--- tags: {% if itemType == "book" %} - book{% else %} - paper{% endif %} title: "{% if creators -%}{{creators[0].lastName}} {%- if creators|length == 2 %} & {{creators[1].lastName}}{% endif -%} {%- if creators|length > 2 %} et al.{% endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if date %} ({{date | format("YYYY")}}){% endif -%} {%- if shortTitle %} {{shortTitle | nl2br}} {%- else %} {{title | nl2br}} {%- endif -%}" projekte: {% for tag in tags %}{% if "πŸ““" in tag.tag %} - "[[{{tag.tag | replace("πŸ““ ", "")}}]]"{% endif %}{% endfor %} created: {{importDate|format("YYYY-MM-DD")}} modified: {{importDate|format("YYYY-MM-DD")}} --- {#- METADATA AND PERMANENT INDEX -#} {#- This part only gets inserted once -#} {#- You can use this space to take permanent notes, e.g. to create an index or write a summary, or link to other notes #} {% persist "notes" %}{% if isFirstImport %} # {{title}} ## πŸ“‡ Index - > [!info]+ Metadata – {% for attachment in attachments | filterby("path", "endswith", ".pdf") %}[PDF{% if not loop.first %} {{loop.index}}{% endif %}]({{attachment.desktopURI|replace("/select/", "/open-pdf/")}}){% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} > {{bibliography}} > > - Keywords: > - Zotero: [Eintrag ΓΆffnen]({{select}}){% if relations %} > - Related: {% for relation in relations %}{% if relation.citekey %}[[@{{relation.citekey}}]]{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %} > [!example]- Abstract > *{{abstractNote | nl2br}}* > [!important]- Summary > > {% endif %}{% endpersist %} {#- WARNING: Everything below this line will get overwritten on re-import! -#} {#- COLOR VARIABLES -#} {%- set zoteroColors = { "#2ea8e5": "blue", "#5fb236": "green", "#a28ae5": "purple", "#ffd400": "yellow", "#ff6666": "red", "#f19837": "orange", "#e56eee": "magenta", "#aaaaaa": "grey" } -%} {%- set colorHeading = { "blue": "⭐ Main", "green": "βœ… Definition", "purple": "🧩 Methodology", "yellow": "πŸ“š Further Reading", "red": "β­• Questions", "magenta": "πŸ“Ž Info", "other": "Misc" } -%} {#- ANNOTATION TYPES -#} {%- macro calloutHeader(type) -%} {%- switch type -%} {%- case "highlight" -%} Highlight {%- case "image" -%} Image {%- default -%} Note {%- endswitch -%} {%- endmacro %} {#- SET CUSTOM ANNOTATION COLORS -#} {%- set newAnnot = [] -%} {%- set newAnnotations = [] -%} {%- set annotations = annotations | filterby("date", "dateafter", lastImportDate) %} {% if annotations.length > 0 %}*Imported: {{importDate | format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")}}* {%- for annot in annotations -%} {%- if annot.color in zoteroColors -%} {%- set customColor = zoteroColors[annot.color] -%} {%- elif annot.colorCategory|lower in colorHeading -%} {%- set customColor = annot.colorCategory|lower -%} {%- else -%} {%- set customColor = "other" -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set newAnnotations = (newAnnotations.push({"annotation": annot, "customColor": customColor}), newAnnotations) -%} {%- endfor -%} {#- INSERT ANNOTATIONS -#} {#- Loops through each of the available colors and only inserts matching annotations -#} {#- This is a workaround for inserting categories in a predefined order (instead of using groupby & the order in which they appear in the PDF) -#} {%- for color, heading in colorHeading -%} {%- for entry in newAnnotations | filterby ("customColor", "startswith", color) -%} {%- set annot = entry.annotation -%} {%- if entry and loop.first %} ### {{colorHeading[color]}} {%- endif %} > [!quote{{"|" + color if color != "other"}}]+ {{calloutHeader(annot.type)}} ([p. {{annot.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{annot.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{annot.pageLabel}}&annotation={{annot.id}})) {%- if annot.annotatedText %} > {% if annot.hashTags %}[[{{annot.hashTags|replace("#", "")}}]]: {% endif -%} {{annot.annotatedText|nl2br}} {%- endif %} {%- if annot.imageRelativePath %} > ![[{{annot.imageRelativePath}}]] {%- endif %} {%- if annot.ocrText %} > {{annot.ocrText}} {%- endif %} {%- if annot.comment %} > β†’ **{{annot.comment|nl2br}}** {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endfor -%} {% endif -%}