/* * Hub Info * * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change History: * * Date Who What * ---- --- ---- * 2020-12-07 thebearmay Original version 0.1.0 * 2021-01-30 thebearmay Add full hub object properties * 2021-01-31 thebearmay Code cleanup, release ready * 2021-01-31 thebearmay Putting a config delay in at initialize to make sure version data is accurate * 2021-02-16 thebearmay Add text date for restart * 2021-03-04 thebearmay Added CPU and Temperature polling * 2021-03-05 thebearmay Merged CSteele additions and added the degree symbol and scale to the temperature attribute * 2021-03-05 thebearmay Merged addtions from LGKhan: Added new formatted uptime attr, also added an html attr that stores a bunch of the useful * info in table format so you can use on any dashboard * 2021-03-06 thebearmay Merged security login from BPTWorld (from dman2306 rebooter app) * 2021-03-06 thebearmay Change numeric attributes to type number * 2021-03-08 thebearmay Incorporate CSteele async changes along with some code cleanup and adding tags to the html to allow CSS overrides * 2021-03-09 thebearmay Code tightening as suggested by CSteele, remove state variables, etc. * 2021-03-11 thebearmay Add Sensor capability for Node-Red/MakerAPI * 2021-03-11 thebearmay Security not set right at initialize, remove state.attrString if it exists (now a local variable) * 2021-03-19 thebearmay Add attributes for JVM Total, Free, and Free % * Add JVM info to HTML * Fix for exceeded 1024 attr limit * 2021-03-20 thebearmay Firmware 2.2.6.xxx support, CPU 5min Load * 2021-03-23 thebearmay Add DB Size * 2021-03-24 thebearmay Calculate CPU % from load * 2021-03-28 thebearmay jvmWork.eachline error on reboot * 2021-03-30 thebearmay Index out of bounds on reboot * 2021-03-31 thebearmay jvm to HTML null error (first run) * 2021-04-13 thebearmay pull in suggested additions from lgkhan - external IP and combining some HTML table elements * 2021-04-14 thebearmay add units to the HTML * 2021-04-20 thebearmay provide a smooth transition from 1.8.x to 1.9.x * 2021-04-26 thebearmay break out polls as separate preference options * 2021-04-27 thebearmay replace the homegrown JSON parser, with groovy's JsonSluper * 2021-04-29 thebearmay merge pull request from nh.schottfam, clean up/add type declarations, optimize code and add local variables * 2021-05-03 thebearmay add nonPolling zigbee channel attribute, i.e. set at hub startup * 2021-05-04 thebearmay release 2.2.7.x changes (v2.2.0 - v2.2.2) * 2021-05-06 thebearmay code cleanup from 2.2.2, now 2.2.3 * 2021-05-09 thebearmay return NA when zigbee channel not valid * 2021-05-25 thebearmay use upTime to recalculate system start when initialize called manually * 2021-05-25 thebearmay upTime display lagging by 1 poll * 2021-06-11 thebearmay add units to the jvm and memory attributes * 2021-06-12 thebearmay put a space between unit and values * 2021-06-14 thebearmay add Max State/Event days, required trimming of the html attribute * 2021-06-15 thebearmay add ZWave Version attribute * 2.4.1 temporary version to stop overflow on reboot * 2021-06-16 thebearmay 2.4.2 overflow trap/retry * 2.4.3 firmware0Version and subVersion is the radio firmware. target 1 version and subVersion is the SDK * 2.4.4/5 restrict Zwave Version query to C7 * 2021-06-17 thebearmay 2.4.8-10 - add MAC address and hub model, code cleanup, better compatibility check, zwaveVersion check override * 2021-06-17 thebearmay freeMemPollEnabled was combined with the JVM/CPU polling when creating the HTML * 2021-06-19 thebearmay fix the issue where on a driver update, if configure isn't a hubModel and macAddr weren't updated * 2021-06-29 thebearmay 2.2.8.x removes JVM data -> v2.5.0 * 2021-06-30 thebearmay clear the JVM attributes if >=, merge pull request from nh.schottfam (stronger typing) * 2021-07-01 thebearmay allow Warn level logging to be suppressed * 2021-07-02 thebearmay fix missing formatAttrib call * 2021-07-15 thebearmay attribute clear fix * 2021-07-22 thebearmay prep work for deleteCurrentState() with JVM attributes * use the getHubVersion() call for >= * 2021-07-23 thebearmay add remUnused preference to remove all attributes that are not being polled * 2021-08-03 thebearmay put back in repoll on invalid