require 'lewis6991.status' require 'lewis6991.tabline' require 'lewis6991.diagnostic' require 'lewis6991.jump' local o, api = vim.opt, vim.api local add_command = api.nvim_create_user_command local function autocmd(name) return function(opts) if opts[1] then if type(opts[1]) == 'function' then opts.callback = opts[1] elseif type(opts[1]) == 'string' then opts.command = opts[1] end opts[1] = nil end api.nvim_create_autocmd(name, opts) end end local function map(mode) return function(first) return function(second) local opts if type(second) == 'table' then opts = second second = opts[1] opts[1] = nil end vim.keymap.set(mode, first, second, opts) end end end local function nmap(first) return map 'n' (first) end local function vmap(first) return map 'v' (first) end local function cmap(first) return map 'c' (first) end local M = {} if 'Plugins' then -- Load any plugins which are work sensitive. for _, f in ipairs(vim.fn.globpath('~/gerrit/', '*', false, true)) do o.rtp:prepend(f) end -- Stop loading built in plugins vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 vim.g.loaded_tutor_mode_plugin = 1 vim.g.loaded_2html_plugin = 1 vim.g.loaded_zipPlugin = 1 vim.g.loaded_tarPlugin = 1 vim.g.loaded_gzip = 1 api.nvim_create_augroup('vimrc', {}) -- Plugins are 'start' plugins so are loaded automatically, but to enable packer -- commands we need to require plugins at some point autocmd 'CursorHold' { function() require'lewis6991.plugins' end, once = true, desc = 'Load Packer' } end if 'Options' then o.backup = true o.backupdir:remove('.') o.breakindent = true -- Indent wrapped lines to match start o.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' -- o.cmdheight = 0 o.expandtab = true o.fillchars = 'eob: ' -- Remove tilda from signcolumn o.hidden = true o.ignorecase = true o.inccommand = 'split' o.number = true o.previewheight = 30 o.pumblend = 10 o.relativenumber = true o.scrolloff = 6 o.shiftwidth = 4 o.sidescroll = 6 o.sidescrolloff = 6 o.signcolumn = 'auto:3' o.smartcase = true o.softtabstop = 4 o.startofline = false o.swapfile = false o.tabstop = 4 o.termguicolors = true o.textwidth = 80 o.updatetime = 200 o.virtualedit = 'block' -- allow cursor to exist where there is no character o.winblend = 10 o.wrap = false o.lazyredraw = true -- Avoid showing message extra message when using completion o.shortmess:append('c') -- o.shortmess:append('I') -- o.shortmess:remove('F') o.completeopt:append{'noinsert','menuone','noselect','preview'} -- o.completeopt = 'noinsert,menuone,noselect,preview' o.showbreak = '↳ ' -- o.showbreak = ' ↳ ' o.mouse = 'a' o.diffopt:append('vertical') -- Show diffs in vertical splits o.diffopt:append('foldcolumn:0') -- Show diffs in vertical splits o.diffopt:append('indent-heuristic') o.undolevels = 10000 o.undofile = true o.splitright = true o.splitbelow = true o.spell = true local xdg_cfg = os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') if xdg_cfg then o.spellfile = xdg_cfg..'/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add' end o.formatoptions:append('r') -- Automatically insert comment leader after in Insert mode. o.formatoptions:append('o') -- Automatically insert comment leader after 'o' or 'O' in Normal mode. o.formatoptions:append('l') -- Long lines are not broken in insert mode. o.formatoptions:remove('t') -- Do not auto wrap text o.formatoptions:append('n') -- Recognise lists end if 'Folding' then vim.g.sh_fold_enabled = 1 o.foldmethod='syntax' o.foldcolumn='0' o.foldnestmax=3 o.foldopen:append('jump') -- o.foldminlines=10 end if 'Whitespace' then o.list = true o.listchars = 'tab:▸ ' -- Show tabs as '▸ ▸ ' -- Highlight trailing whitespace -- setup in VimEnter to stop the intro screen being cleared autocmd 'VimEnter' { group = 'vimrc', function() autocmd 'BufEnter' { group = 'vimrc', vim.schedule_wrap(function() if == "" then vim.fn.matchadd('ColorColumn', '\\s\\+$') end end) } end } end if "Mappings" then nmap 'ev' ':edit $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/lua/lewis6991/init.lua' nmap 'eV' ':edit $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.lua' nmap 'el' ':edit $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/lua/lewis6991/plugins.lua' nmap 's' ':%s/\\<\\>\\C//g' nmap 'c' '1z=' nmap 'w' ':execute "resize ".line("$")' nmap 'k' {[[v:count == 0 ? 'gk' : 'k']], expr=true} nmap 'j' {[[v:count == 0 ? 'gj' : 'j']], expr=true} nmap 'Y' 'y$' nmap 'Q' ':w' vmap 'Q' '' nmap 'gQ' '' vmap 'gQ' '' vmap 'gQ' {function() vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting() end} -- delete the current buffer without deleting the window nmap 'b' ':b#|bd#' -- I never use macros and more often mis-hit this key nmap 'q' '' -- Show syntax highlighting groups for word under cursor local function syn_stack() local c = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) local stack = vim.fn.synstack(c[1], c[2]+1) for i, l in ipairs(stack) do stack[i] = vim.fn.synIDattr(l, 'name') end print(vim.inspect(stack)) end nmap 'z' (syn_stack) nmap '' ':nohlsearch' -- map('n', '' , ':bnext', {}) -- map('n', '', ':bprev', {}) nmap '' {':tabnext', silent=true} nmap '' {':tabprev', silent=true} nmap '|' {[[!v:count ? "v" : '|']], expr=true, silent=true} nmap '_' {[[!v:count ? "s" : '_']], expr=true, silent=true} cmap '' '' cmap '' '' cmap '' '' cmap '' '' nmap ']d' (vim.diagnostic.goto_next) nmap '[d' (vim.diagnostic.goto_prev) nmap 'go' (vim.diagnostic.open_float) end add_command('Hashbang', function() local shells = { sh = {'#! /usr/bin/env bash'}, py = {'#! /usr/bin/env python3'}, scala = {'#! /usr/bin/env scala'}, tcl = {'#! /usr/bin/env tclsh'}, lua = { '#! /bin/sh', '_=[[', 'exec lua "$0" "$@"', ']]' } } ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-parameter local extension = vim.fn.expand('%:e') if shells[extension] then local hb = shells[extension] hb[#hb+1] = '' api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 0, false, hb) autocmd 'BufWritePost' { 'silent !chmod u+x %', buffer = 0, once = true, } end end, {force = true}) add_command('L', "lua vim.pretty_print()", {nargs = 1, complete = 'lua', force = true}) autocmd 'VimResized' {'wincmd =', group='vimrc'} local function abbrev(l, r) vim.cmd{cmd='abbrev', args={l, r}} end abbrev(':rev:', [[=printf(&commentstring, ' REVISIT '.$USER.' ('.strftime("%d/%m/%y").'):')]]) abbrev(':todo:', [[=printf(&commentstring, ' TODO(lewis6991):')]]) abbrev('function', 'function') _G.printf = function(...) print(string.format(...)) end return M -- vim: foldminlines=0: