The course machines are named: ## IGV VIA SSH FOR UNIX LAPTOPS (LINUX & MAC OSX) When starting IGV you can use the ThinLink but there are some problems with dialog boxes . An alternative is to login directly via ssh and then start up IGV. For this to work you need to used the -X option ssh -X Then once you are logged in, you start IGV using: /share/inf-biox121/IGV_2.3.81/ ## READING THE HELPFUL MANUAL To get help on the options of a command use man command. For example: man grep ## DIRECTORIES OVERVIEW slides >> slides for the course inputData >> reference genome and read sets exerDefinitions >> the exercise scripts exerSandbox >> where you do the exercises ## SLIDE UPDATES Updated slides are on the website at: Updated slides can be found on the central location /data/vc/slides You can copy these to your vc directory by using for example: source /data/vc/exerDefinitions/setupEnv.bash /data/vc/exerDefinitions/copyFiles.bash ## AWK awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"; FS="\t";};{print $8};END{}' ## GETTING HOLD OF PRE-COMPUTED RESULTS cp -r /data/vc/exerResults/02_basicPipeline/* vc/exerSandbox/02_basicPipeline/