# BiwaScheme - Template --{{0}}-- This document defines some basic macros for applying the JavaScript [BiwaScheme](https://www.biwascheme.org) interpreter in [LiaScript](https://LiaScript.github.io) to make Scheme code snippets in Markdown executeable and editable. __Try it on LiaScript:__ https://liascript.github.io/course/?https://github.com/liaTemplates/BiwaScheme __See the project on Github:__ https://github.com/liaTemplates/BiwaScheme --{{1}}-- There are three ways to use this template. The easiest way is to use the `import` statement and the url of the raw text-file of the master branch or any other branch or version. But you can also copy the required functionionality directly into the header of your Markdown document, see therefor the [last slide](#Implementation). And of course, you could also clone this project and change it, as you wish. {{1}} 1. Load the macros via `import: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liaTemplates/BiwaScheme/master/README.md` 2. Copy the definitions into your Project 3. Clone this repository on GitHub ## `@BiwaScheme.eval` --{{0}}-- To use the [BiwaScheme](https://www.biwascheme.org) interpreter, simply add the macros `@BiwaScheme.eval` to the end of your scheme snippet. ``` scheme (define (fizzbuzz x y) (print (cond (( = (mod x 15) 0 ) "FizzBuzz") (( = (mod x 3) 0 ) "Fizz") (( = (mod x 5) 0 ) "Buzz") (else x))) (if (< x y) (fizzbuzz (+ x 1) y))) (fizzbuzz 1 10) ``` @BiwaScheme.eval --{{1}}-- For a complete overview on all available functions, see the BiwaScheme project website: {{1}} https://www.biwascheme.org/doc/reference.html ## `@BiwaScheme.evalWithTerminal` --{{0}}-- Use the `@BiwaScheme.evalWithTerminal` macro, if you want to enable interactive programming. This opens a terminal after the programm execution that allows to execute scheme code. Add for example your `fizzbuzz` command with different parameters. ``` scheme (define (fizzbuzz x y) (print (cond (( = (mod x 15) 0 ) "FizzBuzz") (( = (mod x 3) 0 ) "Fizz") (( = (mod x 5) 0 ) "Buzz") (else x))) (if (< x y) (fizzbuzz (+ x 1) y))) ``` @BiwaScheme.evalWithTerminal ## Implementation --{{0}}-- The code shows how the macros were implemented by using a minified version of the BiwaScheme JavaScript interpreter. ``` html script: ./biwascheme-0.8.0-min.js @BiwaScheme.eval @end @BiwaScheme.evalWithTerminal @end ``` --{{1}}-- If you want to minimize loading effort in your LiaScript project, you can also copy this code and paste it into your main comment header, see the code in the raw file of this document. {{1}} https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liaTemplates/BiwaScheme/master/README.md