zigbee channel */ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import groovy.json.JsonSlurper @SuppressWarnings('unused') static String version() {return "2.5.8"} metadata { definition ( name: "Hub Information", namespace: "thebearmay", author: "Jean P. May, Jr.", importUrl:"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebearmay/hubitat/main/hubInfo.groovy" ) { capability "Actuator" capability "Configuration" capability "Initialize" capability "Sensor" capability "TemperatureMeasurement" attribute "latitude", "string" attribute "longitude", "string" attribute "hubVersion", "string" attribute "id", "string" attribute "name", "string" attribute "data", "string" attribute "zigbeeId", "string" attribute "zigbeeEui", "string" attribute "hardwareID", "string" attribute "type", "string" attribute "localIP", "string" attribute "localSrvPortTCP", "string" attribute "uptime", "number" attribute "lastUpdated", "string" attribute "lastHubRestart", "string" attribute "firmwareVersionString", "string" attribute "timeZone", "string" attribute "temperatureScale", "string" attribute "zipCode", "string" attribute "locationName", "string" attribute "locationId", "string" attribute "lastHubRestartFormatted", "string" attribute "freeMemory", "number" attribute "temperatureF", "string" attribute "temperatureC", "string" attribute "formattedUptime", "string" attribute "html", "string" attribute "jvmTotal", "number" attribute "jvmFree", "number" attribute "jvmFreePct", "number" attribute "cpu5Min", "number" attribute "cpuPct", "number" attribute "dbSize", "number" attribute "publicIP", "string" attribute "zigbeeChannel","string" attribute "maxEvtDays", "number" attribute "maxStateDays", "number" attribute "zwaveVersion", "string" attribute "zwaveSDKVersion", "string" attribute "zwaveData", "string" attribute "macAddr", "string" attribute "hubModel", "string" attribute "hubUpdateStatus", "string" } } preferences { input("debugEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?") input("warnSuppress", "bool", title: "Suppress Warn Level Logging") input("tempPollEnable", "bool", title: "Enable Temperature Polling") input("freeMemPollEnabled", "bool", title: "Enable Free Memory Polling") input("cpuPollEnabled", "bool", title: "Enable CPU Load Polling") input("dbPollEnabled","bool", title: "Enable DB Size Polling") input("publicIPEnable", "bool", title: "Enable Querying the cloud \nto obtain your Public IP Address?", default: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) input("evtStateDaysEnable", "bool", title:"Enable Display of Max Event/State Days Setting") if (tempPollEnable || freeMemPollEnabled || cpuPollEnabled || dbPollEnabled || publicIPEnable || evtStateDaysEnable) input("tempPollRate", "number", title: "Polling Rate (seconds)\nDefault:300", default:300, submitOnChange: true) input("attribEnable", "bool", title: "Enable HTML Attribute Creation?", default: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) input("checkZwVersion","bool",title:"Force Update of ZWave Version Attribute", default: false, submitOnChange: true) input("zwLocked", "bool", title: "Never Run ZWave Version Update", default:false, submitOnChange: true) input("remUnused", "bool", title: "Remove unused attributes (Requires HE >=", default: false) input("security", "bool", title: "Hub Security Enabled", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) if (security) { input("username", "string", title: "Hub Security Username", required: false) input("password", "password", title: "Hub Security Password", required: false) } input("fwUpdateCheckPollRate","number", title:"Poll rate (in seconds) for FW Update Check (Default:6000, Disable:0):", defaultValue:6000, submitOnChange:true) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') def installed() { log.trace "installed()" initialize() } def initialize(){ log.trace "Hub Information Driver ${version()} initialized" if (!security) device.updateSetting("security",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) // will additionally be checked before execution to determine if C-7 or above if(!zwLocked) device.updateSetting("checkZwVersion",[value:"true",type:"bool"]) runIn(30,configure) restartCheck() //set Restart Time using uptime and current timeatamp } @SuppressWarnings('unused') def updated(){ if(debugEnable) { log.debug "updated()" runIn(1800,logsOff) } if(tempPollEnable || freeMemPollEnabled || cpuPollEnabled || dbPollEnabled || publicIPEnable || checkZwVersion){ unschedule() getPollValues() } if(fwUpdateCheckPollRate == null) device.updateSetting("fwUpdateCheckPollRate",[value:6000,type:"number"]) if(fwUpdatePollRate>0){ unschedule("updateCheck") updateCheck() } if(warnSuppress == null) device.updateSetting("warnSuppress",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) if (attribEnable) formatAttrib() else if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString < "") sendEvent(name: "html", value: "
", isChanged: true) if(remUnused && location.hub.firmwareVersionString >= "") { if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString >= "") { device.deleteCurrentState("jvmFree") device.deleteCurrentState("jvmTotal") device.deleteCurrentState("jvmFreePct") } if(!tempPollEnable) { device.deleteCurrentState("temperatureC") device.deleteCurrentState("temperatureF") device.deleteCurrentState("temperature") } if(!freeMemPollEnabled){ device.deleteCurrentState("freeMemory") } if(!cpuPollEnabled){ device.deleteCurrentState("cpu5Min") device.deleteCurrentState("cpuPct") } if(!dbPollEnabled){ device.deleteCurrentState("dbSize") } if(!publicIPEnable){ device.deleteCurrentState("publicIP") } if(!checkZwVersion){ device.deleteCurrentState("zwaveSDKVersion") device.deleteCurrentState("zwaveVersion") } if(!attribEnable){ device.deleteCurrentState("html") } if(!evtStateDaysEnable){ device.deleteCurrentState("maxStateDays") device.deleteCurrentState("maxEvtDays") } } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') def configure() { if(debugEnable) log.debug "configure()" List locProp = ["latitude", "longitude", "timeZone", "zipCode", "temperatureScale"] def myHub = location.hub List hubProp = ["id","name","data","zigbeeId","zigbeeEui","hardwareID","type","localIP","localSrvPortTCP","firmwareVersionString","uptime"] for(i=0;i 0 ) updateCheck() } void updateAttr(String aKey, aValue, String aUnit = ""){ sendEvent(name:aKey, value:aValue, unit:aUnit) } HashMap parseHubData() { String dataWork = location.hub.data.toString() dataWork = dataWork.substring(1,dataWork.size()-1) List dataMapPre = dataWork.split(",") HashMap dataMap = [:] dataMapPre.each() { List dSplit= it.split(":") dataMap.put(dSplit[0].trim(),dSplit[1].trim()) } if (dataMap.zigbeeChannel.trim() == "0x00 (0)") dataMap.zigbeeChannel = "NA" // Invalid zigbee response - possibly timeout issue return dataMap } def formatUptime(){ String attrval try { Integer ut = device.currentValue("uptime").toDouble() Integer days = (ut/(3600*24)) Integer hrs = (ut - (days * (3600*24))) /3600 Integer min = (ut - ((days * (3600*24)) + (hrs * 3600))) /60 Integer sec = ut - ((days * (3600*24)) + (hrs * 3600) + (min * 60)) attrval = days.toString() + " days, " + hrs.toString() + " hrs, " + min.toString() + " min, " + sec.toString() + " sec." sendEvent(name: "formattedUptime", value: attrval, isChanged: true) } catch(Exception ex) { sendEvent(name: "formattedUptime", value: "", isChanged: true) } } /* void formatUptime(){ try { Long ut = location.hub.uptime.toLong() Integer days = Math.floor(ut/(3600*24)).toInteger() Integer hrs = Math.floor((ut - (days * (3600*24))) /3600).toInteger() Integer min = Math.floor( (ut - ((days * (3600*24)) + (hrs * 3600))) /60).toInteger() Integer sec = Math.floor(ut - ((days * (3600*24)) + (hrs * 3600) + (min * 60))).toInteger() String attrval = days.toString() + "d," + hrs.toString() + "h," + min.toString() + "m," + sec.toString() + "s" updateAttr("formattedUptime", attrval) } catch(ignore) { updateAttr("formattedUptime", "") } } */ /* def formatAttrib(){ if(debugEnable) log.debug "formatAttrib" def attrStr = "" attrStr += addToAttr("Name","name") attrStr += addToAttr("Version","hubVersion") attrStr += addToAttr("Address","localIP") if (publicIPEnable) attrStr += addToAttr("Public IP","publicIP") attrStr += addToAttr("Free Memory","freeMemory","int") if(device.currentValue("cpu5Min")) { attrStr += addCPUToAttr("CPU 5min (0-4)","cpu5Min", "cpuPct") } attrStr += addJVMtoAttr("JVM Total/Free/%","jvmTotal","jvmFree","jvmFreePct") // attrStr += addToAttr("JVM Total Memory", "jvmTotal", "int") // attrStr += addToAttr("JVM Free Memory", "jvmFree", "int") // attrStr += addToAttr("JVM Free %", "jvmFreePct") if(device.currentValue("dbSize")) attrStr +=addToAttr("DB Size (MB)","dbSize") attrStr += addToAttr("Last Restart","lastHubRestartFormatted") attrStr += addToAttr("Uptime","formattedUptime") def tempAttrib = location.temperatureScale=="C" ? "temperatureC" : "temperatureF" attrStr += addToAttr("Temperature",tempAttrib) attrStr += "
