""" BIGREST SDK tests Perform test on a BIG-IQ device """ # External Imports # Import only with "import package", # it will make explicity in the code where it came from. import getpass import os import hashlib # Internal imports # Import only with "from x import y", to simplify the code. from ..bigrest.bigiq import BIGIQ from ..bigrest.utils.utils import token from ..bigrest.utils.utils import refresh_token # Get username, password, and ip print("Username: ", end="") username = input() password = getpass.getpass() print("Device IP or name: ", end="") ip = input() # Create a device object with basic authentication device = BIGIQ(ip, username, password, debug="debug.txt", session_verify=False) # Objects list device_name = "LABBIGIP1.lab.local" device_name2 = "LABBIGIP2.lab.local" pool_name = "bigrest_pool" node_name = "" member_name = "" partition_name = "Common" virtual_name = "bigrest_vs" scf_name = "bigrest.scf" filename = "bigrest.iso" # Get device link path = ( f"/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-adccore-allbigipDevices/devices" f"?$filter=hostname eq '{device_name}'" ) device_link = device.link(path) path = ( f"/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-adccore-allbigipDevices/devices" f"?$filter=hostname eq '{device_name2}'" ) device_link2 = device.link(path) # Create node data = { "partition": f"{partition_name}", "name": f"{node_name}", "address": "", "deviceReference": { "link": device_link } } node = device.create( "/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/node", data) node_id = node.properties["id"] node_link = node.properties["selfLink"] if node.properties["name"] != node_name: raise Exception(node.properties["name"]) else: print(f"Node {node_name} created.") # Create Pool data = { "partition": f"{partition_name}", "name": f"{pool_name}", "deviceReference": { "link": device_link } } pool = device.create( "/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/pool", data) pool_id = pool.properties["id"] pool_link = pool.properties["selfLink"] if pool.properties["name"] != pool_name: raise Exception(pool.properties["name"]) else: print(f"Pool {pool_name} created.") # Add pool member data = { "partition": f"{partition_name}", "name": f"{member_name}", "port": 80, "nodeReference": { "link": node_link } } path = ( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/pool" f"/{pool_id}/members" ) member = device.create(path, data) member_id = member.properties["id"] if member.properties["name"] != member_name: raise Exception(member.properties["name"]) else: print(f"Member {member_name} created.") # Create virtual data = { "partition": f"{partition_name}", "name": f"{virtual_name}", "destinationAddress": "", "mask": "", "destinationPort": 80, "sourceAddress": "", "deviceReference": { "link": device_link } } virtual = device.create( "/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual", data) virtual_id = virtual.properties["id"] if virtual.properties["name"] != virtual_name: raise Exception(virtual.properties["name"]) else: print(f"Virtual {virtual_name} created.") # Add pool to virtual server virtual = device.load( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual/{virtual_id}") virtual.properties["poolReference"] = {"link": f"{pool_link}"} virtual_updated = device.save(virtual) if virtual_updated.properties["poolReference"]["name"] != pool_name: raise Exception(virtual_updated.properties["poolReference"]["name"]) else: print(f"Virtual {virtual_name} modified.") # Deploy configuration - task test data = { "name": "BIGREST Add config to device", "deviceReferences": [ { "link": device_link }, { "link": device_link2 } ], "disableUnusedObjectRemoval": True } task = device.task_start( "/mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/deploy-configuration", data) device.task_wait(task) if device.task_completed(task): print("Task test completed.") else: raise Exception() # Print virtual servers name virtuals = device.load("/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual") print("List all virtual servers:") for virtual in virtuals: print(virtual.properties["deviceReference"]["name"]) print(virtual.properties["name"]) # Print node node = device.load( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/node/{node_id}") print("Print node:") print(node) # Print node example node = device.example("/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/node") print("Print node example:") print(node) # Modify pool description data = {} description = "bigrest" data["description"] = description pool_updated = device.modify( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/pool/{pool_id}", data) if pool_updated.properties["description"] != description: raise Exception(pool_updated.properties["description"]) else: print(f"Pool {virtual_name} modified.") # Test if virtual server exists path = ( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual" f"?$filter=name eq '{virtual_name}'" ) if device.exist(path): print(f"Virtual {virtual_name} exists.") else: raise Exception(f"Error testing if {virtual_name} exists.") fake_virtual_name = "/Common/fake" path = ( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual" f"?$filter=name eq '{fake_virtual_name}'" ) if device.exist(path): raise Exception(f"Error testing if {fake_virtual_name} exists.") else: print(f"Virtual {fake_virtual_name} does not exist.") # Show virtual server information virtual = device.show( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual/{virtual_id}") virtual_availability = virtual.properties[ "status.availabilityState"]["description"] if virtual_availability != "unknown": raise Exception(virtual_availability) else: print(f"Virtual {virtual_name} availability.") # Test transaction # BIG-IQ does not support transactions # Test command data = {} data["command"] = "run" data["utilCmdArgs"] = "-c1 localhost" result = device.command("/mgmt/tm/util/ping", data) if "1 received" in result: print("Ping command tested.") else: raise Exception(result) # Test upload and download with open(filename, "wb") as file_: file_.write(os.urandom(10485760)) with open(filename, "rb") as file_: file_hash = hashlib.md5() file_hash.update(file_.read()) md5_original = file_hash.hexdigest() device.upload("/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads", filename=filename) os.remove(filename) data = {} data["command"] = "run" data["utilCmdArgs"] = ("/var/config/rest/downloads/bigrest.iso " "/var/config/rest/downloads/tmp-access/") device.command("/mgmt/tm/util/unix-mv", data) device.download( "/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/downloads", filename=filename) with open(filename, "rb") as file_: file_hash = hashlib.md5() file_hash.update(file_.read()) md5_new = file_hash.hexdigest() if md5_original == md5_new: print("Upload and download tests completed.") else: raise Exception("Different md5s.") # Create a device object with basic authentication and request_token device = BIGIQ(ip, username, password, request_token=True, session_verify=False) # Create a device object to use token token_ = token(ip, username, password, verify=False) device = BIGIQ(ip, username, password, token=token_, session_verify=False) # Create a device object to use refresh token refresh_token_ = refresh_token(ip, username, password) device = BIGIQ(ip, refresh_token=refresh_token_, session_verify=False) # Delete pool member path = ( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/pool" f"/{pool_id}/members/{member_id}" ) device.delete(path) print(f"Member {member_name} deleted.") # Delete node device.delete(f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/node/{node_id}") print(f"Node {node_name} deleted.") # Delete virtual device.delete( f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual/{virtual_id}") print(f"Virtual {virtual_name} deleted.") # Delete pool device.delete(f"/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/pool/{pool_id}") print(f"Pool {pool_name} deleted.") # Remove local file os.remove(filename) print(f"Local file {filename} deleted.") # Remove remote file data = {} data["command"] = "run" data["utilCmdArgs"] = "/var/config/rest/downloads/bigrest.iso" result = device.command("/mgmt/tm/util/unix-rm", data) print(f"Remote file {filename} deleted.") # Remove configuration data = { "name": "BIGREST remove config to device", "deviceReferences": [ { "link": device_link }, { "link": device_link2 } ], "disableUnusedObjectRemoval": True } task = device.task_start( "/mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/deploy-configuration", data) device.task_wait(task) if device.task_completed(task): print("Task test completed.") else: raise Exception()