# Textmate bundle for Zurb Foundation 4 A set of snippets for Zurb's awesome responsive HTML framework. Going to add more, but there are a few snippets at the moment to make your day a little better. ## Installing cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/ git clone git://github.com/liamr/Zurb-Foundation-Textmate-Bundle.git Zurb\ Foundation.tmbundle ## Changelog ###1.1 All snippets now have 'zf' prepended to avoid conflict with other installed Bundles. Updated documentation to reflect. ###1.2 Updated to work with Foundation 4 - thanks to [Kramsee](https://github.com/kramsee) ##Layout & Grid ### `zfpage` Creates a new Foundation HTML page ### `zfc` Creates a Container
### `zfr` Creates a Row
### `zfcr` Creates a Container & Row
### `zfc1` - `zfc12` Creates columns based on the number ie: `zfc6` creates
### `zfcc` Creates a basic column layout and lets you specify the number you want ie:
### `zf2col`,`zf3col`, `zf4col` create a 2, 3 or 4 column layout surrounded by a row and container:
##Buttons ### `zfbtn` Creates a basic button and lets you specify the options (Cursor) ### `zfnbtn` Creates a nice button and lets you specify the options (Cursor) ##Block Grids ### `zfblock2`, `zfblock3`, `zfblock4`, `zfblock5` create