#!/bin/bash # # @todo Nach jedem Skript Fehler abfangen # # set -e LSB_RELEASE="/usr/bin/lsb_release" ERROR=1 # Check if we can use colours in our output use_colour=0 [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null && use_colour=1 # Some useful functions progress() { [ $use_colour -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "\033[01;32m" echo -e "$@" >&2 [ $use_colour -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "\033[00m" } info() { [ $use_colour -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "\033[01;34m" echo -e "$@" >&2 [ $use_colour -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "\033[00m" } die () { [ $use_colour -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "\033[01;31m" echo -e "$@" >&2 [ $use_colour -eq 1 ] && echo -ne "\033[00m" exit 1 } if [ "$1" = "quickinstall" ] then exit_error() { if [ $ERROR -eq 1 ] then die "An error occurred while processing quickinstall mode. Pleasy try manually installation" fi } trap exit_error EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM fi check_install_deb() { progress "Installing dependencies.." packages=$1 for P in $packages do dpkg -s "$P" >/dev/null 2>&1 && { info $P is installed } || { install_package "$P" } done info "\t..done" } install_package() { package=$1 info "install ${package}" apt-get -qq -y install $package 2>&1 > /dev/null return $? } [ "x$(id -un)" == "xroot" ] || die "Sorry, this script must be run as root." [ -x $LSB_RELEASE ] || install_package "lsb-release" # Creating needed folders mkdir -p /var/log/yahm mkdir -p /var/lib/yahm # check architecture case `dpkg --print-architecture` in armhf|arm64) info "Found ARM based distribution" ;; i386|amd64|i686|x86_64) info "X86 CPU found, need to install QEMU" check_install_deb "qemu-user-static binfmt-support" ;; *) die "Unsupported CPU architecture, we support only ARM and x86" ;; esac DIST_ID="$($LSB_RELEASE -is)" CODENAME="$($LSB_RELEASE -cs)" INTERFACE="eth0" DIST="" IS_VERBOSE=0 # Check the distribution is in the supported list case "$DIST_ID:$CODENAME" in Raspbian:jessie) DIST="debian";; Raspbian:stretch) DIST="debian";; Debian:jessie) DIST="debian";; Debian:stretch) DIST="debian";; Ubuntu:xenial) DIST="ubuntu";; *) die "Sorry, this script does not support your distribution/release ($DIST_ID $CODENAME)." ;; esac progress "Updating sources (can take some time).." apt-get -q=2 update info "\t..done" check_install_deb "bash-completion wget dos2unix python git lxc liblzo2-dev bridge-utils python-lzo patch gzip openssl" progress "Clean up YAHM directory (removing old versions).." rm -rf /opt/YAHM info "\t...done" # checkout all files progress "Downloading actual version from git repository.." mkdir -p /opt cd /opt ##################################### #### REMOVE --branch IN MASTER !!!!!# ##################################### git clone --recursive https://github.com/leonsio/YAHM.git 2>>/var/log/yahm/git.log >>/var/log/yahm/git.log cd /opt/YAHM # update modules git submodule foreach git pull origin master 2>>/var/log/yahm/git.log >>/var/log/yahm/git.log # update second level submodule git submodule foreach git submodule update --init --recursive 2>>/var/log/yahm/git.log >>/var/log/yahm/git.log info "\t..done" progress "Including YAHM into PATH.." chmod +x /opt/YAHM/bin/* ln -sf /opt/YAHM/bin/* /usr/sbin/ info "\t..done" progress "Installing bash command completion.." ln -sf /opt/YAHM/share/yahm_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/yahm_completion info "\tdone" if [ "$1" = "ui" ] && [ "$DIST" != "ubuntu" ] then info "\n\tEnter UI mode\n" /opt/YAHM/bin/yahm-ui info "\n\tuse 'yahm-ui' to launch the UI again\n" fi if [ "$1" = "quickinstall" ] && [ "$DIST" != "ubuntu" ] then info "\n\tEnter quick install mode\n" if [ "$DIST_ID" = "Raspbian" ] ; then if [ $(cat /etc/dhcpcd.conf | grep -v "^#" | grep "interface " | wc -l) -gt 0 ] ; then die "Custom network configuration is not supported, please use manual installation" fi info "Disable new dhcpcd on Raspbian" systemctl disable dhcpcd.service systemctl stop dhcpcd.service if [ "$CODENAME" = "jessie" ] ; then sed -i /etc/network/interfaces -e "s/iface eth0 inet manual/auto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp/" fi if [ "$CODENAME" = "stretch" ] ; then # INTERFACE=`ls /sys/class/net | grep enx` cat >> "/etc/network/interfaces" <>/var/log/yahm/network_create.log >>/var/log/yahm/network_create.log info "\tBridge yahmbr0 with interface eth0 was created\n" progress "\tAttaching network configuration to LXC container" /opt/YAHM/bin/yahm-network attach_bridge 2>>/var/log/yahm/network_attach.log >>/var/log/yahm/network_attach.log info "\tyahmbr0 was attached to YAHM LXC container\n" #progress "\n\tStarting LXC container (timeout 20 seconds )\n" #lxc-start -n yahm -d 2>>/var/log/yahm/ccu_start.log >>/var/log/yahm/ccu_start.log #sleep 20 #info "\tYAHM started\n" source /opt/YAHM/share/tools/arm-board-detect/armhwinfo.sh if [ "$BOARD_TYPE" = "Raspberry Pi" ] || [ "$BOARD_TYPE" = "ASUS" ] then info "\tFound ${BOARD_TYPE} hardware, installing pivccu-driver\n" /opt/YAHM/bin/yahm-module -m pivccu-driver enable else info "Automatic module installation currently only supported on raspberry pi or asus tinker board" info "To disable homematic-ip warnings, please run 'yahm-module -f -m homematic-ip disable'" fi info "ATTENTION: Please verify your network configuration (/etc/network/interfaces)" info "WARNING: You may became new IP-address after reboot" info "YAHM was successfully installed, please restart your system, to activate new networking configuration" # Disable Error handling ERROR=0 else # Info info "Please see 'yahm-lxc' for creating new container, 'yahm-network' for network configuration and 'yahm-modules' for additional modules" ERROR=0 fi