init start local Monsters = {"Swampling", "Snake", "Marsh Stalker", "Water Buffalo", "Salamander", "Emerald Damselfly"} local Players = { Consider = true, Distance = 10, FloorDifference = 1, SafeList = {"Bubble", "Eternal Oblivion"}, } local Spells = { {Name = "exori gran", Amount = 4}, {Name = "exori", Amount = 3}, {Name = "exori min", Amount = 2}, {Name = "exori ico", Hppc = 10}, {Name = "exori hur", Hppc = 10}, {Name = "utito tempo", Amount = 5}, } local SpecialAreas = { -- {min x, max x, min y, max y, z} } local UseTargetState = false -- DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE local i, LastFloor, Exhaust = 1, $posz, $timems while Spells[i] ~= nil do Spells[i].Info = spellinfo(Spells[i].Name) if Spells[i].Info.words == 0 then table.remove(Spells, i) else Spells[i].Monsters = Spells[i].Monsters or Monsters Spells[i].NeedDirection = table.find({"WaveSmall", "WaveMedium", "WaveVerySmall", "WaveBig", "BeamSmall", "BeamBig", "Front", "Strike"}, Spells[i].Info.castarea) ~= nil Spells[i].AttackSupport = Spells[i]"Support") ~= nil table.lower(Spells[i].Monsters) i = i + 1 end end init end auto(200, 400) if $posz ~= LastFloor then LastFloor, Exhaust = $posz, $timems + 2000 return end if $timems >= Exhaust and ($targeting or not UseTargetState) then for _, Spell in ipairs(Spells) do if cancast(Spell.Info) and not isinsidearea(SpecialAreas) then if Spell.Amount and (not Players.Consider or paroundfloorignore(Players.Distance, Players.FloorDifference, unpack(Players.SafeList)) == 0) then local BestAmount, BestDir = 0, $self.dir if Spell.NeedDirection then for Dir, Amount in pairs({n = 0, e = 0, s = 0, w = 0}) do Amount = maroundspell(Spell.Name, Dir, unpack(Spell.Monsters)) if Amount > BestAmount or (Amount >= BestAmount and Dir == $self.dir) then BestAmount, BestDir = Amount, Dir end end else BestAmount = not Spell.AttackSupport and maroundspell(Spell.Name, BestDir, unpack(Spell.Monsters)) or maround(1, false, unpack(Spell.Monsters)) end if BestAmount >= math.max(Spell.Amount, 1) then while $self.dir ~= BestDir do turn(BestDir) waitping() end cast(Spell.Name) waitping() end elseif Spell.Hppc and $attacked.hppc >= math.max(Spell.Hppc, 1) and table.find(Spell.Monsters, $ and cancast(Spell.Info, $attacked) then cast(Spell.Name) waitping() end end end end