; my $bulk = 0; my $trusted = 0; if (!$focused) { eval { my $packet = $resolver->query($reverse . 'dnswl.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code eq '') { $good = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $essential = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $transactional = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $bulk = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $trusted = 1; } } } }; if ($fqdn) { eval { $packet = $resolver->query($fqdn . '.dnswl.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code eq '') { $good = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $essential = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $transactional = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $bulk = 1; } elsif ($code eq '') { $trusted = 1; } } } }; } } if (!$good && $result eq 'pass') { eval { $packet = $resolver->query($email . '.dnswl.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code eq '') { $good = 1; } } } }; } my $bad = 0; my $suspicious = 0; my $notserver = 0; my $residential = 0; my $generic = 0; if (!$good) { if (!$focused) { eval { my $packet = $resolver->query($reverse . 'dnsbl.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code eq '') { $bad++; } elsif ($code eq '') { $suspicious++; } elsif ($code eq '') { $notserver++; } } } }; eval { if ($fqdn) { $packet = $resolver->query($fqdn . '.dnsbl.spfbl.net', 'A'); } else { $packet = $resolver->query($hostname . '.dnsbl.spfbl.net', 'A'); } if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code eq '') { $bad++; } elsif ($code eq '') { $suspicious++; } elsif ($code eq '') { $residential = 1; } } } }; } eval { $packet = $resolver->query($email . '.dnsbl.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code eq '') { $bad++; } elsif ($code eq '') { $suspicious++; } elsif ($code eq '') { $generic = 1; } } } }; } my $score = ''; if ($bad) { eval { $packet = $resolver->query($email . '.score.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code =~ m/^127\.0\.1\.([0-9]{1,3})$/i) { $score = $1; } } } }; if ($score eq '') { if ($fqdn) { eval { $packet = $resolver->query($fqdn . '.score.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code =~ m/^127\.0\.1\.([0-9]{1,3})$/i) { $score = $1; } } } }; } if ($score eq '') { eval { my $packet = $resolver->query($reverse . 'score.spfbl.net', 'A'); if ($packet) { foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) { my $code = $rr->rdstring; if ($code =~ m/^127\.0\.1\.([0-9]{1,3})$/i) { $score = $1; } } } }; } } } if ($bounce && $bulk) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'bounce from bulk provider'; } elsif ($good) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'good reputation'; } elsif ($result eq 'nxdomain') { $result = 'reject'; $information = 'non-existent domain'; } elsif ($residential) { $result = 'reject'; $information = 'residential IP'; } elsif (!$fqdn && $result ne 'pass') { $result = 'reject'; $information = 'invalid FQDN'; } elsif ($invalid) { $result = 'reject'; $information = 'invalid sender'; } elsif ($score ne '' && $bad ge $score) { $result = 'reject'; $information = 'very bad reputation'; } elsif ($bad && $generic) { $result = 'reject'; $information = 'bad generic server'; } elsif ($bad) { $result = 'junk'; $information = 'bad reputation'; } elsif ($essential && $result ne 'pass') { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'essential organization'; } elsif ($transactional && $result ne 'pass') { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'transactional email server'; } elsif ($bulk && $result eq 'fail') { $result = 'softfail'; $information = 'bulk email provider'; } elsif ($bulk && $result eq 'permerror') { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'bulk email provider'; } elsif ($suspicious && $result eq 'softfail') { $result = 'junk'; $information = 'suspicious origin'; } elsif ($suspicious && $result eq 'permerror') { $result = 'junk'; $information = 'suspicious origin'; } elsif ($notserver && $generic) { $result = 'junk'; $information = 'generic sender'; } elsif ($notserver && $result eq 'softfail') { $result = 'junk'; $information = 'non email server'; } elsif ($notserver && $result eq 'permerror') { $result = 'junk'; $information = 'non email server'; } elsif ($generic && $result eq 'permerror') { $result = 'junk'; $information = 'generic sender'; } elsif ($trusted) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'trusted abuse team'; } elsif ($bounce) { $information = 'bounce message'; } elsif ($result eq 'none') { $information = 'no valid SPF registry'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror' && $explanation =~ m/ Redundant applicable /) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'redundant SPF registry'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror' && $explanation =~ m/ Maximum DNS-interactive terms limit /) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'maximum DNS look-ups exceeded'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror' && $explanation =~ m/ Maximum void DNS look-ups limit /) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'maximum void DNS look-ups exceeded'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror' && $explanation =~ m/ Junk encountered in /) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'SPF syntax error'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror' && $explanation =~ m/ Unknown mechanism /) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'SPF syntax error'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror' && $explanation =~ m/ Missing required /) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'SPF syntax error'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror' && $explanation =~ m/ has no applicable sender policy/) { $result = 'accept'; $information = 'no applicable sender policy for include'; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror') { $information = 'could not process SPF query'; } elsif ($result eq 'temperror' && $explanation =~ m/ 'SERVFAIL' /) { $information = 'DNS service failed'; } elsif ($result eq 'temperror') { $information = 'could not process SPF query'; } elsif ($result eq 'pass') { $information = "designates $ip as permitted sender"; } else { $information = "does not designate $ip as permitted sender"; } } if ($output eq 'header') { if ($qualifier eq $result) { print("$qualifier \($information\) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=$ip; helo=$helo; envelope-from=$sender\;"); } else { print("$qualifier \($result: $information\) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=$ip; helo=$helo; envelope-from=$sender\;"); } } elsif ($output eq 'postfix') { if ($result eq 'fail') { STDOUT->print("action=550 5.7.1 $information.\n\n"); } elsif ($result eq 'permerror') { STDOUT->print("action=550 5.7.1 $information.\n\n"); } elsif ($result eq 'temperror') { STDOUT->print("action=451 4.4.3 $information.\n\n"); } elsif ($result eq 'junk') { STDOUT->print("action=PREPEND X-Spam-Flag: YES;\n\n"); } elsif ($result eq 'reject') { STDOUT->print("action=550 5.7.1 $information.\n\n"); } elsif ($result eq 'defer') { STDOUT->print("action=action=451 4.7.1 You sender is greylisted.\n\n"); } else { STDOUT->print("action=PREPEND Received-SPF: $qualifier \($information\) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=$ip; helo=$helo; envelope-from=$sender\;\n\n"); } STDOUT->flush(); exit 0; } else { print("IP: $ip\n"); print("HELO: $helo\n"); print("SENDER: $sender\n"); print("\n"); print("FQDN: $fqdn\n"); print("HOSTNAME: $hostname\n"); print("REVERSE: $reverse\n"); print("EMAIL: $email\n"); print("\n"); print("FREEMAIL: $freemail\n"); print("FOCUSED: $focused\n"); print("GOOD: $good\n"); print("ESSENTIAL: $essential\n"); print("TRANSACTIONAL: $transactional\n"); print("BULK: $bulk\n"); print("\n"); print("BAD: $bad\n"); print("SUSPICIOUS: $suspicious\n"); print("NOTSERVER: $notserver\n"); print("RESIDENTIAL: $residential\n"); print("GENERIC: $generic\n"); print("SCORE: $score\n"); print("\n"); print("EXPLANATION: $explanation\n"); if ($qualifier eq $result) { print("RESULT: $qualifier \($information\) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=$ip; helo=$helo; envelope-from=$sender\;\n"); } else { print("RESULT: $qualifier \($result: $information\) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=$ip; helo=$helo; envelope-from=$sender\;\n"); } print("\n"); } if ($result eq 'pass') { exit 0; } elsif ($result eq 'fail') { exit 1; } elsif ($result eq 'softfail') { exit 2; } elsif ($result eq 'neutral') { exit 3; } elsif ($result eq 'permerror') { exit 4; } elsif ($result eq 'temperror') { exit 5; } elsif ($result eq 'none') { exit 6; } elsif ($result eq 'accept') { exit 7; } elsif ($result eq 'junk') { exit 8; } elsif ($result eq 'reject') { exit 9; } elsif ($result eq 'defer') { exit 10; } else { exit 4; } sub freemail { my @freemail = ('gmail.com', 'hotmail.com', 'terra.com.br', 'yahoo.com.br', 'outlook.com', 'juno.com', 'uol.com.br', 'superwave.com.br', 'ig.com.br', 'yahoo.com', 'gpturbo.com.br', 'icloud.com', 'googlegroups.com', 'bol.com.br', 'googlemail.com', '163.com', 'desbrava.com.br', 'outlook.com.br', 'globo.com', 'sky.com', 'live.com', 'hotmail.com.br', 'shared.mandic.net.br', 'net11.com.br', 'bnet.com.br', 'portalnet.com.br', 'tolrs.com.br', 'ps5.com.br', 'tl.com.br', 'zoho.com', '126.com', 'test.com', 'email.com', 'msn.com', 'gmail.com.br', 'pannet.com.br', 'excite.it', 'me.com', 'netuno.com.br', 'aol.com', 'oi.net.br', 'globomail.com', 'plugarnet.com.br', 'chacuo.net', 'qq.com', 'mail.com', 'mail.ru', 'speedy.com.ar', 'walla.co.il', 'discovery.com', 'onda.com.br', 'ttml.co.in', 'hanmail.net', 'wanadoo.es', 'sercomtel.com.br', 'orange.fr', 'yandex.com', 'aliyun.com', 'ymail.com', 'ibest.com.br', 'pando.com', 'yahoo.dk', 'mhnet.com.br', 'sinos.net', 'veloxmail.com.br', 'eresmas.com', 'dgnet.com.br', 'att.net', 'alice.it', 'brturbo.com.br', 'rambler.ru', 't-online.de', 'bk.ru', 'aol.fr', 'com4.com.br', 'gmx.de', 'yahoo.co.jp', 'vip.163.com', 'yahoo.it', 'bt.com', 'foxmail.com', 'daum.net', 'terra.com', 'sbcglobal.net', 'mdbrasil.com.br', 'netvigator.com', 'yahoogrupos.com.br', '188.com', 'consultant.com', 'hotmail.it', 'outlook.fr', 'breathe.com', 'comcast.net', 'litoral.com.br', 'tiscali.it', 'veloturbo.com.br', 'americanet.com.br', 'yandex.ru', 'yahoo.co.uk', 'citromail.hu', 'live.co.uk', 'hotmail.co.uk', 'verizon.net', 'wnet.com.br', 'ya.com', 'web.de', 'mailcan.com', 'freemail.hu', 'cox.net', 'tca.com.br', 'libero.it', 'ntlworld.com', 'yahoo.com.ar', 'mundivox.com', 'netsite.com.br', 'lpnet.com.br', 'protonmail.com', 'wanadoo.fr', 'virgin.net', 'redesul.com.br', 'zipmail.com.br', 'rediffmail.com', 'adinet.com.uy', 'bellsouth.net', 'powerline.com.br', 'yahoo.com.hk', 'certelnet.com.br', 'desktop.com.br', 'mixmail.com', 'netbig.com.br', 'sina.com', 'spoofmail.de', 'abv.bg', 'mail.bg', 'orange.net', 'sapo.pt', 'blueyonder.co.uk', 'gmx.net', 'throwam.com', 'ya.ru', 'gmx.com', 'hughes.net', 'pzo.com.br', 'gruposinos.com.br', 'hitmail.com', 'hotmail.fr', 'oi.com.br', 'usa.com', 'yahoo.es', 'live.it', 'zohomail.com', 'dglnet.com.br', 'excite.co', 'wln.com.br', 'yahoo.de', 'yahoo.fr', 'engineer.com', 'usa.net', 'vetorial.net', 'inbox.ru', 'montevideo.com.uy', 'katamail.com', 'mail2freedom.com', 'wp.pl', 'financier.com', 'o2.pl', 'onet.pl', 'rocketmail.com', 'yaho.com', 'vip.sina.com', 'earthlink.net', 'freenet.de', 'netscape.net', 'outlook.de', 'excite.com', 'outlook.pt', 'virgilio.it', 'whale-mail.com', 'gmx.at', 'hotmail.de', 'huhmail.com', 'onda.net.br', 'versatel.nl', 'btinternet.com', 'canoemail.com', 'netzero.net', 'telenet.be', 'bigmir.net', 'gmx.co.uk', 'matrix.com.br', 'outlook.es', 'webjump.com', 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'yahoo.com.vn', 'yahoo.in', 'yandex.ua', 'zednet.co.uk', 'zworg.com'); foreach $domain (@freemail) { if (@_[0] eq $domain) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub removeLicence() { if (%config) { eval { $config{''}{'licence'} = ''; write_config %config; }; } }