// lgk change all \n to \r\n so att mail to text does not reject the email // def smartAppNameFull() { return "BatteryMonitor SmartApp for Hubitat" } def smartAppNameShort() { return "BatteryMonitor" } def smartAppVersion() { return "Version 1.1" } def smartAppAuthor() { return "Author Brandon Gordon, larry kahn" } def smartAppCopyright() { return "Copyright (c) 2014 Brandon Gordon, 2024 larry kah " } def smartAppSource() { return "https://github.com/notoriousbdg/SmartThings.BatteryMonitor" } def smartAppDescription() { return "This SmartApp helps you monitor the status of your SmartThings devices with batteries." } def smartAppRevision () { return '2014-11-14 v0.0.1\r\n' + ' * Initial release\r\n' + '2014-11-15 v0.0.2\r\n' + ' * Moved status to main page\r\n' + ' * Removed status page\r\n' + ' * Improved formatting of status page\r\n' + ' * Added low, medium, high thresholds\r\n' + ' * Handle battery status strings of OK and Low\r\n\r\n' + '2014-11-15 v0.0.3\r\n' + ' * Added push notifications\r\n\r\n' + '2014-11-20 v0.0.4\r\n' + ' * Added error handling for batteries that return strings\r\n\r\n' + '2014-12-26 v0.0.5\r\n' + ' * Move app metadata to a new about page\r\n' + ' * Changed notifications to only send at specified time daily\r\n' + ' * modified by lgkahn to send complete message whenever the schedule fires, showing the status of all devices.\r\n' } def smartAppLicense() { return 'Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you ' + 'may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You ' + 'may obtain a copy of the License at:' + '\r\n\r\n' + 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0' + '\r\n\r\n' + 'Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' + 'distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ' + 'WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or ' + 'implied. See the License for the specific language governing ' + 'permissions and limitations under the License.' } definition( name: "BatteryMonitor", namespace: "notoriousbdg", author: "Brandon Gordon", description: "SmartApp to monitor battery levels.", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png") preferences { page name:"pageStatus" page name:"pageConfigure" page name:"pageAbout" } // Show About Page def pageAbout() { def pageProperties = [ name: "pageAbout", title: smartAppNameFull(), nextPage: "pageConfigure", uninstall: true ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section() { paragraph smartAppVersion() + "\r\n" + smartAppAuthor() + "\r\n" + smartAppCopyright() } section() { paragraph smartAppDescription() } section() { href( name: "sourceCode", title: "Source Code (Tap to view)", required: false, external: true, style: "external", url: smartAppSource(), description: smartAppSource() ) } section() { paragraph title: "Revision History", smartAppRevision() } section() { paragraph title: "License", smartAppLicense() } } } // Show Status page def pageStatus() { def pageProperties = [ name: "pageStatus", title: smartAppNameShort() + " Status", nextPage: null, install: true, uninstall: true ] if (settings.devices == null) { return pageAbout() } def listLevel0 = "" def listLevel1 = "" def listLevel2 = "" def listLevel3 = "" def listLevel4 = "" if (settings.level1 == null) { settings.level1 = 33 } if (settings.level3 == null) { settings.level3 = 67 } if (settings.pushMessage) { settings.pushMessage = true } return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { settings.devices.each() { try { if (it.currentBattery == null) { listLevel0 += "$it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery >= 0 && it.currentBattery < settings.level1.toInteger()) { listLevel1 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery >= settings.level1.toInteger() && it.currentBattery <= settings.level3.toInteger()) { listLevel2 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery > settings.level3.toInteger() && it.currentBattery < 100) { listLevel3 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery == 100) { listLevel4 += "$it.displayName\r\n" } else { listLevel0 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } } catch (e) { log.trace "Caught error checking battery status." log.trace e listLevel0 += "$it.displayName\r\n\r\n" } } if (listLevel0) { section("Batteries with errors or no status") { paragraph listLevel0.trim() } } if (listLevel1) { section("Batteries with low charge (less than $settings.level1)") { paragraph listLevel1.trim() } } if (listLevel2) { section("Batteries with medium charge (between $settings.level1 and $settings.level3)") { paragraph listLevel2.trim() } } if (listLevel3) { section("Batteries with high charge (more than $settings.level3)") { paragraph listLevel3.trim() } } if (listLevel4) { section("Batteries with full charge") { paragraph listLevel4.trim() } } section("Menu") { href "pageStatus", title:"Refresh", description:"" href "pageConfigure", title:"Configure", description:"" href "pageAbout", title:"About", description: "" } } } // Show Configure Page def pageConfigure() { def helpPage = "Select devices with batteries that you wish to monitor." def inputBattery = [ name: "devices", type: "capability.battery", title: "Which devices with batteries?", multiple: true, required: true ] def inputLevel1 = [ name: "level1", type: "number", title: "Low battery threshold?", defaultValue: "20", required: true ] def inputLevel3 = [ name: "level3", type: "number", title: "Medium battery threshold?", defaultValue: "70", required: true ] def inputTime = [ name: "time", type: "time", title: "Notify at what time daily?", required: true ] def nightlyStatusMsg = [ name: "nightlyStatus", type: "bool", title: "Send scheduled status message for all devices?", defaultValue: true ] def inputPush = [ name: "pushMessage", type: "bool", title: "Send push notifications?", defaultValue: true ] /* def inputSMS = [ name: "phoneNumber", type: "phone", title: "Send SMS notifications to?", required: false ] */ def pageProperties = [ name: "pageConfigure", title: smartAppNameShort() + " Configuration", nextPage: "pageStatus", uninstall: true ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties) { section("About") { paragraph helpPage } section("Devices") { input inputBattery } section("Settings") { input inputLevel1 input inputLevel3 } section("Notification") { input inputTime input inputPush input "sendPushMessage", "capability.notification", title: "Notification Devices: Hubitat PhoneApp or Pushover", multiple: true, required: false input nightlyStatusMsg // input inputSMS } section([title:"Options", mobileOnly:true]) { label title:"Assign a name", required:false } } } def installed() { log.debug "Initialized with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { unschedule() unsubscribe() initialize() //nightlyStatus() for testing fx // log.debug "in updated pushmessage = $settings.pushMessage" } def initialize() { schedule(settings.time, updateStatus) } def send(msg) { log.debug msg if (settings.pushMessage) { sendPushMessage.deviceNotification(msg) } /* } else { sendNotificationEvent(msg) }*/ /* if (settings.phoneNumber != null) { sendSms(phoneNumber, msg) }*/ } // lgk now fx to prepare nightly message and send to get complete status not just outstanding devices. def nightlyStatus() { def listLevel0 = "" def listLevel1 = "" def listLevel2 = "" def listLevel3 = "" def listLevel4 = "" def myhub = location.hubs[0].name def outgoingMsg = "For Hub: $myhub\r\n" if (settings.level1 == null) { settings.level1 = 33 } if (settings.level3 == null) { settings.level3 = 67 } if (settings.nightlyStatus == true) { settings.devices.each() { try { if (it.currentBattery == null) { listLevel0 += "$it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery >= 0 && it.currentBattery < settings.level1.toInteger()) { listLevel1 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery >= settings.level1.toInteger() && it.currentBattery <= settings.level3.toInteger()) { listLevel2 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery > settings.level3.toInteger() && it.currentBattery < 100) { listLevel3 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } else if (it.currentBattery == 100) { listLevel4 += "$it.displayName\r\n" } else { listLevel0 += "$it.currentBattery $it.displayName\r\n" } } catch (e) { log.trace "Caught error checking battery status." log.trace e listLevel0 += "$it.displayName\r\n" } } if (listLevel0) { outgoingMsg = outgoingMsg + "Batteries with errors or no status\r\n\r\n" + listLevel0.trim() } // prepare message if (listLevel1) { outgoingMsg = outgoingMsg + "\r\n\r\nBatteries with low charge (less than $settings.level1)\r\n\r\n" + listLevel1.trim() } if (listLevel2) { outgoingMsg = outgoingMsg + "\r\n\r\nBatteries with medium charge (between $settings.level1 and $settings.level3)\r\n\r\n" + listLevel2.trim() } if (listLevel3) { outgoingMsg = outgoingMsg + "\r\n\r\nBatteries with high charge (more than $settings.level3)\r\n\r\n" + listLevel3.trim() } if (listLevel4) { outgoingMsg = outgoingMsg + "\r\n\r\nBatteries with full charge\r\n\r\n" + listLevel4.trim() } // lgk now send message //log.debug "nightly message is $outgoingMsg" send(outgoingMsg) } } def updateStatus() { settings.devices.each() { try { if (it.currentBattery == null) { send("${it.displayName} battery is not reporting.") } else if (it.currentBattery > 100) { send("${it.displayName} battery is ${it.currentBattery}, which is over 100.") } else if (it.currentBattery < settings.level1) { send("${it.displayName} battery is ${it.currentBattery} (threshold ${settings.level1}.)") } } catch (e) { log.trace "Caught error checking battery status." log.trace e send("${it.displayName} battery reported a non-integer level.") } } nightlyStatus() }