# Algebrite - Template --{{0}}-- Template for the Algebrite JavaScript Computer-Algebra-System (CAS) https://algebrite.org to be used in [LiaScript](https://LiaScript.github.io) to make Markdown code-blocks executable. __Try it on LiaScript:__ https://liascript.github.io/course/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liaTemplates/algebrite/master/README.md __See the project on Github:__ https://github.com/liaTemplates/algebrite --{{1}}-- Like with other LiaScript templates, there are three ways to integrate Algebrite, but the easiest way is to copy the defintion from [Sec. Implementation](#4). {{1}} 1. Load the latest macros via (this might cause breaking changes) `import: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liaTemplates/algebrite/master/README.md` or the current version 0.2.1 via: `import: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LiaTemplates/algebrite/0.2.1/README.md` 2. __Copy the definitions into your Project__ 3. Clone this repository on GitHub ## More Information Algebrite is... * __lightweight__: made to be simple to comprehend and extend, it only depends on [BigInteger.js by Peter Olson](https://github.com/peterolson/BigInteger.js). * __self-contained__: doesn't need connection to servers or another "backend" CAS * __a library__: beyond use as an interactive tool, Algebrite can be embedded in your applications and extended with custom functions. * __free__: MIT-Licenced Function reference: http://algebrite.org/docs/latest-stable/reference.html ## `@Algebrite.eval` These examples are taken from the website http://algebrite.org double-click onto the listing to edit it. ``` Maxima (3 * x - 5x)^3 * (x + x) 60! ``` @Algebrite.eval The following example might take a few seconds ... ```Maxima f=sin(t)^4-2*cos(t/2)^3*sin(t) f=circexp(f) defint(f,t,0,2*pi) ``` @Algebrite.eval ## Implementation --{{0}}-- Compared to other macros, using Algebrite is actually quite simple. The two lines below are sufficient, the first one ``` html script: https://cdn.rawgit.com/davidedc/Algebrite/master/dist/algebrite.bundle-for-browser.js @Algebrite.eval: ``` --{{1}}-- If you want to minimize loading effort in your LiaScript project, you can also copy this code and paste it into your main comment header, see the code in the raw file of this document. {{1}} https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liaTemplates/algebrite/master/README.md