Read Access Rights:
To log in to the Management Console:
- Access the Management Console in one of the following ways:
- Rhapsody IDE - on the standard toolbar, click the Management Console icon .
Windows® Taskbar - double-click the Rhapsody Service Monitor icon
on the Windows® taskbar.If the Rhapsody Service Monitor:
- Is not visible, run
<server>\Program Files\Rhapsody\Rhapsody Engine 6\bin\monitor-start.bat
to view it. - Is represented by the icon, you will not be able to open the Management Console as the Rhapsody service has stopped. Right-click the Rhapsody Service Monitor and select Start Rhapsody Service. After the service has started, double-click the icon to open the Management Console.
- Is not visible, run
Browser - the URL to access the Management Console may be secure (HTTPS) or standard (HTTP) depending on local requirements.
It should be noted that standard HTTP is not secure and therefore should not generally be used. It is subject to various forms of attacks including, but not limited to, eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle and replay attacks, which compromise the security of the connection. It is instead recommended that standard HTTP be disabled and the Management Console be accessed solely using HTTPS. Refer to Using a User-defined Certificate for the HTTPS Mode for how to configure the HTTPS certificate and enable or disable the HTTP port.
Standard Access -
. The default standard port is8081
Secure Access -https://<RhapsodyServer>:<SecureManagementConsolePort>
. The default secure port is8444
- The Management Console's Login page is displayed in your browser:
- Click the language link (if available) to change the language of the Login page. The selected language will also be used in the Management Console once you have logged in.
Enter your Username, Password and select click the Login button.
A welcome message may also be displayed prior to the login if configured. Refer to Login Settings for details.
Users who have access to the Rhapsody IDE can use the same username and password to log in to the Management Console. The password is case-sensitive.
To log out of the Management Console, select the Logout icon on the top bar of the Management Console page.