#Display Functions (Sublime Text 2 Plugin) ###*\*Java Only\** Description ========= ####Displays an object's methods in autocomplete box. Usage ===== Pressing 'period' after an object opens ST2's autocomplete, loaded with all of the objects methods *\*NOTE\* if a method is not showing up, make sure that object's file is saved* ###Features * NEW - Supports 'super' * NEW - Adds methods of the parent classes * Supports 'chained' methods: * i.e. `someObj.getVal()|` * Supports some of Java's default objects (String and Object) * Offers a very simple way to add more of Java's default objects (for example: if you use Scanner or Random) * Just create a txt file with the filename as the Object type, then add `methods = self.check_str(classname, "NAME")` where NAME is the name of file