# This file needs to be next to the shinyproxy-1.0.2.jar. We then launch # shinyproxy like so: # # $ java -jar shinyproxy-1.0.2.jar & shiny: proxy: title: Denali Therapeutics logo-url: http://www.openanalytics.eu/sites/www.openanalytics.eu/themes/oa/logo.png landing-page: / container-wait-time: 20000 heartbeat-rate: 10000 heartbeat-timeout: 60000 port: 8080 authentication: none #authentication: ldap #admin-groups: scientists # Example: 'ldap' authentication configuration, see note below #ldap: # url: ldap://ldap.forumsys.com:389/dc=example,dc=com # user-dn-pattern: uid={0} # group-search-base: # group-search-filter: (uniqueMember={0}) # manager-dn: cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com # manager-password: password # Docker configuration # You have to ensure that your docker daemon is listening to port 2375. # How you configure this is distribution-dependent. docker: cert-path: /home/none url: http://localhost:2375 port-range-start: 20000 apps: - name: multiGSEA display-name: multiGSEA Explorer description: Application that enables interactive exploration of GSEA results. docker-cmd: ["R", "-e", "multiGSEA.shiny::explore()"] docker-image: lianos/multigsea-shinyproxy #groups: scientists, mathematicians logging: file: shinyproxy.log # Using test LDAP server: # https://www.forumsys.com/tutorials/integration-how-to/ldap/online-ldap-test-server/ # # groups: one or more groups (e.g. LDAP groups) a user needs to belong to in # order to gain access to the app; this field allows to authorize access # per app; to test the authorization with LDAP authentication, one can # use gauss with password password as an example mathematician; user # tesla with password password is one of the example scientists. Other # users are described in link above. # # Apps for which `groups` are not specified are treated as "public", which is # to say that all authenticated users can access.