" if (debugEnable) log.debug "after calls attr string = $attrStr" sendEvent(name: "html", value: attrStr, isChanged: true) } */ void formatAttrib(){ if(debugEnable) log.debug "formatAttrib" String attrStr = "" attrStr += addToAttr("Name","name") if(!device.currentValue("hubModel")) updateAttr("hubModel",getModel()) List combineH = ["hubModel", "hubVersion"] attrStr += combineAttr("Version", combineH) if(publicIPEnable) { List combine = ["localIP", "publicIP"] attrStr += combineAttr("IP Local/Public", combine) } else attrStr += addToAttr("IP Addr","localIP") // if(!device.currentValue("macAddr")) // updateAttr("macAddr", getMacAddress()) // attrStr += addToAttr("MAC", "macAddr") attrStr += addToAttr("Free Mem","freeMemory","int") // attrStr += addJVMtoAttr("JVM Total/Free/%","jvmTotal","jvmFree","jvmFreePct") if(cpuPollEnabled) { // attrStr += addCPUToAttr("CPU 5min (0-4)","cpu5Min", "cpuPct") if(device.currentValue("cpu5Min")){ List combine = ["cpu5Min", "cpuPct"] attrStr += combineAttr("CPU Load/Load%", combine) } if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString <= ""){ List combineA = ["jvmTotal", "jvmFree", "jvmFreePct"] attrStr += combineAttr("JVM Tot/Free/%", combineA) } } if(device.currentValue("dbSize")) attrStr +=addToAttr("DB Size","dbSize") if(evtStateDaysEnable){ List combine = ["maxEvtDays", "maxStateDays"] attrStr += combineAttr("Max Evt/State Days", combine) } attrStr += addToAttr("Last Restart","lastHubRestartFormatted") attrStr += addToAttr("Uptime","formattedUptime") if(tempPollEnable) { String tempAttrib = location.temperatureScale=="C" ? "temperatureC" : "temperatureF" attrStr += addToAttr("Temperature",tempAttrib) } // attrStr += addToAttr("ZB Channel","zigbeeChannel") // if (device.currentValue("zwaveVersion")){ // List combine = ["zwaveVersion","zwaveVersion"] // attrStr += combineAttr("ZW Radio/SDK", combine) // } attrStr += "
" if (debugEnable) log.debug "after calls attr string = $attrStr" updateAttr("html", attrStr) //updateAttr("htmlLength",attrStr.length()) if (attrStr.length() > 1024) updateAttr("html", "Max Attribute Size Exceeded: ${attrStr.length()}") } /* def addJVMtoAttr(String name, String key1, String key2, String key3) { // log.debug "in add jvm to string" if (debugEnable) log.debug "adding $name, $key1, $key2, $key3" String retResult = '' retResult += name + '' def k1 = device.currentValue(key1).toInteger().toString() def k2 = device.currentValue(key2).toInteger().toString() def k3 = device.currentValue(key3).toInteger().toString() retResult += "$k1 - $k2 - $k3%" retResult += '' } def addCPUToAttr(String name, String key1, String key2) { if (debugEnable) log.debug "adding $name, $key" String retResult = '' retResult += name + '' retResult += device.currentValue(key1) + " - " + device.currentValue(key2) + "%" retResult += '' } */ String combineAttr(String name, List keys){ if(enableDebug) log.debug "adding $name, $keys.length" String retResult = '' retResult += name + '' String keyResult = "" for (i = 0;i < keys.size(); i++) { keyResult+= device.currentValue(keys[i]) String attrUnit = getUnitFromState(keys[i]) if (attrUnit != "null") keyResult+=" "+attrUnit if (i < keys.size() - 1) keyResult+= " / " } retResult += keyResult+'' return retResult } String addToAttr(String name, String key, String convert = "none") { if(enableDebug) log.debug "adding $name, $key" String retResult = '' retResult += name + '' String attrUnit = getUnitFromState(key) if (attrUnit == "null") attrUnit ="" def curVal = device.currentValue(key) if(curVal){ if (convert == "int"){ retResult += curVal.toInteger().toString()+" "+attrUnit } else retResult += curVal.toString() + " "+attrUnit } retResult += '' return retResult } String getModel(){ try{ String model = getHubVersion() // requires >= } catch (ignore){ try{ httpGet("") { res -> model = res.data.device.modelName return model } } catch(ignore_again) { return "" } } } boolean isCompatible(Integer minLevel) { //check to see if the hub version meets the minimum requirement String model = device.currentValue("hubModel") if(!model){ model = getModel() updateAttr("hubModel", model) } String[] tokens = model.split('-') String revision = tokens.last() return (Integer.parseInt(revision) >= minLevel) } void getPollValues(){ // start - Modified from dman2306 Rebooter app String cookie=(String)null if(security) { httpPost( [ uri: "", path: "/login", query: [ loginRedirect: "/" ], body: [ username: username, password: password, submit: "Login" ] ] ) { resp -> cookie = ((List)((String)resp?.headers?.'Set-Cookie')?.split(';'))?.getAt(0) } } // End - Modified from dman2306 Rebooter app // repoll zigbee channel if invalid if (device.currentValue("zigbeeChannel") == "NA") { myHubData = parseHubData() updateAttr("zigbeeChannel",myHubData.zigbeeChannel) } // Zwave Version if(checkZwVersion == null && isCompatible(7)) device.updateSetting("checkZwVersion",[value:"true",type:"bool"]) else if(checkZwVersion == null) device.updateSetting("checkZwVersion",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) if(zwLocked == null) device.updateSetting("zwLocked",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) if(checkZwVersion && isCompatible(7) && !zwLocked){ Map paramZ = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/zwaveVersion", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] if (debugEnable) log.debug paramZ asynchttpGet("getZwave", paramZ) } else if (checkZwVersion) { device.updateSetting("checkZwVersion",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) updateAttr("zwaveData",null) } // get Temperature if(tempPollEnable) { Map params = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/advanced/internalTempCelsius", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] if (debugEnable) log.debug params asynchttpGet("getTempHandler", params) } // get Free Memory if(freeMemPollEnabled) { Map params = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/advanced/freeOSMemory", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] if (debugEnable) log.debug params asynchttpGet("getFreeMemHandler", params) } // get Free JVM & CPU if(cpuPollEnabled) { Map params if (location.hub.firmwareVersionString <= "") { params = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/advanced/freeOSMemoryHistory", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] } else { params = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/advanced/freeOSMemoryLast", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] } if (debugEnable) log.debug params asynchttpGet("getJvmHandler", params) } //Get DB size if(dbPollEnabled) { Map params = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/advanced/databaseSize", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] if (debugEnable) log.debug params asynchttpGet("getDbHandler", params) } //get Public IP if(publicIPEnable) { Map params = [ uri: "https://ifconfig.co/", headers: [ Host: "ifconfig.co", Accept: "application/json" ] ] if(debugEnable)log.debug params asynchttpGet("getIfHandler", params) } //Max State Days if(evtStateDaysEnable) { Map params = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/advanced/maxDeviceStateAgeDays", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] if(debugEnable)log.debug params asynchttpGet("getStateDaysHandler", params) //Max Event Days params = [ uri : "http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080", path : "/hub/advanced/maxEventAgeDays", headers: ["Cookie": cookie] ] if(debugEnable)log.debug params asynchttpGet("getEvtDaysHandler", params) } //End Pollable Gets def myHubData = parseHubData() updateAttr("zigbeeChannel",myHubData.zigbeeChannel) updateAttr("uptime", location.hub.uptime) formatUptime() if (attribEnable) formatAttrib() if (debugEnable) log.debug "tempPollRate: $tempPollRate" if (tempPollEnable || freeMemPollEnabled || cpuPollEnabled || dbPollEnabled || publicIPEnable || checkZwVersion) { if(tempPollRate == null){ device.updateSetting("tempPollRate",[value:300,type:"number"]) runIn(300,getPollValues) }else { runIn(tempPollRate,getPollValues) } } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') def getTemp(){ // this is to handle the upgrade path from >= 1.8.x log.info "Upgrading HubInfo polling from 1.8.x" unschedule(getTemp) getPollValues() } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getTempHandler(resp, data) { try { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { Double tempWork = new Double(resp.data.toString()) if(debugEnable) log.debug tempWork if (location.temperatureScale == "F") updateAttr("temperature",celsiusToFahrenheit(tempWork),"°F") else updateAttr("temperature",tempWork,"°C") updateAttr("temperatureF",celsiusToFahrenheit(tempWork)+ " °F") updateAttr("temperatureC",tempWork+ " °C") } } catch(ignored) { def respStatus = resp.getStatus() if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getTemp httpResp = $respStatus but returned invalid data, will retry next cycle" } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void updateCheck(){ if(fwUpdateCheckPollRate == 0) { unschedule("updateCheck") return } params = [ uri: "", path:"/hub/cloud/checkForUpdate", timeout: 10 ] asynchttpGet("updChkCallback", params) runIn(fwUpdateCheckPollRate,"updateCheck") } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void updChkCallback(resp, data) { try { if (resp.status == 200) { def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() Map resMap = (Map)jSlurp.parseText((String)resp.data) updateAttr("hubUpdateStatus",resMap.status) } } catch(ignore) { updateAttr("hubUpdateStatus","Status Not Available") } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getZwave(resp, data) { try { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { String zwaveData = resp.data.toString() if(debugEnable) log.debug resp.data.toString() if(zwaveData.length() < 1024){ updateAttr("zwaveData",zwaveData) parseZwave(zwaveData) device.updateSetting("checkZwVersion",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } else if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "Invalid data returned for Zwave, length = ${zwaveData.length()} will retry" } } catch(ignored) { if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getZwave Parsing Error" } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getFreeMemHandler(resp, data) { try { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { Integer memWork = new Integer(resp.data.toString()) if(debugEnable) log.debug memWork updateAttr("freeMemory",memWork, "KB") } } catch(ignored) { def respStatus = resp.getStatus() if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getFreeMem httpResp = $respStatus but returned invalid data, will retry next cycle" } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getJvmHandler(resp, data) { // log.debug "in get jvm handler resp = $resp" String jvmWork List jvmArr = [] try { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { jvmWork = resp.data.toString() } if (attribEnable) runIn(5,formatAttrib) //allow for events to register before updating - thebearmay 210308 } catch(ignored) { def respStatus = resp.getStatus() if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getJvm httpResp = $respStatus but returned invalid data, will retry next cycle" } if (jvmWork) { Integer lineCount = 0 jvmWork.eachLine{ lineCount++ } Integer lineCount2 = 0 jvmWork.eachLine{ // log.debug "$it" lineCount2++ if(lineCount==lineCount2) jvmArr = it.split(",") } if(jvmArr.size() > 1){ if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString <= ""){ Integer jvmTotal = jvmArr[2].toInteger() updateAttr("jvmTotal",jvmTotal, "KB") Integer jvmFree = jvmArr[3].toInteger() updateAttr("jvmFree",jvmFree, "KB") Double jvmFreePct = (jvmFree/jvmTotal)*100 updateAttr("jvmFreePct",jvmFreePct.round(1),"%") if(jvmArr.size() > 4) { Double cpuWork=jvmArr[4].toDouble() updateAttr("cpu5Min",cpuWork.round(2)) cpuWork = (cpuWork/4.0D)*100.0D //Load / #Cores - if cores change will need adjusted to reflect updateAttr("cpuPct",cpuWork.round(2),"%") } } else { Double cpuWork=jvmArr[2].toDouble() updateAttr("cpu5Min",cpuWork.round(2)) cpuWork = (cpuWork/4.0D)*100.0D //Load / #Cores - if cores change will need adjusted to reflect updateAttr("cpuPct",cpuWork.round(2),"%") if(device.currentValue("jvmFree")) { try { // requires >= devi.deleteCurrentState("jvmFree") devie.deleteCurrentState("jvmTotal") device.deleteCurrentState("jvmFreePct") } catch (ignore) { updateAttr("jvmFree","\0") updateAttr("jvmTotal","\0") updateAttr("jvmFreePct","\0") } } } } } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getDbHandler(resp, data) { try { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { Integer dbWork = new Integer(resp.data.toString()) if(debugEnable) log.debug dbWork updateAttr("dbSize",dbWork,"MB") } } catch(ignored) { def respStatus = resp.getStatus() if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getDb httpResp = $respStatus but returned invalid data, will retry next cycle" } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getIfHandler(resp, data){ try{ if (resp.getStatus() == 200){ if (debugEnable) log.info resp.data def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() Map ipData = (Map)jSlurp.parseText((String)resp.data) updateAttr("publicIP",ipData.ip) } else { if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "Status ${resp.getStatus()} while fetching Public IP" } } catch (Exception ex){ if (!warnSuppress) log.warn ex } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getStateDaysHandler(resp, data) { try { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { Integer stateDays = new Integer(resp.data.toString()) if(debugEnable) log.debug "Max State Days $stateDays" updateAttr("maxStateDays",stateDays) } } catch(ignored) { def respStatus = resp.getStatus() if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getStateDays httpResp = $respStatus but returned invalid data, will retry next cycle" } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void getEvtDaysHandler(resp, data) { try { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { Integer evtDays = new Integer(resp.data.toString()) if(debugEnable) log.debug "Max Event Days $evtDays" updateAttr("maxEvtDays",evtDays) } } catch(ignored) { def respStatus = resp.getStatus() if (!warnSuppress) log.warn "getEvtDays httpResp = $respStatus but returned invalid data, will retry next cycle" } } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void parseZwave(String zString){ Integer start = zString.indexOf('(') Integer end = zString.length() String wrkStr if(start == -1 || end < 1 || zString.indexOf("starting up") > 0 ){ //empty or invalid string - possibly non-C7 updateAttr("zwaveData",null) }else { wrkStr = zString.substring(start,end) wrkStr = wrkStr.replace("(","[") wrkStr = wrkStr.replace(")","]") HashMap zMap = (HashMap)evaluate(wrkStr) updateAttr("zwaveSDKVersion","${((List)zMap.targetVersions)[0].version}.${((List)zMap.targetVersions)[0].subVersion}") updateAttr("zwaveVersion","${zMap?.firmware0Version}.${zMap?.firmware0SubVersion}") } } String getUnitFromState(String attrName){ String wrkStr = device.currentState(attrName).toString() if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString <= "") { Integer start = wrkStr.indexOf('(')+1 Integer end = wrkStr.length() - 1 wrkStr = wrkStr.substring(start,end) if (debugEnabled) log.debug "$wrkStr" List stateParts = wrkStr.split(',') return stateParts[3]?.trim() } else { String unt = altGetUnitProc(wrkStr) return unt } } static String altGetUnitProc(String wrkStr) { Integer start = wrkStr.indexOf('[')+1 Integer end = wrkStr.length()-1 wrkStr = wrkStr.substring(start,end) wrkStr = wrkStr.replace("=",":") List wrkStrPre = wrkStr.split(",") HashMap statePartsMap = [:] wrkStrPre.each() { List dSplit= it.split(":") if(dSplit.size()>1) statePartsMap.put(dSplit[0].trim(),dSplit[1].trim()) else statePartsMap.put(dSplit[0].trim(),null) } return statePartsMap.unit } void restartCheck() { // Long rsDate = Long.parseLong(device.currentValue('lastHubRestart')) if(debugEnable) log.debug "$rsDate" Long ut = now() - (location.hub.uptime.toLong()*1000) Date upDate = new Date(ut) if(debugEnable) log.debug "RS: $rsDate UT:$ut upTime Date: $upDate upTime: ${location.hub.uptime}" updateAttr("lastHubRestart", ut) SimpleDateFormat sdf= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") updateAttr("lastHubRestartFormatted",sdf.format(upDate)) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void logsOff(){ device.updateSetting("debugEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) }